oh, putting a bunch of minuses alone on a line directly after a line with text on it also creates a heading. Insert a blank line inbetween to create a separator instead (which I assume is the intended result)
@Wuerfel_21 said:
oh, putting a bunch of minuses alone on a line directly after a line with text on it also creates a heading. Insert a blank line inbetween to create a separator instead (which I assume is the intended result)
Didn't think of that one..... *Right now a hoard of screaming meemies are trying to make a mess of a young Parallaxian's yard.** So I went back and deleted the things that separate my mascot from the activity. I also updated my nag on it supposedly happening again, with the legend "Problem solved."
@AwesomeCronk said:
@"Buck Rogers" it kind of looks like you bumped the bold button halfway through.
Actually the oddest thing happened. It was caused my methods of separating routine forum commentary from a story line. And now it has been fixed, there and here. Be careful AC of those UAVs that are besieging your place.
Just had a serious freeze when writing a 30? line post. No special bold etc.
Froze for 4 minutes with getting a chance to input 1 character ever 1+ minute between. On the next opportunity I hit post. Took another 1.5 minutes to get through.
@Cluso99 said:
Just had a serious freeze when writing a 30? line post. No special bold etc.
Froze for 4 minutes with getting a chance to input 1 character ever 1+ minute between. On the next opportunity I hit post. Took another 1.5 minutes to get through.
Not acceptable - so what's happening ?
It could be the server running off to get its tea. Seriously partner, it could be almost anything.
FWIW Went off into limbo again - many many minutes before I could proceed. Today I'm on a different computer at a different site with very high speed fibre connection.
So it's definitely a problem with the forum end. Around every 30 seconds I get a message something like it's not responding and an option to click wait.
When this happens, its totally unusable for many minutes ie > 5 minutes.
I'm giving up on the forum, and therefore also on Parallax. The forum software doesn't even sort the newest posts first, I'm fed up of having to walk through page by page to find the threads that I want to see updates from. The forum went from bad to worse. The world is full of better forum software and, though not Propellers, interesting gadgets. So I go there instead.
@Tor said:
The forum software doesn't even sort the newest posts first, I'm fed up of having to walk through page by page to find the threads that I want to see updates from.
I honestly can't figure this complaint out, since it's never been my experience. Posts are arranged in reverse chronological order, newest ones first. But if you want to see posts marked "new" without any breaks between them, you have to click "Mark All Viewed" once you've read the posts you're interested in. Then, the next time you refresh the page, the "new" posts will be clustered at the top of the page.
I'm not really seeing your problem although I do have a feeling things are slightly different. But I'm still getting the new and updated threads at the top.
I have currently have two gripes
MAJOR On numerous occasions lately the response when writing a post has gone off into limbo land for in excess of 5 minutes. This has happened at multiple sites and multiple computers, so it has to be the server end. Even before the upgrade, responses were slow at times and overall slow. These latest problems have been over the past week or so and seem to be getting worse, not better - ie the 3+ minutes is now well over 5 minutes - and yes, it happened enough that I started timing it so these times are real, not feelings.
minor From my point of view, markdown is just plain wrong because it uses common ascii characters that are likely, and do, appear within posted code. Tags tend to remove this problem as they are more specific. The little icons hide the user from knowing which tags/characters are in use, but they don't hide the fact that posted text gets reinterpreted for the common ascii characters asterist, underscore, and a few others.
There are obviously other tweeks necessary to get a better visual experience but we can live with these for now.
The big problem to be solved is this response. Is it the software or the server website, or a combination of both. This needs an urgent resolution.
When a user (me) starts actually timing the non-responsiveness then something is seriously wrong!
From my point of view, markdown is just plain wrong because it uses common ascii characters that are likely, and do, appear within posted code. Tags tend to remove this problem as they are more specific.
Don't forget the issues we had with Spin subscripts using BBcode: e.g. [i]. Every formatting protocol has its issues. But as long as tags can be escaped, and stuff in code blocks is displayed as written, I'm fine with either method. I think I'd be happier with pure HTML throughout, though.
I’m getting used to the new setup on the forums however the most aggravating thing right now is the freezing up of the comment window. It isn’t too bad if the comment window contains just text but if I put in quotes, code or link in a document the comment freezes up. The ‘Post Comments’ button goes inactive and the cursor can not be moved. It seems like it gets into a save the comment loop that gets progressively longer. This makes it much harder to enter information into the comment box and then a long time for the comment to post afterwards.
I'm fairly certain the freezing has to do with the automatic draft saving.
It never freezes me for more than a second, if at all.
If the people experiencing long freezes could say something about their PC specs, browser/OS and internet connection, that could perhaps help narrow down the problem.
For example, I'm using:
AMD R1600X CPU, 16 GB RAM, NVidia GTX 980Ti GPU
Vivaldi 3.5 on Windows 7
200M/24M Vodafone cable
Trying to 'comment' to see if "freezing" happens or not. So far no freezing has happened, don't know if it's about my setup, the laws of the universe or just the 'Lorum ipsum' effect...?!
So, no freezing in my case, YMMV OWIHA (oh what I hate acronyms)
Edit: On the serious side, my setup is Win10, Chrome (latest version), MS Surface Pro 4, 8 GB RAM. 250M/20M cable
@Wuerfel_21 said:
I'm fairly certain the freezing has to do with the automatic draft saving.
It never freezes me for more than a second, if at all.
If the people experiencing long freezes could say something about their PC specs, browser/OS and internet connection, that could perhaps help narrow down the problem.
For example, I'm using:
AMD R1600X CPU, 16 GB RAM, NVidia GTX 980Ti GPU
Vivaldi 3.5 on Windows 7
200M/24M Vodafone cable
The freezing (> 5 minutes) has happened on medium size posts (< 30 lines). Some didn’t contain quotes from previous posts, nor embedded code.
It has occurred on
— Ethernet to network with direct high speed fibre connection
— Chrome 88.0.4324.150 (updated so previous release of 88)
Note NBN here is our fibre to the node, then twisted copper the last few hundred meters to the house. Speeds usually > 50Mbs
Cellular modem 4G/5G varies
down 20-90 Mbs, up 2-20 MBS
From the above, as it’s happened to me with delays in excess of 5 minutes on each of these devices and connections, with any time of day, the problem is clearly at the server end.
@AwesomeCronk said:
Does it freeze the whole device or does it just freeze the forum page?
It's the forum page. Ever 30s a popup displays a message with something like do you want to wait and you need to click wait. When the forum comes back for a split second every few minutes you can get a single character entered before it goes away again. If your lucky you can click post if you're quick enough - it only enables the post comment button for a split second so you have to be quick. But the post window is frozen so you cannot do a ctl-a ctl-c to copy your post just in case you lose it
The forum software seems not to downsize images for display before sending them but, rather, depends on the browser to do it. As a consequence, large images take forever to download for display, even though their display size fits the smaller browser screen. The forum software should downsize images to no more than 800x600 pixels before sending them with an option to click on them for a full-size display.
Note to forumistas: please downsize your images before uploading them! Until the forum software is corrected, you're doing the rest of us no favors by posting images that are 4000x3000 pixels large.
(Note that making the space bar is slightly non-obvious. If you just put a bunch of spaces into the tag, it'll collapse them and it won't work. What you need to do is this: <kbd> </kbd>)
I don't know if this has been reported before, but I just tried posting a program using the forum's code mode.
The program contained examples of using DEBUG graphical commands (found in PNut and PropTool 2.5.1).
Unfortunately the forum's code mode uses the backtick symbol to denote the starting and stopping of that mode, this is the same symbol Chip uses in his DEBUG graphical command modes. This prevents the posted code from displaying correctly.
For example: CON _clkfreq = 10_000_000 PUB go() | i debug(SCOPE MyScope SIZE 254 84 SAMPLES 128)
debug(MyScope 'Sawtooth' 0 63 64 10 %11111) repeat debug(MyScope (i & 63)) i++ waitms(50)
should really look like:
Can we change the forum software to use a different symbol for code mode? If we can't we won't be able to include DEBUG graphical examples in forum messages.
@"Francis Bauer" said:
It is a short program, I tried posting the code directly into this message, but unfortunately the tic-mark that Chip used to define the graphical DEBUG commands/routines is the same symbol that the forum's "code" format option uses, so the code won't display correctly. :-(
Works totally fine
CON _clkfreq = 100_000_000
PUB go() | a, af, b, bf, c, d, e
debug(`SCOPE MyScope SIZE 512 512)
debug(`MyScope 'FreqA' -1000 1000 100 440 15 MAGENTA)
debug(`MyScope 'FreqB' -1000 1000 100 330 15 ORANGE)
debug(`MyScope 'FreqC' -1000 1000 100 220 15 BLUE)
debug(`MyScope 'FreqD' -1000 1000 100 110 15 GREEN)
debug(`MyScope 'FreqE' -1000 1000 100 0 15 YELLOW)
debug(`MyScope TRIGGER 0 HOLDOFF 2)
a := qsin(1000, af++, 200) ' sine wave
b := qcos(1000, bf++, 201) 'cosine wave
c := (30 * b) / a ' tan = sin/cos
d := 10000 / a 'cosecant = 1/sin
e := 10000 / b ' secant = 1/cos
debug(`MyScope `(a,b,c,d,e))
So what were the steps you used to post the code? I selected the 'code' entry in the pulldown and all it did was mangle the code when I put it in? I am using the latest version of Firefox when working with this forum.
You need to triple-backtick it. The code block button defaults to single backticks, which are for inline code.
Needs to look like this:
PUB doStuff()
send("Code goes here")
send("Also why is the Spin highlighter still not in here?")
which turns into
PUB doStuff()
send("Code goes here")
send("Also why is the Spin highlighter still not in here?")
I did post a code tweak to make it default to triple backtick somewhere up in here, but it didn't get applied, so IDK. I myself just type all the formatting manually, so it doesn't actually bother me, anyways.
It' not raw HTML, it has a whitelist of tags and attributes it allows (and it also does stuff like adding
to links)Um no I did not. I also do not think I ticked the pound key to trigger things either.
Mascot away.
Oh great, it happened again. Problem solved!
oh, putting a bunch of minuses alone on a line directly after a line with text on it also creates a heading. Insert a blank line inbetween to create a separator instead (which I assume is the intended result)
Heading 1
Heading 2
Didn't think of that one..... *Right now a hoard of screaming meemies are trying to make a mess of a young Parallaxian's yard.** So I went back and deleted the things that separate my mascot from the activity. I also updated my nag on it supposedly happening again, with the legend "Problem solved."
Actually the oddest thing happened. It was caused my methods of separating routine forum commentary from a story line. And now it has been fixed, there and here. Be careful AC of those UAVs that are besieging your place.
Mascot away.
I see. Looks like maybe a legacy formatting option or something.
Just had a serious freeze when writing a 30? line post. No special bold etc.
Froze for 4 minutes with getting a chance to input 1 character ever 1+ minute between. On the next opportunity I hit post. Took another 1.5 minutes to get through.
Not acceptable - so what's happening ?
It could be the server running off to get its tea. Seriously partner, it could be almost anything.
And the mascot is back and sleeping it off.
FWIW Went off into limbo again - many many minutes before I could proceed. Today I'm on a different computer at a different site with very high speed fibre connection.
So it's definitely a problem with the forum end. Around every 30 seconds I get a message something like it's not responding and an option to click wait.
When this happens, its totally unusable for many minutes ie > 5 minutes.
I'm giving up on the forum, and therefore also on Parallax. The forum software doesn't even sort the newest posts first, I'm fed up of having to walk through page by page to find the threads that I want to see updates from. The forum went from bad to worse. The world is full of better forum software and, though not Propellers, interesting gadgets. So I go there instead.
Tor: Have a little patience as they are fixing things.
VonSzarvas: Thanks for all your work, but Search is currently useless and having the last posted date/time is threads is very useful to many of us.
Wuerfel_21: Great job with the code tweaks!
P.S.: Are you bleeping kidding me that I can't enter extra lines!
I honestly can't figure this complaint out, since it's never been my experience. Posts are arranged in reverse chronological order, newest ones first. But if you want to see posts marked "new" without any breaks between them, you have to click "Mark All Viewed" once you've read the posts you're interested in. Then, the next time you refresh the page, the "new" posts will be clustered at the top of the page.
I don't write much, but it seems threads with your own posts are always on top, then the 'new' ones.
You have to be logged in to see the new posts at the top.
I'm not really seeing your problem although I do have a feeling things are slightly different. But I'm still getting the new and updated threads at the top.
I have currently have two gripes
There are obviously other tweeks necessary to get a better visual experience but we can live with these for now.
The big problem to be solved is this response. Is it the software or the server website, or a combination of both. This needs an urgent resolution.
When a user (me) starts actually timing the non-responsiveness then something is seriously wrong!
Don't forget the issues we had with Spin subscripts using BBcode: e.g. [i]. Every formatting protocol has its issues. But as long as tags can be escaped, and stuff in code blocks is displayed as written, I'm fine with either method. I think I'd be happier with pure HTML throughout, though.
I’m getting used to the new setup on the forums however the most aggravating thing right now is the freezing up of the comment window. It isn’t too bad if the comment window contains just text but if I put in quotes, code or link in a document the comment freezes up. The ‘Post Comments’ button goes inactive and the cursor can not be moved. It seems like it gets into a save the comment loop that gets progressively longer. This makes it much harder to enter information into the comment box and then a long time for the comment to post afterwards.
I'm fairly certain the freezing has to do with the automatic draft saving.
It never freezes me for more than a second, if at all.
If the people experiencing long freezes could say something about their PC specs, browser/OS and internet connection, that could perhaps help narrow down the problem.
For example, I'm using:
AMD R1600X CPU, 16 GB RAM, NVidia GTX 980Ti GPU
Vivaldi 3.5 on Windows 7
200M/24M Vodafone cable
Trying to 'comment' to see if "freezing" happens or not. So far no freezing has happened, don't know if it's about my setup, the laws of the universe or just the 'Lorum ipsum' effect...?!

So, no freezing in my case, YMMV OWIHA (oh what I hate acronyms)
Edit: On the serious side, my setup is Win10, Chrome (latest version), MS Surface Pro 4, 8 GB RAM. 250M/20M cable
The freezing (> 5 minutes) has happened on medium size posts (< 30 lines). Some didn’t contain quotes from previous posts, nor embedded code.
It has occurred on
Note NBN here is our fibre to the node, then twisted copper the last few hundred meters to the house. Speeds usually > 50Mbs
Cellular modem 4G/5G varies
From the above, as it’s happened to me with delays in excess of 5 minutes on each of these devices and connections, with any time of day, the problem is clearly at the server end.
Does it freeze the whole device or does it just freeze the forum page?
It's the forum page. Ever 30s a popup displays a message with something like do you want to wait and you need to click wait. When the forum comes back for a split second every few minutes you can get a single character entered before it goes away again. If your lucky you can click post if you're quick enough - it only enables the post comment button for a split second so you have to be quick. But the post window is frozen so you cannot do a ctl-a ctl-c to copy your post just in case you lose it
@Cluso99 Do you have an ad/tracking blocker installed on any of these? If not, try installing uBlock Origin and see if that makes a difference
The forum software seems not to downsize images for display before sending them but, rather, depends on the browser to do it. As a consequence, large images take forever to download for display, even though their display size fits the smaller browser screen. The forum software should downsize images to no more than 800x600 pixels before sending them with an option to click on them for a full-size display.
Note to forumistas: please downsize your images before uploading them! Until the forum software is corrected, you're doing the rest of us no favors by posting images that are 4000x3000 pixels large.
Really digging those tables and kbd tags though:
(Note that making the space bar is slightly non-obvious. If you just put a bunch of spaces into the tag, it'll collapse them and it won't work. What you need to do is this:
<kbd> </kbd>
)At first glance it looks like the key name is missing, I'd recommend always having it named: (Copying your formatting)
Good point.
I don't know if this has been reported before, but I just tried posting a program using the forum's code mode.
The program contained examples of using DEBUG graphical commands (found in PNut and PropTool 2.5.1).
Unfortunately the forum's code mode uses the backtick symbol to denote the starting and stopping of that mode, this is the same symbol Chip uses in his DEBUG graphical command modes. This prevents the posted code from displaying correctly.
For example:
CON _clkfreq = 10_000_000 PUB go() | i debug(
SCOPE MyScope SIZE 254 84 SAMPLES 128)debug(
MyScope 'Sawtooth' 0 63 64 10 %11111) repeat debug(
MyScope(i & 63)) i++ waitms(50)
should really look like:
Can we change the forum software to use a different symbol for code mode? If we can't we won't be able to include DEBUG graphical examples in forum messages.
Answer from other thread:
I did post a code tweak to make it default to triple backtick somewhere up in here, but it didn't get applied, so IDK. I myself just type all the formatting manually, so it doesn't actually bother me, anyways.