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P2-ES Board Support



  • Thanks VonSzarvas. I am thankful your board was able to tolerate my brief short. I think additionally if you use Mac laptops you may need to plug in some other USB device before you plug the P2-EVAL back and get it working again. I did try removing and plugging the shorted board back in right away after it happened but serial downloads all failed making me think the board was fried. After removing it and using a different board for a while (another P2-EVAL with different FTDI signature), once I plugged back in the shorted board to this same USB port it let me download again. Probably it's just the way the software on the Mac deals with USB power problems.
  • rogloh wrote: »
    Probably it's just the way the software on the Mac deals with USB power problems.
    That has been my experience with P1 as well... Once the Mac encounters USB power problems, that port may not be available until either a restart or the insertion of a different USB/FTDI device... I have found that this can be remedied by using a 'good' powered USD hub for your Propeller experimenting.

  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,237
    edited 2019-12-02 01:01
    I destroyed my first powered hub (mBeat) just a few weeks back. Killed it and the active extension I was using. It was quite nice having individual switches and indicators for each USB port too. I think it was poorly designed electrically. It was less than a year old so I got the money back.

    I've now got a different brand (Orico) that classifies itself as commercially rated. It's nearly twice the price, it only has a single power switch (soft button) and only 4 ports instead of 7. But the max power rating went up from 15 Watts total to 24 Watts.

    And a notable behaviour difference is it cannot be bus powered either. I suspect this is a good thing that helps make it more rugged.

  • YanomaniYanomani Posts: 1,524
    edited 2019-12-02 02:09
    Hi evanh

    Could you please post the exact model and version number of your recently acquired Orico-branded powered hub?

    Since Orico seems to be also present at Brazil (my country), perhaps they could be selling that specific Hub here too.

    I would love to be able to preserve me P2-Eval as much as possible (I'm too jealous off my Parallax-branded stuff), so I could consider trading part of my shrunk- shrunken head collection, only to have such hub in my hands. :lol:

    Thanks in advance

  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,237
    edited 2020-07-05 01:14
    Here is the shop listing It says 2.5 Amps but the power pack clearly says 2 Amps. Not everything agrees, it also says V2 in the part number but Orico's own website only lists the V1 - The packaging says A3H4-V2 but the case only has A3H4.

    No complaints on its performance though.

    EDIT: V2 product page is there now (Mine is V2 styling) -

  • I see 2 in stock . Propeller 2 ES Evaluation Board 64000-ES $150.00

    Is this the Rev B board? If so should it not say Rev B?

    I know they are suppose to be available Mid to end Dec. :)

  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,237
    edited 2019-12-17 00:38
    Yes, the image is of the revB layout, if you hover over the images it says revB, the overview section calls it revB multiple times.

    EDIT: And after this batch there is no more revB chips left, I think, so any further batches, in April 2020, will be revB boards with revC chips installed.

  • @evanh
    Yes, the image is of the revB layout, if you hover over the images it says revB, the overview section calls it revB multiple times.

    EDIT: And after this batch there is no more revB chips left, I think, so any further batches, in April 2020, will be revB boards with revC chips installed.

    OK thanks!! I pulled the trigger :)

  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,237
    Ah, I'm not sure if that stock quantity number includes the December batch of boards or not. The big red banner on the product page still being present suggests they haven't yet been entered to stock.

  • I'm confused LOL , I contacted sales and will let them sort it out.
  • I remember a few weeks ago I checked it and the quantity was 0

    and I just read this " online ordering will be enabled when the units are built as quantities available will be limited to stock on hand"
    However, Qty 2 is odd ??
  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,237
    Good point, I do remember that statement now. I presume the stock level sitting at zero would has disallowed any ordering. I didn't pay it much attention at the time.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    The first run of P2-EVAL Rev B were sold out a few weeks ago. They are building another lot of Rev B now.
    Peter's P2D2 boards are being built with Rev B boards.
  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,237
    The shop page was showing two units in stock. And after Bob purchased one it was down to one. Not surprisingly it is back at zero now.

  • Can someone recommend a quality brand/source for micro-usb cables that will work consistently with P2Eval board? I am having trouble getting mine to power up from PC USB connector and am down to only one cable that seems to work.

  • doggiedocdoggiedoc Posts: 2,246
    edited 2020-01-10 02:08
    It appears this is micro-usb if the picture is accurate. Can someone confirm? I don't have an S3 to check. (shame on me)

    I figured it out! Looking at the specs on the S3 lists a micro-B cable included and the link shows the same cable as above. Will order a few right now!

  • I just got a couple of Parallax micro-b cables and they feed the P2s very well...

    I also would advice you to get a USB Hub with switches, Plugging micro-b cables in and out is a pain.

  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,237
    edited 2020-01-10 04:04
    I purchased a couple of similar cables, one the shortest I could get at a mere 300 mm long, the other a metre long I think. They are a little thicker than most too. The short one is slightly awkward to use but definitely improves the supply capacity when pushing the upper limits during testing. It was particularly used on the AUX-USB supply to push up to the 800 mA needed when testing for max processing power of the prop2.

  • @evanh

    That Rev B board is finally here and ready for pickup. :)

    Delivery status:

    Available for pickup until: Saturday, Jan. 25
    Delivery details
    Shipping service: International Inbound Express

    Tracking number: LJ584814685US

    Delivery standard: Jan. 10

    Reason for delivery standard date change: Item was received by Canada Post after cut-off time.

    Rocklin, US

  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,237
    Good to hear, I'm guessing the quantity of two in stock wasn't correct when you placed the order.
  • msrobots wrote: »
    ...I also would advice you to get a USB Hub with switches, Plugging micro-b cables in and out is a pain.

    I have this one that works great: Sabrent HB-BU10

  • @evanh - those look beefy. 0.3 meters is a shorty.
  • @evanh
    Good to hear, I'm guessing the quantity of two in stock wasn't correct when you placed the order.

    It was in stock however, my order was delayed at Parallax due to a addressing label error, then it got held up at Canada Customs and the final delivery got delayed due to a good ole Canadian snow storm. LOL

    I fired up the Ver B board with Chip's Spiral demo( VGA Spiral 1280 x 1024). It's really great. I will get to play with a few things tomorrow.


  • doggiedocdoggiedoc Posts: 2,246
    edited 2020-01-11 22:12
    VonSzarvas wrote: »
    The 1V8 regulator will latch off if a fault condition occurs that it can't withstand. (stuff like dead short for too long, or reverse power). Power-cycle the Eval board to restore operation. (Ie. unplug/reconnect the usb cable).

    If a less serious fault (or momentary fault) occurs, the red warning LED will light and the regulator will usually recover without power-cycle. (Stuff like overcurrent)

    If the red warning LED stays on after power cycle, does that mean dead p2 chip? I had a wire pop loose and must have dragged across the board somewhere causing a power fault. Port shows up on flexgui but no P2 found when try to program. :-(


  • Sounds possible. First though, try disconnecting all power leads and waiting 10 seconds before reconnecting and retrying.
  • doggiedocdoggiedoc Posts: 2,246
    edited 2020-01-11 23:11
    @VonSzarvas - thanks for the response - unfortunately that didn't help. Still have red fault indicator.

    If I press reset the onboard blue LEDs at P58, P59, and P60 illuminate dimly for a brief moment. On power cycle, blue LEDs at P56 through P61 illuminate dimly briefly. Sometimes P60 will stay lit slight longer than the others. Sometimes P60 does not come on at power cycle (if I don't leave the power disconnected long enough).

    Moving the USB connection to Aux USB connector the blue LEDs at P56 through P61 illuminate brightly like normal power-up.
  • If you remove the jumper headers and power up from either usb socket, can you measure 5v and 1v8 from the respective hdr pins?

  • Powered from PC USB
    LDO VIN 5V header reads 4.09V across the pins.
    VDD 1V8 header reads 1.852V across the pins.
    ACC HDR 5V header reads 1V6 and is falling

    Powered from AUX USB
    LDO VIN 5V header reads 5.05V across the pins.
    VDD 1V8 header reads 1.852V across the pins.
    ACC HDR 5V header reads 2V4 and is falling
  • The difference between 5V LDO and 5V HDR pins seems odd.
    Are those measurements with the shunts removed ? If not, try removing just the ACC HDR shunt ?

    Might be just a 5V-HDR decoupling cap blown short (one beside the 5V pin of each I/O edge header). IF the issue clears when you remove that shunt, you could meter all those caps looking for a short circuit, and if you find a bad one just gently prise it off with a small screwdriver. (The lead-free solder is fairly soft).
  • Ah... you wrote "across the pins"... did you mean that you removed the shunts and literally put the multi-meter probes one on each of the two header pins ?

    Instead of that, you'd want to stick the black probe to a common ground somewhere (one of the 4 plated mounting holes or turrets would do), and the red probe to the each of the three 2 pin headers in turn, at the pins labelled 5V or 1V8.

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