Hi, I've imported the Editor and Syntax highlighter classes from SimpleIDE.
Spin text should be pretty now (background shading is not a first cut requirement).
Looks good on Mac OS X, so far!
Is it just me or does the IDE seem to load much quicker than SimpleIDE (not sure why it would, but it's almost instantaneous for small projects, after the compile)?
Is it just me or does the IDE seem to load much quicker than SimpleIDE (not sure why it would, but it's almost instantaneous for small projects, after the compile)?
It's still too slow for me
I'm looking at some performance issues and will push some changes soon.
Your plans for the loader/terminal all-in-one deal sounds great! I've often been frustrated by the PropTool/Serial Terminal "safety dance". It also means that the IDE doesn't need to do anything with serial or loading internally other than telling the loader/terminal "hey load this here thing I made" and maybe "let me know when it's loaded". Perhaps, additionally the loader/terminal could eventually also have debugging stuff? Seems like it could be pretty sweet.
Perhaps as a solution to integrating with the IDE we can open a socket between the IDE and the loader/terminal in order to have them sort of "integrate" that way. I say socket because I think that's the most cross platform way to do interprocess communication that doesn't suck. If someone has a better idea, please share.
I don't object to needing propgcc to build stuff. I didn't understand the need for it before, or the great plans involved. I do hope that it will be possible (if not already) to build the loader/terminal only, without needing to build the whole propgcc project.
... but someone that wants to test the app now ...
I wanted to get a feel for what Qt5 was all about, so I decided to compile the exiting code, just too see what I was getting. I thought that the loader part was part of openspin, but too my discovery it is not, and that is why I started to ask questions as to how or what was needed too make it work. I do not want see a line drawn in the sand about this, if I am posting my results too early then I will stop.
I am also realizing that maybe a quick and dirty Propeller IDE Lite is needed for the Linux side, and that is why I was dissappointed when I found out that propeller-load is not working on the Linux side. So, I guess I will stop posting about my build results, just let me know when the real testing begins.
[QUOTE=Rsadeika;1245127... and that is why I was dissappointed when I found out that propeller-load is not working on the Linux side. So, I guess I will stop posting about my build results, just let me know when the real testing begins.
I don't think that propeller-load is NOT working on Linux, just that it appears to be problematic in getting it onto a Linux system (I see that C.W. is having issues as well!). I'm sure that can be simplified!
3) Now you can install quazip from the testing release with:
$ apt-get install libquazip0-dev/testing
Alternatively grab the quazip source and build it. It small and quick. Unlike messing with apt source and such it minimizes the chance or wrecking your Debian install.
Running now on Debian Linux, new features looking good here as well!
One thing to note. When running the app from within QTCreator, I'm not able to upload compiled code to my Activity Board because it tells me I don't have permissions. So, running the IDE via "sudo" from the command-line works, but that does not bode well for debugging from within QTCreator.
I suppose I can run QTCreator via "sudo" or change my user permissions, but wouldn't it be nice if it just worked as a standard user?
Thanks dgately, I just tried yor suggestion about going to the command line and starting PropellerIDE as Superuser, all works fine, loads and runs my blinker.spin program. In the latest clone that I just did I do not see any line numbers, does youur version have line numbers?
Thanks dgately, I just tried yor suggestion about going to the command line and starting PropellerIDE as Superuser, all works fine, loads and runs my blinker.spin program. In the latest clone that I just did I do not see any line numbers, does youur version have line numbers?
Yes, it has line numbers. You need to update your repository like this:
1. Quit QTCreator
2. In a terminal, go to the directory where the IDE source is stored:
$ cd easyside
$ hg pull
$ hg update
3. Relaunch QTCreator
4. Open the project again and use the Build menu to "Clean Project EzIDE"
5. Rebuild the project whatever way you normally do
Should just work... (what we always said at work even if we were unsure )
I think some items regarding installation and support need added to the requirements.
Installation by 'normal' users seems to be an afterthought, just like documentation on many projects.
Since this is going to be an official 'Open Propeller Project' I think it is in the best interest of Parallax to plan early on how this will be presented and supported.
There are a lot of talented people working on this, but it can be hard for them to see things through the eyes of a typical end user.
I'm picturing the end user as a parent that has a junior high aged child that what to learn about microcontrollers.
Unless this parent is an IT support type person I doubt they want to be doing any command line gymnastics to get the IDE running.
I think this needs to be an ongoing part of the project from this point forward because if any of the dependencies are going to be issues then we need to seek alternatives early on.
Does anyone really expect beginners to use Linux with the prop?
Did you follow these instructions?
1. Unpack SimpleIDE with $ tar -xjf SimpleIDE-packagename.bz2
2. Change directory $ cd SimpleIDE-version.
3. Setup with $ sudo ./setup.sh $USER (or use root $ ./setup.sh username)
4. SimpleIDE workspace:
a. Remove ~/Documents/SimpleIDE to get a new copy of the workspace.
b. On first run ./simpleide will install ~/Documents/SimpleIDE files.
5. Previous users should remove the ~/.config/ParallaxInc/SimpleIDE.conf file.
1. Run with $ ./simpleide
2. SimpleIDE Compiler Properties should have:
a. Compiler /opt/parallax/bin
b. Loader path /opt/parallax/propeller-load
c. Workspace ~/Documents/SimpleIDE
3. SimpleIDE should start with the Welcome.c demo
It isn't that way in the install.txt file that is part of the package.
I'll try it.
Got an error:
Action "chris" not recognized.
I looked at the .sh file, the options are just for action and target, those being install/uninstall and propellergcc/simpleide nothing about a user name.
$ sudo tar -xjvf SimpleIDE-0-9-43.x86_64.zicog-linux.tar.bz2
$ sudo cd SimpleIDE-0-9-43/
$ sudo ./setup.sh
$ sudo chmod +x simpleide
Run thusly:
So easy.
It 0.9.43 not the latest verson as Parallax puts, 0.9.45 out so the setup script does not put simplide in your /user/bin. Which it should not do anyway!
I'll be building a new Simple IDE for 64 bit Debian...
Debian box.
I just did another download of the clone, compiled it, and did a test run. Everything is working as expected, line numbers and the debug window are there. I created a PropellerIDE folder, moved propeller-load, openspin, and PropellerIDE there, and I start PropellerIDE in a terminal window as a superuser. Can a script file be created to change all the necessary permissions on the files so it can be run as a normal user? At this point I think I have a Propeller IDE Lite that I can use, sure would be nice if I could get propgcc to work with this setup.:-)
You're right. Here's the correct text for the package. Sorry for the confusion.
$ cat INSTALL.txt
SimpleIDE Linux Installation
The Simple IDE is designed for building Propeller-GCC programs.
SimpleIDE is distributed for Mac, Linux, and Windows.
Linux Packaging:
Linux packages are primitive at the moment and will be changed to use the
typical packager tools for the platform. The current package includes a
setup script and supporting shared libraries. If you are missing items from
the system required by SimpleIDE you can use the ldd tool to find out what
you need, I.E. $ ldd SimpleIDE
The 32-bit package is known to work with 32-bit versions of Ubuntu 13.10
without any extra dependencies. Earlier versions of Ubuntu may have
intermittent communications problems with FT-231X based boards. A 32-bit
package may work on 64-bit versions, but will require extra packages to
execute. Some 64-bit packages may be available later.
These instructions are written with SimpleIDE-0-9-45 in mind, but also apply
version numbers greater than 0-9-45.
1. Unpack SimpleIDE with $ tar -xjf SimpleIDE-0-9-45-i686-linux.bz2
2. Change directory $ cd SimpleIDE-0-9-45.
3. Setup with $ sudo ./setup.sh
4. SimpleIDE workspace:
a. Remove ~/Documents/SimpleIDE to get a new copy of the workspace.
b. On first run ./simpleide will install ~/Documents/SimpleIDE files.
5. Previous users should remove the ~/.config/ParallaxInc/SimpleIDE.conf file.
1. Run with the command 'simpleide'
2. SimpleIDE should start with the Welcome.c demo
The SimpleIDE User Guide can be found in Program Help Menu.
The SimpleIDE Simple Library help can be found in Program Help Menu.
Parallax Education site: http://learn.parallax.com
Propeller-C Tutorial site: http://learn.parallax.com/propeller-c
PropellerGCC site address is: http://www.parallax.com/propellergcc
PropellerGCC source site address is: http://www.parallax.com/propgcc
SimpleIDE source site address is: https://code.google.com/p/propside
The release branch is 'spinside' not 'default'. To get the release
branch one must use mercurial command $ hg update spinside
PropellerGCC is a GNU GCC OpenSource project released according to GPLV3.
PropellerGCC does not require your application to be GPL.
| Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Parallax, Inc.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
| End of License Agreement.
Is it possible to get around the superuser issue under Linux by adding yourself to some group in /etc/group? It used to be "uucp" but I'm not sure if that's still true.
$ sudo tar -xjvf SimpleIDE-0-9-43.x86_64.zicog-linux.tar.bz2
$ sudo cd SimpleIDE-0-9-43/
$ sudo ./setup.sh
$ sudo chmod +x simpleide
Run thusly:
So easy.
It 0.9.43 not the latest verson as Parallax puts, 0.9.45 out so the setup script does not put simplide in your /user/bin. Which it should not do anyway!
I'll be building a new Simple IDE for 64 bit Debian...
Thanks Heater, I could do that, but I think that version is pre-OPENSPIN.
If I get it running or not isn't really as important as the point that these tools have got to have clean simple installs if they are to be used by 'normal' people.
I realize PropellerIDE is not at the deployment stage, but the issue needs to be considered as part of the development.
Is it possible to get around the superuser issue under Linux by adding yourself to some group in /etc/group? It used to be "uucp" but I'm not sure if that's still true.
Running now on Debian Linux, new features looking good here as well!
One thing to note. When running the app from within QTCreator, I'm not able to upload compiled code to my Activity Board because it tells me I don't have permissions. So, running the IDE via "sudo" from the command-line works, but that does not bode well for debugging from within QTCreator.
I suppose I can run QTCreator via "sudo" or change my user permissions, but wouldn't it be nice if it just worked as a standard user?
What version of Debian are you running, is it a VM?
I'm running 7.4.0 amd64 on VirtualBox.
I found that if I have 3D acceleration enabled Qt5 creator locks up the desktop when I close it, does not happen if I have 3D Acceleration off.
I saw a few references to Qt5 dialogs having issues in gnome3.
Hi, I have it running on my ubuntu64, and also on my odroid u3.
I use this this file in /etc/udev/rules.d, please changed to suit you. remove .txt at the end. The numbers in it are for mine usbplug. You can get them in dmesg when you plug the usb in.
Looks good on Mac OS X, so far!
Is it just me or does the IDE seem to load much quicker than SimpleIDE (not sure why it would, but it's almost instantaneous for small projects, after the compile)?
It's still too slow for me
I'm looking at some performance issues and will push some changes soon.
Your plans for the loader/terminal all-in-one deal sounds great! I've often been frustrated by the PropTool/Serial Terminal "safety dance". It also means that the IDE doesn't need to do anything with serial or loading internally other than telling the loader/terminal "hey load this here thing I made" and maybe "let me know when it's loaded". Perhaps, additionally the loader/terminal could eventually also have debugging stuff? Seems like it could be pretty sweet.
Perhaps as a solution to integrating with the IDE we can open a socket between the IDE and the loader/terminal in order to have them sort of "integrate" that way. I say socket because I think that's the most cross platform way to do interprocess communication that doesn't suck. If someone has a better idea, please share.
I don't object to needing propgcc to build stuff. I didn't understand the need for it before, or the great plans involved. I do hope that it will be possible (if not already) to build the loader/terminal only, without needing to build the whole propgcc project.
Installing on Win7 is easy, Linux, not so much...
I'm just trying to get SimpleIDE installed on Debian 7/64 since that will install PropGCC and give me SimpleIDE to play with.
So the plan was install SimpleIDE and then install PropellerIDE.
Does anyone really expect beginners to use Linux with the prop? They will give up before they get anywhere close to actually using the prop.
I started with a clean VM install of Debian 7.4.0-amd64
Installed SimpleIDE from:
Added my user to the sudoers file.
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ia32-libs
now getting the libquazip.so.1 error
no joy finding an install for libquazip...
Does it really need to be this bad?
I am also realizing that maybe a quick and dirty Propeller IDE Lite is needed for the Linux side, and that is why I was dissappointed when I found out that propeller-load is not working on the Linux side. So, I guess I will stop posting about my build results, just let me know when the real testing begins.
I don't think that propeller-load is NOT working on Linux, just that it appears to be problematic in getting it onto a Linux system (I see that C.W. is having issues as well!). I'm sure that can be simplified!
Not to derail this thread, but take a look at some previous posts where Heater was bringing-up tinyJS on Linux. His attempts to build SimpleIDE on Linux are well-documented in this thread: http://forums.parallax.com/showthread.php/147256-Trying-to-build-TinyJS-for-the-Prop.
I hope this helps!
At 2:24 PM I opened IceWeasel on my Debian VM
Searched for Arduino, went to the site downloaded arduino-1.0.5-linux64.tqz
Extracted in place from the Downloads window.
Went to the arduino-1.0.5 folder, double clicked "arduino", clicked run.
Boom! I'm running the tool!
Self discover the "Upload" icon by hovering over the icons.
Spend 5 minutes looking for the USB cable, plug it in.
Windows installs a device driver.
In Virtual Box: Devices>USB Devices: Click on Arduino(www.arduino.cc) [0001]
Windows installs another device driver.
Try clicking the Upload icon, fails with "Serial port 'COM1' not found.
A little web searching.
Tools>Serial Port is greyed out.
Based on searching I can add user to a couple groups to fix, or just run from command window for now as sudo ./arduino...
Run it using sudo
Tool>Serial: Click /dev/ttyA CM 0
Click Upload Icon.
Boom! Demo running on UNO
Total time: 15 minutes.
We need to get the prop tools working this easily.
Thanks, I'll look at those.
Bottom line is, if someone wants something called 'Simple' they very like don't actually want to have to compile it themselves.
You can install quazip the Debian way (but I prefer my own way, see below):
1) Edit your /etc/apt/sources.list and add a line that references the "testing" release of Debian. For example I have:
deb http://ftp.fi.debian.org/debian/ testing main contrib non-free
2) Do an apt-get update.
3) Now you can install quazip from the testing release with: Alternatively grab the quazip source and build it. It small and quick. Unlike messing with apt source and such it minimizes the chance or wrecking your Debian install.
Download quazip from here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/quazip/
Then: It's not so bad. Might be better if the installer checked for the existence libquazip and used it's own version if there isn't one.
Running now on Debian Linux, new features looking good here as well!
One thing to note. When running the app from within QTCreator, I'm not able to upload compiled code to my Activity Board because it tells me I don't have permissions. So, running the IDE via "sudo" from the command-line works, but that does not bode well for debugging from within QTCreator.
I suppose I can run QTCreator via "sudo" or change my user permissions, but wouldn't it be nice if it just worked as a standard user?
Yes, it has line numbers. You need to update your repository like this:
Should just work... (what we always said at work even if we were unsure
Actually there is something very odd going on here. quazip is part of the SimpleIDE package. Itgets put in /opt/simpleide/bin/
However I can't run SimpleIDE at all on this 64 bit Debian machine. Just down loaded a new package, unpacked it and ran setup.
Then I get: Weird. The file is there. It has permissions it. It will not run.
Well, thanks for trying.
Maybe we should start a different thread for Linux install issues.
I imagine most of the things that are issues with SimpleIDE will be the same for PropellerIDE.
Installation by 'normal' users seems to be an afterthought, just like documentation on many projects.
Since this is going to be an official 'Open Propeller Project' I think it is in the best interest of Parallax to plan early on how this will be presented and supported.
There are a lot of talented people working on this, but it can be hard for them to see things through the eyes of a typical end user.
I'm picturing the end user as a parent that has a junior high aged child that what to learn about microcontrollers.
Unless this parent is an IT support type person I doubt they want to be doing any command line gymnastics to get the IDE running.
I think this needs to be an ongoing part of the project from this point forward because if any of the dependencies are going to be issues then we need to seek alternatives early on.
Did you follow these instructions?
Please do.
David Carrier wrote the current installer. I'm sure he would be happy to help iron out the rough spots.
One issue that has not been addressed yet is building 64-bit versions for popular platforms. That will fix a lot of frustrations.
It isn't that way in the install.txt file that is part of the package.
I'll try it.
Got an error:
Action "chris" not recognized.
I looked at the .sh file, the options are just for action and target, those being install/uninstall and propellergcc/simpleide nothing about a user name.
Perhaps you would like to try the SimpleIDE package for 64 bit Debian I made a little while ago?
Download SimpleIDE for Debian Wheezy 64 bit from here:
Install thusly: Run thusly:
So easy.
It 0.9.43 not the latest verson as Parallax puts, 0.9.45 out so the setup script does not put simplide in your /user/bin. Which it should not do anyway!
I'll be building a new Simple IDE for 64 bit Debian...
The INSTALL.txt in the Parallax download of SimpleIDE do not say that. They day: "Setup with $ sudo ./setup.sh"
It then talks about ~/Documents/SimpleIDE which I do not have an do not want. So I have no idea where the config goes.
Anyway, it won't run on 64 bit Debian without installing multi-arch and such.
I just did another download of the clone, compiled it, and did a test run. Everything is working as expected, line numbers and the debug window are there. I created a PropellerIDE folder, moved propeller-load, openspin, and PropellerIDE there, and I start PropellerIDE in a terminal window as a superuser. Can a script file be created to change all the necessary permissions on the files so it can be run as a normal user? At this point I think I have a Propeller IDE Lite that I can use, sure would be nice if I could get propgcc to work with this setup.:-)
You're right. Here's the correct text for the package. Sorry for the confusion.
Thanks Heater, I could do that, but I think that version is pre-OPENSPIN.
If I get it running or not isn't really as important as the point that these tools have got to have clean simple installs if they are to be used by 'normal' people.
I realize PropellerIDE is not at the deployment stage, but the issue needs to be considered as part of the development.
The 'dialout' group ...
What version of Debian are you running, is it a VM?
I'm running 7.4.0 amd64 on VirtualBox.
I found that if I have 3D acceleration enabled Qt5 creator locks up the desktop when I close it, does not happen if I have 3D Acceleration off.
I saw a few references to Qt5 dialogs having issues in gnome3.
I use this this file in /etc/udev/rules.d, please changed to suit you. remove .txt at the end. The numbers in it are for mine usbplug. You can get them in dmesg when you plug the usb in.
Note: the install is "./setup $USER" not the Parallax release style.
Thanks Heater, I'll give it a try.
Update: No Joy...
How on God's Green Earth does anyone every get anything done on Linux...
Now I get an error about needing GLIBC_2.14, ldd --version shows I have 2.13...