I had a couple people contact me (I'm honored, guys) if I had an good idea of where winning materials could be directed.
I rent my house from a mennonite family with a 12 year old boy. His name is Jerry. He's probably the most polite 12 year old I've ever met. He's matured very quickly in his young years due to a serious heart condition which he has had to deal with for the last few years in surgeries and the like. Anyway, last month, I stop in to pay my rent and find him playing with a few pieces of one of those snap together electronics kits and tells me that he's trying to convince mom to help him get a replacement transistor piece as he's fried it. Mom thinks all this electronics stuff is just foolishness so she hasn't been convinced. I explain to him that the transistor itself is a penny part and that the replacement snap together piece (glued together) really probably isn't worth it and then explain what breadboarding is. So this month, as I continue to clean out the basement ship and organize Propellerpowered, I've been setting aside pieces materials for him.
If you guys want to contribute stuff this direction, I'd like to re-route it to him. There's some catches.. The family doesn't believe in having an Internet connection, so supporting materials have to be .pdf or in printed form. (They do have a computer) The materials should probably be BASIC stamp compatible as it's a good starting point.
Again, I'm honored that you guys think so highly of me, and I'm pleased to have a good answer for this. You can PM me for an address if needed. Thanks guys.
Sounds like this will be good for him:
555-28188 Homework Board
Consider it committed. I'm assuming the computer has a CD, or you have two or twelve hanging around. I'll fill up a CD with all the new downloads and send it to you.
Accepting the Duane Degn Unsung Hero award will be..........?????
My internet died right after yesterday's "45 minutes left" post. It just recently was fixed.
I have to question the sanity of any judge of a contest where I win over kuroneko (or anyone else on idbruce's list).
Just for those who would like to make up songs to sing my praises, I should mention "Degn" is pronounced "Dane". Growning up with "Duane Dane" as a name I can assure you I've had many songs made up about me. Though I can't recall any that were to sing my praises.
Much of what I've learned about the Propeller and about electronics in general comes from reading these forums for the past few years. I'm frequently amazed at how helpful so many of you are. Thanks.
I can only plead insanity and "contest fever". I didn't even want to win, but my fingers were flying so fast on the keyboard that I couldn't remember who I had already nominated, who needed nominatin', and who was "too obvious" and overqualified ... It's like auction fever on EBay!
Well-deserved kudos to the winners and everyone named. I forget... did I already say "They're all winners today" ?
That threw me off too. I'm a big fan of your machine vision project, but after Erco nominated you I figured I should look around for some other nominees.
Hey everybody -
Remember that even though you may not have won a "big prize", all of you that submitted are entitled to an S2 Badge Kit - so I think I'm missing a few names - EMAIL (not PM) me with a mailing address and we'll get those out later this week.
I am really beginning to think that Matt has a BIG dislike for me because he has never answered a question that I asked him directly within a thread and after checking the mailbox numerous times, I have finally come to the conclusion that my prize just isn't coming.
Oh well, I guess he has his reasons, but I still think he is a likeable guy anyhow.
Bruce! Nothing could be further from the truth. Everything should have already gone out but I'm gonna follow up right now - I'll figure out where I dropped the ball and fix it.
actually, the only person here that I don't really care for is erco
In fact...would any of you that have not received your prizes, please EMAIL me with your shipping address again so I can double check that they went out - some of you PM'd me - don't do that -Email is preferred!
Thanks :-)
I love everybody here except that plywood guy - him I mostly just tolerate
The prize/shipping list has been on (person's name deleted for their protection) desk for a week now - we're just swamped in that sales (-oops,did I say that out loud?) department- plus he/she/it was sick as well. Prizes may go out today, (but I'd say Monday is more realistic).
Sorry for the delay - but hey, they're free prizes :thumb:
UPDATE: Just be given new information - shipping today :-)
Apparently the people Matt likes got theirs yesterday.
Back when I sold Lego online, I had a Priority package take 32 days to reach its destination. It's "Priority" mail but USPS doesn't tell what priority they will give it.
I suppose I will be waiting until the fire pit freezes over before I get my prize Was this prize shipped via Bob the snail?
Wow, that is slow. It was insured, you have to wait 30 days from the date shipped to file a claim. The one time I thought I'd have to file a claim the package showed up on day 32.
Does the mail go through any of the eastern states on the way to Indiana? If so, the storm may have slowed things down.
Of course, on the other hand, Bob the snail could be visiting a few friends along the way
I think he might have gone for a ride with his friend Sid who drives a fast car with his initial painted on the side, a big "S".You should see that "S" car go!
An email has been sent, which includes a duplicate of my first email. As mentioned in the current email, it is possible that due to internet error, you may have never received the first email, but thanks for giving this some attention.
there it goes! the box is out of the starting gate like greased lightening! rounding the first turn...and now the hand-off to USPS Priority Mail !...
...it's moving noticeably slower now...
Tracking Number is: "packageisnotgoingtogetthereanytimesoon" (could be a typo there on the # - check email
Sounds like this will be good for him:
555-28188 Homework Board
Consider it committed. I'm assuming the computer has a CD, or you have two or twelve hanging around.
Sounds like you have the perfect recipient!
EDIT: Jeff. I PM'd Matt. You should be all set.
My internet died right after yesterday's "45 minutes left" post. It just recently was fixed.
I have to question the sanity of any judge of a contest where I win over kuroneko (or anyone else on idbruce's list).
Just for those who would like to make up songs to sing my praises, I should mention "Degn" is pronounced "Dane". Growning up with "Duane Dane" as a name I can assure you I've had many songs made up about me. Though I can't recall any that were to sing my praises.
Thanks to those who voted for me (and to erco for both nomimating me and disqualifying me).
Much of what I've learned about the Propeller and about electronics in general comes from reading these forums for the past few years. I'm frequently amazed at how helpful so many of you are. Thanks.
I can only plead insanity and "contest fever". I didn't even want to win, but my fingers were flying so fast on the keyboard that I couldn't remember who I had already nominated, who needed nominatin', and who was "too obvious" and overqualified ... It's like auction fever on EBay!
Well-deserved kudos to the winners and everyone named. I forget... did I already say "They're all winners today" ?
That threw me off too. I'm a big fan of your machine vision project, but after Erco nominated you I figured I should look around for some other nominees.
Remember that even though you may not have won a "big prize", all of you that submitted are entitled to an S2 Badge Kit - so I think I'm missing a few names - EMAIL (not PM) me with a mailing address and we'll get those out later this week.
Oh well, I guess he has his reasons, but I still think he is a likeable guy anyhow.
actually, the only person here that I don't really care for is erco
Thanks :-)
Well that is good to know, because I know I have rubbed several people the wrong way in the forum, but I never had any ill feelings towards you.
My MadeUSA hasn't shown up yet......oh, you said email, sorry!
The prize/shipping list has been on (person's name deleted for their protection) desk for a week now - we're just swamped in that sales (-oops,did I say that out loud?) department- plus he/she/it was sick as well. Prizes may go out today, (but I'd say Monday is more realistic).
Sorry for the delay - but hey, they're free prizes :thumb:
UPDATE: Just be given new information - shipping today :-)
(why, oh why do I bring this upon myself?
I still have not received a prize
Back when I sold Lego online, I had a Priority package take 32 days to reach its destination. It's "Priority" mail but USPS doesn't tell what priority they will give it.
Thanks Parallax, Matt, erco, and others!
I see you had to provide a photo of those lovely little sensors just to rub it in
Wow, that is slow. It was insured, you have to wait 30 days from the date shipped to file a claim. The one time I thought I'd have to file a claim the package showed up on day 32.
Does the mail go through any of the eastern states on the way to Indiana? If so, the storm may have slowed things down.
What prize were you getting?
Nope, nothing yet. I initially wanted the compass module, but now I am not so sure, because apparently it has no sense of direction.
EDIT: Of course, on the other hand, Bob the snail could be visiting a few friends along the way
Let's try this again - email me (not PM) your address again - maybe the compass wasn't calibrated before shipment
No need to say sorry, things happen.
An email has been sent, which includes a duplicate of my first email. As mentioned in the current email, it is possible that due to internet error, you may have never received the first email, but thanks for giving this some attention.
there it goes! the box is out of the starting gate like greased lightening! rounding the first turn...and now the hand-off to USPS Priority Mail !...
...it's moving noticeably slower now...
Tracking Number is: "packageisnotgoingtogetthereanytimesoon" (could be a typo there on the # - check email
We get packages from you guys within 3 days (counting the day we order) if we order in the morning.