To all under 18 I will send you a propmod-us_ps_sd free under 1 condition. You use it to make a project at gadget gangster(if your smart you will enter it in competition also)
If you agree to this condition and are under 18 om me your addess and I will send one off
Ps if you live outside Canada your government may add tax
propmod_us and propmod_1x1 are in stock. Only $30. PCB available for $5
Want to make projects and have Gadget Gangster sell them for you? propmod-us_ps_sd and propmod-1x1 are now available for use in your Gadget Gangster Projects.
Need to upload large images or movies for use in the forum. you can do so at for free.
My project could use one of those! And I was even going to post my entery on Gadget Gangster at the end of the contest!
THANK YOU mctrivia!!!
Your youth support is greatly appreciated by all on the forum! I will request one and pay shipping and tax.
P.S. I might also buy a circut board from you for the Design Contest. Working on an Eagle file now!! The problem with my contest entry is that is relies on a lot of hardware; something hard to troubleshoot. I hope it isn't too "complex" hardware-wise for Gadget Gangster. If it works I will start my own site and start selling the fully assembled version. (With the PropMod, of course.)
Good luck on the Contest, everybody!!!
▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Toys are microcontroled.
Robots are microcontroled.
I am microcontroled.
If it's not Parallax then don't even bother. :-) ·
Mini-Din/PS2 connectors are for sale! 5 for $1! PM me if you wish to make an order. Cheap·shipping unless specified!··········150 left!!··
Post Edited (microcontrolled) : 7/21/2009 1:15:12 AM GMT
Well my offer to help for custom pcb is dependent on if anough interst to fill a full 155sq inch panel. However I know a place that will do for $2/inch if not enough. After work I will post address if I remember. Have 4 more hours to go.
propmod_us and propmod_1x1 are in stock. Only $30. PCB available for $5
Want to make projects and have Gadget Gangster sell them for you? propmod-us_ps_sd and propmod-1x1 are now available for use in your Gadget Gangster Projects.
Need to upload large images or movies for use in the forum. you can do so at for free.
mctrivia said...
To all under 18 I will send you a propmod-us_ps_sd free under 1 condition. You use it to make a project at gadget gangster(if your smart you will enter it in competition also)
Are you talking about a bare board or fully populated board?
mctrivia said...
To all under 18 I will send you a propmod-us_ps_sd free under 1 condition. You use it to make a project at gadget gangster(if your smart you will enter it in competition also)
If you agree to this condition and are under 18 om me your addess and I will send one off
Ps if you live outside Canada your government may add tax
propmod_us and propmod_1x1 are in stock. Only $30. PCB available for $5
Want to make projects and have Gadget Gangster sell them for you? propmod-us_ps_sd and propmod-1x1 are now available for use in your Gadget Gangster Projects.
Need to upload large images or movies for use in the forum. you can do so at for free.
I have more great news. Hover1 has donated a pcb panel so there will be no charge(shipping only) for your custom pcb. Will publish design restrictions tonight
propmod_us and propmod_1x1 are in stock. Only $30. PCB available for $5
Want to make projects and have Gadget Gangster sell them for you? propmod-us_ps_sd and propmod-1x1 are now available for use in your Gadget Gangster Projects.
Need to upload large images or movies for use in the forum. you can do so at for free.
PCB Manufacturing Restrictions:
*Silk Screen on top side only
*minimum clearance 7mil
*minimum trace width 7mil
*minimum hole size 15mil
*will be 1oz copper so keep to guidelines below
Trace Width Rule of thumb
low current(<500mA) signal traces can be 8mil-12mil.
Power traces for 1oz copper:
0-2A - 40mil/A
2-6A - 60mil/A
6-12 - 80mil/A
12-22 - 100mil/A
eagle pcb setup
1) in board view go to tools -> DRC
2) on clearance tab set all values under Different Signals to 7mil and all on same signals to 0mil
3) on sizes tab set minimum width to 7mil and minimum drill to 15mil
4) on masks tab set limit to a value smaller then bigest bad but biger then largest via. I recommend 20mil and keep all vias 15mil.
5) now in future you can come back here and check will show you all errors.
special symbols
1) place Fiducial.lbr in the lbr folder
2) goto Library -> use
3) select Fiducial.lbr and open
4) goto edit -> add
5) scroll down to Fiducial and click on 1mm-fiducial and ok
6) place 1 on oposit corners of your board where silk screen or traces will not touch it. This symbol will allow you in future to have automated machinery assemble your boards.
Keep it small
keep your board as small as possible to do the job. when boards are made you normally pay a set charge for 1000cm squared(155sq inch). the smaller you make your board the more boards you would get. If you use surface mount components you can usually make your board considerably smaller because they are smaller to start with, can be put on both sides of board, and do not interfear with running traces on other side, and most assembly companies do not do through whole components.
Just because you can put parts on both sides does not mean you should. You need to way the pros and cons. If getting assembled by assembly company they will charge per side so it will be cheaper to put all on one side. If assembling by your self reflow soldering(using a toaster oven) is a quick way to solder all the parts on at once but gets dicey for second side.
Surface mount soldering is not that difficult. 0603 resisters and caps can easily be soldered on by placing a ball of solder on one pad heating it up and with tweezers sliding one end of the resister in place. after letting harden you can then solder other pad down. SOIC sized ICs have fairly wide pin spacing and if you solder oposit corners down first you can easily solder remaining pads. TTSOP have very close pins. a fine tip and steady hand would be needed for these type ics. QFN, and BGA require a reflow oven(toaster oven will do preferably with convection fan) special liquid solder called paste that comes in a syringe or in a jar. the jar type requires a stencil.
Obviously if you are still afraid of surface mount you can use through hole components(PTH for short)
Verify your work
You should always verify your work before getting boards made. Here are my recomended steps
1) Run DRC check in eagle. check every highlighted spot on board to make sure you have not inadvertently crossed traces over, made things to close, to small...
2) Double check your schematic and pinouts are correct for components you are using
3) print out on laser printer at actual size(transparencies best but paper will do)
4) place all components on print out and make sure they fit and pads line up.
5) double check that you have a good solid ground to every place on board and have a bipass cap as close as possible to every Vdd pin.
In eagle the polygon tool can really be your friend.
1) Select polygon tool(rectangle with bite out of it)
2) Select what layer you want
3) use tool to make an outline around your board.
4) use rename tool(picture of resister with R2 highlighted) to rename to Vss or GND what ever your ground plane is.
By following these steps eagle will try to keep as much copper on your board as possible for your ground.
propmod_us and propmod_1x1 are in stock. Only $30. PCB available for $5
Want to make projects and have Gadget Gangster sell them for you? propmod-us_ps_sd and propmod-1x1 are now available for use in your Gadget Gangster Projects.
Need to upload large images or movies for use in the forum. you can do so at for free.
microcontrolled said...
How do you select sides of the board in Eagle?
in top left there is layer option. 1 is top 16 is bottom. pretty sure free version does not offer any in between.
propmod_us and propmod_1x1 are in stock. Only $30. PCB available for $5
Want to make projects and have Gadget Gangster sell them for you? propmod-us_ps_sd and propmod-1x1 are now available for use in your Gadget Gangster Projects.
Need to upload large images or movies for use in the forum. you can do so at for free.
Standard shiping is $10 world wide you would get board in 3/4 weeks(to us)
If size of letter envelope or smaller I can expess for same would get in 3 weeks
Takes 2 weeks to get back from china so even over night will not be faster
If you want for contest I would think SEP 1st as deadline to get free boards made. 1 month may be a little tight especially if you need to learn eagle.
How many want pcb made and when do you think cut off should be?
propmod_us and propmod_1x1 are in stock. Only $30. PCB available for $5
Want to make projects and have Gadget Gangster sell them for you? propmod-us_ps_sd and propmod-1x1 are now available for use in your Gadget Gangster Projects.
Need to upload large images or movies for use in the forum. you can do so at for free.
Well I will help in any way I can with eagle
I am getting married August 15 so will be not available much the week before and after
propmod_us and propmod_1x1 are in stock. Only $30. PCB available for $5
Want to make projects and have Gadget Gangster sell them for you? propmod-us_ps_sd and propmod-1x1 are now available for use in your Gadget Gangster Projects.
Need to upload large images or movies for use in the forum. you can do so at for free.
propmod_us and propmod_1x1 are in stock. Only $30. PCB available for $5
Want to make projects and have Gadget Gangster sell them for you? propmod-us_ps_sd and propmod-1x1 are now available for use in your Gadget Gangster Projects.
Need to upload large images or movies for use in the forum. you can do so at for free.
propmod_us and propmod_1x1 are in stock. Only $30. PCB available for $5
Want to make projects and have Gadget Gangster sell them for you? propmod-us_ps_sd and propmod-1x1 are now available for use in your Gadget Gangster Projects.
Need to upload large images or movies for use in the forum. you can do so at for free.
I have been really busy this last week(worked 80 hours) so I just finished assembling 5 propmod-us_ps_sd I will be shipping 4 of them out today to: microcontrolled, Vaati, SciNemo, and PFloyd36069.
Just notice PFloyd36069 I do not have your full address or name. I do need this for the custom forms.
propmod_us and propmod_1x1 are in stock. Only $30. PCB available for $5
Want to make projects and have Gadget Gangster sell them for you? propmod-us_ps_sd and propmod-1x1 are now available for use in your Gadget Gangster Projects.
Need to upload large images or movies for use in the forum. you can do so at for free.
At our house our kichen is being redone, so we put all our old cabnets in the garage for storage. Because of the extra space, I will now be able to have a lab in the garage! Yey! (And right where I can work on my bike for the project too!)
▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Toys are microcontroled.
Robots are microcontroled.
I am microcontroled.
If it's not Parallax then don't even bother. :-) ·
Mini-Din/PS2 connectors are for sale! 5 for $1! PM me if you wish to make an order. Cheap·shipping unless specified!··········150 left!!··
microcontrolled said...
I will now be able to have a lab in the garage!
I wish I even had a garage. I've used up space in half my basement, my room, all of my attic, a small barn, and a large barn. Maybe I should just build myself a lab one of these days...
The site I was working on for projects built by kids is experiencing a few twists and turns. I've registered the domain name for it and have even found free, unlimited hosting from a friend
It is going to be a much larger and nicer project than I hoped at the start, therefor it will take more time to set up, but when it is done it should be someplace awesome for all the underage propeller heads around here to hang out.
Ok 3 of 5. Now mailed. Waiting on address for 4th. Any more 18 and under want a free one? I have 1 more to give away.
propmod_us and propmod_1x1 are in stock. Only $30. PCB available for $5
Want to make projects and have Gadget Gangster sell them for you? propmod-us_ps_sd and propmod-1x1 are now available for use in your Gadget Gangster Projects.
Need to upload large images or movies for use in the forum. you can do so at for free.
I have a forum here that I made along with my google site.· It's pretty lame, but I'm working on it...
Do you have assembly instructions for the PropMod-US_pcb?· I can't wait to try to get one soldered together...· :-)· Also, I suppose it would be best if I used a toaster oven or something to solder the parts on, but I have a very fine tip for my WP25.· Would that be enough to get on some of the parts?
▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Quit buying all those fixed voltage regulators, and·get anAdjustable Power Supply·for your projects!· Includes an LED testing terminal!
*-NEW-* SD Card Adapter·Now available!· Add extra memory to your next Propeller project with ease!
Wow, thank you microcontrolled, hopefully however much you earn will keep the site up and expanding for years to come.
I will definitely get a forum running along with the main website. The way I am thinking of doing it is having the main website as sort of a showcase of all the "pro" projects (the ones from kids that are contributors) and an interface for people wanting to help out. The forum can be for any other kids out there on the internet who want a place to learn in an environment very (very) friendly to underage electronics experimenters.
BTW, anyone who is a contributor gets to be an admin/moderator on the forum, so if you haven't sent me an email yet and want to join, get to it
If you agree to this condition and are under 18 om me your addess and I will send one off
Ps if you live outside Canada your government may add tax
propmod_us and propmod_1x1 are in stock. Only $30. PCB available for $5
Want to make projects and have Gadget Gangster sell them for you? propmod-us_ps_sd and propmod-1x1 are now available for use in your Gadget Gangster Projects.
Need to upload large images or movies for use in the forum. you can do so at for free.
THANK YOU mctrivia!!!
Your youth support is greatly appreciated by all on the forum! I will request one and pay shipping and tax.
P.S. I might also buy a circut board from you for the Design Contest. Working on an Eagle file now!! The problem with my contest entry is that is relies on a lot of hardware; something hard to troubleshoot. I hope it isn't too "complex" hardware-wise for Gadget Gangster. If it works I will start my own site and start selling the fully assembled version. (With the PropMod, of course.)
Good luck on the Contest, everybody!!!
Toys are microcontroled.
Robots are microcontroled.
I am microcontroled.
If it's not Parallax then don't even bother. :-)
Mini-Din/PS2 connectors are for sale! 5 for $1! PM me if you wish to make an order.
Cheap·shipping unless specified!··········150 left!!··
Post Edited (microcontrolled) : 7/21/2009 1:15:12 AM GMT
propmod_us and propmod_1x1 are in stock. Only $30. PCB available for $5
Want to make projects and have Gadget Gangster sell them for you? propmod-us_ps_sd and propmod-1x1 are now available for use in your Gadget Gangster Projects.
Need to upload large images or movies for use in the forum. you can do so at for free.
PM Sent.....
Are you talking about a bare board or fully populated board?
propmod_us and propmod_1x1 are in stock. Only $30. PCB available for $5
Want to make projects and have Gadget Gangster sell them for you? propmod-us_ps_sd and propmod-1x1 are now available for use in your Gadget Gangster Projects.
Need to upload large images or movies for use in the forum. you can do so at for free.
Not the fish.
propmod_us and propmod_1x1 are in stock. Only $30. PCB available for $5
Want to make projects and have Gadget Gangster sell them for you? propmod-us_ps_sd and propmod-1x1 are now available for use in your Gadget Gangster Projects.
Need to upload large images or movies for use in the forum. you can do so at for free.
*Silk Screen on top side only
*minimum clearance 7mil
*minimum trace width 7mil
*minimum hole size 15mil
*will be 1oz copper so keep to guidelines below
Trace Width Rule of thumb
low current(<500mA) signal traces can be 8mil-12mil.
Power traces for 1oz copper:
0-2A - 40mil/A
2-6A - 60mil/A
6-12 - 80mil/A
12-22 - 100mil/A
eagle pcb setup
1) in board view go to tools -> DRC
2) on clearance tab set all values under Different Signals to 7mil and all on same signals to 0mil
3) on sizes tab set minimum width to 7mil and minimum drill to 15mil
4) on masks tab set limit to a value smaller then bigest bad but biger then largest via. I recommend 20mil and keep all vias 15mil.
5) now in future you can come back here and check will show you all errors.
special symbols
1) place Fiducial.lbr in the lbr folder
2) goto Library -> use
3) select Fiducial.lbr and open
4) goto edit -> add
5) scroll down to Fiducial and click on 1mm-fiducial and ok
6) place 1 on oposit corners of your board where silk screen or traces will not touch it. This symbol will allow you in future to have automated machinery assemble your boards.
Keep it small
keep your board as small as possible to do the job. when boards are made you normally pay a set charge for 1000cm squared(155sq inch). the smaller you make your board the more boards you would get. If you use surface mount components you can usually make your board considerably smaller because they are smaller to start with, can be put on both sides of board, and do not interfear with running traces on other side, and most assembly companies do not do through whole components.
Just because you can put parts on both sides does not mean you should. You need to way the pros and cons. If getting assembled by assembly company they will charge per side so it will be cheaper to put all on one side. If assembling by your self reflow soldering(using a toaster oven) is a quick way to solder all the parts on at once but gets dicey for second side.
Surface mount soldering is not that difficult. 0603 resisters and caps can easily be soldered on by placing a ball of solder on one pad heating it up and with tweezers sliding one end of the resister in place. after letting harden you can then solder other pad down. SOIC sized ICs have fairly wide pin spacing and if you solder oposit corners down first you can easily solder remaining pads. TTSOP have very close pins. a fine tip and steady hand would be needed for these type ics. QFN, and BGA require a reflow oven(toaster oven will do preferably with convection fan) special liquid solder called paste that comes in a syringe or in a jar. the jar type requires a stencil.
Obviously if you are still afraid of surface mount you can use through hole components(PTH for short)
Verify your work
You should always verify your work before getting boards made. Here are my recomended steps
1) Run DRC check in eagle. check every highlighted spot on board to make sure you have not inadvertently crossed traces over, made things to close, to small...
2) Double check your schematic and pinouts are correct for components you are using
3) print out on laser printer at actual size(transparencies best but paper will do)
4) place all components on print out and make sure they fit and pads line up.
5) double check that you have a good solid ground to every place on board and have a bipass cap as close as possible to every Vdd pin.
In eagle the polygon tool can really be your friend.
1) Select polygon tool(rectangle with bite out of it)
2) Select what layer you want
3) use tool to make an outline around your board.
4) use rename tool(picture of resister with R2 highlighted) to rename to Vss or GND what ever your ground plane is.
By following these steps eagle will try to keep as much copper on your board as possible for your ground.
propmod_us and propmod_1x1 are in stock. Only $30. PCB available for $5
Want to make projects and have Gadget Gangster sell them for you? propmod-us_ps_sd and propmod-1x1 are now available for use in your Gadget Gangster Projects.
Need to upload large images or movies for use in the forum. you can do so at for free.
Never use force, just go for a bigger hammer!
The DIY Digital-Readout for mills, lathes etc.:
Thank's again McTrivia!!
Toys are microcontroled.
Robots are microcontroled.
I am microcontroled.
If it's not Parallax then don't even bother. :-)
Mini-Din/PS2 connectors are for sale! 5 for $1! PM me if you wish to make an order.
Cheap·shipping unless specified!··········150 left!!··
Brandon C.
No purchase necessary. See back panel for more details.
Tired of the same old robot brains? not enough processing power? Get the Propeller Robot Module now!!
propmod_us and propmod_1x1 are in stock. Only $30. PCB available for $5
Want to make projects and have Gadget Gangster sell them for you? propmod-us_ps_sd and propmod-1x1 are now available for use in your Gadget Gangster Projects.
Need to upload large images or movies for use in the forum. you can do so at for free.
Another 14 year old found - - - There is a lot more people my age on here then I thought!
Toys are microcontroled.
Robots are microcontroled.
I am microcontroled.
If it's not Parallax then don't even bother. :-)
Mini-Din/PS2 connectors are for sale! 5 for $1! PM me if you wish to make an order.
Cheap·shipping unless specified!··········150 left!!··
Standard shiping is $10 world wide you would get board in 3/4 weeks(to us)
If size of letter envelope or smaller I can expess for same would get in 3 weeks
Takes 2 weeks to get back from china so even over night will not be faster
If you want for contest I would think SEP 1st as deadline to get free boards made. 1 month may be a little tight especially if you need to learn eagle.
How many want pcb made and when do you think cut off should be?
propmod_us and propmod_1x1 are in stock. Only $30. PCB available for $5
Want to make projects and have Gadget Gangster sell them for you? propmod-us_ps_sd and propmod-1x1 are now available for use in your Gadget Gangster Projects.
Need to upload large images or movies for use in the forum. you can do so at for free.
Post Edited (mctrivia) : 7/21/2009 3:33:08 PM GMT
Toys are microcontroled.
Robots are microcontroled.
I am microcontroled.
If it's not Parallax then don't even bother. :-)
Mini-Din/PS2 connectors are for sale! 5 for $1! PM me if you wish to make an order.
Cheap·shipping unless specified!··········150 left!!··
Not the fish.
I am getting married August 15 so will be not available much the week before and after
propmod_us and propmod_1x1 are in stock. Only $30. PCB available for $5
Want to make projects and have Gadget Gangster sell them for you? propmod-us_ps_sd and propmod-1x1 are now available for use in your Gadget Gangster Projects.
Need to upload large images or movies for use in the forum. you can do so at for free.
Not the fish.
propmod_us and propmod_1x1 are in stock. Only $30. PCB available for $5
Want to make projects and have Gadget Gangster sell them for you? propmod-us_ps_sd and propmod-1x1 are now available for use in your Gadget Gangster Projects.
Need to upload large images or movies for use in the forum. you can do so at for free.
Toys are microcontroled.
Robots are microcontroled.
I am microcontroled.
If it's not Parallax then don't even bother. :-)
Mini-Din/PS2 connectors are for sale! 5 for $1! PM me if you wish to make an order.
Cheap·shipping unless specified!··········150 left!!··
library for propmod attached us propmod-us_ps
propmod_us and propmod_1x1 are in stock. Only $30. PCB available for $5
Want to make projects and have Gadget Gangster sell them for you? propmod-us_ps_sd and propmod-1x1 are now available for use in your Gadget Gangster Projects.
Need to upload large images or movies for use in the forum. you can do so at for free.
Post Edited (mctrivia) : 7/22/2009 7:47:39 AM GMT
Basic Stamp,···· Propeller,·· · SX,·· FUN!
>Proccessing Data. . . .··
>Task Complete. . .·.
>Saving Data. . . .
>Entering SLEEP Mode. . . .
>Signing OFF
Just notice PFloyd36069 I do not have your full address or name. I do need this for the custom forms.
propmod_us and propmod_1x1 are in stock. Only $30. PCB available for $5
Want to make projects and have Gadget Gangster sell them for you? propmod-us_ps_sd and propmod-1x1 are now available for use in your Gadget Gangster Projects.
Need to upload large images or movies for use in the forum. you can do so at for free.
Post Edited (mctrivia) : 7/27/2009 7:01:44 AM GMT
At our house our kichen is being redone, so we put all our old cabnets in the garage for storage. Because of the extra space, I will now be able to have a lab in the garage! Yey! (And right where I can work on my bike for the project too!)
Toys are microcontroled.
Robots are microcontroled.
I am microcontroled.
If it's not Parallax then don't even bother. :-)
Mini-Din/PS2 connectors are for sale! 5 for $1! PM me if you wish to make an order.
Cheap·shipping unless specified!··········150 left!!··
I wish I even had a garage. I've used up space in half my basement, my room, all of my attic, a small barn, and a large barn. Maybe I should just build myself a lab one of these days...
The site I was working on for projects built by kids is experiencing a few twists and turns. I've registered the domain name for it and have even found free, unlimited hosting from a friend
It is going to be a much larger and nicer project than I hoped at the start, therefor it will take more time to set up, but when it is done it should be someplace awesome for all the underage propeller heads around here to hang out.
Not the fish.
propmod_us and propmod_1x1 are in stock. Only $30. PCB available for $5
Want to make projects and have Gadget Gangster sell them for you? propmod-us_ps_sd and propmod-1x1 are now available for use in your Gadget Gangster Projects.
Need to upload large images or movies for use in the forum. you can do so at for free.
Any chance on getting a forum on your site? It would be nice to have a sort of "under 18" electronics hobbiest forum.
Toys are microcontroled.
Robots are microcontroled.
I am microcontroled.
If it's not Parallax then don't even bother. :-)
Mini-Din/PS2 connectors are for sale! 5 for $1! PM me if you wish to make an order.
Cheap·shipping unless specified!··········150 left!!··
I have a forum here that I made along with my google site.· It's pretty lame, but I'm working on it...
Do you have assembly instructions for the PropMod-US_pcb?· I can't wait to try to get one soldered together...· :-)· Also, I suppose it would be best if I used a toaster oven or something to solder the parts on, but I have a very fine tip for my WP25.· Would that be enough to get on some of the parts?
Quit buying all those fixed voltage regulators, and·get an Adjustable Power Supply·for your projects!· Includes an LED testing terminal!
*-NEW-* SD Card Adapter·Now available!· Add extra memory to your next Propeller project with ease!
I will definitely get a forum running along with the main website. The way I am thinking of doing it is having the main website as sort of a showcase of all the "pro" projects (the ones from kids that are contributors) and an interface for people wanting to help out. The forum can be for any other kids out there on the internet who want a place to learn in an environment very (very) friendly to underage electronics experimenters.
BTW, anyone who is a contributor gets to be an admin/moderator on the forum, so if you haven't sent me an email yet and want to join, get to it
Not the fish.