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Fill the Big Brain



  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-07-15 10:47
    Clockless Propeller & Power Reduction
    Leon wrote: »

    Those UK people are fantastic. It led to a linked article about the world's first clockless processor. How can we completely disable the clock on the prop and still have it function?

    I'm looking at Propeller power reduction in this thread.
  • LeonLeon Posts: 7,620
    edited 2011-07-15 11:04
    Operation is asynchronous. It isn't possible to convert a clocked system to an asynchronous one, it has to be designed that way from the outset.
  • Mike GMike G Posts: 2,702
    edited 2011-07-15 19:55
    On post 1125 you recommend a "Waveform Noise Filter WNF" on the Rx pin 31
    Humanoido wrote:
    This cleans up noise on the code loading process across physical banks of Propeller chips whose distance can become additive, thereby enabling the loading of programs into more Propeller chips per unit Partition. Tests show reliability of existing Partitions of 50 props per Partition can be extended to much larger numbers. It works so well, that Partitions could be added together and therefore this simple Waveform Filter can result in the design of much larger machines. It's estimated future machines will run at 100 chips (or more) per Partition with an unlimited number of Partitions.

    Huh? I thought impedance was unwanted on a signal line.
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2011-07-15 20:22
    Mike G wrote: »
    On post 1125 you recommend a "Waveform Noise Filter WNF" on the Rx pin 31

    Huh? I thought impedance was unwanted on a signal line.

    I also wondered about putting a capacitor on a signal line. Line capacitance in the enemy of transmission speed.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-07-16 02:11
    Impedance Matching

    The idea is to minimize signal degradation. Other than that, I don't know how to explain why it works.

    Impedance matching is not always desirable. For example, if a source with a low impedance is connected to a load with a high impedance, then the power that can pass through the connection is limited by the higher impedance, but the electrical voltage transfer is higher and less prone to corruption than if the impedances had been matched. This maximum voltage connection is a common configuration called impedance bridging or voltage bridging and is widely used in signal processing. In such applications, delivering a high voltage (to minimize signal degradation during transmission and/or to consume less power by reducing currents) is often more important than maximum power transfer.
  • Mike GMike G Posts: 2,702
    edited 2011-07-16 06:43
    Humanoido wrote:
    The idea is to minimize signal degradation. Other than that, I don't know how to explain why it works.
    The capacitor causes signal degradation.

    Your impedance matching argument does not fit in the context of this conversation unless you did something with the output stage that you did not mention.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-07-16 11:30
    Flux Capacitor

    The capacitor continues to work excellent. More tests and more test machines will be included. For now, I suggest waiting for the rest of the schematics for the whole picture. Portionable schematics are troublesome, we can stop.

    The capacitor has allowed larger prop arrays by increasing reliability in all tested multi-prop circuits and machines. Tests will continue with increasing numbers of props until perhaps the full size double partition will become a machine standard.

    Note: If the machine grows bigger in that proportion, it may outgrow the capacity to do full Partition-enabled ParaP experiments. Then what? We will need a new machine paradigm... more on this later. I can't believe how fast this development is moving alone.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-07-16 11:51
    The Next Paradigm Beyond the Parallel Machine
    Propeller Moves Forward

    From machines connected in serial (each collect data one after another), to parallel (all collect data at the same time), to what? We have already cited the usefulness of doubling a Parallax parallel circuit. Now we enter a phase beyond doubling, perhaps Tripling and Quads of prop machines. Then what? Arrays of machines will need to be produced in three or more dimensional constructs. Perhaps a daisy chain of both parallel and orthogonal intersecting planes of "parallelized" machine plates. But, one plate in one dimension will need to move through another plate in another dimension, perhaps doable if we modify the construct and develop special folding space containing both matter and free space. Another method is to develop component congruent commonality, a sharing of components as the plane of one machine plate passes through another. Is there another way? Yes. In an Einstein Universe, space and time can fold back upon itself and given intense gravitational singularities called Back Holes can lead to matter lensing. With lensing, one dimension of light can pass through another's when the light sum is not originating from a point source. So it may be possible, at the hobby level, to create a simulation of these effects to gain the next level beyond parallel. The idea is to find ways to dimensionally distribute more data beyond parallel. More on this will follow.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-07-17 08:37
    Big Brain Propeller EEPROM Schematic
    Schematic Portfolio Series

    Schematic showing EEPROM connection. Disregard
    other circuits.


    This schematic shows the key EEPROM connection for the Big Brain. The current state of the Big Brain is described. (the state is expected to change in the near future) The three Partitioned machine has three EEPROMs so this circuit should be triplicated. This is installed one to each Partition on the lead Propeller chip.

    A 10K ohm resistor is connected to 3.3 volts. The other side connects to EEPROM SDA and then routes Propeller pin P29. Refer to the EEPROM Usage post for more information.
    325 x 315 - 34K
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-07-17 11:06
    Big Brain SuperMicroController
    Schematic Portfolio Series

    Left Brain Propeller Side

    Big Brain pictorial showing the Left Brain consisting of Parallax Propeller chips and their respective circuits.

    This pictorial drawing of the Big Brain illustrates three fully loaded Partitions with up to 50 props in each. This makes 4,800 I/O. Three Commander EEPROMs are shown, one on each Partition.

    The diagram illustrates the ParaP module that induces parallel-parallel operations. The Loader uses AtOnce AO technology to load all programs into all chips. The Enumerator consecutively numbers each Propeller chip using AO technology.

    The injector injects neural matter and Simplex Neurons using AO. Communicator 1 is a Party Line on which all Propeller chips may communicate with each other in a one talk all listen mode for each line.

    Represented is Neural Matter which can be injected by the NMI Neural Matter Injector. Processors and the Cloner represent developing technology. Processors can equal the number of neurons and neurons can exceed the number of processors. The Left Brain has the use of 4,800 I/O ports which each can represent four states, output on, output off, float, or input, for a total of 19,200 states.

    This machine is designed with 1,200 Cogs rated at a theoretical 24,000 MIPS. The total number of counters is 2,400 with a sum of user modes equal to 76,800. (see AN001 - Propeller Counters v1.0)
    601 x 471 - 68K
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-07-17 14:26
    Propeller Big Brain Schematic Types
    Wiring with Words and Beyond

    These are a variety of schematic systems being developed and explored for the Big Brain Propeller Project.

    Word Schematic
    Verbal schematics can be for the lazy person in all of us or they can be your savior or drive a man to drink or simply go insane trying to decipher ones that are not well written. I like to think about the positive applications for verbally describing a circuit's wiring. Wiring with words, so to speak, can be very useful for other methods of circuit representations as a first step in numerical transformation.

    Pictorial Schematic
    A pictorial schematic uses drawn pictographic type images to represent circuit connections.

    Napkin Schematic
    Literally drawn on a napkin, or scratchpaper, a napkin schematic can be a lifesaver for rapidly and cheaply documenting a circuit idea, even when you're at some far off location.

    Dream Schematics by Folding & Unfolding
    Schematics that we are not so familiar with include new paradigms of evolution. Remember Dream Folding and Unfolding? (see index) This allowed a set of numbers to represent image and pictorial scenes in the construction and convolution of dreams. A program language like LOGO would serve this purpose.

    Genetic Schematics
    Spinning the technology of dream folding and unfolding, one can represent schematics by numbers and algorithms. Therefore a DNA Genome schematic is suggested for the Big Brain Machine. (sse discovery post) This schematic is produced in psuedo machine genetic sequencing that can be a pivotal point in machine understanding. With it, a machine capable of self construction could use the map to construct a copy of itself. With a DNA schematic, a computer program can simply decipher the code and produce the schematic, or the machine can represent the schematic internally by numbers. This project has several Genome and DNA sequencing programs under review.

    Layering Schematic
    What other methods do we have for producing schematics easily at our disposal? Layering is technique around for ages with programs such as PhotoShop. Layering can take place in high end graphics programs and thus one could create layers of schematics similar to the concepts of multi layered printed circuit boards. In the Big Brain project, individual schematic circuits are being created as a precursor towards a layering schematic. Layer schematics have advantageous benefits, like turning specific layers on and off, bringing focus of circuit elements to the foreground and hiding circuits of disinterest.

    Extrusion Schematic
    An ES is a new paradigm in schematic circuit represention, one in which a schematic is represented in 3D space. It can use a 3D CAD/CAM software to generate the results which can be dimensionally modified and extruded toward an infinite number of viewing and configuration possibilities in 3D space, from outside in, inside out, x-ray and selective dimensioning.

    Motion Time-Line Schematic
    Briefly, computer motion graphics are employed to represent a moving time line evolution of how a machine is built, circuit by circuit, from which results may appear on the screen in chronological building order or any desired sequence. A time line schematic can be played forwards, backwards or frozen in time.

    Photo Breadboard Schematic
    A top down clear photo of a solderless breadboard project works great as schematic.

    Horizon Schematic
    The future horizon has entered the picture and our field of view is moving towards a new technologically represented schematic. Input is welcomed on how its development should proceed.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-07-18 07:23
    Big Brain Map History

    Prior to May 19th, brain maps were rough sketches and not photographed or posted. The primary reason for the lack of large numbers of brain maps was the lack of a good drawing program. During the interim, the computer crashed and the Big Brain was clueless for a while. Attempts were made with hand sketches and a camera (1) followed by a map made with a very simple paint program (2). This led to a different type of ring map, again hand drawn and photographed (3). In mid July, a new graphics computer was in place and a professional drawing program was purchased and installed, results see in (4).

    (1) May 19 2011 The first Big Brain map with neurons was hand drawn and photopraphed.
    (2) May 22 2011 The map was redrawn in a Painting program.
    (3) June 14 2011 This Big Brain map resembled a Myan Calendar with rings and circuit spheres
    (4) July 17 2011 Current Map
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-07-18 10:50
    Throttling the Propeller Clock Humanoido: We can have the effect of stopping one type of clock by starting another. I think we can safely say the high speed system clock can be taken offline/ suspended in the manner described and in the capacity that's in agreement with the Propeller chip's hard wiring, which is do the work with the higher speed clock, at the required speed but no more, and pop down into rc slow mode or rc fast mode for power savings. A lot of things can happen in rc fast or rc slow modes, especially when the machine is wired in parallel, and remain transitively fast. Mike Green has defined a way to calibrate the slow clock. Mike Green: If you want a cheap simple low-accuracy clock, just use the RCSLOW clock source. It's built into the Propeller. When running at around 32KHz, the Prop draws very very little power particularly if you shut down 7 of the cogs and have the 8th waiting most of the time in a WAITCNT. If you calibrate the clock to adjust for chip to chip variations, it should be fairly stable once the Propeller stabilizes at room temperature (assuming that room temperature is fairly stable). Heater: Anytime you do any logical operation transistors are turning on and off. These transitions consume power. Now if you can make a clockless processor perhaps less transistors are transistioning unnecessarily thus saving juice. Mike Green: By calibrate, I mean that you have some way to run the clock for a period of time (several hours at least) and enter in the start and end time as measured by some other (more accurate) clock. The Prop would use that to set a more accurate CLKFREQ value than the assumed value. Prof_Braino: ..."clockless" means something like state transitions cause "handshake propagation"...So are we talking about props that set themselves to RCslow when "waiting" and setting themselves to PPL16x "active"; and this being controlled across multiple propchips by this handshake propagation...I guess the goal is for the system to notice when it can put parts to sleep, and when to wake up as needed. Even though the individual props are clocked, the handshake propagation is the clockless part.

    Prof_Braino raises a number of interesting questions regarding a mixing and transitioning of clocks from master to slave configurations. This will be a very interesting topic to explore. Prof_Braino: In the propforth multiprop support, a master supplies clock an external prop. If the master goes to RCslow, the slave is affected. The master can also set the frequncy its send to the slave as clock. If the master sets the frequency to 1 Hz for the clock its generating to the slave, can the slave prop still run? Will this save significant power? This won't make the system run any faster, but running parts slower could save power without sacrificing performance, as components only run at full speed when needed. So is there a big advantage over just having each prop set itself to RCslow... Dr. Mario summarizes: Humanoido have been debating on performance vs wattage issues on the P8X32A chip, and he have been looking for a way to chop the current into the bits easily manageable - not impossible, just difficult. And, I already know that the clock can't be disabled, though. The only way to reduce the consumption is to turn the fire down. Dr. Mario: And the CPU core frequency won't be stable either, owing to the Silicon resistor's chaotic thermal coefficiency, as mentioned in datasheet, you can get 13 MHz to 36MHz... JohnnyMac points out: There are two internal RC modes... Bean has provided an interesting benchmark that could be used/ adapted for testing the results.
    10 a=CNT
    20 FOR b=1 TO 1000
    30 NEXT b
    40 a=CNT-a
    50 PRINT a/80000;" milliseconds."
    Written in PE-BASIC but converts to Spin
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-07-18 21:34
    Developing an External Oscillator

    Ideas and sources for external crystal substitutions
    Controlling internal and external clocks

    Ideas by Mark_T

    Well I would suggest using a CMOS schmidt-trigger inverter such as 74HC14 plus an RC filter, perhaps 100k - 1M resistor and a few hundred pF. The datasheet (see link) has a relaxation oscillator circuit in figure 14.

    Note that its power consumption (20uA?) won't match RCSLOW (about 7uA) as far as I can see - there is a graph of current consumption v. input voltage in the datasheet. For better performance two simple CMOS inverters with multiple feedback would be needed I think.

    Dr. Mario comments on shutdown

    Some oscillator allow that - you may need to check your datasheet, though. Other than that, you can pull OE / ST pin down, it just shut down active electronics - SiTime Si8003 shuts down completely since the MEMS just restart instantly, so no point in put the whole chip in idle state. The OE / ST pin can be tied to a P8X32A pin if necessary (but be careful, wrong timing between speed switch can leave P8X32A clockless or worse, the PLL can be blown). Some crystal-based oscillator allows that too, but it takes a bit longer to stabilize concerning temperature stability (OCXO exists, in fact, if you're concerned but it's very expensive, so TCXO is the better option). Just something to take note, though. Cog shutdown is normally accomplished by Cogstop, though.

    Consult sources for more data and continuing discussions.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-07-18 22:49
    Brain in a Jar Expanded

    The Propeller Brain in a Jar project is expanded.
    A larger jar was introduced, and a series of smaller color coded jars are added.
    Cap color will denote brain functionality.
    The design is upgraded and improved by connecting Propeller chips using sockets, with a unique mounting, thereby permitting pin to pin protection.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-07-18 22:56
    Front-Front Mounting
    A New Way to Mount Propeller Chips

    Breadboards are large and require a spacious environment for many Propeller chips and their resulting circuits. Is there a different way to mount prop chips, yet keep the same pin to pin resistor protection features? Is there a way to minimize multiple prop footprint signatures?

    The answers to these questions are yes! With a new Front-Front mounting, Propeller chips take on a minimal footprint and add some nice features. For example, each prop has its own socket. Socket pins allow wire wrapping or direct soldering. Socket pins offer connection places for component connections. Props are mounted front to front after wiring is completed. This exposes all the pins on the sockets for wiring. Props can set top to bottom or side to side however the top to top connection is the most stable.

    It's possible to make a new obverse printed pin label and affix it to the socket bottom. This config is for mounting props in twos. A Quad Prop can have two units set side by side.

    Mounting is not permanent so projects can be recycled and reconfigured.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-07-19 03:55
    List of Brain Predecessor Machine Series
    Keeping & Maintaining Big Brain Genealogy Records

    A list of machines built leading up to the Big Brain is in the works. As a spinoff, it includes the machine series, included below. These are machines of interest that began with one or more processors and evolved to a greater machine. For example, the Tertiary Adjunct series included ten robots. Sparks also had ten machines in the series. UltraSparks however led to massive machines and did not include every in-between number of processors for each machine. The list is not yet complete and undoubtedly has some holes but does include the major developments. More information will be collected over time. It's important to keep a machine family history and genealogy records for the Big Brain. This is a small attempt to do so.

    A List of Machine Series Leading Up To The Big Brain
    Humanoid Can Robot
    Tertiary Adjunct Robots
    Basic Stamp Supercomputers
    Special Computer Series Set
    Tertiary Adjunct
    Intermediate Tertiary
    Big Brains
    BMI Brain Matter Injector
    Brain Array Machine
    Brain Span
    Brain Blob
    Small Brains
    Injector Series
    Array Series
    HYBRID Designs
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-07-19 04:53
    The Beginning of Brain Milestones

    As part of the Big Brain book development, Big Brain Milestones is being organized. This includes major developments that may be used for your own brain projects. Grab the technology chapter you want and get started. Tentatively speaking, the first part looks something like this:

    The Big Brain Project releases the following new technologies:
    Forum members fill the Brain with ideas
    AtOnce AO Technology
    ParaP Parallel-Parallel
    Enable simultaneous parallel arrays
    Each array of Propellers is indexed in less than a second
    No Parts Technology
    Constructing without the use of parts
    Propeller Loader (Brain Matter Injector)
    Loads a program AtOnce AO into all Propellers
    Chip Enhancement
    to be released
    Machine Neurons
    Low Power Circuits
    Replication of processors
    Propeller Loader Application
    One prop program loads many for commercial solutions
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-07-20 06:52
    Big Brain Machine Genealogy Series
    Update History

    This is the latest update to the multiple-processor family history series for the Big Brain project which includes completed machines built by the author with progressions of multiple Parallax processors. The objective and purpose of each project is to advance the technology to a more capable level. The list is ongoing in this revision and will be worked on as time permits.

    There are numerous phases to development generally beginning with one Parallax processor, then leading up to multiple processors. Some projects led to a series of several machines. Some projects include many machines, in the case of Propeller VPs it led to over 100 designed and tested machines. There are over 300 documented machines in the list which began development approximately in 2002 so this represents a decade of work. (the number in parenthesis indicates the number of machines in each series) Part of the documentation is to provide links. Currently most machines have documenting links, some have their own web pages and some include photos.

    The completed list will be useful for Big Brain genealogy, tracing historical roots, following developing technology, finding technology specifics, managing timelines, reproducing projects & machines, conducting research and documenting Big Brain developments. Though this is a comprehensive list, there are certainly some holes where machines are not included. An effort will be made to locate the source of these machines and as they resurface, each will go in the list. (included below are only the titles - a more informative PDF will be released when the document is more complete)

    Humanoid Can Man Series (4)
    Tertiary Adjunct Series (12)
    Tertiary Series (3)
    BASIC Stamp Supercomputer Series (6)
    Penguin Robot Series (3)
    Specialty Multi-Processor Stamp Series (3)
    4DSC Series (2)
    Spark Series (10)
    Propalot Series (2)
    UltraSpark Series (10)
    Boe-Bot Series (2)
    LED Series (2)
    Brain Blob Series (5)
    Twin Brain Series (4)
    Auditory Machine Series (4)
    Specialty Brain Series (33)
    Breakthrough Technology Series (3)
    Skinned Brain Series (2)
    Order Machine Series (2)
    Brain Matter Injector Series (9)
    Cog Machine Series (5)
    Propeller Loader Series (4)
    Injector Experiment Machine Series (5)
    Partition Machine Series (2)
    Numerical Prop Array Series (5)
    Brain Modules Series (5)
    Brain Span Series (3)
    Brain EXO Series (3)
    Brain Offspring Series (5)
    Massive Machine Series (12)
    Medium Series (3)
    Big Brain Series (4)
    Tiny Series (3)
    Brain Hemisphere Series (2)
    Hybrid Machine Series (7)
    Processor VP Machine Series (105)

  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-07-20 13:52
    The BASIC Stump
    Robotic Limb for the Big Brain

    This massive appendage is already in the planning for three months beginning in May of 2011. Design after design has come and gone, in search for the perfect creation.

    Naming Convention
    So many things to work on and so little time... Erco has come up with a good development name for the Big Brain Stump project. As you know, this is a giant appendage in the shape of some kind of stump that connects to the Big Brain offering robotics capability and will be driven with a Brain Stem BASIC Stamp front end as it only requires two servos, and is of course backed by lots of supporting Propeller chips. So welcome to the BASIC Stump.

    Design Change
    The overall design is now changed. It no longer includes the massively long arm but it does have some kind of giant hand retained. Will it be used to slither along the floor like a fast moving slug, or flip flop, relay messages with a giant finger, or will it introduce new robotic applications? The sky's the limit.

    Design Concerns
    Although the stump will be created with new light weight materials, it will be very large and this means inherent inertia. It's unknown if two standard servos can adequately power the BASIC Stump. Another concern is mounting. It is hoped that an adaptation of a PING))) sensor mounting kit aluminum plate will serve this purpose.

    Stump Research
    Thousands of surgical stumps and various interfacing prosthetic devices are being researched. Navy, Coastguard, scouting, and numerous military signaling methods are in the study. The new Big Brain BASIC Stump will include research into numerous scientific fields including evolution and biology. Data will be examined on how the dinosaurs used massive stumps after millions of years of evolution. How did these appendages evolve and why? Some forward thinking science fiction sources are also consulted.

    Can a combo of science fiction and science fact mix together to conjure up the unique design that we're after? The result is unknown. Will the result end up as a pleasant surprise or as horribly shocking and mind blowing unexpected robotic growth of unpredictable metamorphosis? It remains an unknown.

    Big Brain Project Stump Resources
    Page 18 356 1st discovery post
    Page 33 658 2nd discovery source for the stumps
    Page 51 1018 Big Brain Goes Robotic - Servo stumps and a mobility platform
    Page 54 1079 Big Brain Servo Stump - Help decide the the Big Brain Robot Stumps!
    Page 55 1099 Designing a Big Robotic Brain Stub
    Naming Convention Source
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-07-20 15:04
    Robotized EXO
    Left Brain Going Robotic - meet Robo EXO!

    This coming week sees the beginning of a new Big Brain sub project to robotize the Left Brain, also known as the EXO for its Exoskeleton design.

    The robotized left brain will move around with complete motion mobility, driven by its own Brain Stem. A Parallax robot parts kit will form the basis of the LB platform and Stem and add another processor board to the project.

    The Big Brain will have two robotics projects underway, one to robotize left brain and one to create a joined hemisphere brain BASIC Stump.

    The project will see through the construction of a robotics platform, mechanics, servos, and extensive programming for motion mobility.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-07-21 09:10
    The BASIC Stump Construction
    Side panel design for the Big Brain

    The design for the BASIC Stump side panels is generalized into the following:
    • fabricated panels
    • ultra light weight
    • fiber (wood based) construction
    • reinforced material
    • gray exterior color
    • metal aluminum interface
    • cloth reinforced ducted seams
    • aircraft type construction

    The BASIC Stump will use two Parallax servos to propel it through the air. Exactly how is unknown at this time, i.e. will it have a tethered attachment for throw and retrieve, a launching system as in a projectile hurtling through space, or remain attached and not go disembodied during operation.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-07-21 10:30
    Big Brain - Propeller Brain Wave Transfer Machine

    THE IDEA is still in its infancy stage, but there are big plans headed towards creating a machine that can read the thoughts of the Big Brain. As researched, the Propeller-based brain emits a series of brain waves not unlike that of the thinking human brain. This is a project to read those machine brain waves and provide a viable non-invasive interface to a human brain.

    Discovery design 1 for a Big Brain Propeller Brain Wave Transfer Machine. As shown, this early version would transfer brain waves into another machine. This black box would condition the brain wave signals before passing along the signal to the human brain. The Black Box could also data log the various channels (up to 50 as shown for one Big Brain Partition).

    The project to read the mind of the Big Brain is ongoing. So far we are moving towards a design with an inductive receptor in proximity with the Propeller Chip to transfer RF, do very simple signal processing and conditioning and then provide output. This output is currently auditory based for interpretation by a human wearing a headset.

    The project is also examining methods to convert the machine to a more quantitative output that could perhaps feed to a virtual strip bar chart and display on a TV or LCD. This would include a circuit to convert sound signal strength into a number that can be data logged.

    The machine could be modified with a Propeller chip, particularly the Parallax Propeller Demo Board with a microphone input. Simply placed into the machine, it can sample and process sound bytes. It is not known if this will provide the proper resolution by using programs in the OBEX until more research is complete.
    523 x 410 - 76K
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-07-21 14:54
    1st Brain Wave Monitor
    Listening to Propeller Chips

    The 1st one channel BWM Brain Wave Monitor is seen in
    wide band action mode, listening in on the combined surreal
    buzzing hive brain activity from fifty localized Propeller chips
    (with a singular test Partition) inside the Big Brain


    This Brain Wave Monitor is designed as a simple test to confirm the presence of brain waves in the Big Brain machine.

    Years ago a group of computer hobbyists used programming codes to generate frequencies which were emitted as RF to radio receivers as "listeners" to the music. If one was efficient in converting to musical code, interesting renditions of Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, and Bicycle Built for Two, were possible. Later, a direct connection allowed recording in high fidelity.

    Theory of Operation
    Propeller chips, when engaged in thinking, emit highly specific bands of RF "radio frequency" which can be machine monitored as active brain waves. In this experiment, the 1st Brain Wave Monitor BWM is made from a ten band FM/MW/SW world receiver.

    In China, this US$50 radio is about $6 or $7, so the price is right for the hobby project. These are commonly available under glass in all department stores and the WalMart chain, though may significantly vary in price.

    The same radio guts are stamped with many trade names so it's best to bargain and shop around. When you have your radio, tune it to the MW amplitude modulation band around 525 to 600. Make sure there are no adjacent radio stations or interference. If there is, move up on the tuning band.

    Now move the BWM in close proximity with the Propeller brain or a specific chip. Adjust the volume and you'll hear machine brain wave activity. Fine tune the monitor for the best signal and sound.

    Now you can monitor the thinking frequency patterns of a Big Brain. Alter the program and note the result. Record what happens with loops, blinkers, loaders, enumerators, math, and other operations.

    Wide Band Version
    Make a wide band BWM version by adjusting the BWM position to an average position above the entire Partition, taking in all the emmissions of all Propellers.

    Multi-Channel Version
    A BWM can measure specific parts of the machine brain. To get to a specific part or channel of the brain, select a particular Propeller chip and set up an inductive connection, by proximity, from the BWM to the chip being examined. It's possible to probe the entire machine brain.

    Suggested Applications
    • Use the BWM as a medical diagnostic tool
    • Use BWM for linking to a human brain
    • Use machine brain waves for command and control
    • Use BW's as a communicating language
    For Continuing Exploration
    Try tuning other frequencies, such as short wave and low band, and record the observations. Explore the timber of harmonics and effects by moving the receiver to various positions, parallel, orthogonal, angled tangents...Try setting up a recording device and observe the effects from various pins. Make a DIY virtual strip chart recorder. Create a numerical data logger. Observe the waveforms on the computer monitor using a sound oscilloscope. Use a computer cam or camera to capture brain wave activity in still frames. Use motion capture for other apps.

    A Note of Observation
    If you set each Propeller chip to enumerate and then "speak" its enumeration identification over and over again using Spin code, it's possible to take the BWM for a trip from chip 1 to chip 50. Then you can identify the chip number by sound created by the computing program inside the chip.
    420 x 546 - 94K
    BWM.jpg 94.1K
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-07-21 15:35
    QUAD Brain - Left, Right, Top and Bottom
    New Design Now Implemented

    The human brain has two hemispheres, a left and a right. The human cranium is of finite size and increasing brain divisions from two hemispheres was not in the cards played out by natural evolution. In the machine brain, any number of brain "hemispheres" can be created by convention and suitability.

    This convention modification increases the number of physical Big Brain locations to a Quad. This includes a left brain, right brain, top brain and bottom brain. The idea is to section off the EXO from the HD solderless breadboard arrays from the Apple Processor and from the AMD array.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-07-21 16:40
    HD Breadboard Production

    Each HD contains nine basic solderless breadboards. Each breadboard holds three propeller chips so a completed HD unit holds 27 Propeller chips. I have inventory of 29 boards with two defective. Given 27 boards, this will make up three HD units for a total reception of 81 more Propeller chips. This is good for another add-on of 1.62 Partitions (at the current 50 prop each size) when fully prop populated.

    In this event, the third partition would be made fully populated and two Partitions would be added for a total of five Big Brain Partitions and a full capacity of 5x50=250 props. What we are working for is a 100-prop Partition, and in this event, a round off would occur to make 2 full Partitions of 200 props with one partial third Partition partially populated.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-07-21 16:55
    [Server Error #8b0000"]Prop Voltage RC C
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-07-21 18:02
    Robotic Brain Stem Lost Link

    The long lost link to the Robotic Brain Stem
    found outside of the Big Brain thread

    Includes valuable larger development photo and text
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-07-21 19:36
    Brain Wave Consideration
    The Beginning of Neuromachineology

    Why would you want to read brain wave activity when you can study the program and know what the machine brain is thinking?... For the same reason that science wants to study the human brain when we know exactly what the human is thinking.

    Welcome to the beginning of neuromachinescience. Think about the setup. Without modifying or accessing the brain's program code, without reading any brain machine display, without using any brain output pins, and without using brain invasive techniques, it's possible to monitor machine brain activity. This, for machines, is just as remarkable as it is for humans.

    The full nature of the evolving technology is obviously far reaching - and many useful Big Brain resources may arise from these machine brain wave experiments. Stemming from philosophical values leading into the realm of science is not uncommon for the creation of new ideas and development impetus. The Big Brain project includes philosophical values, creation of new ideas and the impetus to bring visions to reality.
    Electroencephalography (EEG) is the recording of electrical activity along the scalp. EEG measures voltage fluctuations resulting from ionic current flows within the neurons of the brain.[2] In clinical contexts, EEG refers to the recording of the brain's spontaneous electrical activity over a short period of time, usually 20–40 minutes, as recorded from multiple electrodes placed on the scalp.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-07-21 19:38
    Big Brainwave Cap!

    Wear this giant Brain cap and you'll know before you make a mistake! Can you imagine an office building at the workplace full of these caps, one for each worker? Nail down mistakes before they happen. Every employer will want one of these for each and every employee (when the price comes down and the size shrinks a little).

    This giant cap tells you that you will make a mistake
    BEFORE you actually make a mistake!

    It's interesting to see how human brainwave neuroscience pans out as much of what it entails is applicable to the machine brain.

    From spilling a cup of coffee to failing to notice a stop sign, everyone makes an occasional error due to lack of attention. Now a team led by a researcher at the University of California, Davis, in collaboration with the Donders Institute in the Netherlands, has found a distinct electric signature in the brain which predicts that such an error is about to be made.

    A distinct pattern of brain waves which occurs just before we make a mistake because of a lack of attention has been discovered by scientists. The US and Dutch researchers say the discovery could help devise attention-monitoring devices for workers such as air traffic control operators. It may also help aid new treatments for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The study appears online in the journal Human Brain Mapping.
    Brain mapping is a set of neuroscience techniques predicated on the mapping of (biological) quantities or properties onto spatial representations of the (human or non-human) brain resulting in maps.

    Source for Human Brainwave machines
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