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Why does this PASM code NOT work — Parallax Forums

Why does this PASM code NOT work

SiriSiri Posts: 220
edited 2008-10-13 03:27 in Propeller 1
I am new to PASM and to assembly as a whole.

I am using a Propeller Proto Board and to it I have connected a ADC0831 to P0,P1 and P2 to ADC

Prop: PIN 0
> ADC pin 1 - chip select
> ADC pin 6 - Data Out
> ADC pin 7 - Clock

I also have pressure sensor connected to ADC - pin 2 - Vin and pin 3 - Gnd.V ref is connected to 5Vdc so is Vcc.

This set up works well with SPIN code flawlessly. (So hardware does work with no issues).I did this to make sure
that there is no hardware issues to deal with and the only troble shooting is with PASM code.

Here is the PASM code that does not work.

The display works as "Inapitarory pressure : 228" is displayed on the monitor.The decimal values do not get
updated when the pressure changes are made.(This works with SPIN Code).

So please help me to fix this and please explain in detail as much as possible - this will help me to understand
where I went wrong.

The ADC is connected to propeller PINS :
                                           ADC_CS   = 0           ' CS Pin   connected to  Propeller  P0
                                           ADC_Data = 1           ' Data Pin connected to  Propeller  P1
                                           ADC_CLK  = 2           'Clock Pin connected to  Propeller  P2

       using a ADC0831 - chip

  _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x '
  _xinfreq = 5_000_000 '


VAR    long    Data
       Byte    Exp
       long DisplayStack[noparse][[/noparse]80]
   Text    : "VGA_Text"

PUB start

PUB DisplayText
     text.str(string("Inspiratory pressure:"))
     Exp :=(Data-115)/4
     text.str(string(" "))

entry         org        0
              mov     Insp,                   par               'Retrieve Data memeory addr
              mov       ClockPinMask,           #1        wz      'Configure Output pin
              shl       ClockPinMask,           ClockPin          'Create mask with ClockPin               
              andn      outa,                   ClockPinMask      'Preset Output Pin LOW    "0"
              or        dira,                   ClockPinMask      'Set pin as Output        "1"
              mov       DataPinMask,            #1        wz      'Configure Input pin
              shl       DataPinMask,            DataPin           'Create mask with DataPin              
              andn      dira,                   DataPinMask       'Set pin as Input         "0"

              mov      CSPinMask,               #1         wz       'Configure CS pin
              shl      CSPinMask,               CSPin               'Creaste mask with CSPin
              or       dira,                    CSPinMask           'Set CSPin as Output
SHIFTIN       mov       DataBitMask,            #1                'Create BitMask
              shl       DataBitMask,            DataBits          'Set number of Bits
              mov       _Data,                   #0                'Clear Data
_ReadNextBit  andn     outa,                    CSPin               'Set CSPin LOW - select chip 
              or        outa,                   ClockPinMask      'Set Clock pin HIGH  - Start Clock
              test      DataPinMask,            ina     wc        'Load "C" with DataPin value -set C flag
              muxc      _Data,                   DataBitMask       'Move "C" into Data via DataBitMask position
              andn      outa,                   ClockPinMask      'Set Clock pin LOW   - End Clock              
              shr       DataBitMask,            #1      wz        'Move BitMask position right by 1           '     
        if_nz jmp       #_ReadNextBit                             'Jump to '_ReadNextBit' if there are more bits
              or        outa,                    CSPinMask             'Deselect - set CSpin High
              wrlong   _Data,                   Insp            'write Cog variable value _Data to HUB variable address Data
                                                                'via Insp COG vaiable

ClockPin      long      2      'Define I/O Clock Pin
DataPin       long      1      'Define I/O Data Pin
DataBits      long      7      'Set number of Data Bits ( N = Bits - 1 = [noparse][[/noparse]0 to 31] )
CSPin         long      0      'Chip select pin
ClockPinMask   res       1      'ClockPin Mask
DataPinMask    res       1      'DataPin Mask
DataBitMask    res       1      'Data Mask
CSPinMask      res       1      'CSPin Mask
_Data          res       1      'Holds result value from SHIFTIN
Insp           res       1       'holds the address of Data

Thank you



  • TimmooreTimmoore Posts: 1,031
    edited 2008-09-28 17:51
    Several minor issues and 1 major·······ClockPinMask,···········#1········wz······ and other occurances of this, there is no need for the wz since you are not setting it, it doesn't cause an error but confusing when reading the code

    you dont preset the outa value to 1 which you should before setting CS as output


    Since you never change CSPin within the loop, you can move the ReadNextBit to the next instruction


    After this instruction is run the code runs whatever happens to be in memory, which I doubt is what you want. I expect you want to repeat the loop from SHIFTIN, so you need a jmp #SHIFTIN to do that

    I would guess the code will run without 1,2 and 3 but 4 will cause it to run once and stop.
  • SiriSiri Posts: 220
    edited 2008-09-28 20:10
    Thanks for the quick reply.
    I made the changes you suggested but the code still does not work right.
    All I see on the Display is "Inspiratory pressure: 228"
    The pressure value is not updated when prssure is increased.Even after adding the last code line- " jmp#SHIFTIN"


  • AleAle Posts: 2,363
    edited 2008-09-28 20:19
    Siri: I did search for the word "Inapitarory" in the dictionary... I couldn't find it... what did you mean ?

    On a serious note: The maximum clock for the ADC0831 is 400 kHz, so 2.5 us per clock cycle, your loop has a cycle of 6*4*0.0125= 0.3 us... i.e. it is too fast.
    Second: as per the datasheet you have to read 10 bits to get the 8 MSBs of your conversion (page 3 of the texas datasheet found on
    Third : All the comments timmoore did.

    Have fun

  • SiriSiri Posts: 220
    edited 2008-09-28 21:46
    Thank you very much.
    The ADC I am using is a"National Semiconductor product" it is 8 bit convertor.I have attached the specs for you to see
    as I am not an electronic gut to digest all the details - How fast/clock cycles etc.
    Please refer to it and help me to resolve this.

    As for "Inspiratory pressure" - it the pressure generated while a person takes breath- inspire.I am working on a
    Mechanical Ventilator - breathing machine.- for a noble cause.

    Thanks once again

  • TimmooreTimmoore Posts: 1,031
    edited 2008-09-28 22:23
    There are several things to look at in the datasheet (get the pdf version so you have the diagrams)

    1. From cs low to clk is Tsetup of 250ns, with a 80Mhz prop clock that is 5 instructions. So there needs to be 5 instructions between taking cs low and changing clk. If not insert 1 or more nops to get 5 instructions

    2.Looks like MSB bit is output on the 2nd clk, not the first (see page 9 diagram).

    3. data is output Tpd0 from falling edge of clk, so you need to read data in 1500ns after taking clk low, thats 30 instructions.

    4. you need to generate 10 clks to get the data, the first and last clk dont generate actual data but diagram on 9 shows them

    5. The max clk speed is 400Khz, or 2500ns for time for 1 clk period. You need to speed 1500ns with clk low (3). so you need to speed 1000ns or 20 instructions with the clk high.

    When you are writing in ASM you are running fast enough that the detailing timings in the data sheet matter. With Spin you tend to be slow enough that the minimum timings dont matter (though I have seen cases of max timing that cause problems with spin, but thats uncommon).

    So I would add nops in places to get the right time delay. Then change the datamask to start at the 10th bit rather than 8th bit/ After getting all 10 bits but before writing it (wrlong), shift the data 1 bit to the right. That removes the last bit you read.
  • SiriSiri Posts: 220
    edited 2008-09-29 00:27
    I think I have made all the changes you sugested.I also hasve the PDF specs and can see exactly what you
    are doing with the timing.
    I am still unable to get this code to work.

    Here is the modified code:
    {******************************* ShiftIn PASM  Code Trials ***************************************
       The ADC is connected to propeller PINS :
                                               ADC_CS   = 0           ' CS Pin   connected to  Propeller  P0
                                               ADC_Data = 1           ' Data Pin connected to  Propeller  P1
                                               ADC_CLK  = 2           'Clock Pin connected to  Propeller  P2
           using a ADC0831 - chip
      _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x '
      _xinfreq = 5_000_000 '
    VAR    long    Data
           Byte    Exp
           long    DisplayStack[noparse][[/noparse]80]
       Text    : "VGA_Text"
    PUB start
    PUB DisplayText
         text.str(string("Inspiratory pressure:"))
         Exp :=(Data-115)/4
         text.str(string(" "))
    entry         org        0
                  mov       Insp,                   par               'Retrieve Data memory addr
                  mov       ClockPinMask,           #1                'Configure Output pin
                  shl       ClockPinMask,           ClockPin          'Create mask with ClockPin               
                  andn      outa,                   ClockPinMask      'Preset Output Pin LOW    "0"
                  or        dira,                   ClockPinMask      'Set pin as Output        "1"
                  mov       DataPinMask,            #1        wz      'Configure Input pin
                  shl       DataPinMask,            DataPin           'Create mask with DataPin              
                  andn      dira,                   DataPinMask       'Set pin as Input         "0"
                  mov      CSPinMask,               #1         wz       'Configure CS pin
                  shl      CSPinMask,               CSPin               'Creaste mask with CSPin
                  andn     outa,                    CSPinMask           'Set CSPin as Output
                  mov       DataBitMask,            #1                'Create BitMask
                  shl       DataBitMask,            DataBits          'Set number of Bits
    SHIFTIN       mov       _Data,                   #0                'Clear Data
                  or        dira,                    CSPinMask               'Set CSPin LOW - select chip
    _ReadNextBit  or        outa,                   ClockPinMask      'Set Clock pin HIGH  - Start Clock
                  test      DataPinMask,            ina     wc        'Load "C" with DataPin value -set C flag
                  muxc      _Data,                   DataBitMask       'Move "C" into Data via DataBitMask position
                  shr       _Data,                #1
                  wrlong    _Data,                   Insp            'write Cog variable value _Data to HUB variable address Data
                                                                    'via Insp COG vaiable
                  andn      outa,                   ClockPinMask      'Set Clock pin LOW   - End Clock
                  shr       DataBitMask,            #1      wz        'Move BitMask position right by 1           '     
            if_nz jmp       #_ReadNextBit                             'Jump to '_ReadNextBit' if there are more bits
                  andn     outa,                    CSPinMask           'Set CSPin as Output
                  jmp     #SHIFTIN                                    'jump to SHIFTIN to read next Data byte              
    ClockPin      long      2      'Define I/O Clock Pin
    DataPin       long      1      'Define I/O Data Pin
    DataBits      long      10      'Set number of Data Bits 
    CSPin         long      0      'Chip select pin
    ClockPinMask   res       1      'ClockPin Mask
    DataPinMask    res       1      'DataPin Mask
    DataBitMask    res       1      'Data Mask
    CSPinMask      res       1      'CSPin Mask
    _Data          res       1      'Holds result value from SHIFTIN
    Insp           res       1       'holds the address of Data
  • TimmooreTimmoore Posts: 1,031
    edited 2008-09-29 00:38
    Still dont think you have enough time - from high to high on clk is 13 instructions or 650ns. This gives a clk speed of 1.5Mhz which is much faster than the max clk of 400KHz.
    Also you read after to set the clk high, I read the datasheet as the data available when the clk goes low (+ tpd0 time). So you are reading on the wrong clk edge and you are not allowing the right amount of time.
    The best way is to go through your _readnextbit loop, for each instruction plot the clk value and mark when you read data. Write how long between each change of clk and when you read and compare it with the data sheet. 1 prop instruction is 50ns for a 80Mhz clk.

    Once you have the readnextbit loop timing correct. Then plot the same for the shiftin loop, looking for number of bits you are reading and again comparing with teh datasheet timing diagrams.
  • SiriSiri Posts: 220
    edited 2008-09-29 00:52
    Thanks Timmoore
    I will do all that and will get back.

    I do appreciate all what you are doing to get this code to work and also teaching me.


  • AleAle Posts: 2,363
    edited 2008-09-29 05:39
    I'd like to say something but Tim covered all the bases...
    A good way to wait is to use the waitcnt instruction:

    andn OUTA,CSpin
    mov futurecnt, CNT
    add futurecnt, hicycle ' tsu = 350 ns
    or outa, ClockPinMask 'Set Clock pin HIGH - Start Clock
    nop ' hold time till data valid = 90 ns
    test DataPinMask, ina wc 'Load "C" with DataPin value -set C flag
    muxc _Data, DataBitMask 'Move "C" into Data via DataBitMask position
    shr _Data, #1
    waitcnt futurecnt, locycle ' waits the the rest high cycle period
    andn outa, ClockPinMask 'Set Clock pin LOW - End Clock
    waitcnt futurecnt, hicycle
    shr DataBitMask, #1 wz 'Move BitMask position right by 1 '
    if_nz jmp #_ReadNextBit 'Jump to '_ReadNextBit' if there are more bits

    andn outa, CSPinMask 'Set CSPin as Output
    wrlong _Data, Insp 'write Cog variable value _Data to HUB variable address Data
    jmp #SHIFTIN 'jump to SHIFTIN to read next Data byte

    locycle long 80
    hicycle long 80 ' adjust this two to have a 2.5 us cycle period, each waitcnt takes at least 6 cycles
    futurecnt long 0

    that may work
  • SiriSiri Posts: 220
    edited 2008-09-29 17:54
    I added "witcnt" to both loops which I caculated out from the spec sheets.Then I tried changing the "waitcnts"
    up and down trying find a correct timing.So far no luck.

    I will try your suggestions and let you know.

    Thanks to both of you


  • SiriSiri Posts: 220
    edited 2008-09-30 13:44
    I tried what both of you suggested changed the Delay times trying to find right delay.I re-calculated the timings
    few times.I have come to the conclusion that I need another strategy - so I am going to get out the scope and
    try to get the timings correct.
    I would like to hear your thoughts and advise.



  • SiriSiri Posts: 220
    edited 2008-09-30 16:28

    Still trying- Thre seem to be a DATA aquisition problem - The Clock high to high cycle seems OK.

    Attached are 4 scope tracings 2 from the working "SPIN code" and 2 from the rogue "PASM code"

    I hope this will give you more insight to the issue to get this resolved.


  • SiriSiri Posts: 220
    edited 2008-09-30 16:40
    I could not download the last tracing.?server error
    I will try to send it again.

    If not here is the data: Amost a flat base line tracing.

    Max Voltage:230mV
    Min Voltage:0mV
    Peak to Peak:230mV
    true RMS Voltage:82mV - Mean Voltage : 80mV
    Frequency: 7.9KHz
    Period: 126uS

  • TimmooreTimmoore Posts: 1,031
    edited 2008-09-30 17:16
    I am not seeing anything interesting on the scope displays. I would expect to see a square wave (though without a 50% duty cycle) and I dont see that on the displays you posted.
    Can you also post your latest code.
  • SiriSiri Posts: 220
    edited 2008-09-30 17:48

    I think I made boo boo - The clock pin tracings were not correct.- wrong connections.
    Attached are the 2 tracings from the ClockPin of ADC.
    Sorry for that.
    There seem to be NO clock signal with PASM code.

  • TimmooreTimmoore Posts: 1,031
    edited 2008-09-30 18:06
    Looking back at the code further up, I can see 1 error. The SHIFTIN label is on the mov _data,#0 but the databitmask is the previous 2 instructions so is not being set after the 1st time. So the first time you will get 10 bits and the following times 1 bit.
    The other thing is the cs pin control doesn't look right, I dont think its going high and low correct - sometimes you set dira and sometimes outa the effect together probably isn't what you want.
    You havbe 2 separate problems 1. getting the timing right and 2 getting the algoithm correct. I find getting the algorithm right is best done with a best of paper and drawing the highs/lows as you step by hand through the code. Do 1 instruction at a time, dont skip assuming you know what will happen, write down the value of each variable and input. Once you are confident of the algorithm then look at the timing.
  • SiriSiri Posts: 220
    edited 2008-10-01 14:59

    I am trying to get my PASM code right. I am not really clear - correct way to set a PIN - HIGH/LOW and the direction Input/Output.
    That is do I set the dira register FIRST and then the OUTA register or the other way round OUTA first and then dira second.

    In spin DIRA register seem to be set first and then the OUTA register(That is how it is set in the SPIN SHIFTIN routine I am using now with this setup)

    DO I have to set BOTH registers all the time. If not what conditions dictate when to do what?



  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2008-10-01 15:40
    The easiest way to figure this out is to look at the functional schematic of the I/O pins and their connected logic (Propeller Block Diagram here: All I/O pins are inputs until one cog sets its DIRA register bit to 1, then it's an output. Any cog with its DIRA bit set to 1 and OUTA pin set to 1 causes the I/O pin to be HIGH.

    I recommend setting a cog's OUTA bit first so, if the I/O pin is initially in input mode, the state of the I/O pin will be known when the cog sets its DIRA bit to 1 as well.
  • TimmooreTimmoore Posts: 1,031
    edited 2008-10-01 16:32
    Mike correct, generally its a good idea to set outa before setting dira to output so you know what state you are getting. After the first time you dont need to change dira unless you need to change the pin from output to input or input to output. The normal rules I follow are
    When making a pin output, set outa then dira. After than just set outa.
    When setting a pin to put just reset the relevant pin of dira

    I normally use or/andn instruction pair or muxc instruction to set/reset pins either for outa or dira though other combinations work.
  • SiriSiri Posts: 220
    edited 2008-10-01 19:02

    Thanks for the quick reply.
    Now I will get down to solve my coding issues.


  • SiriSiri Posts: 220
    edited 2008-10-02 00:25

    I have done my code over and over but I am unable to get any data out to the display(VGA)
    Here is the code , I had some success - This will CS pin out put on the scope which is
    smiler to the one I get with the SPIN code but no data or clock signal tracings.
    A new problem has come about - thai It takes about 45- 50 sec for the tracing to show up on
    the scope.
    I remember reading about missing the access to the HUB and hence takes about 59 sec to catch
    up again.
    If this is the case where is it happening .Is it at the Delay/wait parameters?

    Thanks for the help and patience.


    {******************************* ShiftIn PASM  Code Trials ***************************************
       The ADC is connected to propeller PINS :
                                               ADC_CS   = 0           ' CS Pin   connected to  Propeller  P0
                                               ADC_Data = 1           ' Data Pin connected to  Propeller  P1
                                               ADC_CLK  = 2           'Clock Pin connected to  Propeller  P2
           using a ADC0831 - chip
      _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x '
      _xinfreq = 5_000_000 '
    VAR    long    Data
           Byte    Exp
           long    DisplayStack[noparse][[/noparse]80]
       Text    : "VGA_Text"
    PUB start
    PUB DisplayText
         text.str(string("Inspiratory pressure:"))
         Exp :=(Data-115)/4
         text.str(string(" "))
    entry         org        0
                  mov       Insp,                   par               'Retrieve Data memory addr
                  mov       ClockPinMask,           #1                'Configure Output pin
                  shl       ClockPinMask,           ClockPin          'Create mask with ClockPin               
                  andn      outa,                   ClockPinMask      'Preset Output Pin LOW    "0"
                  or        dira,                   ClockPinMask      'Set pin as Output        "1"
    SHIFTIN       mov       DataPinMask,            #1        wz      'Configure Input pin
                  shl       DataPinMask,            DataPin           'Create mask with DataPin              
                  andn      dira,                   DataPinMask       'Set pin as Input         "0"
                  mov      CSPinMask,               #1         wz       'Configure CS pin
                  shl      CSPinMask,               CSPin               'Creaste mask with CSPin
                  muxnz     outa,                CSPinMask              'Make CS pin "high" - "1"
                  muxnz     dira,                CSPinMask             'Make CS pin an out-put - sets dira register to "1"
                  waitcnt   futurecnt,            hicycle
                  mov       _Data,                   #0                'Clear Data
                  muxz      outa,               CSPinMask               'Set CSPin as Output LOW  "0" - grounded               
                  mov       futurecnt,                cnt
                  add       futurecnt,                hicycle
    _ReadNextBit  andn       outa,                ClockPinMask          'Clock Pin LOW
                  or        outa,                   ClockPinMask         'Clock pin high - start clock
                  test       DataPinMask,           ina            wc     'Load "C" with Datapin value - set C flag
                  muxc      _Data,                DataBitMask             'Move "C" into Data via DataBitMask position
                  shr       _Data,                  #1
                  waitcnt   futurecnt,             locycle              'waits for the rest hicycle priod
                  andn       outa,                ClockPinMask           'set clock pin low - End Clock
                  shr       DataBitMask,         #1          wz       'Move bit postion right by 1
          if_nz   jmp      #_ReadNextBit                               'Jump to '_ReadNextBit' if there is more bits
                  muxnz     outa,                CSPinMask              'Make CS pin "high" - "1"
                  wrlong   _Data,                Insp                'Write COG variable value _Dta to HUB variable address Data
                  jmp      #SHIFTIN                                 'Jump to read next Data byte
    ClockPin      long      2      'Define I/O Clock Pin
    DataPin       long      1      'Define I/O Data Pin
    DataBits      long      9      'Set number of Data Bits 
    CSPin         long      0      'Chip select pin
    locycle       long      70000
    hicycle       long      24000
    futurecnt     long      0
    ClockPinMask   res       1      'ClockPin Mask
    DataPinMask    res       1      'DataPin Mask
    DataBitMask    res       1      'Data Mask
    CSPinMask      res       1      'CSPin Mask
    _Data          res       1      'Holds result value from SHIFTIN
    Insp           res       1       'holds the address of Data
  • TimmooreTimmoore Posts: 1,031
    edited 2008-10-02 01:12
    The 50sec delay is because waitcnt isn't correct. The asm waitcnt is different from spin in it wants the cnt value that you want to wait until. So the first wait is going to wait until cnt is 0.

    I have attached a modified file, that puts the delays in the places that the datasheet wants - I comment them with Tsetup, Tpd0, etc that the datasheet calls them. Take a look and see if you understand why I moved them to those places. I also changed when you read the data, the datasheet says the data is valid 1500ns after the falling edge of the clock, not the rising edge.
  • SiriSiri Posts: 220
    edited 2008-10-02 15:25

    Thanks a lot.
    I loaded your program and it worked.Now I need to digest the reasons for the change.
    Tim - I like your style - I know you could have just posted the correct code but that would
    not have taught much as far as understanding the problem.
    I will get back to you If I need further explanation.


  • SiriSiri Posts: 220
    edited 2008-10-10 21:56
    Timmoore etal,

    Now that capturing the digital output from the ADC is resolved - I have uncovered another concerning thr digital out-put.

    The digital output when using SPIN code - the range is : 9- 255 - a small zero error

    The digital output when using PASM code - the range : 235 - 255 ????

    What is the problem and what is the solution to this.

    From what I understand the ADC0831 - digital range is: 0 - 255 .The pressure transducers out-put is ratiometric 0-4v.

    I would like to see PASM digital range to be close or like SPIN range.


  • TimmooreTimmoore Posts: 1,031
    edited 2008-10-11 17:20
    This means there is still a bug in the code. Looking back though my code, it looks like there is 1 bug I can see, the DataBitMask is set to #%100000000 which is wrong to read 10 bits, it should be #%1000000000 (another 0). So you would read 9 bits, dividing the range by 2, the code also does a shr to remove the 10bit (which wasn't read) so dividing by another 2. So 0-255 would become 0-63 which may explain what you are seeing.
  • SiriSiri Posts: 220
    edited 2008-10-12 15:15
    I did what you recomended adding "0" to make the DataBitMask to #%10_000_000_000 this brigs the error "Source rgister/
    constant cannot exeed $1FF. - I do understand why so I scaled it back to %1_000_000_000.

    Then I played with these inatructions : 1. shr _data #1 ----> Readinggs - start 252 - end 192
    2. and _Data #ff
    > start 242 - end 255

    Then I commented out these 2 instructions: 1. shr _Data #1
    2. and _Data #ff

    Now I get exact range of the pressure sensor 0 to 30 inches of pressure - after converting volts/pressure.

    Thanks again,



    Here is the last code that worked corrctly:

    {******************************* ShiftIn PASM  Code Trials ***************************************
       The ADC is connected to propeller PINS :
                                               ADC_CS   = 0           ' CS Pin   connected to  Propeller  P0
                                               ADC_Data = 1           ' Data Pin connected to  Propeller  P1
                                               ADC_CLK  = 2           'Clock Pin connected to  Propeller  P2
           using a ADC0831 - chip
      _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x '
      _xinfreq = 5_000_000 '
    VAR    long    Data
           Byte    Exp
           long    DisplayStack[noparse][[/noparse]80]
       Text    : "VGA_Text"
    PUB start
    PUB DisplayText
         text.str(string("Inspiratory pressure:"))
         Exp :=(Data-115)/4
         text.str(string(" "))
    entry         org        0
                  mov       Insp,                   par               'Retrieve Data memory addr
                  mov       ClockPinMask,           #1                'Configure Output pin
                  shl       ClockPinMask,           ClockPin          'Create mask with ClockPin               
                  andn      outa,                   ClockPinMask      'Clock pin low
                  or        dira,                   ClockPinMask      'Set pin as Output        "1"
                  mov       DataPinMask,            #1                'Configure Input pin
                  shl       DataPinMask,            DataPin           'Create mask with DataPin              
                  andn      dira,                   DataPinMask       'Set pin as Input         "0"
                  mov       CSPinMask,              #1                'Configure CS pin
                  shl       CSPinMask,              CSPin             'Creaste mask with CSPin
                  or        outa,                   CSPinMask         'Make CS pin "high" - "1"
                  or        dira,                   CSPinMask         'Make CS pin an out-put - sets dira register to "1"
    SHIFTIN       mov       DataBitMask,             #%100000000       'input bitmask and used for bit count            
                  mov       futurecnt,              cnt
                  add       futurecnt,              cycle
                  waitcnt   futurecnt,              #0                'pause before next read - T0h (250ns) actual 1250ns
                  mov       _Data,                  #0                'Clear Data
                  andn      outa,                   CSPinMask         'Set CSPin as Output LOW  "0" - grounded               
                  mov       futurecnt,              cnt
                  add       futurecnt,              cycle
                  waitcnt   futurecnt,              #0                'pause from CS low (Tsetup 250ns) - actual 1250ns
    _ReadNextBit  or        outa,                   ClockPinMask      'Clock pin high
                  mov       futurecnt,              cnt
                  add       futurecnt,              cycle
                  waitcnt   futurecnt,              #0                'pause while clock high (1/400Khz/2 - 1250ns) - actual 1250ns              
                  andn      outa,                   ClockPinMask      'Clock Pin LOW, read on falling edge after Tpd0 time
                  mov       futurecnt,              cnt
                  add       futurecnt,              cycle1
                  waitcnt   futurecnt,              #0                'pause while waiting for data valid Tpd0 (1500ns)              
                                                                      'and pause while clock low (1/400Khz/2 - 1250ns) - actual 1500ns              
                  test       DataPinMask,           ina         wc    'Load "C" with Datapin value - set C flag
                  muxc      _Data,                  DataBitMask       'Move "C" into Data via DataBitMask position
                  shr       DataBitMask,            #1          wz    'Move bit postion right by 1
          if_nz   jmp       #_ReadNextBit                             'Jump to '_ReadNextBit' if there is more bits
                  or        outa,                   CSPinMask         'Make CS pin "high" - "1", finished read
                  'shr       _Data,                  #1                'remove the last bit read
                  'and       _Data,                  $ff               'remove 1st bit read
                  wrlong   _Data,                   Insp              'Write COG variable value _Dta to HUB variable address Data
                  jmp      #SHIFTIN                                   'Jump to read next Data byte
    ClockPin      long      2      'Define I/O Clock Pin
    DataPin       long      1      'Define I/O Data Pin
    DataBits      long      10      'Set number of Data Bits 
    CSPin         long      0      'Chip select pin
    cycle         long      100    '@80MHz - 100*12.5ns = 1250ns
    cycle1        long      120    '@80MHz - 120*12.5ns = 1500ns
    futurecnt     long      0
    ClockPinMask   res       1      'ClockPin Mask
    DataPinMask    res       1      'DataPin Mask
    DataBitMask    res       1      'Data Mask
    CSPinMask      res       1      'CSPin Mask
    _Data          res       1      'Holds result value from SHIFTIN
    Insp           res       1      'holds the address of Data

    Post Edited (Siri) : 10/12/2008 3:35:22 PM GMT
  • TimmooreTimmoore Posts: 1,031
    edited 2008-10-12 17:46
    You should check the data sheet carefully about this. Many ADCs use the clock from reading a sample to run the ADC for the next sample. If this ADC is doing that then you may be getting side effects of the 9 clocks you are not expecting. If this is a problem you can fix the
    mov DataBitMask, #%100000000
    by adding
    shl DataBitMask, #1
    after it to get you the 10 bits of reading
  • SiriSiri Posts: 220
    edited 2008-10-13 03:27
    I went through the specs of ADC0831 but did not see any thing to that effect.Anyway I tried changing the code to see what happens.It did
    shoe values but they were 90 t0 125 - not the correct values.

    Thank you very much for helping/teaching me.


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