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True "HDMI" with data packets... — Parallax Forums

True "HDMI" with data packets...

Wuerfel_21Wuerfel_21 Posts: 4,925
edited 2023-11-17 17:24 in Propeller 2

All of the ususal (?) "HDMI" drivers actually just generate DVI-spec pure video. It'd be nice to figure out how to insert audio packets, but for now I'm just trying to generate an AVInfoFrame packet to set the monitor into YCbCr mode, just because that's easier: It only needs one packet that always stays the same and the result should be immediately obvious when it starts working.

But problematically, it seems that I only have junky HDMI devices. One is extremely flakey and now doesn't want to do with tests that worked an hour ago and the other I suspect may actually just be a "dumb" DVI device (looks like the video guard band is intruding into the picture on the left edge...). Might have to try some more with the upstairs TV tomorrow.

Anyways, after futzing around with packet encoding and the poorly described error correction code (it's just CRC...) I think I'm doing at least something right. See also:

I'm creating this thread to maybe get some ideas tossing, but you may also try the attached code and see what it does for you. The intent is to display the picture with wrong colors (RGB re-interpreted as YCbCr), so that's what it should do. If the colors are normal, it's not parsing the Info Frame.



  • I was able to get some HDMI audio working a once while back with a P1V solution but there was still a bug and I had mixed results - only one cheapo LCD monitor tested produced sound as I recall and I needed to fix the bitstream output somewhere as my consumer A/V devices were being far stricter than the the budget monitor in what they would tolerate. When I counted cycles for core parts I know a P2 COG can certainly do it with the resources available, but don't really want to go there mainly due to HDMI licensing issues which is a shame really. It would be great if Parallax could obtain an HDMI license somehow and we could then get audio and other HDMI features on the P2.

  • The interesting part is wether I can manage to generate the audio packets (including resampling to a non-whacky rate when required) while simultaneously doing pixel repeat (for 320-wide lowres modes). In general that takes 6 cycles every 20 cycles, though with the streamer buffer you can probably fudge it a bit back and forth.

    As far as licensing goes, the license sharks better come to my door and ask for it. Then I pull their human masks off or something and then they die immediately because they are sharks and need water to breathe. Sounds fake but is more real then trying to claim a forever license over particular de-facto universal transmission formats.

  • roglohrogloh Posts: 5,642
    edited 2023-11-16 04:32

    Am so very tempted to send you my P2 test code as I'm sure it would be extremely useful to you right now @Wuerfel_21 but don't think it would be a good idea. I can send you this github project link though which is what I learned from. A real treasure trove.

    ps. in the issues list there you can see some of my comments/questions to Charlie the original creator when I was doing the FPGA stuff which mentioned some problems I encountered.

  • AribaAriba Posts: 2,687
    edited 2023-11-16 06:23

    Would be extremely cool if we had DVI with Audio (just don't call it HDMI).

    I've tried the test1 code on two TVs:
    1) a little Phillips TV, shows nothing and mostly says no Signal.
    2) a Hitachi TV. Shows Reimu but in normal colors (I think - how do I know? She has red clothes and sits on a black chair).
    This TV says the picture is 642 x 471 pixels @ 60 Hz.


  • Also tried @Wuerfel_21 's test code on my Pioneer plasma over HDMI. No image synced at all. I was driving via a long 10m cable from another room, so to validate it does work from a P2, I ran my own DVI driver code over the same cable and got a 640x480 picture fine. But in terms of HDMI compliance I believe my HDTV is very strict so if something is wrong with the signal then it gets ignored completely.


  • @Ariba said:
    Would be extremely cool if we had DVI with Audio (just don't call it HDMI).

    It can be achieved on a P2.

  • @Ariba said:
    Would be extremely cool if we had DVI with Audio (just don't call it HDMI).

    Yea, I think that's the trick. Not sure what they can really get you on if you avoid the trademarks (same as SD cards etc)

    This TV says the picture is 642 x 471 pixels @ 60 Hz.

    Not sure where it's getting 471 from, but 642 sounds like it's eating the guard band, too. Maybe the preamble needs to be exactly 8px? Idk, will need to go upstairs to the proper TV and fool around.

    Btw, YUV mode should be totally obvious when it engages, something like this (maybe not exactly, I think the channels would be remapped differently)

  • @Wuerfel_21 said:
    Maybe the preamble needs to be exactly 8px? Idk, will need to go upstairs to the proper TV and fool around.

    Seems like I used 8 pixels in my own code.

  • And immediately I realize I had made a typo in the data guard character and of course everything starts working, even on the crappy little screen.

  • @Wuerfel_21 said:
    And immediately I realize I had made a typo in the data guard character and of course everything starts working, even on the crappy little screen.

    Yep, got an image now. Green background, red/pink clothing colours. Well done. :smile:

  • AribaAriba Posts: 2,687

    Yes, works now also here on both TVs

  • Okay, I think audio works. At least on the one proper TV that I can try it on. "soundtest.spin2" should give you a nice sine wave (and normal-colored image). (DO NOT COMPILE WITH DEBUG IT WILL BREAK THE TIMING)

    (I like that the P2 can just pull up sine waves using CORDIC instructions)

    I also included a modified version of the YUV test because the TV didn't like where the VSYNC edges were happening (I think????), so I think this is more compatible. The other files also have that change. There's also a "reclocktest" that sends just the audio clock packet. It only exists to dump the packet out over debug so I could paste it in the other file.

  • LtechLtech Posts: 380
    edited 2023-11-16 19:26

    Working on small Lenco screen.

    But: The sine was low frequency, so did not passthrough the small speakers.
    With headset, I get it.

    So perhaps for testing generate a 1Khz

    Nice work !

  • That probably is a good idea, here's a version with a 1 kHz tone.

  • LtechLtech Posts: 380
    edited 2023-11-16 19:26

    Yes, loud and clear now on small speakers !
    This work on all my HDMI monitors, right colors and sound

    Keep going

  • Well, the next step is figuring out how to fit it into the framework of how P2 audio normally works, which is a cog producing samples at some interval. I forget, can I set a pin that's being used as an output into P_REPOSITORY mode? Could use that as a mailbox for samples, the video cog just needs to check it somewhat frequently. The other thing is that the audio needs to be a normal rate (32k, 44.1k or 48k), so I'll have to figure out a good-enough polyphase resampling algorithm (the yamaha FM emulator cogs use widely off-spec rates around 55kHz). Wonder if 4-point sinc is sufficient?

    Though if there's time for that, you can probably also generate simple audio directly in the video cog.

    I also am not yet taking advantage of a pretty big optimization: When using normal audio rates (32kHz to 48kHz) and VGA/EDTV Hsync rates (>= 31kHz), there are at most 2 samples in a scanline, which means that the second two subpackets are never used and can be hardcoded to zero, which could speed up packet encoding quite a lot.

  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,423

    This looks awesome! Having sound over HDMI would be very nice!

  • Same problem I encountered with my Pioneer plasma with my own code. Audio didn't work for me. :( It's very picky. This TV does support LPCM 32,44.1,48 kHz rates though according to the E-EDID report.
    I'll need to look into your code but are you computing the proper channel status stuff as is in S/PDIF framing? I couldn't see it there at first glance. I think that may be required.

    @Wuerfel_21 said:
    Well, the next step is figuring out how to fit it into the framework of how P2 audio normally works, which is a cog producing samples at some interval. I forget, can I set a pin that's being used as an output into P_REPOSITORY mode? Could use that as a mailbox for samples, the video cog just needs to check it somewhat frequently. The other thing is that the audio needs to be a normal rate (32k, 44.1k or 48k), so I'll have to figure out a good-enough polyphase resampling algorithm (the yamaha FM emulator cogs use widely off-spec rates around 55kHz). Wonder if 4-point sinc is sufficient?

    Yes this needs to be sorted. Would be very neat if you could put a pin into REPO mode and it'd still honour the streamer and bitDAC settings as an output...that needs to be tested. If so, you'd have up to 8 HDMI pins that could potentially act as repos for separate multichannel sound samples which would be very cool indeed, assuming there is enough processing time to encode them all. At this point however stereo is probably hard enough, and good enough.

  • @rogloh said:
    Same problem I encountered with my Pioneer plasma with my own code. Audio didn't work for me. :( It's very picky. This TV does support LPCM 32,44.1,48 kHz rates though according to the E-EDID report.
    I'll need to look into your code but are you computing the proper channel status stuff as is in S/PDIF framing? I couldn't see it there at first glance. I think that may be required.

    I have the status word stuff, but not a lot of bits set in that:

                  incmod spdif_phase,#191 wc
            if_c  alts tmp3,#20
            if_c  bith packet_header,#0-0
                  cmp spdif_phase,#32 wc
            if_c  testb spdif_status,spdif_phase wc
                  muxc tmp2,#%1100_1100 ' also set parity here
                             '|||| Sample rate here       | Disable copy protection
    spdif_status  long %00_00_0000_00000000_00000000_00000100
  • Other thing I'm not doing is sending an audio infoframe. Apparently spec requires sending it.
    Spent the rest of the evening writing up a utility to easily generate canned packets like that. Can probably add it in tomorrow. Though that's 3 packets now, Audio clock, AVI Info and audio info. That's 384 bytes when canned.

  • roglohrogloh Posts: 5,642
    edited 2023-11-17 20:04

    Yeah I sent these three packets. You can alternate two of them in a pair of frames but the timing one should go out much more frequently.

    That github link I provided above used this as channel status for 32kHz LPCM. I was never able to modify it successfully for 44.1 or 48kHz even in the FPGA variant so I was sure I was doing something wrong, even though I couldn't pinpoint it.

    localparam [191:0] channelStatus = 192'hc203004004; // 32KHz 16-bit LPCM audio

    In my P2 version which never had working audio on my Pioneer TV but had some success on a cheapo monitor, the long term plan to solve this was to capture the TMDS differences between my (working) FPGA version @32kHz and the P2 version to narrow down what bit was wrong, but it was a lot of work to do and I sort of moved on to other things after that. As I recall I did make a tool that could capture the streamed TMDS code output directly from the P2 pins though back into HUB RAM using a separate COG which I could export for analysis later. I'll have to look for that.

  • roglohrogloh Posts: 5,642
    edited 2023-11-17 03:00

    Here's the decoder I wrote. I think I just had it analyze the captured 8 bit bytes at the HDMI pins on the P2 but can't recall everything it did as it was a while ago. You might be able to make use of it perhaps. YMMV.

    I'll see if I can find the other PASM part that streamed the data back from the pins (might be lost, not sure), but that's probably something simple you'd be able to add to your own code if it's just a byte logger.

    tm.c 14.6K
  • One thing I see is that the FPGA code you linked sends the clock regeneration packet more frequently. That might be it, allegedly it should be sent once per N period. Idk, you'd have to test that, it all just works for me.

  • roglohrogloh Posts: 5,642
    edited 2023-11-17 03:43

    Here's the capture/logging component which firstly spawned my HDMI cog plus the snippet from this HDMI cog that syncs to it so I can capture a line buffer for a given scanline for later analysis. This was written in the early days before tools had evolved and uses hard code addresses etc. Hopefully it still compiles, but you get the gist.

    '* HDMI + AUDIO demo for P2-EVAL rev B            *
        HDMI_BASE       = 24        ' base P2 pin for HDMI (must be multiple of 8)
        HDMI_GROUP      = (HDMI_BASE >> 3)
        FRAMEBUF_START  = $2000     ' frame buffer image data (5:6:5 format)
        FRAMEBUF_SIZE   = 640*480*2 ' size of image data in bytes
        AUDIO_FIFOSTART = $1000     ' start address of audio FIFO 
        AUDIO_FIFOSIZE  = 64        ' size of audio FIFO in longs
        FIFO_STATUS     = $1800     ' address where audio FIFO status is written
        FRAME_STATUS    = $1304     ' address where HDMI frame status is written
        HDMI_DATA_BUF   = $2000     ' address where HDMI island pkt data is written
        BAUDRATE        = 2000000 '115200
        HDMI_CAPTURE_LINE_ADDR = $1200
                ' -----------------------------------------------------------------
                ' configure PLL, 20MHz / 2 * 27 * 1 = 270MHz
                ' -----------------------------------------------------------------
                hubset  ##%1_000001_0000011010_1111_10_00   'select PLL parameters
                waitx   ##25_000_000 / 100                  'stable after 10ms
                hubset  ##%1_000001_0000011010_1111_10_11   'switch to PLL
    ' OR ....
                ' -----------------------------------------------------------------
                ' configure PLL, 20MHz / 10 * 126 * 1 = 252MHz
                ' -----------------------------------------------------------------
                hubset  ##%1_001001_0001111101_1111_10_00   'select PLL parameters
                waitx   ##25_000_000 / 100                  'stable after 10ms
                hubset  ##%1_001001_0001111101_1111_10_11   'switch to PLL
                ' -----------------------------------------------------------------
                'configure DEBUG clock for 11.9 MHz operation
                ' -----------------------------------------------------------------
                hubset  ##%1_010011_0001110110_0100_10_00   'select PLL parameters
                waitx   ##25_000_000 / 100                  'stable after 10ms
                hubset  ##%1_010011_0001110110_0100_10_11   'switch to PLL
                ' reverse image bitmap data
                mov     bmploop, ##640*350*2 ' number of bytes in image
                mov     addr1, ##FRAMEBUF_START  ' address of image
                mov     addr2, addr1
                add     addr2, bmploop
                sub     addr2, #2
                shr     bmploop, #2     ' divide by 4 to get number of words to swap
                rep     #6, bmploop     ' reverse bitmap pixels to flip image
                rdword  pix1, addr1
                rdword  pix2, addr2
                wrword  pix1, addr2
                wrword  pix2, addr1
                add     addr1, #2
                sub     addr2, #2
                mov     i, #0
                wrlong  i, ##HDMI_CAPTURE_LINE_ADDR
                ' restart as the HDMI COG
                setq    paramaddr         ' addr of COG parameter block is passed
                coginit #1, ##@hdmicog    ' restart COG to begin running HDMI
                'setup smartpin async tx serial
                dirl    #62
                wrpin   ##%_01_11110_0, #62 
                wxpin   uartclocks, #62
                drvh    #62
                'setup smartpin async rx serial
                dirl    #63
                wrpin   ##%_00_11111_0, #63
                wxpin   uartclocks, #63
                dirh    #63
                dirl    #6
                wrpin   ##%0111_0000_000_0000000000000_00_01110_0, #6
                wxpin   ##PROP_FREQ, #6
                wypin   #0, #6
                dirh    #6
                call    #delay
                callpa  promptmsg, #puts
                call    #readline
                cmp     linesize, #0 wz
        if_z    jmp     #main2
        if_z    jmp     #main
                callpb  #32, #putch
                callpa  linesize, #printbyte
                call    #crlf
                call    #puts_lut
                call    #crlf
                call    #parsehex
                callpa  val, #printlong
                call    #crlf
                mov     ptra, val
                callpa  ptra, #capture
                mov     ptra, ##HDMI_DATA_BUF
                callpa  ##128, #dumphex
                jmp     #main
                mov     ptra, ##HDMI_DATA_BUF
                callpa  ##60000, #dumphex
                jmp     #main
    getcount    testp   #6 wz
        if_z    rdpin   val, #6
        if_z    callpa  val, #printlong
                jmp     #main
    delay       waitx   ##150_000_000
    readline    mov     linesize, #0
    readloop    call    #getchar
                cmp     char, #13 wz        ' detect return key for ending the line
        if_z    mov     char, #0            ' transform to a null for end of string
        if_z    wrlut   char, linesize      ' and save in buffer
        if_z    ret                         
                cmp     char, #8 wz         ' support backspace
        if_nz   cmp     char, #127 wz       ' and delete keys
        if_z    mov     char, #8
        if_z    callpb  char, #putch
        if_z    callpb  #32, #putch         ' rubout previous character
        if_z    sub     linesize, #1 wc
        if_z_and_c   mov   linesize, #0     ' don't delete past start of line
        if_z_and_nc    callpb  char, #putch
        if_z    jmp     #readloop
                cmp     linesize, #79 wc    ' check for 80 char line limit
        if_c    cmpr    char, #32 wc        ' check for printable chars
        if_c    wrlut   char, linesize      ' store char in LUT
        if_c    add     linesize, #1
        if_c    callpb  char, #putch        ' echo character
                jmp     #readloop
    crlf        callpb  #10, #putch
                callpb  #13, #putch
    puts_lut    mov     ptrb, #0
    putsloop    rdlut   char, ptrb 
                add     ptrb, #1
                test    char wz
        if_z    ret
        if_nz   callpb  char, #putch
                jmp     #putsloop
    putch       rqpin   inb, #62 wc
                testp   #62 wz
        if_nc_or_z  wypin   pb, #62
        if_nc_or_z  ret
                jmp     #putch
    puts        mov     ptra, pa
    putloop     rdbyte  char, ptra++ 
                test    char wz
        if_z    ret
        if_nz   callpb  char, #putch        
                jmp     #putloop
    getchar     testp   #63 wz
        if_z    rdpin   char, #63
        if_z    shr     char, #32-8
        if_nz   jmp     #getchar
    printlong   mov     l,  pa
                rol     l, #8
                getbyte b, l, #0
                callpa  b, #printbyte
                rol     l, #8
                getbyte b, l, #0
                callpa  b, #printbyte
                rol     l, #8
                getbyte b, l, #0
                callpa  b, #printbyte
                rol     l, #8
                getbyte b, l, #0
                callpa  b, #printbyte
    printword   getbyte b, w, #1
                callpa  b, #printbyte
                getbyte b, w, #0
                callpa  b, #printbyte
    printbyte   getnib  nib, pa, #1
                cmp     nib, #10 wc
        if_nc   add     nib, #65-10
        if_c    add     nib, #48
                callpb  nib, #putch
                getnib  nib, pa, #0
                cmp     nib, #10 wc
        if_nc   add     nib, #65-10
        if_c    add     nib, #48
                callpb  nib, #putch
    parsehex    mov     ptrb, #0
                mov     val, #0
    prshexloop  rdlut   b, ptrb wz
                add     ptrb, #1
        if_z    ret
                cmp     b, #96 wc
        if_nc   sub     b, #32          'convert to lower case
                cmpsub  b, #48 wc       'subtract ASCII "0"
        if_nc   ret                     'exit if it was less than "0"
                cmp     b, #10 wc       'check if a digit from 0-9
        if_c    rolnib  val, b, #0      'and if so, use this nibble
        if_c    jmp     #prshexloop     'continue
                cmp     b, #17 wc        'check if < "A"
        if_c    ret
                sub     b, #7           'bring back into 10-15 range
                cmp     b, #16 wc       
        if_c    rolnib  val, b, #0      'if A-F use this digit and...
        if_c    jmp     #prshexloop     ' ...continue
    dumphex     mov     i, pa
                mov     j, ptra
                and     j, #15
    dump1       callpa  ptra, #printlong
                callpb  #$3A, #putch
                callpb  #32, #putch
    dump2       rdbyte  char, ptra++
                callpa  char, #printbyte
                callpb  #32, #putch
                sub     i, #1 wz
        if_z    ret
                incmod  j, #15 wc 
        if_c    call    #crlf
        if_c    jmp     #dump1
                jmp     #dump2
    val         long    0
    bmploop     long    0
    addr1       long    0
    addr2       long    0
    pix1        long    0
    pix2        long    0
    paramaddr   long    hdmiparams
    uartclocks  long    (BITCLOCKS << 16) | 7
    char        long    0
    i           long    0
    j           long    0
    l           long    0
    w           long    0
    nib         long    0
    promptmsg   long    prompt
    linesize    long    0
    '       rdlong  pa,ptra wz  'wait for start command
    '   if_z    jmp #capture_loop
            wrlong  pa, ##HDMI_CAPTURE_LINE_ADDR
            setxfrq     ##$8000_0000    'sysclk sample rate
            wrfast      #0, ##FRAMEBUF_START
            xinit       xcfg, #0
            waitxfi         'wait for completion
            mov xcfg2,#sample_bytes
            encod   xcfg2
            add xcfg2,#%1101
            mov cfg,xcfg
        '   setnib  cfg,xcfg2,#7
            mov xcfg2,#base_pin
            shr xcfg2,#3
            setnib  cfg,xcfg2,#5
            mov rep_count,##sample_length
            shr rep_count,#15 wz
        if_z    jmp #single_pass
            mov cfgm,cfg
            setword cfgm,##$8000,#0
            rep @multi_pass,rep_count
            xinit   cfgm,cfg2
            'cogatn #|< maincog
        '   wrlong  #0,ptra     'capture done
        '   drvh    #16
            'jmp    #capture_loop
    xcfg        long    $e0b6_0000 | 60000  '8 bit capture
    ' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    prompt      byte    13, 10, "ADDR> ", 0
                long    HDMI_GROUP      ' which group of 8 pins is used by HDMI
                long    FRAMEBUF_START  ' addr of video frame buffer
                long    FRAMEBUF_SIZE   ' size of frame buffer
                long    AUDIO_FIFOSTART ' audio FIFO start address
                long    AUDIO_FIFOSIZE  ' size of audio FIFO
                long    FIFO_STATUS     ' addr where audio FIFO pointer is updated
                long    FRAME_STATUS    ' addr where frame status will be written
                long    HDMI_DATA_BUF   ' addr where HDMI island data is written
                long    TOKENS_PER_LINE ' number of audio tokens given per scanline
                long    TOKENS_PER_SAMPLE ' number of tokens needed per sample
    '* HDMI + AUDIO 16bpp & 5:6:5 RGB framebuffer COG *
    ' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' 720x480p60 resolution timing
    ' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    <SNIP - sorry  >
    ' Subroutines
    ' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' subroutine to send a group of blank lines in the vertical blanking interval
    ' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                call    #do_hsync           'generate horizontal sync for the line
                xcont   m_pre, syncs        'send some dummy preamble sized data
                xcont   m_guard, syncs      'send some dummy guard band sized data
                xcont   m_blank, syncs      'do the blank portion of the line
                call    #create_island      'create the island while we have time
                add     scanline, #1        'increment the scanline number
        _ret_   djnz    pa, #do_blanks      'loop
    ' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' subroutine to send the horizontal blanking and hsync region of each scanline
    ' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                rdlong  x, ##HDMI_CAPTURE_LINE_ADDR wz
        if_z    jmp     #skip3
                cmp     x, scanline wz
        if_z    mov     x, #0
        if_z    wrlong  x, ##HDMI_CAPTURE_LINE_ADDR wz
        if_z    cogatn  #1
                xcont   m_fp_b4_pre, syncs  'horizontal front porch before preamble
                xcont   m_pre, preamble_d   'send data preamble 
                drvl    #57                 'line pulse for DEBUG
                xzero   m_guard, guard_l    'send data guard band
    <SNIP - sorry>

    ps. by the way my code didn't use canned packets, it dynamically encoded them.

  • @Wuerfel_21 said:
    One thing I see is that the FPGA code you linked sends the clock regeneration packet more frequently. That might be it, allegedly it should be sent once per N period. Idk, you'd have to test that, it all just works for me.

    Yeah I found this comment in my own code...

            ' -----------------------------------------------------------------
            ' we want an audio clock regeneration packet sent every 32 samples 
            ' -----------------------------------------------------------------
            incmod  samplecnt, #31 wc   'check for another 32 samples produced
    if_c    mov     clkregen, #1        'and set the flag for the next island
  • If you're doing all that and none of it makes it work, the solution is probably somewhere else. Or your TV might just suck.

  • roglohrogloh Posts: 5,642
    edited 2023-11-17 10:30

    @Wuerfel_21 said:
    If you're doing all that and none of it makes it work, the solution is probably somewhere else. Or your TV might just suck.

    TV most certainly doesn't suck. Kicks booty which is why I'm still using it. However I think it must be following the standard to the letter and is probably HDMI 1.0 only or something too. Normal A/V gear works fine with it.
    Update: just checked, it's actually HDMI1.3 and HDCP1.1. So old yeah, but not 1.0 old.

  • Well, if you ever figure it out, I can add the fix, but I'd rather focus on getting something going first. If the other guy is to be believed, it works more often than it doesn't as-is.

  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,423

    Just tested the examples on a cheap FireTV (that I despise) and it works.

    640 x 480 - 150K
  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,423

    Also works with my main 65" OLED TV and also a DLP projector

    640 x 480 - 75K
    640 x 480 - 175K
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