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Open Propeller Project #3: Propeller IDE V0.1 Package Available - Page 22 — Parallax Forums

Open Propeller Project #3: Propeller IDE V0.1 Package Available



  • KMyersKMyers Posts: 433
    edited 2014-04-05 11:16
    Will try this again. Yes on V0.7 uninstalled the earlier version. Did not try the other loader, would try the command line.
    ''*  XBee 802.15.4 to PC Demo V1.0      *
    ''*  Author: Chris Savage               *
    ''*  Copyright (c) 2014 Parallax, Inc.  *               
    ''*  See end of file for terms of use.  *               
      _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x                             ' Standard Crystal, 16x Multiplier
      _xinfreq = 5_000_000                                  ' 5MHz Crystal
      DEBUG      = 0                                        ' Debug port sends results to Parallax Serial Terminal
      A_PORT     = 1                                        ' XBee Module
      A_RESET    = 0                                        ' To RST pin on XBee Module/Adapter (Not Used)
      A_TX       = 1                                        ' To DI pin on XBee Module/Adapter
      A_RX       = 2                                        ' To DO pin on XBee Module/Adapter
      BAUD       = 9600                                     ' Baud Rate 9600 bps
      ADC_CS     = 7                                        ' To ADC0831 CS pin (1)
      ADC_CLK    = 8                                        ' To ADC0831 CLK pin (7)
      ADC_DATA   = 9                                        ' To ADC0831 DATA pin (6) via 4.7K resistor
      LED_BLUE   = 10                                       ' To Blue LED (B1)
      LED_GREEN  = 11                                       ' To Green LED (G1)
      LED_RED    = 12                                       ' To Red LED (R1)
      DS1620_RST = 13                                       ' To DS1620 RST pin (3)
      DS1620_CLK = 14                                       ' To DS1620 CLK pin (2)
      DS1620_DAT = 15                                       ' To DS1620 DAT pin (1)
      RLY_PIN    = 17                                       ' To servo header pin (17)
      PING_PIN   = 18                                       ' To servo header pin (18)
      SVO_PIN    = 19                                       ' To servo header pin (19)
      CR         = 13                                       ' Carriage Return
      SP         = 32                                       ' Space Character
      _dopin     = 22                                       ' DO pin on microSD
      _clkpin    = 23                                       ' CLK pin on microSD
      _dipin     = 24                                       ' DI pin on microSD
      _cspin     = 25                                       ' CS pin on microSD
      _cdpin     = -1                                       ' -1 if unused.
      _wppin     = -1                                       ' -1 if unused.
      _rtcres1   = -1                                       ' -1 always.
      _rtcres2   = -1                                       ' -1 always.
      _rtcres3   = -1                                       ' -1 always.
      _lpin      = 26                                       ' -1 if unused.
      _rpin      = 27                                       ' -1 if unused.
      _volume    = 3                                        ' Default volume.
      _ditherEnable = true                                  ' "true" or "false" please.
      _ditherLevel = 4                                      ' 0 = Most Dither ... 31 = Least Dither.
      long stack[40], spinPlayerStack[100], flasherStack[20]
      fds   : "FullDuplexSerial4port"
      dio   : "dataIO4port"
      servo : "Servo32v7"
      ping  : "Ping"
      temp  : "DS1620"
      adc   : "ADC0831_Driver"
      dac   : "WAV-Player_DACEngine.spin"
    PUB Main | value, index, char
      dira[LED_BLUE..LED_RED]~~                             ' Set LED pins to output
      dira[RLY_PIN]~~                                       ' Set Relay pin to output
      fds.AddPort(A_PORT, A_RX, A_TX, -1, -1, 0, %000000, BAUD)
      fds.AddPort(DEBUG, 31, 30, -1, -1, 0, %000000, BAUD)  ' Debug to the terminal screen
      fds.Start                                             ' Start the ports
      servo.Start                                           ' Start Servo object
      Pause(100)                                            ' UART startup delay
      servo.Set(SVO_PIN, 1375)                              ' Pre-set servo position (center)
      dac.FATEngineStart(_dopin, _clkpin, _dipin, _cspin, _wppin, _cdpin, _rtcres1, _rtcres2, _rtcres3)
      dac.DACEngineStart(constant(_lpin | (not(not(_ditherEnable)))), constant(_rpin | (not(not(_ditherEnable)))), _volume)
      ' Above Never fail - no need to check return value.    
        dac.DACDitherEngineStart(_lpin, _rpin, _ditherLevel)' Never fails - no need to check return value.
      cognew(Telemetry, @stack)
        char := fds.rx(A_PORT)                              ' Get command
        if char == "!"                                      ' Parse the preamble character
          char := fds.rx(A_PORT)
          if char == "c"
            char := fds.rx(A_PORT)
            if char == "l"
              char := fds.rx(A_PORT)
              if char == "r"
                clr                                         ' Clear the terminal screen
          if char == "s"
            char := fds.rx(A_PORT)
            if char == "v"
              char := fds.rx(A_PORT)
              if char == "o"
                char := fds.rx(A_PORT)
                if char == "1"
                  servo.Set(SVO_PIN, 500)                   ' Position servo 90 degrees right
                if char == "2"
                  servo.Set(SVO_PIN, 1375)                  ' Position servo center
                if char == "3"
                  servo.Set(SVO_PIN, 2250)                  ' Position servo 90 degrees left
            if char == "n"
              char := fds.rx(A_PORT)
              if char == "d"
                char := fds.rx(A_PORT)
                if char == "1"
                  dac.playWAVFile(string("1.wav"))          ' Play WAV file
                if char == "2"
                if char == "3"
                if char == "4"
                if char == "5"
                if char == "6"
                if char == "7"
                if char == "8"
                if char == "9"
                if char == "0"
          if char == "i"
            char := fds.rx(A_PORT)
            if char == "n"
              char := fds.rx(A_PORT)
              if char == "r"
                char := fds.rx(A_PORT)
                if char == "0"                              ' Red LED off
                if char == "1"                              ' Red LED on
              if char == "g"
                char := fds.rx(A_PORT)
                if char == "0"                              ' Green LED off
                if char == "1"                              ' Green LED on
              if char == "b"
                char := fds.rx(A_PORT)
                if char == "0"                              ' Blue LED off
                if char == "1"                              ' Blue LED on
    PUB clr
      fds.tx(A_PORT, 0)                                     ' Clear Screen
    PUB Telemetry | tF, value, range
      temp.start(DS1620_DAT, DS1620_CLK, DS1620_RST)        ' Start DS1620 object
      adc.start(ADC_CS, ADC_CLK, ADC_DATA)                  ' Initialize ADC object
      Pause(100)                                            ' ADC startup delay
      value :=                                     ' Get initial ADC reading
        tF := temp.gettempf                                 ' Get F Temp from DS1620
        fds.tx(A_PORT, 1)                                   ' Clear Screen
        fds.str(A_PORT, string("Temperature ="))            ' Label (Temp in F)
        dio.decf(A_PORT, tf / 10, 3)                        ' Whole number portion
        fds.tx(A_PORT, ".")                                 ' Decimal Point
        dio.dec(A_PORT, tf // 10)                           ' Tenths of Degrees
        fds.str(A_PORT, string("° F  "))
        fds.tx(A_PORT, 13)                                  ' Carriage Return
        value :=                                   ' Get value from ADC0831
        fds.str(A_PORT, string("Light Level = "))           ' Label (Light Level)
        dio.dec(A_PORT, value)                              ' Display raw value
        fds.str(A_PORT, string("/255  "))
        fds.tx(A_PORT, 13)                                  ' Carriage Return
        range := ping.Inches(PING_PIN)                      ' Get Inches from PING))) sensor
        fds.str(A_PORT, string("Distance    = "))           ' Label (Distance)
        dio.dec(A_PORT, range)                              ' Display Range in Inches
        fds.str(A_PORT, string(" Inches  "))
        fds.tx(A_PORT, 13)                                  ' Carriage Return
        Pause(1000)                                         ' One second (1000 mS) delay
    PRI Pause(ms)
      waitcnt(clkfreq / 1000 * ms + cnt)                    ' Convert to mS
         {<end of object code>}
    &#9474;                                                   TERMS OF USE: MIT License                                                  &#9474;                                                            
    &#9474;Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation    &#9474; 
    &#9474;files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,    &#9474;
    &#9474;modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software&#9474;
    &#9474;is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:                                                                   &#9474;
    &#9474;                                                                                                                              &#9474;
    &#9474;The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.&#9474;
    &#9474;                                                                                                                              &#9474;
  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    edited 2014-04-05 11:23
    Thanks Ken.

    Umm, can you post a .zip ?

    Here is a video showing how to use Loader4.

  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2014-04-05 11:27
    jazzed wrote: »
    Thanks Ken.

    Umm, can you post a .zip ?

    Here is a video showing how to use Loader4.


    I tried viewing your video and got the message "This video is private."
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2014-04-05 11:28
    I'm building another very simple loader based on Chip's code. I should be able to post it later today. I'll be interested to see if this has the same problem of sometimes being very slow.
  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    edited 2014-04-05 11:31
    Thanks David.

    I forgot to hit the new (to me at least) publish button. ;-) Should be ok now.
  • Mike GMike G Posts: 2,702
    edited 2014-04-06 06:04
    I'm using PropellerIDE version 0.7 for Spinneret 2.0 development. I really like the IDE, simple and clean.

    May I request a feature or two? Bookmarks and/or collapsible method signatures?
  • KMyersKMyers Posts: 433
    edited 2014-04-06 11:51
    Sorry Jazzed for the delay has family time yesterday. not much prop time.

    Tried the loader 4, bo luck with either loader and you hello.binary. I always get lost contact with HW. Same results with Parallax Xb to pc
    that is on the learn site. Sorry cabt get the zip to upload??
  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    edited 2014-04-06 12:17
    KMyers wrote: »
    Sorry Jazzed for the delay has family time yesterday. not much prop time.

    Tried the loader 4, bo luck with either loader and you hello.binary. I always get lost contact with HW. Same results with Parallax Xb to pc
    that is on the learn site. Sorry cabt get the zip to upload??

    Hmm. What board are you using?
    How many COM ports do you have?
    How many boards are connected?

    I'll post some instructions later for doing some big command window tests.
  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    edited 2014-04-06 16:23
    KMyers wrote: »
    Sorry Jazzed for the delay has family time yesterday. not much prop time.

    Tried the loader 4, bo luck with either loader and you hello.binary. I always get lost contact with HW. Same results with Parallax Xb to pc
    that is on the learn site. Sorry cabt get the zip to upload??
    Family time is more important.

    Can you try these steps with the hello.binary?

    1. Create a file in the Loader4 directory called load.bat with notepad.
    2. Copy the contents of the code below to load.bat, and save.
    propeller-load -r hello.binary

    3. Double-click the load.bat file.
    4. Note the output: should be like this
    C:\Users\Steve\Documents\Projects\tclbits>propeller-load -r hello.binary
    Propeller Version 1 on COM52
    Loading hello.binary to hub memory
    1164 bytes sent
    Verifying RAM ... OK
    Press any key to continue . . .

    If you have a specific port to try like COM8, use this for the run.bat contents.
    propeller-load -pCOM8 -r hello.binary

    The same test can be run with the pload program. Just replace propeller-load with pload.

    Please copy/paste results to the forum. Also, please mention the propeller board you are using.

    Thanks Ken.
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2014-04-06 20:10
    jazzed wrote: »
    Family time is more important.

    Can you try these steps with the hello.binary?

    1. Create a file in the Loader4 directory called load.bat with notepad.
    2. Copy the contents of the code below to load.bat, and save.
    propeller-load -r hello.binary

    3. Double-click the load.bat file.
    4. Note the output: should be like this
    C:\Users\Steve\Documents\Projects\tclbits>propeller-load -r hello.binary
    Propeller Version 1 on COM52
    Loading hello.binary to hub memory
    1164 bytes sent
    Verifying RAM ... OK
    Press any key to continue . . .

    If you have a specific port to try like COM8, use this for the run.bat contents.
    propeller-load -pCOM8 -r hello.binary

    The same test can be run with the pload program. Just replace propeller-load with pload.

    Please copy/paste results to the forum. Also, please mention the propeller board you are using.

    Thanks Ken.
    It's unclear to me how pload and propeller-load could possibly have different behavior for loading Spin binaries. They use exactly the same code underneath. Is there some reason for comparing these two programs?
  • KMyersKMyers Posts: 433
    edited 2014-04-07 08:40
    Thanks Jazzed I think I found my prob as loads now work in Prop IDE. I was messing in my bios trying to get Virtual box working and I disabled the auto keys while I had a brain cramp. Any how this morning I put bios back to default and now the software loads like it used to. Evidently I made other changes I did not intend to!!

    Any how, I am running HP laptop win7 with powered usb hub with a C3 on usb com3 and 2 activity boards on usb com 4 and 5 and bitscope on usb com 7. I will play more with your above suggestions and see if I can shoot myself in the foot again.

    Sorry for wasted time in this...
  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    edited 2014-04-07 08:45
    David Betz wrote: »
    It's unclear to me how pload and propeller-load could possibly have different behavior for loading Spin binaries. They use exactly the same code underneath. Is there some reason for comparing these two programs?
    Because @Roadster experienced a failure that was different with the pload code than experienced with the propeller-load code.

    I really need @Roadster to do the test with Loader4. A demo video is provided.

    I would also like to see the results of running V0.7 right after doing the Loader4 test to see what happens.

    @KMyers, thanks for the update! Great relief here ;-)
  • KMyersKMyers Posts: 433
    edited 2014-04-07 09:12

    Thanks for working with me on this. The command prompt worked as exprcted for both! I will be quiet now for awhile. Tested other old spin files and they work fine..
  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    edited 2014-04-07 12:00
    KMyers wrote: »

    Thanks for working with me on this. The command prompt worked as exprcted for both! I will be quiet now for awhile. Tested other old spin files and they work fine..
    Actually, there is one more I'd like to test if you don't mind. Please, pretty please ;-)

    This program from David should work equally well. We also need to know from Roadster if it has the slow-down problem he mentioned.

    1. Please download the zip.
    2. Add p1load.exe to your Loader4 folder.
    2. Use p1load.exe by clicking Loader, type p1 in the Open dialog, and choose p1load.exe.
    3. Browse the hello.binary.
    4. Click the load button.

    Report results please. Thanks.
  • KMyersKMyers Posts: 433
    edited 2014-04-07 15:25

    ran 3 times same speed to me with same data reported.
  • KMyersKMyers Posts: 433
    edited 2014-04-07 15:42
    Again just to verify ran again ok. Also just to make sure SimpleIDE and Proptool and PropIDE all load just fine. Now if you could fix my programming skill level that would be great!
  • RoadsterRoadster Posts: 209
    edited 2014-04-07 18:31
    Sorry about the delay, but a got a change to try the loaders today and here are my finding:
    I had to rename each file to be "pload.exe" do testing because no matter which exe you select with the loader it uses pload.exe

    pload.exe, does not work at all
    propeller-load.exe, works every time
    p1load.exe, works every time, maybe faster
  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    edited 2014-04-07 19:29

    I'll make a version 0.8 with p1load and post it later.

    Thanks for testing.
    Roadster wrote: »
    Sorry about the delay, but a got a change to try the loaders today and here are my finding:
    I had to rename each file to be "pload.exe" do testing because no matter which exe you select with the loader it uses pload.exe

    pload.exe, does not work at all
    propeller-load.exe, works every time
    p1load.exe, works every time, maybe faster
  • mindrobotsmindrobots Posts: 6,506
    edited 2014-04-07 19:46
    Hi Steve,

    I finally got around to loading v0.7 on my Win7 laptop. I'm seeing some of what Dennis is seeing. I had a PropBOE loaded up with Propforth connected to my laptop when I installed it. PropIDE came up and recognized the BOE on Com6 - coo, that's where it should be. Just for grins, I unplugged the BOE and then plugged it back in. The blue debug terminal popped up, the Prop reset and I was talking to the PropForth in EEPROM.

    I am able to program the BOE on Com6 without any problems and the debug windows dose work normally the of the time but if you unplug the BOE and plug it back in, it pops up automagically and whatever is in EEPROM runs.

    Part2 - I have a DNA board sitting here so I plugged it in (leaving the BOE still plugged in) - the blue window pops up still talking to COM6 (the BOE). Kill debug terminal. If I switch to COM11, the DNA, I can program it and I can use debug to have it connected to the blue window.
    So now with two props attached and having last used the debug window on COM11, if I unplug COM11, the blue window terminal pops up talking to COM6.
    Kill the debug terminal.
    If I plug COM11 back in, I get blue terminal popping up talking to COM6.
    Kill the debug terminal.
    If I have both plugged in and unplug COM6, I get the blue terminal talking to COM11.
    Kill the debug terminal.
    If I plug COM6 back in, I get the blue terminal talking to COM6.

    It REALLY wants to help debug...and if it has a choice, it REALLY wants to help debug the lowest numbered COM port.

    I could try it with three but I'm getting confused! (more confused) :lol:

    The Beanie tells me I have 2 Props connected. The unplugging and replugging of props works....except for that DANG blue terminal!!

    During all this you what I thought would be a cool feature? (sorry, I caught "feature creep" from the P2 forum).
    What if there was a table you could set up in the Properties that let you make entries like: "COM6:Propeller BOE" and "COM11:Propeller DNA". Just a little creature comfort for folks with multiple boards attached.It would be totally manual, just a little place for notes if you wanted. "COM3:DNA PropForth Testing", "COM4:Quickstart - PASM Play" It really takes very little silicon and is a low power features!! :lol:

    I'm hoping to actually use this for some PROGRAMMING in the next couple of weeks!!! YAY!! I'm quitting the debating team for a while!

    Thanks for all you do for us!!
  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    edited 2014-04-07 20:55
    Thanks Rick,

    I became painfully aware of the blue debug window popping up yesterday ;-) Sorry you had to go through it too.

    I'll be fixing that, adding the p1load code, and probably adding a disable auto-complete option before I make a V0.8.

    Not sure how your board name feature will be added. This has been requested in a different way before. It may be useful to make a small input dialog that asks to name boards that haven't been seen before. That's a feature for the end of the month though ... I need to do paying work too.

  • mindrobotsmindrobots Posts: 6,506
    edited 2014-04-08 06:35
    jazzed wrote: »
    Thanks Rick,

    I became painfully aware of the blue debug window popping up yesterday ;-) Sorry you had to go through it too.

    I'll be fixing that, adding the p1load code, and probably adding a disable auto-complete option before I make a V0.8.

    Not sure how your board name feature will be added. This has been requested in a different way before. It may be useful to make a small input dialog that asks to name boards that haven't been seen before. That's a feature for the end of the month though ... I need to do paying work too.


    Thanks! It wasn't painful, just confusing.....confusion no longer hurts!! :lol:

    You go do your paying work....we want people to keep showin' you the money!!
  • KMyersKMyers Posts: 433
    edited 2014-04-08 09:26

    I am very down today.. Tried the loader4 and it fails like before but this time I get a warning from Norton.

    p1load shows error building ignored 2 bytes.
    pload lost HW contact..retry
    propellar-load lost HW contact

    Tried from DOS prompt they compile but all fail to load. Think I missed this yesterday. Even disabled Norton with same results. Can still load good from Prop tool and SimpleIDE.

    I am so confused!!
  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    edited 2014-04-08 10:26
    KMyers wrote: »

    I am very down today.. Tried the loader4 and it fails like before but this time I get a warning from Norton.

    p1load shows error building ignored 2 bytes.
    pload lost HW contact..retry
    propellar-load lost HW contact

    Tried from DOS prompt they compile but all fail to load. Think I missed this yesterday. Even disabled Norton with same results. Can still load good from Prop tool and SimpleIDE.

    I am so confused!!
    If you got a warning from Norton it might be because the programs were not "installed" in Program files and some may have been removed or quarantined.

    You could try the run.bat method instead.

    The propeller-load is the same one used in SimpleIDE.

    I'll be making a V0.8 package before noon hopefully. Will post so you can try that.
  • KMyersKMyers Posts: 433
    edited 2014-04-08 10:37
    Thanks Steve I am losing all confidence in my self lately. Will try the new version. I must be doing something wrong.
  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    edited 2014-04-08 13:23
    Ken, don't lose confidence. You can do it!

    A new V0.8 package is posted here. Please test and report results. Thanks!

    This has some caveats. Loader and General Properties

    In my rush to integrate p1load (because it works for others), I forgot 2 things: test with RevA Quickstart, and add gentle read and print loop after loading. What does this mean?

    1. propeller-load is the default loader because it works with RevA Quickstart all the time (p1load does not).
    2. If propeller-load does not work you can try p1load (but not on a RevA Quickstart).
    3. You must add a small delay before any output otherwise output may not show up on the terminal. I.E. use a delay like this:
    _clkfreq = 80_000_000
    _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
      fdx : "FullDuplexSerial"
    pub main
      fdx.Str(string("Hello Spin2",$d))

    General Properties
    There is now a General tab in Properties. The properties are not sticky - that is, they do not remain set if you close the program. Adding that feature is about 2 hours of work.

    New properties are:

    1. AutoComplete - enabled by default
    2. SpinSuggest - enabled by default
    3. Editor Tab Space Count - 2 by default
    4. Set Editor Font button - Menu Edit Font may go away now.
    5. Enable Port Board Names - disabled until there is time to add such a feature
    6. Clear Settings - will let all settings be cleaned and reset for next startup, but doesn't work yet.

  • KMyersKMyers Posts: 433
    edited 2014-04-08 14:44
    Thanks Steve will try it tomorrow and let you know. I never was able to make propellent work either. Think I need to go back to RF work, that I do very well!!
  • mindrobotsmindrobots Posts: 6,506
    edited 2014-04-08 18:17
    OK, I just uninstalled 0.7 and installed 0.8 on my Win7 laptop.

    The persistent debug terminal appears to have gone away. I can switch Props, unplug, replug and it keeps up with what is plugged in and hasn't started the debug terminal unless I've asked for it.

    I can have two props connected and get it to start the one I want by selecting the COM port before I click on the "Port Status" button. I just noticed that you can change the port the debug terminal is using by using the port drop down in the IDE. This is kind of cool since the terminal itself doesn't have a way to change ports.

    Sometimes, I have to click the "Port Status" twice to get the terminal to come up. That could just be a focus issue of where I'm coming from when I go to click it.

    Building/loading works fine for me. Multiple boards, switching back and forth between boards and the type of build I do.

    The beanie gives me a dialog box with both Props it finds...then it disappears! It wold be nice of this box hung around until you gave it an OK (personal preferences?)

    I just plugged in a third Prop board, it handled it without problems. All features still working.

    Now, I really need try writing code with it!!! :lol:

    Tomorrow, I will try it under Parallels to see how it works in a VM,
  • RoadsterRoadster Posts: 209
    edited 2014-04-09 04:36
    Version 0.8 works without error with the p1load.exe loader selected
  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    edited 2014-04-09 08:48
    Roadster wrote: »
    Version 0.8 works without error with the p1load.exe loader selected
    Great. Here is a version for testing load of programs printing to the terminal without a delay.

    Unzip the program to some folder and choose it for testing in Spin Properties.

    Everyone please test by removing waitcnt before print to terminal when you can and report results. Please also test with RevA Quickstart if possible.
  • TrapperBobTrapperBob Posts: 142
    edited 2014-04-09 09:34
    Hi Jazzed,

    I tested p1loadcat with Version 0.8 and a QuickStart Rev A. It does not seem to work without the delay inserted.

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