CONTEST!!! Give Us New Product Ideas!
Ok - here we go..."HOORAY!...ANOTHER CONTEST!!!"
WE always have a bunch of ideas about what WE think would be really cool products - but we don't want to operate in a "vacuum".
So, we want to know what YOU think we should make!
As you know, we focus on "Made in America" stuff as much as we can. We think that one of our main strengths is being able to design and manufacture cool things, right here in Rocklin, CA.
Here's the rules:
1) If we end up making what you suggest, you have no claim to ownership. However, if we do end up making what you suggest, you'll get one of them for free!
2) First post for a chosen idea is the winner. However, if somebody has already submitted the same idea you have - submit it again too! Yeah, you won't be the winner, but it may give us some insight into the popularity of the idea itself.
3) We will choose up to three "winners" (depending on how many good vs. really bad ideas we have to choose from).
4) We're under no obligation to build anything, if we decide not to.
5) Contest entries close THIS FRIDAY @ 3pm, Rocklin, CA USA TIME
6) Winners to be announced MONDAY, JUNE 27th, @ 3:00pm Rocklin Time
So, what will the (up to three) winning entries receive? AN ALL EXPENSE PAID TRIP FOR TWO TO HAW...- just kidding
We've developed a new "Ping Stand" for our Ping))) module. Each of the three winners will receive a brand-new prototype Stand Kit, and a shiny new Ping))) module. Your only obligation would be to give us some simple feedback on the attributes of the new Stand and how well it integrates with the Ping.
Ready...Set...CONTEST ON!
WE always have a bunch of ideas about what WE think would be really cool products - but we don't want to operate in a "vacuum".
So, we want to know what YOU think we should make!
As you know, we focus on "Made in America" stuff as much as we can. We think that one of our main strengths is being able to design and manufacture cool things, right here in Rocklin, CA.
Here's the rules:
1) If we end up making what you suggest, you have no claim to ownership. However, if we do end up making what you suggest, you'll get one of them for free!
2) First post for a chosen idea is the winner. However, if somebody has already submitted the same idea you have - submit it again too! Yeah, you won't be the winner, but it may give us some insight into the popularity of the idea itself.
3) We will choose up to three "winners" (depending on how many good vs. really bad ideas we have to choose from).
4) We're under no obligation to build anything, if we decide not to.
5) Contest entries close THIS FRIDAY @ 3pm, Rocklin, CA USA TIME
6) Winners to be announced MONDAY, JUNE 27th, @ 3:00pm Rocklin Time
So, what will the (up to three) winning entries receive? AN ALL EXPENSE PAID TRIP FOR TWO TO HAW...- just kidding

We've developed a new "Ping Stand" for our Ping))) module. Each of the three winners will receive a brand-new prototype Stand Kit, and a shiny new Ping))) module. Your only obligation would be to give us some simple feedback on the attributes of the new Stand and how well it integrates with the Ping.
Ready...Set...CONTEST ON!
THIS would actually be better in polycarbonate than plywood.
I second this idea
With excellent and practical learning tool suitable for demonstration
Just some ramblings....
Either a full kit or a kit containing the hard to find components so you can just add your own plywood (or building material of you choice).
An "airbot" for those that are tired of rolling around the floor.
Please let me know when you need my shipping address.
P.S. Matt, you can then have a "name the Airbot" contest!
P.P.S If you already have an airbot on the drawing board, then I should still win a prize for guessing the new product.
Heathkit had their HERO 2000 robot with an arm, and they also sold the arm seperately for desktop use, which was arguably easier to use. You can go down that road, too.
Be the IT company, the new Heathkit!
I'm tired of taking all 6 NiMH AA batteries out of Scribbler, charging 4 of them, then charging 2 of them, and putting them back in the bot.
I would add my own charging jack to whatever , but you could design a charger connector that would have wires and flat nickel plates that would press into standard battery connections inside a variety of consumer products.
You'll do the right thing!
Certainly for me, creative thinking time (aka Einstein moments) often occur over the weekend whilst I am switched off from the office buzz..... usually hacking around the garden on the lawnmower provides suitable distraction for the thought cogs to start spinning!
Just a thought... Good luck with the Contest!
A PLYWOOD ROBOT ARM! This is actually incredibly well done, laser cut & everything. Second item on the page, watch the video.
A propeller based "retro computer". PS/2 keyboard and/or mouse. SD card for files. Program in BASIC.
A wind mill kit for generating electricity.
NO SX just BS2 .
use a MINI USB so I can use it like the $80 PropSick USB .
charge 50 FLAT rate t for it . Ill buy a TON .
Give the Optopn for the DIP male pins Like the Prop Stick OR Female Headers Just Like the Old BS1USB
make a carrier for a normal BS2 Ect to make it USB Like the Old debug thingy was .
and again on the side Pins OR holes so I can use it Like the BS1USB..
charge $15 for it as its Just a FTDI chip and a reg and PCB and Headders
its like a BASIC Stamp 2 Carrier Board
but NO DB9 ( USB)
NO 9 V clip
no proto area .
its a shim to let one use USB with a BS2 Ect .
Digitally controlled volume (digital pots) would be a neat feature.
A Prop Proto Board with an integrated I2C ADC chip and include 4 10 pin headers that can be soldered in like many people do. Also, some headers for the power and ground rails.
An arduino shield format board with a Prop on it plus a VGA connector, 2 PS/2 connectors, and an SDCard slot.
A new version of the MSR1 board, remove the level translation chips, fix the power off state to actually fully disconnect the power, and choose a different h-bridge chip that works better with 7.2v.
The following are ideas I already have discussed with you guys, but I'll include them here for completeness:
Change the 7.2v motor/wheel kit to use a different motor with better gear ratio. Include encoders, or sell them as an option.
Make a 12v version of the 7.2v motor/wheel kit (12v versions of those motors exist).
Make a 3 axis Gyro module based on the IGT3200 chip.
Make a IMU board with the IMU3000 + a 3 axis accelerometer + 3 axis digital compass. Or perhaps use the IMU6000 + 3 axis digital compass.
And then about existing products...
Why is the Prop Stick USB $80? It's essentially the same as a Prop Proto Board USB just a smaller form factor and the pins. I don't understand why it costs so much more. Enlighten me?
The lasercut box you make for the Propeller platform module + attached shield doesn't fit right. The middle standoffs are a little bit to long and you can't fit one of the end panels in place or get the top on correctly when using the "El Jugador" shield.
Partnered with this a propeller Platform daughter card with space for an Xbee and connection points for sensors (a group of 3 wire - signal, pwr, gnd, connectors with the signal pin selectable). What good is remote sensing if you can't send results back through the ethers!
Surely you can sell a kit this simple for $250 or less. Do it!
Enlighten me, too! I'll ask Lauren to change it to $49.99.
Ken Gracey
A small servo version and then a larger version based on the parts used in Madeusa.
Take a BS2 and program a 16F57 or 16F876A with just a boot loader.
This would allow the use of any programing language and any host os.
Being pin compatible with the bs2 would allow old bs2 projects to be upgraded to something faster.
The same could be done for the bs1 as well. use a 16F54 or 16F627A.
Parallax could probably build a prototype in an afternoon to test it.
It would be nice to have a Li-Poly charger/booster/switching power supply combo board that is geared for propeller use in a small form factor (2.5" square, 0.5" thick for all parts). 3.7v Li-Poly pack, charging circuit for USB or DC jack, and 5v/3.3v outputs capable of at least 500mA. I am working on a project now that will have similar features, but I am hacking together parts from Parallax, Sparkfun, Jameco, and Digikey and in the long run, the cost will prevent anyone else from wanting to copy my project.
A good quality biped robot! Something about the size of lynxmotion brat. If parallax had something comparable to that I would go with parallax, and preferably cheaper.
We need more bots! (with lasers?)