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Elev-8 Help



  • chris joneschris jones Posts: 391
    edited 2014-04-18 12:11
    Hello Ken,

    i have them labeled as well now i did not switch the cables on the ESC's because that will reverse the rotation. i can make a video of me connecting the ESC's if you like
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2014-04-18 12:19

    Just to make sure, are your receiver channels connected as shown in post #39?

    If so, my guess is your aileron channel needs to be reversed. (Go with what Ken suggests first.)
  • chris joneschris jones Posts: 391
    edited 2014-04-18 12:27
    Hello Duane Degn yes my connect is hooked up just like the diagram now i also took the top off the quad and will have video soon of how i will re hookup the ESC's

    here is the cables and how they are hooked up under so you see how i labeled my cables and ESC's
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2014-04-18 12:48

    Great video. Perfect for showing which ESC is which.

    Looking back at an earlier video makes me wonder about the orientation of the HoverFly board. The document Ken linked to shows the ESCs plugging into the front of the board while one of your videos makes it look (to me) like you're plugging the ESCs into the back of the board?
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2014-04-18 12:52
    I'll use this post to keep track of which videos are which.

    Post #13 Outdoor test
    Indoor rotation check. (Orientation looks wrong.)

    Post #31 Indoor RC tx setup. Helicopter settings.
    Indoor RC tx setup Airplane settings.
    Third video is a duplicate.

    Post #40 Outdoor flips at 60%

    Post #49 Indoor start up beeps. ESC connection on back of ELEV-8. ESCs should connect to front of HoverFly board.

    Post #55 Indoor Prop direction test. Looks good.
    I don't see any problems. I think the two motors you're concerned about are fine.

    Post #61 Outdoors test. Excess roll to the starboard.
    Post #64 ESC numbering. No problems.
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2014-04-18 12:58

    As I review the videos, it looks like your board is rotated 180 from the proper orientation.
  • chris joneschris jones Posts: 391
    edited 2014-04-18 13:00
    so question should the black checkered tape be the back of the board and that's where the ESC are plugged into ?

    that would mean that everything is backwards ?
  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,387
    edited 2014-04-18 13:03
    The throttle-up process posted in the most recent video seems peculiar - as if the control system is wobbling around and trying to figure out what to do with the gain value. The motor RPM seemed really high when it flipped. Normally, these take off just about 50% throttle. I've had problems in the past where vibration caused this behavior - could be a single screw loose around the motors or booms. Check them all, Chris.

    Ken Gracey
  • chris joneschris jones Posts: 391
    edited 2014-04-18 13:11
    checking them now ken it will take me a bit
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2014-04-18 13:13
    so question should the black checkered tape be the back of the board and that's where the ESC are plugged into ?

    that would mean that everything is backwards ?

    The way your ESCs are numbered the black booms should be in the front but your need to rotate the HoverFly board by 180 degrees.

    947 x 651 - 390K
  • chris joneschris jones Posts: 391
    edited 2014-04-18 13:29
    Hello Duane Degn i will do this now i will need to reconnect everything once its rotated also Ken there was a screw misisng i have replaced that screw and everything looks and feels to be tight
  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,387
    edited 2014-04-18 13:37
    Chris, the reason some of your posts appear empty is because you may be using a white font. In default view this becomes mostly invisible.

    Also, a rotated board would certainly cause the control system to go bonkers. Nice find, Duane.
  • chris joneschris jones Posts: 391
    edited 2014-04-18 13:42
    oh i think i know why i have the inverted color on my forum settings maybe that's the cause...................

    also i have just rotated the board and checked every screw for tightness

    1024 x 1820 - 163K
  • chris joneschris jones Posts: 391
    edited 2014-04-19 07:58
    Hello All,

    i have a video after i changed the orientation of the board i can see that the board flips on a totaly different side also i had it hovering for about 1 sec then it flipped


    think i will use Duane's ideal and flip the cables and see what happens

    Also do i set the sub trim for channel 5 to 25 that was the only place i seen where we could change that.
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2014-04-19 09:19
    i think i will use Duane's ideal and flip the cables and see what happens

    What do you mean by "flip the cables".

    I've repeatedly been concerned you may need to reverse one or more channels. This is done with the PC software not by changing the cables.

    Are the receiver channels connected as shown in post #39?

    Could we get another indoor shot with you explaining which radio wires are connected where?
  • trangertranger Posts: 179
    edited 2014-04-19 09:20
    Looks like progress.... :smile: I've been watching this thread for news....

    I think any means to get the gain setting on channel 5 is acceptable - you should be ok there.

    One thing I see is that you move around the quad while filming, and that's fine because you are getting good camera shots. However, it is much easier to control the copter from directly behind it - especially in the beginning.

    Not sure what cable flipping Duane may have been suggesting, but..... are you sure you want to do that? :innocent: Based on your video, maybe the only issue is the aileron channel? Maybe some left trim could be applied?

    Another thing to consider is to connect the hoverfly board to your PC using the setup utility. Note that the manual says to only power the board from one source, ESC's or the USB cable, so you would need to disconnect the ESC's, making sure to keep the receiver inputs connected. The setup utility displays the live input it is getting from the receiver, telling you whether the channel connections and directions are correct. (Probably the best diagnostic available for validating the radio configuration).


    693 x 630 - 74K
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2014-04-19 09:27

    Do you happen to have another Propeller board? If you do, we could use it to make sure the receiver is outputting pulses the HoverFly board expects.

    Edit: Russ has a much better idea! (I didn't recall that setup guide.)

    While you need to disconnect the board from the ESCs the receiver and the board need to have a shared ground connection,

    Yes, yes, do what Russ suggests. Brilliant idea Russ!
  • trangertranger Posts: 179
    edited 2014-04-19 09:44
    I just ran the diagnostic on my current laptop, which isn't the one I used when I built the Elev-8. Couple of issues, you have to wade thru Hoverfly's site to find the software.

    It is here:

    Also the driver link embedded in the utility doesn't work.

    It is here:

    The response is pretty laggy on my machine, but it works!

    Maybe this method should be included in the Parallax documentation - it would resolve issues related to radio configuration and receiver-to-board connections. (Not a problem for Spectrum owners, but good for the rest of us. :-)

  • chris joneschris jones Posts: 391
    edited 2014-04-19 09:50
    Hello Duane,

    i was not sure what you mean by flipping the cables or reversing the cables so the connection are still the same from your diagram.
  • chris joneschris jones Posts: 391
    edited 2014-04-19 09:51
    Hello Russ,

    i downloaded that software but had issues as well so i will use your approach and try again.


    i will be traveling for about 3 hours so i will be away from the forum i will update you all once i run the software and see what it gives me.Thanks everyone for all of your help on this you don't know how much this is helping me
  • trangertranger Posts: 179
    edited 2014-04-19 10:07
    Looking forward to your update.... glad to help - you're getting close now. :smile:

    I've had my Elev-8 since last August and I love it! It's a great learning experience and a LOT of fun.

  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2014-04-19 10:17
    Hello Duane,

    i was not sure what you mean by flipping the cables or reversing the cables so the connection are still the same from your diagram.

    Good. I mentioned several times (as have others) the possible need to reverse channels. This would be done with the software on the PC (the software which displays green bars). Not all radio systems move a servo in the same direction when a stick on the tx is moved. One or more of the channels may need to be reversed.

    In previous screen shots of the software, I've seen a button labelled "Rev". I assume this is the menu which allows reversing channels.

    Your not being aware of this option is likely why many requests for a list of reversed channels has gone unanswered.

    If you will select this option, the software should let you know which channels are reversed. Setting the appropriate channels (and only these channels) to reverse is an absolutely critical step.
  • chris joneschris jones Posts: 391
    edited 2014-04-20 15:19
    Hello Russ

    sorry for the long delay but being in the Country to visit has its drawbacks like no internet :) i will post an answer to Duane's question then make a video of the software you told me about Friday.
  • chris joneschris jones Posts: 391
    edited 2014-04-20 15:34
    Hello Duane,

    here is a screenshot of teh reverse settings on the transmitter software

    TX setup.PNG

    no channels look to be flipped
    1016 x 697 - 374K
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2014-04-20 15:50
    Hello Duane,

    here is a screenshot of teh reverse settings on the transmitter software

    no channels look to be flipped

    Good to know. The software Russ found should help determine which channels to reverse.

    It looks like the elevator channel isn't centered in the screenshot. Had you moved the stick? You'll want to adjust the trims to start out with rudder, aileron and elevator centered.
  • chris joneschris jones Posts: 391
    edited 2014-04-20 15:56
    Hello Duane,

    i moved the trim a bit i have centered everything now i just made a video and uploading it now of the controls i hope you all can see the video my screen capturing software is acting up on my system at the moment.

    Here is the video everyone of the transmitter and software i hope you all can see it ok .
  • chris joneschris jones Posts: 391
    edited 2014-04-20 16:54
    Hello Russ,

    i cant get the setup software to work with my transmitter i have it hooked up but it will not do anything on screen the other stuff works for example if i move the board the screen represents the movement but it is crazy laggy.
  • chris joneschris jones Posts: 391
    edited 2014-04-20 17:19
    Hello Russ,

    i am stuck but i made a video of the hoverfly setup issue
  • trangertranger Posts: 179
    edited 2014-04-20 18:14
    Hey - I'm back on the grid now. Had some good family time today. :smile:

    Your videos are a great way to see what you are doing. Regarding the Hoverfly setup, in order for it to receive input from the receiver, the receiver must be powered up. I'm assuming your receiver gets it's power from the main quad battery. If that is so, then you must connect the battery. NOTE: This is where it gets a little tricky. the Hoverfly board is intended to get power from only one source (pretty sure I read that in its doc's somewhere). This means that when you plug it in to the USB port on your laptop, it will be powered by that. You want to avoid powering from the ESC's in addition to the USB. The ESC's will power up when you plug in the battery.


    Disconnect the ESC's from the Hoverfly board (note their connection positions or orientation!)

    Run the Hoverfly setup software.

    Connect the Hoverfly to the laptop via USB

    Power up your radio transmitter

    Connect the quad battery

    At this point you should see the sliders on the Setup software moving based on your setup. Even if it is laggy, it should still allow you to validate the configuration.

    Good Luck,

  • chris joneschris jones Posts: 391
    edited 2014-04-20 18:27
    on no Russ i am still getting nothing from the Reciver and the setup software i will upload a video of me going through the steps in just a sec.

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