Fill the Big Brain
The Big Brain is a Parallax Propeller based robot brain
made with over 100 interfaced processor chips
programmed in multiple languages
"I view the Big Brain as a powerful mind with a large domain that it wants to control, organize, and bring together for some higher unknown purpose. I am only the mediator, or moderator of the Big Brain, to help provide for its wants, desires and demands... Humanoido"
Online Big Brain Index
New Big Brain Dictionary!

This horribly large Propeller Brain is going online
system by system. For more information, follow
this thread.

Fast forward to post #600 to see this Big Brain development
Original Post: If you had a big brain for your robot, what would you put in it?
I think some similarity to a human brain is good, for example, put in
vision processing, memory, and a robot autonomic nervous system.
Ok, your turn, fill the brain..

Fill the Brain Project Searchable Thread Index - now available
EDIT: the robot Big Brain has become reality - a full scale project with 22
boards that has form and the ability to communicate. To keep track of the
number of posts and their content, I have completed an index by page
number and post number.
Download the Index Below
This index is V1.0 Part 1 with topics of 291 posts spanning 15 pages.
The index is ideal for creating your own Brain, doing Brain research,
reviewing the ideas, and referencing various reviews and information lists.
The photos make a step by step assembly manual covering various parts
and phases of the Brain.
Online Big Brain Index
A more updated online index is found here on page 16
The Brain project began as an idea posted in the Parallax Robotics Forum, with the question
posed about a big robotic brain, What would you put in it? After considerable discussion, I
decided to build an actual brain while maintaining the open source status. Varying phases
are explored throughout the posts, such as design, hardware, assembly, software, testing,
mechanics, drawing, and research. It has led to the complete construction of a Parallax-
Propeller-based robot Brain. The thread may be ongoing for some time with the
introduction of new research, updates, upgrades, hardware, software and related details.
New Brain Online Index
Fast Search Online for Quick Eyeballing of Information
Access here
The online search supplements the PDF file for research. Use
your browser's functions for search and rescue of subject terms.
It may be easier to update the online Index as opposed to the fixed
pdf file.
made with over 100 interfaced processor chips
programmed in multiple languages
"I view the Big Brain as a powerful mind with a large domain that it wants to control, organize, and bring together for some higher unknown purpose. I am only the mediator, or moderator of the Big Brain, to help provide for its wants, desires and demands... Humanoido"
Online Big Brain Index
New Big Brain Dictionary!
This horribly large Propeller Brain is going online
system by system. For more information, follow
this thread.
Fast forward to post #600 to see this Big Brain development
Original Post: If you had a big brain for your robot, what would you put in it?
I think some similarity to a human brain is good, for example, put in
vision processing, memory, and a robot autonomic nervous system.
Ok, your turn, fill the brain..
Fill the Brain Project Searchable Thread Index - now available
EDIT: the robot Big Brain has become reality - a full scale project with 22
boards that has form and the ability to communicate. To keep track of the
number of posts and their content, I have completed an index by page
number and post number.
Download the Index Below
This index is V1.0 Part 1 with topics of 291 posts spanning 15 pages.
The index is ideal for creating your own Brain, doing Brain research,
reviewing the ideas, and referencing various reviews and information lists.
The photos make a step by step assembly manual covering various parts
and phases of the Brain.
Online Big Brain Index
A more updated online index is found here on page 16
The Brain project began as an idea posted in the Parallax Robotics Forum, with the question
posed about a big robotic brain, What would you put in it? After considerable discussion, I
decided to build an actual brain while maintaining the open source status. Varying phases
are explored throughout the posts, such as design, hardware, assembly, software, testing,
mechanics, drawing, and research. It has led to the complete construction of a Parallax-
Propeller-based robot Brain. The thread may be ongoing for some time with the
introduction of new research, updates, upgrades, hardware, software and related details.
New Brain Online Index
Fast Search Online for Quick Eyeballing of Information
Access here
The online search supplements the PDF file for research. Use
your browser's functions for search and rescue of subject terms.
It may be easier to update the online Index as opposed to the fixed
pdf file.
This discussion has been closed.
Evolution Robotics ER-1 was a laptop on wheels. It had facial recognition and a few nifty tricks, but didn't do much. Suffered a similar fate.
A 1980's vintage Hero 2000 robot remains a more useful and educational robot platform.
Fortunately, all these rare commercial robots are collectible and highly-prized in small circles of ardent supporters who love, mod and expand them, just as we here love our Parallax products!
So, getting back to your question, I would say that all the brainpower in the world needs to be supported by a robot with equally impressive sensors and mechanicals that use all that processing power to move around in and manipulate the world around it.
"Out of trouble" could include keeping itself powered, recharging by returning to a recharging station or battery changing station when needed or keeping itself in light where it could recieve recharging through solar panels.
It might also include calling out for help with some sort of trouble alarm.
Basic robot safety (protecting itself) would be my first priority. I guess I would aim for the most basic brain functions first.
See the classic -
Sardonic Grin Mode = ON
Smart Aleck Mode = ON
Well being inclined toward anthropocentric thinking, one would reply human intelligence, but the way things are going lately, I am unconvinced that there is such a thing.
It begins
THE news of the day often includes an item about some development in artificial intelligence: a machine that smiles, a program that can predict human tastes in mates or music, a robot that teaches foreign languages to children. This constant stream of stories suggests that machines are becoming smart and autonomous, a new form of life, and that we should think of them as fellow creatures instead of as tools. But such conclusions arent just changing how we think about computers they are reshaping the basic assumptions of our lives in misguided and ultimately damaging ways.
I just arrived home this past week from the World's EXPO held in Shanghai, China. There we can see the finest examples of robotics evolution and the developments in artificial intelligence. What I have observed is the same point that many of us recognize - we are seeing individual robots with great skills that are highly specialized. I watched three robots carefully climb up and down the side of the skyscraper (using hands and feet), one robot played the violin (with excellent skill), and several mid-sized humanoids interacted with the public in the most life-like ways you can imagine..
It appears this process of single skill evolving will continue to take place in 2010, and moving forward in the near future, the next phase will include putting together these skills. For example, the face recognition ability of one robot, and the language and AI ability of another will go together to create a new robot with more skill and function.
"I'm here, Larry"
"Please take this to my wife"
"Sylvia, this is from Larry"
The robot then returns to its charging station.
How about a personality section. It can be sarcastic, optimistic, pessimistic, logical like Mr. Spock, wild and crazy as Steve Martin might say, timid and shy, bold and brave to explore strange new worlds seek out new life and boldly go where... The important thing about the personality brain lobe is that it must develop its own personality based on its experiences.
Vote for my daughter Amy every day in the Sandbox forum!
Sorry, another shameless plug. I couldn't resist!
Which leads into the next section of the brain, which would be a philosophical center and the ability to interpret various philosophies.
Now, have we covered everything that should go into a big brain?
It now seems we have a way of thinking with the big brain that is faster than the original specs of the Propeller chip. (remind me not to say mips)... And why not? Internal pure thought should be the fastest, above any I/O. Thanks to the genius' on the Forums, the prop chip now has faster internals methodology and faster I/O's. This is just the beginning.
Is there anyone working on a robot brain? Efforts could be coordinated.
One important aspect of a brain is the ability to move information and thoughts. It takes much more than an artificial neuron and a synapse. Not much can be accomplished without the techniques and algorithms to transport and understand information and thought.
So I put together the AM, Algorithm Machine, for developing algorithms leading to this project of filling a brain. The AM is rather small so the WIDE BUS was introduced.
The brain is a really big project requiring a lot of resources. Obviously we will deal with some kind of machine approximation.
I think we want a robot brain that can go above and beyond the basics. The basics include vision, obstacle avoidance, beeping, moving in some patterns, determining location and orientation, sumo, maze solving, wandering, not falling off a ledge, ranging, mapping, accepting input from sensors, recharge batteries when necessary, and other fundamental age proven activities.
Therefore the purpose of a brain beyond the basics would include thinking, reasoning, and the ability to resolve problems and accept new challenges.
Today I'm working on a new robot brain concept. The overall brain concept up to this point is macro in nature. However, why not induce more than one brain? More than one brain, or a multi-brain could be more useful. Humans have duplicate hands, feet, legs, ears, arms, cheeks, and eyes. Why did evolution stop there? Why don't we have a duplicate brain. It could help Alzheimer's or other brain challenged patients and certainly help solving problems with double brain power.