About that 3.3/5 volt breadboard power supply... there are already about a dozen of those on the market. Most of them are available as kits. One thing you could do to be different would be to offer one made from surface mount parts and already assembled. The goal being to make it as small as possible and require very little breadboard space. It could even be an inline module (sealed in that clear heatshrink maybe) with a 2.1mm power jack on one end and header pins for the power out and a short cable to connect to the breadboard.
As stated before, I'm willing to give away my prize (only one ) to a person in a need of a ping))) sensor; But only if it is not possible to change it for something else.
I agree these would be terrific, though I'm not sure they'd be "cheap." I don't know what type Parallax has in mind, but something low-end (but above the rubber tracks pulled from toys) and mid-end would fill the voids that are currently open.
EMT Robotics is a Canadian robotics company doing similar work as iRobot. They sell some of their platforms for research and education.
Definitely interested in the UAV kit. Loved the AR-Drone but didn't want to spend $300.00 on it! The idea of seeing from the craft's perspective is what made it worth playing with. I hike a lot, and would love to have one along with me on the trails - send it ahead, or up/down cliffs to explore places which I cannot physically go. Of course, I'll probably install lasers on the thing too! :-) A pair of twin 445nm blues should do the trick!
A small display, possibly a touchscreen, mounted onto a breakout board. A small size (like 2" to 3") would be preferred. This would let people wanted to implement small color displays in their projects not have to outsource, and it would be a generally cool item.
Ok, since this isn't closed yet I have one more to add......
Please consider stocking the DIP version of the MAX3232 or an equivalent part. Since the Propeller chip is a 3.3V device having the MAX3232 chips make it easier to interface with Serial devices using standard RS232 connections. Although I can get them elsewhere it would certainly be convenient to order some at the same time as the Propeller chips and if you buy in quantity you may be able to provide them cheaper than other places.
I like this Idea. The MAX232 family of chips is very useful. I wish there was an easier way to buy single ones if you buy direct from TI, there is a minimum of 1000... and other places are overpriced.
I agree with GordonMcomb on the tank treads that fill the mid range quality gap. Not so expensive that the general hobbyiest can't afford them, but better quality that the current low range tracks available ie. Tayama.
I have a number of solutions in mind. However as an example project, a dog poop picking up robot for the back yard. I'd prefer this to run on tracks rather than wheels as wheels can slip on grass in damp conditions. I had thought this would be an excellent use of the Prop1A and use the ColorPal. The ColorPal would compare the color of the grass beneath it, if it's other than the standard lawn green then it assumes it's an object to be removed (ie. dog poop, leaf, etc) and actuates another set of tracks to attempt to pick up the item and move it into a hopper. I was considering using RF fences to constrain the robot in the lawn area with a dumping point to empty the hopper. I had hoped that I could ballance the weight/power ratio so that it could sustain long term use with a solar panel. Positioning itself to charge in the day and run on stored charge for limited duration. Clearly there is a lot more to this, I've been in the process of developing various aspects using the propeller (lots of opportunities and some challenges).
Hence a reasonable quality, sufficiently sized, sufficiently light weight, out-door suitable (uv stabilized materials) and resonably priced set of tracks.
That's a great deal. Unless you end up getting an empty blob of plastic with a fake name printed on the top. May be worth comparing the label on the top of the chip with a known good one first to see if it looks like it's the real deal or not.
I still think this may be something Parallax may want to carry.
In that thread, the following ideas were suggested:
---strike through indicates that the idea has been made (by somebody, to the best of my knowledge...)
---the Roman numerals indicates the popularity of the idea (in the old thread)
Wireless Communication
I GSM Module
I IR Transmitter, 38 kHz. II 2.4 GHz Wireless V Transceivers
I Nordic nRF2401 I Wireless serial port(Easy Bluetooth)
I Digital Wireless audio
I Boxes for wireless modules I Wireless modules with self-forming network
I SMS text message module
I addressable Pager system
I Prop based Penguin
I MiniSumoBot Propeller board
I Treads for 12V motor kit III Propeller Based BOE-BOT(Stingray)
I Medium motor controller
I robotic arm
I Prop based Hexapod
I Frontloader attachment I Battery and Wall socket power backup
I Walking robots
I CPU controller battery charger
I Quad rover frame
I HB-50
IV IMU with filters
IV Laser Range Finder ( Currently in design by JoeGrand for Parallax)
I Thermopile array
I different modules of Ping with differing beam shapes
I Water proof Ping (in development)
I IR range detector
II Battery level monitor
II Single board Hall effect current sensor
I GPS in Plastic case II Barometric Pressure I Gas Sensors
I Resonant coils III Gyroscope III Altitude Sensor
I RFID with external antenna
I High temperature infrared thermometer
I Airspeed sensor I Sound threshold sensor I Linear array sensor
I Fingerprint scanner
Parallax Oriented ICs and Setups I BS2 Coprocessors (Chameleon, in development, Propeller Backpack)
I 17 segment LED alphanumeric driver chip
II intermediate IC starter packs
I DMX Light Control
I OBD2 Interface
I I/O expansion Pack
I Keypad with encoder IC
I A/D Converter pack
I Eval boards for specific experimentation categories
I LED Experimenter board
I RGB drivers I Joystick interface(thumb joystick)
I DMX decoder module
I USB peripheral device
I Filters education kit
II LED Drivers
I Composite Video driver board
I SMD to DIP converter board
I Inexpensive OLED I Cut down (smaller) SX or Prop (mctrivia has versions for sale)
I Double stamp BOE
I x86 SoC BOE size board
III X-10 devices (or home automation) I more RFID
I Stamp compatible color screen
I BS2 with BS1 pinout
I Faster BS for compiled BASIC
Other Propeller VI Wireless propPlug(via appnote and xbees...) I Propeller Motherboard and daughterboards (in development, Prop backpack?)
I Stamp works manual for PPDB II Dual propeller protoboard
II Propeller Camera (Supposedly this will be a product developed by PhiPi.) V Printed Propeller Educational material
I PBASIC compiler for Propeller (independently in development by Bean and Bill Henning) II 64K EEPROM for boards(The Stingray control board) I Arduino shield for Propeller (both master and slave configurations are available)
I PropStick without USB interface
I Hydra EtherX card for breadboard
I Hydra slot for breadboard
II PE Lab DIP propeller pinout sticker
I Video mixer for text overlay
I Microphone
I ZIF socket
Miscellaneous III Solar devices I Rechargeable batteries
II Compact pan and tilt systems I Pluggable BOE power supply
II Touch screen I Soldering based products II Protoboard Cases (Mountain King) II Educational products
III Printer Board (serial inkjet) (Ruled NOT ECONOMICAL)
I Wire Wrap kit
I Internet Radio I Project of the Week kits(no kits, but link on main page) I Document explaining SX superiority over PICs (SX EOL'd)
I Simple Beginning Electronics Box
I Plastic sheets I robot bases II Prop inside sticker (or BS2, SX, etc.)(Computerguy, thread in propeller forum)
II Parallax mug
I Wireless power transmitter
I Fluid Valve system
II 50 in 1 project kits
I Adapters for popular uCs (VEX, Lego, etc.)
I xy table
I Smaller bias magnet for hall effect sensor
I SMD toolkit
I Rapid high strength enclosure system
I Hydraulics system
@Matt: Thanks to your speedy shipping, I just got my PING & bracket in today's mail. Very slick (ULP!) smoked acrylic bracket. All laser cut & etched quite nicely. What's not to love?
OK, I do have some feedback 4U. I take it this kinda sorta replaces the aluminum bracket; same general shape. Intended for stationary mounting in tens or dozens around the MadeUSA base. Obviously the acrylic isn't as strong as aluminum. If it does take a hard hit, it'll most likely break at the screw holes or the narrow waist, and it's game over. Seems like a solid L-bracket might work better in this application, or maybe a flexible material that would take a hit, bend, and snap back. Or a magnetic breakaway coupling...
Also, how about a dedicated servo bracket for PINGs? Everyone's just glomming them onto a servo horn with whatever fasteners are handy. I'm sure you and you fab facility can come up with a slicker solution.
What say you, Pal?
PS: On the upside, two brackets would make a dandy impromptu set of brass knuckles in a bar fight with the Arduino crowd!
erco, there is a servo bracket kit -- I know because I bought one just after I returned from UPEW to mount on the BOE-Bot I snagged from the freebie table:
Thanks localroger, I didn't make myself clear. I had seen that item before. It's still kinda kludgey. I was getting at a more stylish, low-profile one-piece acrylic bracket (roughly similar to this new unit), in an L-bracket configuration that would eliminate the servo horn and lots of hardware.
Yes, I cannibalized my lovely bracket from Matt to make this prototype. But isn't it lovely compared to all that discrete hardware in the current kit?
BTW, an 'A' drill makes the perfect size hole to lightly press fit onto the Parallax servo spline. And 4-40 screws self-thread beautifully into the holes on the new plastic bracket.
And yes, the servo wire plugged directly into the PING is silly, but it's just to show that I bent the pins 90 degrees for a lower-profile bracket.
Metal has never been a personal favorite of mine when it comes to ultrasonic sensor brackets, though that's what most people offer because they're easy to make. Microphonic ringing and all that. It's probably not crucial for most low end or amateur tasks, but the more acoustically reflective the surface, and the lighter the metal and more likely it is to ring, the more weird things can happen.
Though I've never done tests, my assumption has always been a soft plastic (yes, like PVC) or even wood (yikes!) might be overall better. You want it to dampen the vibrations, not ring it out.
Maybe this is useful, and maybe not: You can always mount the sensor against some rubber grommets, the kind that come with servos. That's what I usually do. Use a self-locking nut on the other side and cinch down the screw half way. It shouldn't be too tight.
HEY! I still don't have all you winners' shipping addresses!
If you haven't already, PM me with your name and shipping address if you're listed in Post #267 Pronto!
Get the Lead out! Hubba, Hubba! Let's Roll! Move-it!
I haven't seen a prize yet, am I missing something, or should I be worried? I've sent a private message (at least it appeared that I succeeded in sending a private message). I also sent an email...
The "variations" noted above will also get a prize, because the variation added to the original idea - which made the original idea even better.
No worries! Most prizes went out yesterday. I think we have all names in now. Erco got his early because we were able to stuff it into an order that was going out anyway. The rest of you should see yours any day.
It is possible however, that (due to a clerical error) that multi-prize winners may not have received multi-prizes - let me know it this happened!
Great stuff from this Contest! We're working on prioritizing it, and we'll get back to you when we've got some plans...
Post pics and comments (like erco already has) about what you think. It's designed as a significantly lower cost ping stand to help drive down the cost barrier of a Madeusa, etc.
Surface mount miniature type k thermocouple connectors. Omega requires you purchase 100 qty at a time. Such minimum orders keep these little goodies out of hobbyist hands.
They are the only source I have found for these connectors.
Plus, none of your competitors carry these miniature thermocouple connectors either.
1. Low-cost educational weather station. Add to the temp and humidity sensor an outdoor anemometer and wind direction indicator, both using magnets and Hall sensors. Does not have to be wireless but could be as an upgrade option.
2. Color camera with frame buffer and basic visual analysis math. Does not have to be super fast - 2 to 5 fps at 320 x 240 pixels is enough. Then use serial to interrogate the buffer to locate common points of interest, such as blobs of X size or larger of specific color or range.
3. MP3 and Midi boards, serially controlled. Load MP3 clips via SD or u-SD on a PC, then play them back by specifying a DOS filename (could be "1" for 1.mp3, "2" for 2.mp3, etc.). The Midi board should have a decent selection of instruments in its bank.
4. Gadget Gangster to Arduino shield converter board. The board includes an on-board ADC and switchable level shifters for 5V logic.
Already discussed with Matt and Ken so they don't count for the contest, but like Roy I'll include them here for completeness:
A. 3D machine, echoing Erco's suggestion.
B. A small 5V & 3.3V voltage regulator board for breadboarding. Because of the PropBOE there's probably no need to include the EEPROM on board.
For this item check out uController.com. I use theirs all the time. To big? check out the twig from WBA consulting.
C. Expanding your existing encoder kit with snap-in pieces for smaller shafts. Sell the encoder wheels and snap-in pieces separately, as well.
Much interested by the UAV kit and Propcam.
Speaking of stuff being made real,
Matt, what are the ideas (if any) that you think will be created? Can you post a list, or do you not have that information yet?
Sounds like the power twig - it might be of interest to you
Best regards
I agree these would be terrific, though I'm not sure they'd be "cheap." I don't know what type Parallax has in mind, but something low-end (but above the rubber tracks pulled from toys) and mid-end would fill the voids that are currently open.
EMT Robotics is a Canadian robotics company doing similar work as iRobot. They sell some of their platforms for research and education.
-- Gordon
I second this
Definitely touchscreen
I will third this!
you're the best!
I like this Idea. The MAX232 family of chips is very useful. I wish there was an easier way to buy single ones
If you haven't already, PM me with your name and shipping address if you're listed in Post #267 Pronto!
Get the Lead out! Hubba, Hubba! Let's Roll! Move-it!
I have a number of solutions in mind. However as an example project, a dog poop picking up robot for the back yard. I'd prefer this to run on tracks rather than wheels as wheels can slip on grass in damp conditions. I had thought this would be an excellent use of the Prop1A and use the ColorPal. The ColorPal would compare the color of the grass beneath it, if it's other than the standard lawn green then it assumes it's an object to be removed (ie. dog poop, leaf, etc) and actuates another set of tracks to attempt to pick up the item and move it into a hopper. I was considering using RF fences to constrain the robot in the lawn area with a dumping point to empty the hopper. I had hoped that I could ballance the weight/power ratio so that it could sustain long term use with a solar panel. Positioning itself to charge in the day and run on stored charge for limited duration. Clearly there is a lot more to this, I've been in the process of developing various aspects using the propeller (lots of opportunities and some challenges).
Hence a reasonable quality, sufficiently sized, sufficiently light weight, out-door suitable (uv stabilized materials) and resonably priced set of tracks.
That's a great deal. Unless you end up getting an empty blob of plastic with a fake name printed on the top. May be worth comparing the label on the top of the chip with a known good one first to see if it looks like it's the real deal or not.
I still think this may be something Parallax may want to carry.
In that thread, the following ideas were suggested:
---strike through indicates that the idea has been made (by somebody, to the best of my knowledge...)
---the Roman numerals indicates the popularity of the idea (in the old thread)
Wireless Communication
I GSM Module
I IR Transmitter, 38 kHz.
II 2.4 GHz Wireless
V Transceivers
I Nordic nRF2401
I Wireless serial port(Easy Bluetooth)
I Digital Wireless audio
I Boxes for wireless modules
I Wireless modules with self-forming network
I SMS text message module
I addressable Pager system
I Prop based Penguin
I MiniSumoBot Propeller board
I Treads for 12V motor kit
III Propeller Based BOE-BOT(Stingray)
I Medium motor controller
I robotic arm
I Prop based Hexapod
I Frontloader attachment
I Battery and Wall socket power backup
I Walking robots
I CPU controller battery charger
I Quad rover frame
I HB-50
IV IMU with filters
IV Laser Range Finder ( Currently in design by JoeGrand for Parallax)
I Thermopile array
I different modules of Ping with differing beam shapes
I Water proof Ping (in development)
I IR range detector
II Battery level monitor
II Single board Hall effect current sensor
I GPS in Plastic case
II Barometric Pressure
I Gas Sensors
I Resonant coils
III Gyroscope
III Altitude Sensor
I RFID with external antenna
I High temperature infrared thermometer
I Airspeed sensor
I Sound threshold sensor
I Linear array sensor
I Fingerprint scanner
Parallax Oriented ICs and Setups
I BS2 Coprocessors (Chameleon, in development, Propeller Backpack)
I 17 segment LED alphanumeric driver chip
II intermediate IC starter packs
I DMX Light Control
I OBD2 Interface
I I/O expansion Pack
I Keypad with encoder IC
I A/D Converter pack
I Eval boards for specific experimentation categories
I LED Experimenter board
I RGB drivers
I Joystick interface(thumb joystick)
I DMX decoder module
I USB peripheral device
I Filters education kit
II LED Drivers
I Composite Video driver board
I SMD to DIP converter board
I Inexpensive OLED
I Cut down (smaller) SX or Prop (mctrivia has versions for sale)
I Double stamp BOE
I x86 SoC BOE size board
III X-10 devices (or home automation)
I more RFID
I Stamp compatible color screen
I BS2 with BS1 pinout
I Faster BS for compiled BASIC
Other Propeller
VI Wireless propPlug(via appnote and xbees...)
I Propeller Motherboard and daughterboards (in development, Prop backpack?)
I Stamp works manual for PPDB
II Dual propeller protoboard
II Propeller Camera (Supposedly this will be a product developed by PhiPi.)
V Printed Propeller Educational material
I PBASIC compiler for Propeller (independently in development by Bean and Bill Henning)
II 64K EEPROM for boards(The Stingray control board)
I Arduino shield for Propeller (both master and slave configurations are available)
I PropStick without USB interface
I Hydra EtherX card for breadboard
I Hydra slot for breadboard
II PE Lab DIP propeller pinout sticker
I Video mixer for text overlay
I Microphone
I ZIF socket
III Solar devices
I Rechargeable batteries
II Compact pan and tilt systems
I Pluggable BOE power supply
II Touch screen
I Soldering based products
II Protoboard Cases (Mountain King)
II Educational products
III Printer Board (serial inkjet) (Ruled NOT ECONOMICAL)
I Wire Wrap kit
I Internet Radio
I Project of the Week kits(no kits, but link on main page)
I Document explaining SX superiority over PICs (SX EOL'd)
I Simple Beginning Electronics Box
I Plastic sheets
I robot bases
II Prop inside sticker (or BS2, SX, etc.)(Computerguy, thread in propeller forum)
II Parallax mug
I Wireless power transmitter
I Fluid Valve system
II 50 in 1 project kits
I Adapters for popular uCs (VEX, Lego, etc.)
I xy table
I Smaller bias magnet for hall effect sensor
I SMD toolkit
I Rapid high strength enclosure system
I Hydraulics system
OK, I do have some feedback 4U. I take it this kinda sorta replaces the aluminum bracket; same general shape. Intended for stationary mounting in tens or dozens around the MadeUSA base. Obviously the acrylic isn't as strong as aluminum. If it does take a hard hit, it'll most likely break at the screw holes or the narrow waist, and it's game over. Seems like a solid L-bracket might work better in this application, or maybe a flexible material that would take a hit, bend, and snap back. Or a magnetic breakaway coupling...
Also, how about a dedicated servo bracket for PINGs? Everyone's just glomming them onto a servo horn with whatever fasteners are handy. I'm sure you and you fab facility can come up with a slicker solution.
What say you, Pal?
PS: On the upside, two brackets would make a dandy impromptu set of brass knuckles in a bar fight with the Arduino crowd!
Yes, I cannibalized my lovely bracket from Matt to make this prototype. But isn't it lovely compared to all that discrete hardware in the current kit?
BTW, an 'A' drill makes the perfect size hole to lightly press fit onto the Parallax servo spline. And 4-40 screws self-thread beautifully into the holes on the new plastic bracket.
And yes, the servo wire plugged directly into the PING is silly, but it's just to show that I bent the pins 90 degrees for a lower-profile bracket.
Though I've never done tests, my assumption has always been a soft plastic (yes, like PVC) or even wood (yikes!) might be overall better. You want it to dampen the vibrations, not ring it out.
Maybe this is useful, and maybe not: You can always mount the sensor against some rubber grommets, the kind that come with servos. That's what I usually do. Use a self-locking nut on the other side and cinch down the screw half way. It shouldn't be too tight.
-- Gordon
I haven't seen a prize yet, am I missing something, or should I be worried? I've sent a private message (at least it appeared that I succeeded in sending a private message). I also sent an email...
It is possible however, that (due to a clerical error) that multi-prize winners may not have received multi-prizes - let me know it this happened!
Great stuff from this Contest! We're working on prioritizing it, and we'll get back to you when we've got some plans...
Thanks !
Post pics and comments (like erco already has) about what you think. It's designed as a significantly lower cost ping stand to help drive down the cost barrier of a Madeusa, etc.
They are the only source I have found for these connectors.
Plus, none of your competitors carry these miniature thermocouple connectors either.