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$7 Laser Sensor Bulk Buy - Page 5 — Parallax Forums

$7 Laser Sensor Bulk Buy



  • Martin_HMartin_H Posts: 4,051
    edited 2014-01-13 15:57
    Darn, my hardware store had the 3M tape, so that might not help. I get home and we have a ton of house work to do, so we'll see how much free time I have to work on it.
  • Mike CookMike Cook Posts: 829
    edited 2014-01-13 15:59
    OK, Step one find all the parts....................

    556 x 563 - 198K
  • Martin_HMartin_H Posts: 4,051
    edited 2014-01-13 19:04
    I slightly tweaked the alignment and got it working. I can pick up a mirror at 15 feet and the 3M reflector tape reliably at 3 feet and most of the time at 4 feet. Now to find a project to do with it.
  • PublisonPublison Posts: 12,366
    edited 2014-01-16 10:33
    Just got my two EG laser modules today to test.

    I can say they run fine at 5 volts with the Hamamatsu receiver.

    Looks like it has a 91 ohm resistor built on. Cool!

    Will let it run over night to see if any smoke lets out.
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,257
    edited 2014-01-16 10:43
    Thanks for the feedback, Jim. That's great news, since I ordered 75 of them! Only two for you, Boss? :)

    BTW, I use mine in what I consider "light duty". It's on the mobile robot, continuously on for maybe two minutes at a time. Per the S6986 datasheet, the laser duty cycle is 1/16. Yet Philo said he burned one up without the resistor. I wonder how long these little laser pointer modules would work continuously, for instance if you used them for a break-beam burgular alarm.

    Obviously lasers represent a danger to your eyes. I added a secondary on/off switch to my bot so I can turn the laser & sensor off when I'm programming, don't need the laser sensor, or if the kids are around. Another approach would be to use the controller to switch it on & off as needed. Perfect application for a little relay.

    I'll use that when I make my robot with a high-power green laser to pop black balloons, and use sound feedback to hear the pop and turn the laser off.
  • PublisonPublison Posts: 12,366
    edited 2014-01-16 10:50
    erco wrote: »
    Thanks for the feedback, Jim. That's great news, since I ordered 75 of them! Only two for you, Boss? :)

    Only two? Well i knew erco would have some in stock if I need them. :)

    And the special already ran out.
  • PublisonPublison Posts: 12,366
    edited 2014-01-16 12:46
    Still working well after two hours.

    Even though the the EG site specs it 3 volt, it is 5 volt tolerant.

    Smaller dot than laser pointers.
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,257
    edited 2014-01-16 13:33
    Steady on, or with the sensor? Range still 8-10 feet?
  • PublisonPublison Posts: 12,366
    edited 2014-01-16 14:07
    erco wrote: »
    Steady on, or with the sensor? Range still 8-10 feet?

    Connected to sensor, (modulated). 15' with:
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,257
    edited 2014-01-16 14:08
    Publison wrote: »
    Connected to sensor, (modulated). 15' with

    Don't leave me hanging, Jim! 15 feet with ...?
  • PublisonPublison Posts: 12,366
    edited 2014-01-16 14:11
    erco wrote: »
    Don't leave me hanging, Jim! 15 feet with ...?

    standard circuit and reflective that I linked to.
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,257
    edited 2014-01-16 14:33
    15 feet is great! You're makin' this old dog proud, big Jim. :)
  • Martin_HMartin_H Posts: 4,051
    edited 2014-02-03 04:35
    Yesterday I made some targets out of my 3M tape, one inch dowels, and a wooden base. I then had my robot scan for the them at different distances. I found that the detection range is noticeably shorter when the robot is moving relative to the target. I imagine that there is a required time at a specific intensity to trigger the sensor.

    The 3M tape kinda stinks and I need to buy better tape. But I imagine that increasing the diameter of the target would make the surface slightly flatter and increase the amount of time for the reflection to reach the sensor. Philo used a 40 mm target while my dowels are only 25 mm.
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,257
    edited 2014-02-03 08:28
    Since 25mm<1" , I guess you meant a 1" dowel. :)

    Yes, I notice on my ~3" dia soda cans that it's still mainly the center, more "perpendicular to the laser" area that gets sensed. The quality of the retroreflective tape definitely makes a difference.

    Good to hear you're experimenting with these sensors. I want to see what you & others come up with.
  • Martin_HMartin_H Posts: 4,051
    edited 2014-02-03 18:36
    erco wrote: »
    Yes, I notice on my ~3" dia soda cans that it's still mainly the center, more "perpendicular to the laser" area that gets sensed. The quality of the retroreflective tape definitely makes a difference.

    I tried a moving robot with a Campbell's soup can with some 3M tape, and it had a two foot detection distance. The wooden dowel had an eight inch detection distance, so it looks like diameter makes a big difference. This makes sense because the larger the diameter the longer the reflection will hit the detector.
  • Martin_HMartin_H Posts: 4,051
    edited 2014-03-30 14:00
    This took much longer to get done than I expected. The basics were pretty simple, but coupling all the behaviors together was a fair amount of debugging.
    ' ==================================================  ============================
    '   File...... LaserTest.BSE
    '   Purpose... The robot finds a target using a laser, grabs and moves it
    '   Author.... Martin Heermance
    '   E-mail....
    '   Started... 2014 January 31st
    '   Updated... 2014 March 30th
    '   {$STAMP BS2}
    '   {$PBASIC 2.5}
    ' ==================================================  ============================
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' Program Description
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' This program can be used with a CBA or Boe-bot with a gripper, laser, and edge
    ' sensor to find a target and carry it out of the ring.
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' Revision History
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' Pin allocations.
    Buzzer         PIN   8  ' pin for output sound
    Laser          PIN   9  ' pin for laser sensor.
    Ping           PIN  10  ' trigger for SR-04 sensor
    Echo           PIN  11  ' echo pin for SR-04 sensor.
    ServoPal       PIN  12  ' Pin for right servo
    Alarm          PIN  13  ' Pin for the alarm.
    Gripper        PIN  14  ' Pin for gripper servo
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' Constants
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    '--------[Calibration Constants, must be adjusted for your specific robot]------
    GripperOpened   CON     500                   ' PULSOUT pulse width to open gripper servo
    GripperClosed   CON     960                   ' PULSOUT pulse width to close gripper servo
    ' These values need tweaking for each robot's servos.
    SpeedF75L      CON 840  ' Fast forward left
    SpeedF50L      CON 805  ' Med  forward left
    SpeedF25L      CON 775  ' Slow forward left
    Speed000L      CON 750  ' stop left
    SpeedR25L      CON 715  ' slow reverse left
    SpeedR50L      CON 690  ' med reverse left
    SpeedR75L      CON 650  ' fast reverse left
    SpeedF75R      CON 650  ' Fast forward right
    SpeedF50R      CON 690  ' med forward right
    SpeedF25R      CON 725  ' slow forward right
    Speed000R      CON 750  ' Stop right
    SpeedR25R      CON 775  ' slow reverse right
    SpeedR50R      CON 810  ' med reverse right
    SpeedR75R      CON 850  ' Fast reverse right
    ' Standard values from Ping))) example
    Trigger        CON    5 ' trigger pulse = 10 uS
    Scale          CON $200 ' raw x 2.00 = uS
    RawToIn        CON  889 ' 1 / 73.746 (with **)
    RawToCm        CON 2257 ' 1 / 29.034 (with **)
    ' Trigger Ping)))
    IsHigh         CON   1
    IsLow          CON   0
    ' This program is so simple it only needs two variables to
    ' compute and test the distance to the target, and check the
    ' line sensors.
    X              VAR Word
    QTIS           VAR Word   ' Holds the current QTI total
    Duration       VAR Word   ' Holds duration value
    Calibration    VAR Word   ' Holds the calibration value
    GripState      VAR Word   ' Holds current gripper pulse
    ' Execution starts here
      ' Pause at start of program to let user set down robot.
      FREQOUT Buzzer, 1000, 2500
      ' Initialize the servoPal
      INPUT ServoPal            ' Make sure ServoPal isn't being driven.
      DO : LOOP UNTIL ServoPal  ' Wait for ServoPAL to power up.
      LOW ServoPal              ' Set pin to an output and hold it low
      PAUSE 100                 ' for 100mS to reset ServoPAL.
      HIGH ServoPal             ' Raise the pin.
      PAUSE 100
      GripState = GripperOpened
      GOSUB Halt                ' stop robot
        GOSUB ReadAllQTIS
        Calibration = QTIS
        GOSUB FindTarget
        GOSUB Forward
        GripState = GripperClosed
        GOSUB FindEdge
        GripState = GripperOpened
        GOSUB Backward
        GOSUB TurnAround
      ' slowly rotate until the laser target finds target
      PULSOUT ServoPal, SpeedF25R
      PULSOUT ServoPal, Speed000L
      PULSOUT ServoPal, 10
        ' Each iteration refresh the gripper.
        GOSUB PulseGripper
        IF (Laser = IsLow)  THEN
          GOSUB Halt
          FREQOUT Buzzer, 1000, 2500
      ' slowly move forward to the desired distance to the target
      PULSOUT ServoPal, SpeedF50R
      PULSOUT ServoPal, SpeedF50L
      PULSOUT ServoPal, 20
        GOSUB PulseGripper
        ' Exit if we're close to the target
        GOSUB PingDistance
        IF (X < 3)  THEN
          GOSUB Halt
      ' slowly move backward from the target to drop it out ofthe ring
      PULSOUT ServoPal, SpeedR50R
      PULSOUT ServoPal, SpeedR50L
      PULSOUT ServoPal, 20
        GOSUB PulseGripper
        ' Exit if we're close to the target
        GOSUB PingDistance
        IF (X > 6)  THEN
          GOSUB Halt
      ' Wait one pulse cycle just in case someone just pulsed the ServoPal
      PAUSE 15
      PULSOUT ServoPal, SpeedR75R
      PULSOUT ServoPal, SpeedF75L
      PULSOUT ServoPal, 600
      PAUSE 600
      ' Fall through to Halt
    ' Stop moving
      ' Wait one pulse cycle just in case someone just pulsed the ServoPal
      PULSOUT ServoPal, Speed000R
      PULSOUT ServoPal, Speed000L
      PULSOUT ServoPal, 20
    ' Called to refresh the gripper servo.
      PULSOUT Gripper, GripState
      PAUSE 20
    ' PingDistance - reads the distance at the current head angle.
    ' Inputs:
    ' Outputs:
    '   X - distance in inches.
      Ping = IsLow                                ' make trigger 0-1-0
      PULSOUT Ping, Trigger                       ' activate sensor
      PULSIN  Echo, IsHigh, X                     ' measure echo pulse
      X = X */ Scale                              ' convert to uS
      X = X / 2                                   ' remove return trip
      X = X ** RawToIn                            ' convert to inches
      ' slowly move forward to the edge
      PULSOUT ServoPal, SpeedF75R
      PULSOUT ServoPal, SpeedF75L
      PULSOUT ServoPal, 20
      PAUSE 100
        GOSUB PulseGripper
        GOSUB ReadAllQTIS
        ' EXIT IF we've crossed the edge
        IF (QTIS > (Calibration + 400)) THEN
          GOSUB Halt
    ' Get calibration value for the QTIS
      QTIS = 0
      FOR X = 0 TO 3
        GOSUB ReadQTI
        QTIS = QTIS + Duration
    ' Read a single QTI
      HIGH X                      ' Discharge QTI cap
      PAUSE 1                     ' Wait 1 ms
      RCTIME X, 1, Duration       ' Read sensor value
  • PublisonPublison Posts: 12,366
    edited 2014-03-30 15:50
    Nicely done Martin!

    Are you still using the 3M tekk 03440 tape? I could not get it to work consistently on a round surface also.

    I am stalled on my project trying to source a cheap plastic lens that I can drill a hole to fit the laser into. Dollar store has tuned up nothing.

    McMaster may be another place to shop.

  • Martin_HMartin_H Posts: 4,051
    edited 2014-03-30 16:53
    Thanks! I'm still using the 3M tape which is not good. I think mylar or that tape from eBay would be better, but I wanted to just get something working with what I had on hand. All the concepts and code will work if I have better tape and a bigger ring.

    I'm not using a lens for the laser as my module has a built-in lens that works fine. I just keep the laser and sensor close together and it seems to work.
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,257
    edited 2014-03-30 18:59
    Sweet, Martin! You're making Philo and me proud!

    Not sure about that short range. I get 8-10 feet easy, no lens. Did you try a different laser yet?

    Jim, didn't you get long range with no lens using the goldmine laser?
  • Martin_HMartin_H Posts: 4,051
    edited 2014-03-30 19:23
    Erco, I haven't used a different laser because I'm certain the problem is the 3M tape. With a mirror I get a fifteen foot range, easy peasy, so I just need better reflector tape. This was still a fun project even with the bad reflector tape. Plus the Boe-bot running around with a laser on it is cool.

    I could see many uses for the laser and targets. Cat and mouse robots, or navigation markers all seem possible.
  • PublisonPublison Posts: 12,366
    edited 2014-03-31 12:44
    erco wrote: »
    Sweet, Martin! You're making Philo and me proud!

    Not sure about that short range. I get 8-10 feet easy, no lens. Did you try a different laser yet?

    Jim, didn't you get long range with no lens using the goldmine laser?

    Yes I got ~15 feet on flat surface with this reflector. But wrapped around a pill bottle, I do not get the same results. Will try a soda can tonight and report back.

    Wish I can find my camera!

  • PublisonPublison Posts: 12,366
    edited 2014-08-05 10:47
    Erco, got any more available?
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,257
    edited 2014-08-06 13:38
    Sure do, in fact I've also been hoarding ElecGoldmine lasers and retroreflective tape. I'll be offering a package of those together on Ebay soon so people can make their own sensor. I'm debating whether or not to get PCBs made for a complete kit.

    You need some?
  • PublisonPublison Posts: 12,366
    edited 2014-08-06 14:03
    erco wrote: »
    Sure do, in fact I've also been hoarding ElecGoldmine lasers and retroreflective tape. I'll be offering a package of those together on Ebay soon so people can make their own sensor. I'm debating whether or not to get PCBs made for a complete kit.

    You need some?

    Give me a couple of days.

    I'm changing an alternator, and packing the truck for the Boston Expo.

    I'm in for of 10 these and 10 on the Solarbotics purchase.

    Be back Monday.
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,257
    edited 2014-08-06 18:18
    Publison wrote: »
    I'm changing an alternator...

    As Sigmund Freud noted, the alternator must want to change itself.

    OK, your my "ten" guy. No rush, your credit's good, Jim.
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2014-08-06 19:03
    erco wrote: »
    I'm debating whether or not to get PCBs made for a complete kit.

    I'm sure you're capable of designing your own board, but if you'd like me to alter the design in post #107, let me know and I can either send you the gerber files or the DipTrace files.

    OSH Park is great for small boards but if your board is going to be the size of a laser, you might want to go with one of the inexpensive fab houses like Itead Studio. I don't recall if you've had custom PCBs made? IMO, it's a lot of fun.

    I think the 0.05" sockets would work well with the senors. I doubt 0.05" headers are hard to fine, but if needed, I'm sure I could find the source I used again.
  • LevLev Posts: 182
    edited 2014-08-09 16:19
    Hi Erco,

    I saw your laser sensors in action today at the Boston Expo on Martin's BoeBot. Do you have any more available? I would be delighted with 10, but happy with any number.

  • ercoerco Posts: 20,257
    edited 2014-08-09 16:31
    Sure Rich, ten is fine. You want lasers & reflectors too?
    Please PM me for Paypal info. $7 per sensor plus a buck for mailing.

    Nice to hear the Expo is going well and Martin made it. What kind of laser demo did he do?
  • PublisonPublison Posts: 12,366
    edited 2014-08-09 16:51
    erco wrote: »

    Nice to hear the Expo is going well and Martin made it. What kind of laser demo did he do?

    Martin did the same demo in Post #137. I gave him a strip of my NAPA DOT reflective tape, and the demo was highly repeatable, much better than the 3M reflector tape.

    I was impressed with his demo in person.
  • Martin_HMartin_H Posts: 4,051
    edited 2014-08-09 19:25
    Publison wrote: »
    I gave him a strip of my NAPA DOT reflective tape, and the demo was highly repeatable, much better than the 3M reflector tape.

    I was impressed with his demo in person.

    Thanks again for the better tape. I'm going to see if I can make a few more targets and video tape another demo on the kitchen floor.
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