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  • Obie WanObie Wan Posts: 46
    edited 2011-02-14 17:38
    Mr. Kibler I thought of that problem and may be able to stop by your house at some point if that's acceptable. I won't be able to say anything else tonight because my satellite internet is dying. But I will contact you ASAP.
  • Dylan LandryDylan Landry Posts: 235
    edited 2011-02-14 17:49
    Unless anyone has already gone to bed, I think I have gotten this in on time.

    Mr. Kibler and project team,
    Before I read your post Mr. Kibler I had already tallied up the votes on when practice should be. It seems that in terms of the majority of us being able to be at Mr. Kibler's house of the same date would lead to the practice being this Saturday, 1 - 4 P.M. Although, that is just looking at percentages. For I can meet either day. But it also seems that our next team meeting is going to be reactivating the movement program in the ASP and testing it in the gas chamber, a good reason to have Andrew there to help. I think the most logical choice would have it Saturday, 1 - 4 P.M.. Agree? Disagree?
    The practice we just had was what I said pretty successful. I say this because now everyone is pretty much almost on the same page. I understand that we did sort of have to backtrack to later Home Work assignments, but it caused everyone to have a thorough understanding of how to do it. Being on the same page during the beginning of a project is very important, as it can save or cause you to lose a lot of valuable time.

    It seems that for everyone the list of mission goals is basically this..
    1. Safety
    2. Have the ASP record data at both altitude and ground level.
    3. Have the rover traverse a certain distance, about 100 meters whilst collecting data.
    4. (Stretch) Gps navigation.

    Does everyone agree? Anything that I am missing? I didn't include things like having the parachute detach and certain things like that because I wanted to cover the main goals and not the problems, (even though they might stand in the way of us accomplishing our goals).
  • Mark KiblerMark Kibler Posts: 546
    edited 2011-02-14 17:51
    Jake and Stephanie,

    Your assignment for the week is attached as a file. It’s a modified version of the program we wrote at the dining table on Sunday (but it’s not exactly the same.) As soon as you finish the assignment, send me the answers to the questions.

    Then write the program and e-mail it to me. I’ll test it to see whether it works and report back to you like I did to Emily, Obie, Andrew and Dylan last week.

    Here’s your ‘Procedure’:

    1. Go to the “Robotics with the BOE-bot” book on the Parallax website:

    2. If you think you will be staying with the ARLISS team it’s worthwhile to print the entire book and keep it in a 3-ring binder. It’s a valuable resource and it’s free.

    3. READ p 76-80 on the pages shown on the computer screen (p. 90-94 on the PDF file.) These pages explain how an electrical impulse’s “pulse width controls speed and direction” (that’s the title of the section.) You may need to read a few pages before page 76 to find all the information you need to complete the assignment.

    4. Once you’ve completed the assignment send me the answers to the questions.

    5. Then e-mail me the program you wrote and I’ll test it to see whether it works.

    Jake, you can download the program you write at home directly to the BOE (and servomotors) I’m loaning you. I’m more interested in your answers to the written assignment than I am about the program working right the first time you write it.

    Read, and learn, and your program will work perfectly. Skim over the reading or don’t read thoroughly and you’re in for a bumpy ride.. I’ll look for your programs by e-mail by noon on Saturday.

    ASK QUESTIONS on the forum and by e-mail (Dylan and Andrew) if you get stumped. You have some excellent people who will guide you along.

    Mr. Kibler

    Assignment - Jake and Stephanie.doc
  • Mark KiblerMark Kibler Posts: 546
    edited 2011-02-14 18:00
    Dylan Landry said:

    Unless anyone has already gone to bed, I think I have gotten this in on time.

    .Mr. Kibler and project team,

    ... I think the most logical choice would have it Saturday, 1 - 4 P.M.


    Obie and Andrew (it seems) can't make practice on Saturday. That means it would be you and three new Rocketeers: Jake, Emily,and Stephanie. What do you want to accomplish at our next practice and do we have the resources (people and parts) to accompish those goals?

    I'll let you make the decision on when practice is Dylan.You're the team captain. Make a good decision and stand by your decision. Understand, though, that anyone who doesn't attend will use up one of their three "excused absences".

    Thanks for checking in. Let everyone know exactly what you've decided. Don't be ambiguous.

    Mr. Kibler
  • Dylan LandryDylan Landry Posts: 235
    edited 2011-02-14 18:27
    Practice will be at 1:00 - 4:00 pm at Mr. Kibler's house on Saturday the 19th of February. I am sorry to everyone that will not be able to make it, but I would rather have less people use up and excused absence then more. We will be reactivating the movement program in the ASP's program, test the program, and then program it so that the movement program we just reactivated only starts when a certain number of 0's occur in the MAWD, like we discussed near the end of the last practice, and then finally test that. This may seem like a large step, and please do say so Mr. Kibler and/or Andrew if this seems to be to much, but I think that the things we can accomplish on the forum during the week will set us up at a good spot to complete those tasks at the practice. Such things will be related to researching how the MAWD works and taking an early look at the ASP program, and seeing where the movement program is. Maybe even trying to reactivate it before we go to the practice, therefore getting a well used jump start on things.
    Thoughts Mr. Kibler and/or Andrew?
  • Mark KiblerMark Kibler Posts: 546
    edited 2011-02-14 18:48
    Practice will be at 1:00 - 4:00 pm at Mr. Kibler's house on Saturday the 19th of February. I am sorry to everyone that will not be able to make it, but I would rather have less people use up and excused absence then more.

    I'll see everyone on Saturday, just before 1 PM. Please confirm whether you will or won't be attending practice so I can plan.

    Mr. Kibler
  • Jake GoldsberryJake Goldsberry Posts: 85
    edited 2011-02-15 12:20
    Mr Kibler, thanks so much for lending me the BoE! I just finished installing the drivers, and now I am writing the program. I will be able to attend this weekends meeting! See you all then!
  • Andrew (ARLISS)Andrew (ARLISS) Posts: 213
    edited 2011-02-15 14:16


    Obie and Andrew (it seems) can't make practice on Saturday. That means it would be you and three new Rocketeers: Jake, Emily,and Stephanie. What do you want to accomplish at our next practice and do we have the resources (people and parts) to accompish those goals?

    I'll let you make the decision on when practice is Dylan.You're the team captain. Make a good decision and stand by your decision. Understand, though, that anyone who doesn't attend will use up one of their three "excused absences".

    Thanks for checking in. Let everyone know exactly what you've decided. Don't be ambiguous.

    Mr. Kibler

    Mr. Kibler,

    Just an update. I will be able to attend the meeting, on Saturday from 1 to 4 PM.


    It seems like a good idea to work on all of the things you mentioned at the upcoming practice. Perhaps a good assignment beforehand would be to have everyone attempt "unlocking" the movement routine already in the program. Provided they probably wont be able to run the program, it still may be interesting to see what others think is required to make the program function. Then, during practice, we can hopefully jump right in to adding in code for the parachute release.

  • Mark KiblerMark Kibler Posts: 546
    edited 2011-02-15 14:54
    Mr. Kibler,

    Just an update. I will be able to attend the meeting, on Saturday from 1 to 4 PM.


    It seems like a good idea to work on all of the things you mentioned at the upcoming practice. Perhaps a good assignment beforehand would be to have everyone attempt "unlocking" the movement routine already in the program. Provided they probably wont be able to run the program, it still may be interesting to see what others think is required to make the program function. Then, during practice, we can hopefully jump right in to adding in code for the parachute release.



    I like how you're thinking and I'm glad you'll be at Saturday's practice. :smile: Have you tried unlocking the movement subroutine yet and then running it on your BOE-bot...? I think you should try before Saturday if you have the time.

    What about having two subsystem groups on Saturday? One group could write a (standard) servomotor program to release the parachute while the other, more experienced group could work to unlock and test the robot's movement subroutine. The standard servomotor group could even tinker with building some sort of mechanism to attach and release the parachute. In the picture I have in my mind, this mechanism would attach to the servo, which would attach to the new robot. The servomotor group's program, at first glance, could be very similar to what we''ve done the past few weeks and so it might not be all that hard to do (*I say "might not" cautiously...)

    At some juncture we need to start building the actual "new robot" and cloning the ASP's circuitry. What will the new robot look like? I have my ideas but I'm eager to hear yours. After we decide, and since form follows function, the "prototype team" could start building the new robot (at another practice) while others work on the program. We should figure out what should be done in what order so we don't too far ahead with one (bad) idea and then trip over our toes.

    Dinner time (*no cookies for dessert :frown:)

    Mr. Kibler
  • Mark KiblerMark Kibler Posts: 546
    edited 2011-02-15 15:00
    Mr Kibler, thanks so much for lending me the BoE! I just finished installing the drivers, and now I am writing the program. I will be able to attend this weekends meeting! See you all then!

    De nada, Jake-ster.

    I'm eager to see what you come up with for a program. If you have questions be sure to ask. None of us knows it all, not even me. Just ask Sylvie (*Sylvie, where are you, my friend?)

    Mr. Kibler
  • Jake GoldsberryJake Goldsberry Posts: 85
    edited 2011-02-15 15:40
    Mr. Kibler
    Bonjour! I do have one question, which I couldn't find looking through the pages in the Robotics with the BoE-Bot. I'm really struggling with getting the exact time for the motors to run. For instance, on the sheet, it asks me to write a program that will make the servomotors run for 54 seconds. What is the equation to figure out what numbers to place in the "For servomotors 1 to ?" to make them run for a certain amount of time?
    Hope you can help!
  • Mark KiblerMark Kibler Posts: 546
    edited 2011-02-15 16:21
    Mr. Kibler
    Bonjour! I do have one question, which I couldn't find looking through the pages in the Robotics with the BoE-Bot. I'm really struggling with getting the exact time for the motors to run. For instance, on the sheet, it asks me to write a program that will make the servomotors run for 54 seconds. What is the equation to figure out what numbers to place in the "For servomotors 1 to ?" to make them run for a certain amount of time?
    Hope you can help!

    Bon soir Jakester,

    The formula is right on the front side of your assignment worksheet near the bottom:

    Here's what is says (I just cut-and-pasted it):

    P = T
  • Dylan LandryDylan Landry Posts: 235
    edited 2011-02-15 17:19
    Project Team,
    I just read both Mr. Kibler's post and Andrew's. At some point this idea came to me.
    It seems that we WILL be splitting into groups at some point. For the next practice Mr. Kibler proposed two teams, one for the basic servo motor program that will detach the parachute, and the other to reactivate the movement program in the ASP. What does everyone think about declaring the teams now and getting prepared for next practice over the forum and email? From Andrew's post I agreed that for the team tackling the reactivation problem they could email and or post the problem they ran into once trying to reactivate it. The other team could do the same thing, possible help each other over email develop a program that would turn a servo at a certain time like Mr. Kibler said to simply detach the parachute. What do people think about this? About having the teams split now.
  • Mark KiblerMark Kibler Posts: 546
    edited 2011-02-15 17:50
    Project Team,

    ...What do people think about ...having the teams split now.

    Keep in mind that the only team members who have a ready-to-go BOE and servomotors, or a BOE-bot, are Andrew, Jake (BOE), and me. Jake is a candidate--- trying out for the team-- and asking him to navigate the ASP program would, I think, be asking too much. He's still working on writing his very first servomotor program and the ASP program is much, much more complex.

    If we decide subsystem teams now, only the people with BOE-bots (Andrew and I) would be able to test the ASP program as it's changed and then e-mailed back and forth. Otherwise people would be writing a program with nowhere to test it (unless they e-mailed it someone else to test.) I think it makes more sense to work it out on Saturday but that's just my humble opinion.

    If we do go with subsystem teams I think we should partner veteran team members with new team members, and use our strengths to mediate our weaknesses (that means don't put all the new team members together, and assign someone who's good at something to that task, not something they're weak at.)

    Mr. Kibler
  • Dylan LandryDylan Landry Posts: 235
    edited 2011-02-16 14:58
    Mr. Kibler,
    That was just an idea I had so that during practice we would all know what to do and how to do it. I just didn't want the team to be at practice and be unsure of what they are exactly doing. Just thinking out loud.
  • Mark KiblerMark Kibler Posts: 546
    edited 2011-02-16 16:52
    Mr. Kibler,
    That was just an idea I had so that during practice we would all know what to do and how to do it. I just didn't want the team to be at practice and be unsure of what they are exactly doing. Just thinking out loud.

    Yes, it was a good thought and it's good that you post these ideas on the forum for everyone to read and consider... before we meet. That way we can plan ahead. As a leader you're learning to think and plan ahead, and to communciate. These are valuable skills you're learning, Dylan, and you're showing good leadership. Keep up the good work ;-)


    contacted me about making a presentation at one of their Wednesday morning breakfast meetings. We need to discuss this as a team on Saturday so I can confirm a date with them. This will be an important fund-raising presentation for all team members (*but why does it have to be at 7:30 AM in Bedford..?!)

    Mr. Kibler
  • Jake GoldsberryJake Goldsberry Posts: 85
    edited 2011-02-17 03:53
    Hi all!
    Hm 7:30? That's ruff. I don't think I could make that, considering I have school. Anyways, the real reason I'm writing this is to inform you that I have completed the assignment (It runs for EXACTLY 54 seconds) and if it is okay for me to turn it in on paper? Instead of emailing it to you.
    Thanks so much!
  • sylvie369sylvie369 Posts: 1,622
    edited 2011-02-17 08:10
    De nada, Jake-ster.

    I'm eager to see what you come up with for a program. If you have questions be sure to ask. None of us knows it all, not even me. Just ask Sylvie (*Sylvie, where are you, my friend?)

    Mr. Kibler

    I'm here, but I haven't seen anything to respond to for a while. It seems you folks are moving right along just fine.
  • Jake GoldsberryJake Goldsberry Posts: 85
    edited 2011-02-17 09:49
    Hi all!
    I have completed the Homework assignment, and the program will run for exactly 54 seconds. I also have the other answers.

    ' {$STAMP BS2e}
    ' {$PBASIC 2.5}

    DEBUG "Jake's Servomotor Program", CR, CR
    DEBUG "Running", CR, CR

    Counter VAR word

    FOR counter = 1 TO 2185

    PULSOUT 13, 850
    PULSOUT 12, 650

    Pause 20


    DEBUG "Finished", CR, CR


    Tell me what you think about this! Really pick it apart!
    Thanks again
  • Stephanie1113Stephanie1113 Posts: 13
    edited 2011-02-17 13:38
    I just thinking about Saturday, I think I should make it, but I'm kind of reconsidering it since I'm sick and I really don't want to get you all sick before February vacation, it really all depends on if I get better, but I will let you all know if I can make it or not.

    P.S. I have the homework Mr. Kibler, and I will give it to you in class if I am there tomorrow.
  • Mark KiblerMark Kibler Posts: 546
    edited 2011-02-17 13:43
    Hi all!
    I have completed the Homework assignment, and the program will run for exactly 54 seconds. I also have the other answers.

    ' {$STAMP BS2e}
    ' {$PBASIC 2.5}

    DEBUG "Jake's Servomotor Program", CR, CR
    DEBUG "Running", CR, CR

    Counter VAR word

    FOR counter = 1 TO 2185

    PULSOUT 13, 850
    PULSOUT 12, 650

    Pause 20


    DEBUG "Finished", CR, CR


    Tell me what you think about this! Really pick it apart!
    Thanks again


    This is a good start but I'd like you to go back and re-do the homework assignment using the 'PAUSE 50" value that was in the assignment I posted for you and Stephanie. To get the program to run for 54 seconds you will need to do the calculations shown in the assignment, and the "program code mark-up value" given in the Parallax book(s). You may have to read further in the book or browse their website to find this value. It is not 2.0 ms.

    You used a 'PAUSE 20' value and a program code mark-up value of 2.0 ms (and a value you calculated somehow) to "make" the program work. I want all us to have a formula that we can use predictably every time we program. Please re-read the assignment and the Parallax books/website, then recalculate and reprogram using the 'PAUSE 50' and program code mark-up value they give. Then e-mail me your updated program. I'd like to have it so I can try it out before bedtime on Friday


    Mr. Kibler
  • Mark KiblerMark Kibler Posts: 546
    edited 2011-02-17 15:56

    OK, I ran you program here at home and it does run for 54 seconds. But as I said above, you didn't use the variables you were given in the assignment I posted (you used a different PAUSE value and a different 'program code overhead' value'. Where It came from I'm uncertain.)

    I did the calculations using the values on the worksheet I posted and then I wrote a program. It too, ran for 45 seconds. I suspect the reason it didn't work when we tried it in the classroom at the end of the day was because we rushed through the calculations. When I took my time and cross-checked my calculations the program worked just as it should.

    Please recalculate using the values that were given in the assignment and then post the program to the forum. I'll download it from there and try it out here at home. The assignment wasn't necessarily designed to make the servos run for 54 seconds. Its purpose was for us to learn HOW to make a servomotor (or another electronic device) run for an exact amount of time, every time.

    When you write you upated program consider adding comments after each program line explaining what each line does, where the values come from, etc. Remember to add an apostrophe ' right before any comments you add so the computer doesn't "read" the comments as program commands. This is called 'editing out' a program line command (*if I remember correctly.)

    Keep up the good work! I'll look for your updated program ("Jake v.2")

    Mr. Kibler
  • Mark KiblerMark Kibler Posts: 546
    edited 2011-02-17 16:08
    I just thinking about Saturday, I think I should make it, but I'm kind of reconsidering it since I'm sick and I really don't want to get you all sick before February vacation, it really all depends on if I get better, but I will let you all know if I can make it or not.

    P.S. I have the homework Mr. Kibler, and I will give it to you in class if I am there tomorrow.


    Sorry that you're not feeling well. :blank:
    > Take the time you need to get better so you don't get sicker, longer. We'll talk about practices once you're feeling better. Thanks for letting me know.

    Mr. Kibler
  • Emily RoseEmily Rose Posts: 53
    edited 2011-02-17 16:44
    I think on Saturday we should defiantly work on decoding and unlocking the ASP Code.
  • Mark KiblerMark Kibler Posts: 546
    edited 2011-02-17 17:00
    Emily Rose wrote: »
    I think on Saturday we should defiantly work on decoding and unlocking the ASP Code.

    Agreed. But should we do it "defiantly"? (*not a good idea for building a strong team!)

    Or should we "definitely" do it?

    I propose that we:

    1) Unlock the "movement" program and try to get the BOE-bot moving after it collects data (in the vacuum chamber)

    2) Work on a servomotor mechanism and program it to release the parachute's 'shroud lines' (strings)

    Come prepared to work as two, 2-person subsystem teams. What are your best skills and what are your preferences? I'll try to accomodate both, but those with advanced skills will probabaly work on advanced tasks. 'Senior' team members will be paired with newer team members.

    Mr. Kibler
  • Andrew (ARLISS)Andrew (ARLISS) Posts: 213
    edited 2011-02-18 13:35
    I propose that we:

    1) Unlock the "movement" program and try to get the BOE-bot moving after it collects data (in the vacuum chamber)

    2) Work on a servomotor mechanism and program it to release the parachute's 'shroud lines' (strings)

    Come prepared to work as two, 2-person subsystem teams. What are your best skills and what are your preferences? I'll try to accomodate both, but those with advanced skills will probabaly work on advanced tasks. 'Senior' team members will be paired with newer team members.

    Mr. Kibler

    Mr. Kibler,

    I agree that unlocking the movement program is a good starting point. I have tried to unlock the movement subroutine, by adding the line "GOSUB movement" to the program, but the subroutine "movement" doesn't exist! I noticed a program note created on July 1, 2009, which says:
    '-- 01 July 2009 (mk)
    ' 1) 'Commented out' (not deleted) robot movement commands (servomotor movements) and inputs
    ' 2) 'Commented out' Morse code program for servomotor movement - Kept Morse code program for sync and disk tries

    However, searching through the program yields no results. Not a single movement-related or 'PULSOUT' command exists in the entire ASP-2 program. Unless I'm overlooking something, it seems that we may have to look at an old version of the program, or re-write the movement routine (which is fairly simple). I'm going to try to recover the old movement subroutine and paste it into the current version of the program and see how it works. Those of you with the ability to do so may also consider completing this task.

    See everyone tomorrow!

    -- Andrew
  • Mark KiblerMark Kibler Posts: 546
    edited 2011-02-18 14:18
    Mr. Kibler,

    Unless I'm overlooking something, it seems that we may have to look at an old version of the program, or re-write the movement routine (which is fairly simple). I'm going to try to recover the old movement subroutine and paste it into the current version of the program and see how it works. Those of you with the ability to do so may also consider completing this task.

    See everyone tomorrow!

    -- Andrew


    Glad to see you're working on this. How's the GPS navigation coming along?

    I found a version of the ASP program last night that had the 'movement' subroutine in it. I also 'unedited' it to see what would happen (not much at my end). I can't remember if I found the program on the forum or in a file folder on the computer but we definitely (not defiantly~!) have a version that will work.

    I think the program with the movement subroutine was called "SHT Fast Data". It would have been recompiled/posted this fall and it outputs data twice every second ("fast data".)

    I sure miss hearing from Sylvie and Dr. Allen.

    See you tomorrow. Think about subsystem teams.

    Mr. Kibler

    NOTE: I just attached the program I mentioned above, below. Let me know if this is what you were looking for.
    It has the movement subroutine in it.
  • Stephanie1113Stephanie1113 Posts: 13
    edited 2011-02-19 06:08
    Mr. Kibler,
    I should be able to come to the meeting today, yesterday I just had to stay at home from school because of the 24 hours after taking medicine so you aren't contagious. I am feeling MUCH better today, and my parents want me to get back up on my feet.

    Sorry about the short notice,
  • Mark KiblerMark Kibler Posts: 546
    edited 2011-02-19 07:51

    At today's practice we begin our project in earnest. To move ahead we need a program to start with. It is attached below, in two forms: Parallax format and Microsoft Word.. PRINT THE "WORD" DOCUMENT AND KEEP IT IN YOUR TEAM BINDER. Save the Parallax.bs2e file in "Basic Stamp Editor v. 2.5" format to use at home and at practice. We will look at it, figure out how it works, and then figure out how to "adjust" it to accomplish our mission goals (which should also be in your team binder.)

    As we figure out and add to this program we will save newer versions. Below is "ASP-BOE Fast Data v.1" (version 1.) This is our starting point. Download it, print it, and save it. You will certainly need it.

    Last year's project was called the "ASP-2". The project the year before was simply, "the ASP."

    The official name of this year's project paylaod is "the ASP-BOT." We'll use that name from now on so there's no confusion as to "which ASP" we're talking about.

    See you at 1 PM,

    Mr. Kibler
  • Andrew (ARLISS)Andrew (ARLISS) Posts: 213
    edited 2011-02-19 08:23

    At today's practice we begin our project in earnest. To move ahead we need a program to start with. It is attached below, in two forms: Parallax format and Microsoft Word.. PRINT THE "WORD" DOCUMENT AND KEEP IT IN YOUR TEAM BINDER. Save the Parallax.bs2e file in "Basic Stamp Editor v. 2.5" format to use at home and at practice. We will look at it, figure out how it works, and then figure out how to "adjust" it to accomplish our mission goals (which should also be in your team binder.)

    As we figure out and add to this program we will save newer versions. Below is "ASP-BOE Fast Data v.1" (version 1.) This is our starting point. Download it, print it, and save it. You will certainly need it.

    Last year's project was called the "ASP-2". The project the year before was simply, "the ASP."

    The official name of this year's project paylaod is "the ASP-BOT." We'll use that name from now on so there's no confusion as to "which ASP" we're talking about.

    See you at 1 PM,

    Mr. Kibler

    Mr. Kibler,

    The program you uploaded will not initialize for me. The debug statements run, but nothing else happens. On the other hand, my program which is the ASP-2 Launch Ready program combined with the "Fast Data" movement subroutines will initialize but the movement isn't working properly. I'm quite confused as to what the problem is. Hopefully we will be able to figure it out today. Does the program you uploaded work for you?

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