This is fun! :thumb:
You guys should partner with a China board house to create a service
that will deliver a custom PCB to a hobbyist with all the SMD parts already
soldered professionally to the board. You could also offer a number of
standard enclosures that have custom front panels applied to them.
Some of these could be instrument type cases and some could resemble
varying sizes of tablet devices with LCD screens.
Such a service would go nicely with the new P2
What about a QuadRover that runs on alternative energy... solar, hydrogen or methane perhaps. Keeping the same chassis (a marvel of engineering) would also provide a great platform for Ercos robotic arm!
It should keep (as far as possible) the existing robust platform... such a robust kit could be very enticing for many student robot-racers- just the price tag prohibits such fun (I suspect)!
And the big plus... you probably already have all the parts in stock to develop such a new SolarRover !
With the impressive operating temperature range I saw tested long ago in the "Parallax oven", and the true 8-cog multitasking, this surely must enable programming that other PLC's cannot achieve?
Looks like a mouse, works like a mouse (when plugged into your computer usb socket)... but it also contains a propeller so you can code/experiment without the boss knowing!
A typical mouse already has a number of buttons (perhaps 5), a scroll wheel, and an led (at least in the case of the ball-less mouse). So already plenty of inputs / outputs ??
Could need a new contest though.... what should be inside the mouse!!
Would be a cool version of QuickStart to attract attention... we might call it the QuickMouse../.. hmm.. would need a QuickCat to catch it !!
(Hey... if this was a ball mouse, it could have a servo inside and drive itself around your desk... now that would be cool!!)
OK, the PropMouse strikes me as a very cool idea for some reason. It may go on the list of things to try and build.
I wanted to submit my second votes before Matt slams the door shut on this party!!
1) Home Automation - yes, I want to replace my X-10 stuff with something more....2010 (it can run the X-10 protocols but the interfaces and control capabilities need to be enhanced)
2) Weather station components - yes, yes!
3) Bigger/better touch/LCD *and a case to fit it into
4) Prop based game like PSP or DS. The kid wants a DS, the dad ain't buying one but I'd roll over in a minute to get her a programmable hand-held game console based on the's an educational device, mom!!!
5) UAV/quad-copter....oops, that was my idea.....and a great one at that!!
6) PCB Partnership - maybe an OBEX for PCB's tested designs that the more talented members have created that people could order up from a PCB fab house. "Hey fellow forum members, I'm going to order a bunch of so-and-so's blah-blah-blah from the PCBEX, anybody want to go in on the order?
As a marketing tool the mouse should be really good quality and look really cool. This way the owner would always use it (keep it for everyday use as a computer mouse)... and this way ___the Propeller will always be in-front of them.___
Imagine the buyer or designer being asked what uC to buy, then looking down to see his Propeller mouse.. his reliable Propeller mouse... oh.. which uC to choose?
The mouse could have a clear clip-off cover so that the prop is accessible inside, perhaps to access an sd-slot or whatever.. (then the sd-card could double as a backup storage from the pc and the professional/buyer might also carry the mouse home to keep his backup files safe or take work home-- it would become a treasured part of the family!!)
And of course, the designers who have the mouse will be excited to write programs for it to... to make it move around the desk and respond to clicks in new and exciting ways! Or even just to test a bit of code on the aeroplane-- I can imaging a mouse is far less suspicious to in-flight attendants than a development board! I suspect this might appeal to Cluso99 at least!!
Just a (somewhat self-serving) reminder regarding a BS3: Parallax already offers a BASIC Stamp board with four analog input channels and four PWM output channels via user-programmable coprocessors. It's the MoBoStamp-pe.
Some really awesome ideas...
However... here are a few that haven't been stated:
Sensing: RADAR, Light to no light based motion detector with W,X,Y,Z reporting (W=object size reference)
Building: Prop based affordable CNC machine (kit format!)
As for my votes:
RobotWorkshop - 74HC595 based expansion boards (that can be easily daisy chained). These will make it much easier to expand the propeller outputs. ^5's, 2nds, 3rd's for this.
Graffix: Thermal imaging Camera ^5's
vanmuanch: I would like to suggest a hexapod kit {EDITED:Add or quadropod kit}
Second to #42: Add mini-SD to QS, PropProto, or some other inexpensive board.
Second to #75: Android! Android! Android!
Second to #76: Wireless USB. Let's cut the cord!
Second to: Quadcopters!
My Wish: High rez Frame Buffer using Prop and external RAM(s). Prop provides interface, video scan, timing, and perhaps video DAC function.
This could be used for digital picture frames, graphical output for displaying computational results, an e-reader, etc. I'm specifically NOT asking for anything game-related (unless it is a really slow game like Mahjongg).
Still looking for more New Products? Well you could always think about selling these boards on your site for those that want to build their own Stamp module using your OEM chips:
Ok, now I'm gonna level with you'all - This is going to take a while to sift through. I will try to weed out the chaf over the weekend.
I've just been informed that this is the end of our fiscal year - so everybody's resources change for the next couple of days...
I know I promised "winners" by Monday afternoon - and we'll still try to accomplish that - but I want to make sure that all those here with input on the merits of these suggestions, have their say.
You guys (and gals) are a hot-bed of innovation and inspiration - and I count myself lucky to be associated with the likes of everyone here!!!
It has come to my attention that a number of you still "THINK" on the weekends.
This is a condition that I'm all too familiar with...Since thinking sometimes results in additional good ideas, (sometimes but not always), I've decided to let this Contest continue 'til Monday morning (since realistically, my wife's hunny-do list will take first priority).
So we're going to EXTRA INNINGS That is, if any of you are so inclined...
It has come to my attention that a number of you still "THINK" on the weekends.
This is a condition that I'm all too familiar with...Since thinking sometimes results in additional good ideas, (sometimes but not always), I've decided to let this Contest continue 'til Monday morning (since realistically, my wife's hunny-do list will take first priority).
So we're going to EXTRA INNINGS That is, if any of you are so inclined...
Happy Weekend!
Ok, few questions.
1. When are you going to announce the winners?
2. What does EXTRA INNINGS mean?
3. How do you put those smiley faces on your forum posts?
This is probably very simplistic compared to some of the great idea presented. For those of us who are not very good in making their own circuit board, but would like to have a quality board to incorporated into their project., how about a kit something like the following: In kit form, a PCB that will allow mounting of a BS2p-40 wired through the current limiting resistors to a series of connectors (May-be ribbon cable type connectors) and each connector would also have a 5VDC and Ground connection if needed. If the resistors are not needed the user can simply install a jumper in that position. The board would also have a connector and places to install the associated components to connect up the DB9 connections for programming. Various connection methods for power supply connection, for example, +5VDC external supply used, 12VDC using BS2 internal regulator.
It has come to my attention that a number of you still "THINK" on the weekends.
This is a condition that I'm all too familiar with...Since thinking sometimes results in additional good ideas, (sometimes but not always), I've decided to let this Contest continue 'til Monday morning (since realistically, my wife's hunny-do list will take first priority).
So we're going to EXTRA INNINGS That is, if any of you are so inclined...
Happy Weekend!
One thought I had this morning is a LION extension. An option to put more cells (2, 4, 6, 8...) on a LION or maybe an option to combine 2 or more LIONs together either for more power or for longer power...
Maybe an on-water robot (like the add-on I suggested for the BOE-Bot)
Or an underwater robot, with cameras and maybe even a little gripper
Also, maybe a more traditional biped, like the Lynxmotion BRAT or stuff found at the robogames?
Don't get me wrong, the penguin is awesome (I got them when the forum was giving 2 away for each person for donating to charity), but traditional bipeds are more flexible (physically, not timely or constructually).
3. How do you put those smiley faces on your forum posts?
And the Answers are:
1) We're still shooting for winning announcements on Monday @3:00pm Rocklin, CA time.
2) "Extra Innings" is a reference to a "tied" baseball game. "Oh! We're all tied up here in the bottom of the ninth, looks like we're going into extra innings!"
3) The way I do it is go to "Advanced" and then select from the smiley's there, or figure out the shortcuts - to make a , type a ":" and then a "D" right next to it - it'll turn into a smiley.
It has come to my attention that a number of you still "THINK" on the weekends.
I was rather looking forward to not having to think this weekend. But now my planned idyll will constantly be interrupted by thoughts of, "What super-hot product does Parallax need to sustain its bottom line through 2050?" Thanks a bunch, Matt, you weekend wrecker, you!
I second this brilliant idea!
It should keep (as far as possible) the existing robust platform... such a robust kit could be very enticing for many student robot-racers- just the price tag prohibits such fun (I suspect)!
And the big plus... you probably already have all the parts in stock to develop such a new SolarRover !
With the impressive operating temperature range I saw tested long ago in the "Parallax oven", and the true 8-cog multitasking, this surely must enable programming that other PLC's cannot achieve?
Looks like a mouse, works like a mouse (when plugged into your computer usb socket)... but it also contains a propeller so you can code/experiment without the boss knowing!
A typical mouse already has a number of buttons (perhaps 5), a scroll wheel, and an led (at least in the case of the ball-less mouse). So already plenty of inputs / outputs ??
Could need a new contest though.... what should be inside the mouse!!
Would be a cool version of QuickStart to attract attention... we might call it the QuickMouse../.. hmm.. would need a QuickCat to catch it !!
(Hey... if this was a ball mouse, it could have a servo inside and drive itself around your desk... now that would be cool!!)
I wanted to submit my second votes before Matt slams the door shut on this party!!
1) Home Automation - yes, I want to replace my X-10 stuff with something more....2010 (it can run the X-10 protocols but the interfaces and control capabilities need to be enhanced)
2) Weather station components - yes, yes!
3) Bigger/better touch/LCD *and a case to fit it into
4) Prop based game like PSP or DS. The kid wants a DS, the dad ain't buying one but I'd roll over in a minute to get her a programmable hand-held game console based on the's an educational device, mom!!!
5) UAV/quad-copter....oops, that was my idea.....and a great one at that!!
6) PCB Partnership - maybe an OBEX for PCB's tested designs that the more talented members have created that people could order up from a PCB fab house. "Hey fellow forum members, I'm going to order a bunch of so-and-so's blah-blah-blah from the PCBEX, anybody want to go in on the order?
As a marketing tool the mouse should be really good quality and look really cool. This way the owner would always use it (keep it for everyday use as a computer mouse)... and this way ___the Propeller will always be in-front of them.___
Imagine the buyer or designer being asked what uC to buy, then looking down to see his Propeller mouse.. his reliable Propeller mouse... oh.. which uC to choose?
The mouse could have a clear clip-off cover so that the prop is accessible inside, perhaps to access an sd-slot or whatever.. (then the sd-card could double as a backup storage from the pc and the professional/buyer might also carry the mouse home to keep his backup files safe or take work home-- it would become a treasured part of the family!!)
And of course, the designers who have the mouse will be excited to write programs for it to... to make it move around the desk and respond to clicks in new and exciting ways! Or even just to test a bit of code on the aeroplane-- I can imaging a mouse is far less suspicious to in-flight attendants than a development board! I suspect this might appeal to Cluso99 at least!!
However... here are a few that haven't been stated:
Sensing: RADAR, Light to no light based motion detector with W,X,Y,Z reporting (W=object size reference)
Building: Prop based affordable CNC machine (kit format!)
As for my votes:
RobotWorkshop - 74HC595 based expansion boards (that can be easily daisy chained). These will make it much easier to expand the propeller outputs. ^5's, 2nds, 3rd's for this.
Graffix: Thermal imaging Camera ^5's
vanmuanch: I would like to suggest a hexapod kit {EDITED:Add or quadropod kit}
Second to #42: Add mini-SD to QS, PropProto, or some other inexpensive board.
Second to #75: Android! Android! Android!
Second to #76: Wireless USB. Let's cut the cord!
Second to: Quadcopters!
My Wish: High rez Frame Buffer using Prop and external RAM(s). Prop provides interface, video scan, timing, and perhaps video DAC function.
This could be used for digital picture frames, graphical output for displaying computational results, an e-reader, etc. I'm specifically NOT asking for anything game-related (unless it is a really slow game like Mahjongg).
Door hinges are starting to squeak...
T minus 1 hour, 30 minutes and counting...
Still looking for more New Products? Well you could always think about selling these boards on your site for those that want to build their own Stamp module using your OEM chips:
Also have quite a few of the memory expansion / bank switch adapters that can be used to switch programs on the Stamp or Propeller.
Both of these are "Made in the USA" so they'd fit right in.
I'll be glad to work something out!
BS3! BS3! BS3!
Get the idea I'd like to see one of these?
A prop powered projector. A cool alternative to a screen.
One of those light systems used a parties or whatever. You know, with the spinning lights that are constantly changing color and shape?
I know that Parallax will
Thanks for all the cool thing to play with
Ok, now I'm gonna level with you'all - This is going to take a while to sift through. I will try to weed out the chaf over the weekend.
I've just been informed that this is the end of our fiscal year - so everybody's resources change for the next couple of days...
I know I promised "winners" by Monday afternoon - and we'll still try to accomplish that - but I want to make sure that all those here with input on the merits of these suggestions, have their say.
You guys (and gals) are a hot-bed of innovation and inspiration - and I count myself lucky to be associated with the likes of everyone here!!!
except of course, erco
(the projector and lights?)
This is a condition that I'm all too familiar with...Since thinking sometimes results in additional good ideas, (sometimes but not always), I've decided to let this Contest continue 'til Monday morning (since realistically, my wife's hunny-do list will take first priority).
So we're going to EXTRA INNINGS
Happy Weekend!
No thinking for me this weekend. I have a tough 200-mile bicycle ride in Malibu Saturday and my own hunny-do list for Sunday.
But everyone else, keep those cards & ideas coming!
Ok, few questions.
1. When are you going to announce the winners?
2. What does EXTRA INNINGS mean?
3. How do you put those smiley faces on your forum posts?
One thought I had this morning is a LION extension. An option to put more cells (2, 4, 6, 8...) on a LION or maybe an option to combine 2 or more LIONs together either for more power or for longer power...
Maybe an on-water robot (like the add-on I suggested for the BOE-Bot)
Or an underwater robot, with cameras and maybe even a little gripper
Also, maybe a more traditional biped, like the Lynxmotion BRAT or stuff found at the robogames?
Don't get me wrong, the penguin is awesome (I got them when the forum was giving 2 away for each person for donating to charity), but traditional bipeds are more flexible (physically, not timely or constructually).
And the Answers are:
1) We're still shooting for winning announcements on Monday @3:00pm Rocklin, CA time.
2) "Extra Innings" is a reference to a "tied" baseball game. "Oh! We're all tied up here in the bottom of the ninth, looks like we're going into extra innings!"
3) The way I do it is go to "Advanced" and then select from the smiley's there, or figure out the shortcuts - to make a
There's other ways too, I'm sure...
I'm so excited for Monday!
Now I have another question: only one person has "seconded" only one of my ideas. I'm I on the right track, or do I need to change my thinking?