My RTC clock set program seems to be corrupted
I been using DS3231 RTCs for a long time but now even after a lot of checking I can't seem to make the setting program work. It just wants to read out zeros after programming. Don't know if I accidentally changed something. I had a computer crash in January and been rewriting a lot of things. Help would be appreciated. It… -
No Propeller 1 found on any serial port
BASIC Stamp Manual 2.2 Error?
Code with Global Variables but separate for each Core
Hi, I am developing some code in C, which I want to use with P2 and RPI PICO (Ardino C++). I have started with the version for P2 with FlexC. The same code using some global variables must run independently in more than one COG. In FlexC for P2 this can be achieved with "extern register int". These variables share the name… -
Using a smart pin to get frequency of a pin
P2 spin2/C - different behavior when running on new cog
I have a large (220Kb) spin2 application running on the P2 edge module that uses the SD card for data storage using flexspin/flexprop 4.1.0 and the C lib for SD card access. The object’s functions for mounting the SD card and opening/writing files work flawlessly when called from the main object and from child objects… -
P1 giveaway (continental USA only)
Re: Console Emulation
I always just load to RAM, anyways. Not sure why many people always load the flash. Constantly reflashing the flash isn't very healthy. Maybe it just sticks around from working with processors that run code directly from flash (and thus don't have a load RAM option) The built-in SD booter is kindof crummy, anyways -…