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Propeller 2 Live Forum - Open learning and support (topics, speakers and registration!)



  • @rajputaman04 said:
    I would like to present but don't know the best time. Should there be a standardised/recommended best time/place?

    @rajputaman04: contact me via e-mail and let me know your idea - we'll schedule it in.

    Ken Gracey

  • @cgracey said:
    The same power pole hit two weeks in a row. Gas, liquor, EBT, deli, boat, BOOM!!! I never realized the power pole was right outside the front door.

    This did not work even in a Bond movie.... Think the operative words here seem to be liquor and boat...

  • Are there no more videos? None from last week.
    Any scheduled from this week?

  • I'm currently prepping the videos for this week for posting. Check back later today; I know this is very important to all of us!

    Ken Gracey

  • Hi

    I've looked everywhere and cannot find where you have hidden the live forum zoom videos.
    The last posted in post 1 of this thread was for January 27th two whole weeks ago.


  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2021-02-12 23:01

    @tritonium said:

    I've looked everywhere and cannot find where you have hidden the live forum zoom videos.
    The last posted in post 1 of this thread was for January 27th two whole weeks ago.


    Sorry to make you look around, Dave. We have a YouTube Playlist for the P2 Live Forum (click in the hamburger in the upper right corner to see the other videos):

    I've become too busy at Parallax and need some help, but I have no time to train anybody to help me. Sort of a management problem, I guess.

    I have posted the last two videos, but I've also fallen behind. This weekend I hope to come clean on my duties and get all of the missing videos posted! I think I'm only three or four videos behind.

    Ken Gracey

  • Hi Ken

    Thanks- appreciate times are difficult.
    I'd volunteer to come and give a hand for free if I lived in the US.


  • Thank you Ken for your efforts on these. My current employment makes attendance impossible.


  • Yes, thank you Ken. I also can't make it to most of the meetings, but it's always nice to be able to see the video afterwards.

  • @"Ken Gracey" said:

    @tritonium said:

    I've looked everywhere and cannot find where you have hidden the live forum zoom videos.
    The last posted in post 1 of this thread was for January 27th two whole weeks ago.


    Sorry to make you look around, Dave. We have a YouTube Playlist for the P2 Live Forum (click in the hamburger in the upper right corner to see the other videos):

    I've become too busy at Parallax and need some help, but I have no time to train anybody to help me. Sort of a management problem, I guess.

    I have posted the last two videos, but I've also fallen behind. This weekend I hope to come clean on my duties and get all of the missing videos posted! I think I'm only three or four videos behind.

    Ken Gracey

    Ken, Let me know how I can help.

  • First post updated to include two recent P2 Live Forum videos.

    Ken Gracey

  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2021-02-16 01:29
  • Registration link for JonnyMac's Spin2 for Beginner's Series with XBee!

    Optional materials:

    (2) XBee Series 3 PCB Antenna Low Power or (2) XBee Series 3 PCB Antenna Long Range
    (2) XBee 3.3V/5V Adapter Boards or (2) XBee SIP Adapters (or a mix of these)

    I often recommend the XBee USB Adapter for configuring the XBee modules, but it may not be necessary. All XBee modules (including the newer Series 3) are configurable by the host microcontroller. Further, the XBee Series 3 are also discoverable and configurable using an iPhone or Android phone app.

    Ken Gracey

  • PatterPatter Posts: 13
    edited 2021-02-28 07:27

    Ken, the JonnyMac Spin2 series YouTube videos are kind of long and time consuming to find the part one wants to watch for reference for the quickbits etc.
    So it's easier to find what people are looking for, would you like to post the time stamps for the videos? I have them if you want them.

  • There is a way to add chapters:
    But who should/can do this. For sure not Ken. It's timeconsuming.

  • Time stamping is a work in progress. It has been happening from oldest video to newest. It will catch up to the current week soon.

  • @dnalor Thanks for the link. Will implement that.

  • I'm just saying, I watched all the the JonnyMac series videos 2 -7 on YouTube and recorded the timestamps for myself. I was just offering them because maybe someone else wants to save themselves about 15 hours of viewing to get them. That would mean about 10 minutes of work for whoever posts them to those videos. If someone has the interest and access to do that with these timestamps I'm offering them. Otherwise doesn't matter to me. I already have them.

  • For example:
    JonnyMac SPIN 2 :Beginner Series - XBee Series 3 RF Communication and Object
    0:00 Preliminaries
    2:40 Unzipping or unarchiving the files recommendations
    4:30 Objects are used in commercial applications
    8:00 intro to XBee
    15:30 XBee Frequency Use
    16:50 XBee Network - Channels and Personal Area Networks
    19:30 Story about Xbee use in lasertag
    25:45 XCTU (XBee configuration and and Test Utility)
    36:30 Inprecise Baud rate issue with XBee
    37:30 Transparent Mode
    40:40 XCTU
    44:15 troubleshooting Roys Xbee frequency configuration issue
    47:40 demonstration of XBee terminals communicating
    51:10 Program1- xbee_transparent
    58:28 PST XBee communication demo
    59:55 Question about IO pin declarations in program
    1:02:08 Ken's XBee Demo
    1:08:20 API Mode
    1:09:12 API Mode frame format breakdown
    1:13:30 XBee api1 Program
    1:24:34 XBee AT_Reader Program and PST demonstration
    1:26:42 XBee remote node Program
    1:34:50 Millisecond interval routine in seperate cog
    1:37:25 Using XCTU frame generator
    1:41:15 demonstration of frame generator
    1:45:00 Packet sniffer for XBee - Texas instruments CC2531 evaluation module kit, John Titus "The Hands-on XBee Lab Manual"
    1:49:00 Another XBee frame generation example in XCTU
    1:57:00 Remote AT example with, ghost EMF prop
    2:04:10 Question about transparent mode
    2:06:20 Kens demonstration of his robotic boat transmitting XBee data 10 miles

  • Thanks Patter, That is very helpful.

  • PatterPatter Posts: 13
    edited 2021-03-03 08:08

    In that case:

    Program files available at:

    December 30th Holiday Pin2 Kit Programming Series Part2 : Quadrature Encoder
    0:00 Starts with meeting preliminaries
    5:35 P2 Architecture Review
    8:20 Spin2 Generalities Review
    11:00 Spin2 Object Orientation
    11:20 Accessing constants in other objects
    11:45 Using methods to return variables
    12:05 Spin2 Best Practices: Use Templates, outline program with empty methods, Test independently
    14:30 Spin2 Essentials: max return values, loops use repeat, Condition evalutation IF/Else & Case
    17:05 SPIN2 Style: Naming and case, block indenting
    19:00 Quadrature Encoder: Use and types
    22:30 Quadrature Encoder Signal & Phases
    25:15 Quadrature ENcoder A-Pin monitoring: determining direction encoder is turning
    28:50 Quadrature Spin Code Preliminaries: review constants, clocking constants, enumerated constants, wiring colors for quad pins, setting terminal types
    34:40 Setting #true and #false constants
    35:30 JM_ansi object for ansi terminal reference
    36:30 Going over rest of Spin code
    40:00 Running spin2 code into a new Cog: Cogspin()
    41:20 quadrature monitoring loop
    44:45 using system counter: getct() & waitct(), running loop on a schedule
    46:50 multiplying and dividing by two with bit shifts
    49:45 testing encoder with Parallax Serial Terminal (PST)
    50:45 Determining how long a section of code takes to execute
    59:00 Question about encoder when checking A every time it goes high
    1:01:40 Question about prop-plug not being recognized: everyone tries to troubleshoot it
    1:06:50 Program run in FlexProp for Ansi output red for negative numbers green for positive
    1:09:00 Putty terminal
    1:11:00 Launching a PASM cog and encoder reading in PASM
    1:19:10 How to know when to use pointer as opposed to a direct variable
    1:21:08 Spin2 optimization of encoder routine
    1:22:00 Debouncing encoders: schmidt triggers or digital filters
    1:25:35 A/B monitoring Spin2
    1:30:00 A/B monitoring PAS
    1:32:10 Smart Pins
    1:37:40 Reading Quadrature encoder with smart pins in Spin2
    1:48:50 Min operator #> and Max operator <:#
    1:52:45 Old way to eliminate debouncing from encoder button
    1:54:45 Running smart pin example in PST
    1:58:15 "Wayne the brain", multiple paramaters for an encoder to control a menu with encoder
    1:59:50 pixel encoder code and demo
    2:06:00 Encoder menu rollover challenge
    2:08:00 Using the encoder to talk to processing, using encoder to transmit +, _ and *
    2:13:00 Processing program example, simple robot controlled by encoder
    2:17:00 speculating how to use more encoders than the P2 has smartpins for
    2:18:40 question of how to use smartpins to track stepper motor direction
    2:23:00 quadrature pixel Demo 4 run in FlexProp
    2:25:15 using hall sensor to give a similar signal as a quadrature encoder for position sensing.
    2:29:00 Wrap up
    2:33:50 Dip switch explanation for P2 Edge

  • PatterPatter Posts: 13
    edited 2021-03-03 08:08

    Program files available at:

    Jonny Mac Beginnner Programming Series Part3: I2C and the LCD

    0:00 Preliminaries
    3:40 I2C prevalence discussion, I2C device types and uses.
    5:50 Encouragement to write your own objects
    6:30 I2C history and basic description
    12:10 Comparison to SPI
    14:45 Clock stretch
    15:55 Elements of an I2C Transaction
    19:05 I2C Transaction Diagram
    22:00 I2C Control Byte or I2C address elements
    24:30 Question about misbehaving I2C devices
    26:10 I2C transaction capture
    30:50 I2C program 1 in propeller tool
    31:30 Scanning I2C bus to identify what is connected
    35:00 Going over I2C object pullup configuration
    37:20 Using assembly routines to slow down P2 for I2C
    39:15 Checking if a known address exists on the bus
    40:00 Routine to wait for slave device to finish
    41:00 PST and Wiring connection discussion
    42:45 Going over device identification loop routine and subroutine and PST readout
    44:30 LCD program 1, PCf8574 & mcp3208
    47:00 Rules for sending signals to LCDs, I2C is more complicated than direct connection but works for most I2C LCDs
    48:30 Lcd pcf8574 object code
    52:52 Program 2 code
    57:50 LCD over I2C demo
    58:50 Program3
    1:00:00 Last weeks quadrature encoder rollover challenge answer explanation
    1:03:13 Quadrature scrolling through ASCII charactores and rollover on LCD screen demo
    1:07:25 Back to program 3 explanation
    1:11:15 Program 4 LCD Pixel I2C object
    1:15:00 Costume demo with ws2811 pixel strips, mapping virtual stripes to groups of pixels
    1:18:30 Pixel channell modification
    1:20:50 Pixel I2C encoder demo
    1:27:30 LCD Pixel encoder Program 4 explanation
    1:37:15 DS3231 RTC interface code explanation and PST demo Real time clock and temperature
    1:53:30 Writing and reading AT24C32 EEProm
    2:02:30 Issues with using different I2C devices.
    2:05:00 Discussion of new topics to learn such as SPI in the future. PWM management with a cog and smartpins. Click mdules.
    2:09:50 Terminal formatting with %(number).(number)x printf style formatting.
    2:16:00 Using johnny macs pasm drivers in C
    2:21:45 Demonstration of Roy's christmas tree of RGB led rings programmed in C
    2:22:20 Discussion of processing demo on Denis' Mac
    2:25:00 Discussion of usefulness of HiLetGo $13 logic analyzer from Amazon
    2:31:00 Back to processing discussion
    2:35:00 Discussion of value of P2
    2:36:28 Robot Ballet demo
    2:41:00 Recommendations for beginners to obtain and use drivers and getting started with p2
    2:54:00 Statement on Quickbytes by ken
    2:56:00 Discussion about what to offer people new to microcontrollers to learn the P2

  • PatterPatter Posts: 13
    edited 2021-03-03 08:07

    Program files available at:

    Jonny Mac Beginner Programming Series Part 4 1-Wire Temperature Sensor

    0:00 Question answer about a pointer in Spin2
    2:45 Preliminaries, Code is on the Forums
    7:55 Basic 1-Wire overview
    11:45 Elements of a 1-Wire Transaction
    12:45 Reset Timing
    14:25 False pulldown checking
    15:30 Scope trace of reset
    16:15 Write slot timing
    17:12 Read slot timing
    18:00 1-Wire transaction capture
    19:47 Breadboard wiring diagram
    21:20 Question about whether you can tell how many 1-wire devices with reset pulse.
    22:10 Demo 1 code overview, activating pullup in software
    29:05 Running program on PST
    30:20 Dealing with a users lesson files extraction issue. Finding the files on the forum
    33:10 Program 1a (includes some assembly routines)
    34:40 Third version, runs continuously, discussion of various 1-wire devices
    36:50 1-wire connection adapter
    38:00 Discussion of iButton and 1-wire devices
    42:20 Reading the temperature sensor
    44:00 Temperature sensor datasheet overview
    44:30 Temperature sensor driver code overview
    45:00 Section that uses the object for serial number reader
    46:27 Temperature reading routine
    49:50 Formatting and displaying temperature
    52:00 Disconnecting device and shorting signal with ground
    53:30 Addressing individual sensors.
    1:05:00 Discussion of Program 4 displaying temperature to LCD
    1:07:00 Open to questions
    1:08:00 Boosting voltage or using booster pullup to deal with multiple parasitic devices.
    1:13:00 Discussion of 1-button uses
    1:15:00 1-button security discussion
    1:19:00 Discussion of future plans
    1:22:00 Speculation of how to use processing with the P2
    1:25:00 New LED Display MAX721 for the SPI lesson

  • Really important to have this link on top of all the timestamps for all of these videos. It wasn't in any of the videos until this one.

    Program files at:

    JonnyMac Beginner Programming Series Part 5 for SPI - Interfacing the MAX7219

    0:00 Introduction
    3:00 Hardware requirements
    5:00 Jon McPhalen information
    6:00 Beginning of SPI talk, overview of SPI
    9:00 SPI connections
    11:45 Daisy chained configuration
    16:40 SPI Configuration, clock polarity and clock phase
    18:50 SPI on P2- Spin2, PASM2, Smart Pins
    19:35 3 Pin configuration
    23:50 Correction on resister for 3 Pin configuration
    25:20 SPI Modes
    26:50 SPI transaction capture
    29:30 MAX7219 display
    32:00 Demonstration on display
    36:00 Program overview and how MAX7219 works
    1:04:00 Program 2 overview with Assembly and passing clockspeed
    1:12:50 Program 3 overview - using Smartpins to drive SPI
    1:21:40 Smartpin SPI example. reading humity and temperature and displaying.
    1:29:40 Reading from the flash.
    1:39:40 Running flash reading program in PST
    1:44:40 Wear leveling flash discussion
    1:47:00 Question about whats on the flash from factory
    1:49:40 Discussion about flash file system object for the future
    1:54:00 Flash reading with smart pins
    2:00:00 Flash explorer - for reading and writing flash
    2:08:00 Questions: applications for writing to flash
    2:12:00 Getting code to appear in the forum

  • PatterPatter Posts: 13
    edited 2021-03-03 08:07

    Program files available at:

    JonnyMac Beginner Programming Series Part 5 for SPI - Interfacing the MAX7219

    0:00 Introduction
    3:00 Hardware requirements
    5:00 Jon McPhalen information
    6:00 Beginning of SPI talk, overview of SPI
    9:00 SPI connections
    11:45 Daisy chained configuration
    16:40 SPI Configuration, clock polarity and clock phase
    18:50 SPI on P2- Spin2, PASM2, Smart Pins
    19:35 3 Pin configuration
    23:50 Correction on resister for 3 Pin configuration
    25:20 SPI Modes
    26:50 SPI transaction capture
    29:30 MAX7219 display
    32:00 Demonstration on display
    36:00 Program overview and how MAX7219 works
    1:04 Program 2 overview with Assembly and passing clockspeed
    1:12:50 Program 3 overview - using Smartpins to drive SPI
    1:21:40 Smartpin SPI example. reading humity and temperature and displaying.
    1:29:40 Reading from the flash.
    1:39:40 Running flash reading program in PST
    1:44:40 Wear leveling flash discussion
    1:47:00 Question about whats on the flash from factory
    1:49:40 Discussion about flash file system object for the future
    1:54:00 Flash reading with smart pins
    2:00:00 Flash explorer - for reading and writing flash
    2:08:00 Questions: applications for writing to flash
    2:12:00 Getting code to appear in the forum

  • PatterPatter Posts: 13
    edited 2021-03-03 08:10

    Program files available at:

    JM Beginner Programming Series Part 6 - Asynchronous Serial Commuication

    0:00 Preliminaries
    3:10 Overview of Asynchronous Serial
    9:25 TTL Serial, Polarity, RS-232 Levels, Parity
    14:00 Serial on the P2, using Spin2, PASM2 and Smart Pins
    18:20 Serial Byte (8N1) Diagram, converting baud rate to clocks and serialization of data, start and stop bits
    25:03 Reading Logic Analyzer example
    27:00 Full Duplex example
    27:24 Two Serial Half Duplex example
    27:55 Serial Open Drain Half Duplex multiple device example
    29:55 DMX (Serial TX over RS-485)
    33:55 DMX use example - Stranger Things Christmas light board, Disney Haunted mansion
    42:35 MODBUS (Serial TX/RX Over RS-485)
    43:55 Propeller tool with debug update
    44:50 Program 1a P2 example
    59:15 Running program
    1:00:00 Program 1b PASM
    1:09:45 Smartpins Full Duplex Program
    1:22:30 Custom Serial DMX Program
    1:27:30 Chauvet DMX demonstration
    1:29:00 flycam controller P1 serial program example, bytemove example
    1:34:05 Flex prop reorders variables Spin2 doesn't
    1:34:40 Program3 overview with bytemoves
    1:39:50 Program 3 PST demo
    1:41:00 Cyclic Redundancy Check code in micro flycam code
    1:42:50 Endianness of bytes being sent with bytemove
    1:45:00 John showing video of FlyCam and discussion of the project
    2:11:50 Wrap up

  • Hi @Patter

    Thank you so much for sharing all those timestamps.

    Being in Europe I'm in the group of people rarely able to watch live, and rarely having enough time to catch up later. The timestamps really do help.

  • Your welcome.

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