Yay again, my XBee wireless boards fits and works in any of the 4 header locations... though I had to use 2 AppMod headers to clear that servo cap for horizontal mounting! See attached, looks like a lot of pins, but only·4 are dedicated - power, TX, RX, the other 6 are optional·.
It would have been interesting to have pinned it out so it would have lined up correctly with 30 and 31 so I could pulled the cord and used the wireless for comms using USB or wireless·without having to modify code...(comms, not programming)... well, could still use the smaller board and solder a header eslewhere and manually jumper to them. Hmmmm...
Can you make sure these get a UK/European distributor, stat!
I've had my fill of tax but these things are a must! I was going through the whole "but that's a waste of a propeller" rigmarole yesterday, these are cheaper than building circuits from logic chips in lots of cases once you sort out the voltage regulators etc.
Whoa, just in the nick of time. I placed my order earlier today at the sale price of $19.95. now I see the sale has ended, $24.95 from now on (unless you buy the 5 packs)
Lucky me, good thing I get paid on Wednesdays!
Brian Meade
"They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night" - Edgar Poe
I received mine yesterday! and I've got to say, that's a nice board! I'd say the reason for the positive reviews is the fact that Parallax asked for our "wish list" while designing it.
I'll tell you, as I was gleaming with joy over my new toy, my son starting singing the "Hallelujah Chorus". Made me chuckle.
Brian Meade
"They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night" - Edgar Poe
Hear hear.. I got my protoboards today and they definitely look good. These were mailed by Parallax 14th feb, so it took 1 week to get them overseas, might have been here sooner but I had to pick them up from Customs office (add 22% ...)
Got my 5 boards today.
Er,· check the pins when you put that VGA/Keyboard/mouse connector on.
Got to the last 3 pins to solder when I saw one was not in its hole, must have bent it over.
Serves me fight for soldering when tired and in a hurry to get one going.
It would have been interesting to have pinned it out so it would have lined up correctly with 30 and 31 so I could pulled the cord and used the wireless for comms using USB or wireless·without having to modify code...(comms, not programming)... well, could still use the smaller board and solder a header eslewhere and manually jumper to them. Hmmmm...
Nice board Parallax!
StampPlot - GUI and Plotting, and XBee Wireless Adapters
Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Electronic Systems Technologies
Plus I forgot to order a usb converter for the board... I'm soldering up another three transistor circuit tonite...
www.mikronauts.com - a new blog about microcontrollers
Can you make sure these get a UK/European distributor, stat!
I've had my fill of tax but these things are a must! I was going through the whole "but that's a waste of a propeller" rigmarole yesterday, these are cheaper than building circuits from logic chips in lots of cases once you sort out the voltage regulators etc.
Lucky me, good thing I get paid on Wednesdays!
Brian Meade
"They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night" - Edgar Poe
Jim C
But, yes, the Propeller ProtoBoards are beautiful.
Maybe, nerdism has set in.
Harley Shanko
h.a.s. designn
I'll tell you, as I was gleaming with joy over my new toy, my son starting singing the "Hallelujah Chorus". Made me chuckle.
Brian Meade
"They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night" - Edgar Poe
Er,· check the pins when you put that VGA/Keyboard/mouse connector on.
Got to the last 3 pins to solder when I saw one was not in its hole, must have bent it over.
Serves me fight for soldering when tired and in a hurry to get one going.