Companion parts for Prop 2
Following from this comment
and seeing this new Si504 Clock device (32Khz ~ 100MHz) :
claims price " begins at $0.44 /10k", and it looks simple to talk to : 1 pin, but edge-change-modulated, so would need PASM, and it directly accepts a real number, and an (optional) offset integer.
Some command code examples :
NewFreq [0x0C] + 4 Bytes (floating point 32-bit IEEE-754 number in Hz, MSB first)
OffsetFreq [0x3A] + 2 Bytes (signed integer MSB first) Offset Frequency in increments of 29.8 ppb (or 2^-25).
A small portion of that first $150+ longs in the cog free for in-line assembly code could load the Frequency.
This little part would complement the PLL, and it looks like the Offset mode allows a digital trim to lock to something like a GPS 1pps.
Depending on the 'real' price of the Si504, this could be a great part to place on any Prop 2 breakout board.
Here's the Spin2 Interpreter, so far:
Attachment not found.
This interpreter is for the built-in 17-bit address space (128KB), but can easily be changed to 32-bit XMM. I started out on the 32-bit addressing path, but figured it was more practical, at first, to make a native 17-bit version, as an external SDRAM can easily be managed by Spin code for huge data.
This interpreter leaves the first $150+ longs in the cog free for in-line assembly code and terminate-stay-resident type applications which can run concurrently with the interpreter via hardware multi-tasking.....
and seeing this new Si504 Clock device (32Khz ~ 100MHz) :
claims price " begins at $0.44 /10k", and it looks simple to talk to : 1 pin, but edge-change-modulated, so would need PASM, and it directly accepts a real number, and an (optional) offset integer.
Some command code examples :
NewFreq [0x0C] + 4 Bytes (floating point 32-bit IEEE-754 number in Hz, MSB first)
OffsetFreq [0x3A] + 2 Bytes (signed integer MSB first) Offset Frequency in increments of 29.8 ppb (or 2^-25).
A small portion of that first $150+ longs in the cog free for in-line assembly code could load the Frequency.
This little part would complement the PLL, and it looks like the Offset mode allows a digital trim to lock to something like a GPS 1pps.
Depending on the 'real' price of the Si504, this could be a great part to place on any Prop 2 breakout board.
["From initial power up, the Si504 starts in Run mode with the output frequency and device configuration set to the ordered configuration."]
ie SiLabs provide each unit with a default Fo, and you can change from there, as needed.
Hopefully they will generate some 'standard values' for stocking. - I guess 13.50MHz or 6.75MHz would do for 148.5MHz ?
27MHz is more common, is the Prop 2 PLL VCO divided before it is used ?
The Prop2's main clock PLL can multiply by any integer from 2 to 16. It is designed to work optimally with 10MHz or 20MHz crystals, or a clock input signal in that range.
An input of 13.5MHz would be good, since it could be multiplied by 11 to get 148.5MHz.
Some PLLs run higher than the SysCLK, often x2 or x4, so they can divide by 2 to get a precise 50% duty cycle to work with on the main Clock.
Sounds like the Prop 2 does not do that ?
Propeler and Propeller 2 -- always multiply XIN by 16 then apply Yours desired divider.
XIN x 16 / by 2-16
On the Prop2, it's different. You can select x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15, or x16 for the main clock PLL multiplier.
Thanks for clarify that.
MOSFET and Power Support Module
The MCP8024 device integrates three half-bridge drivers to drive external NMOS/NMOS transistor pairs configured to drive a 3-phase BLDC motor, a comparator, a voltage regulator to provide bias to a companion microcontroller, power monitoring comparators, an overtemperature sensor, two level translators and three operational amplifiers for motor current monitoring.
It has a single SMPS, which could do the 3v3 and then a SOT23 sized LV-SMPS can do Core Vcc
Charge pump allows 100% FET Drive, so there are many Bridge apps
Small enough to include on a Prop 2 Module ?
Fast Serial Download
Highlights :
SPI Controller 3 or 4-wire master mode operation
Configurable clock rate
12 MHz, 6 MHz, 3 MHz, 1.5 MHz, 750 kHz, 375 kHz, 187.5 kHz, 93.75 kHz
Ready-to-read pin allows for external signal to trigger SPI read operations
Ability to count edges or pulses using the Event Counter
Configurable clock output (93.75 kHz to 24 MHz)
Claims Write speeds of 5.8 Mbps (12MHz CLK, one way), which would make downloads fly
No UART modes, but maybe the new SerDes will flip between SPI and Async easily enough ?
The 33816 is a programmable gate driver IC for precision solenoid control applications.
The IC consists of
* five external MOSFET high-side pre-drivers
* seven external MOSFET low-side pre-drivers.
* four independent microcores, and two Code RAM and two Data RAM banks.
* 9-32 V continuous supply, 5.5-58 V transient
* Integrated DC-DC boost converter control circuitry (100% duty cycle capability)
* Choice of four programmable slew rates 12.5 V/uS – 300 V/uS
* Includes ADC and DAC's
* 10 x 10 mm 64-pin LQFP-EP package
The 4 Microcores pair over 2 x 1023 x 16-bit CODE RAM and 2 x 64 x 16-bit DATA RAM.
So that's the same code area as a P1 COG, shared over 2 Microcores.
Data sheet lists the Opcodes, but is a little vague on getting code into the CODE RAM ?
The P2 PLL goes to 11!!!
Well, it goes to 16, but it can do 11, or 9, or 12 or 2 or ..
2..16 is cool - allows far more crystal choice, and 5MHz crystals are getting rare and large.
BGA only at the moment, but small, and they have LCD serial support
DSI LCD Display Interfacing
Supports DSI transmit signaling
HS (High Speed) Mode transmit
LP (Low Power) Mode transmit and receive
Can be implemented in a 49 wlcsp (3.2 x 3.2 mm)
Supports DSI formats RGB, YCbCr and User Defined
Input bus can also be DSI to enable LCD screen replacement
That 3.2mm package is small, but shows as 3rd from smallest die family member.
Not clear if the interface needs the IO, or needs the Logic, & Lattice have poor migration in the smallest packages.
A 6mm 121 pin package is needed before you covers all 3 smallest parts, and I see 256 pins covers largest 4, in a choice of 0.5mm 9x9 or 0.8mm 14x14.
No prices yet, but a device that fits in a 3.2mm package, cannot be too expensive
I think that means the MachXO2 prices can be used as guidelines, and that would make these parts relatively cheap.
- likely cheaper and smaller than parts like the ADV7125, and it also means Parallax can add one of these to get LVDS video, without needing a new version of the device.
Video standards change often enough, that a small, programmable device as the bridge makes good sense.
It looks that maybe because they have too much stock in current XO2 CPLD, and XP2 FPGAs, and they made a lot of invesment with ICE40 they really cannot really improve the MachXO2. Who knows. Don't know if they will annouce the real XO3 in a few months (not XO3L).
Yes, XO3 was a little underwhelming - exactly the same speed specs as XO2, but the LVDS is nice, for those apps that need it. - so it should give a nice way to add LVDS to a Prop2.
Lattice seem slow to release sensible packages, maybe they chase only highest volume runs ?
You are wrong. XO2 already has LVDS (also BLVDS, MVDS, LVPECL, RSDS). They even had a reference design for Video (RD1093).
You can look at their own words 5 months ago:
"The new MachXO3 FGPA family carries forward the non-volatile benefits of the two earlier families, which also include on-chip memory, remote field upgrades, low-power sleep mode, LVDS and other features.
MachXO3 devices come with hardened DSP and 3.125Gbps SERDES capabilities, smaller packaging, higher density of I/O and logic cells, as well as hard and soft IP support for MIPI, PCIe, GbE and other emerging connectivity interfaces."
Please read the attached PDF and compare what they announced and what we have 5 months later with their XO3L.
No, the DSI is a soft IP that works on MachXO2, ECP3 and MachXO3L. I am still reading the datasheet to find what did they added (if any).
OK, I can see I used too few words, LVDS comparators in XO2, are not quite LVDS Geared Video in XO3.
This is some of what XO3 adds,
Pre-Engineered Source Synchronous I/O
• DDR registers in I/O cells
• Dedicated gearing logic
• 7:1 Gearing for Display I/Os
•Generic DDR, DDRx2, DDRx4
No figures on the DSI transmit signaling HS (High Speed) Mode transmit Gbps levels, but maybe the 3.125Gbps SERDES still applies ?
Yes, no sign of DSP or GbE or PCIe on the devices released this far.
Suggests another block are coming > 7900 to 22,000 with DSP/GbE etc ?
Pre-Engineered Source Synchronous I/O
DDR registers in I/O cells
Dedicated gearing logic
7:1 Gearing for Display I/Os
Generic DDR, DDRX2, DDRX4
Dedicated DDR/DDR2/LPDDR memory with DQS support
MachXO3L Family Data Sheet (DS1047):
Pre-Engineered Source Synchronous I/O
DDR registers in I/O cells
Dedicated gearing logic
7:1 Gearing for Display I/Os
Generic DDR, DDRx2, DDRx4
So not only did they didn't added extra "marketing words", they even removed some.
About 3.125Gbps SERDES, DSP or GbE or PCIe : NO. IT IS NOT THERE.
Please, look at:
2) RD1185
3) MIPIDisplaySerialInterfaceSolutionProductFlyer
Now I am more confused, I thought from the hoopla that DSI (Display Serial Interface) was what they added in XO3, but if it is warmed over beans, what exactly is new ?
I can see a moderate speed 7:1 video in the larger XO2
MachXO2-640U @ 144 TQFP & MachXO2-1200 and above - which are all larger packages.
and MachXO3 shows 7:1 on MachXO3L-2100 , but tables also suggest it is on XO3L-640 121-ball fcCSP (0.5, 6 x 6)
- so that makes the XO3 maybe smaller (but in BGA)
XO3L doesn't have a configuration flash like XO2. The XO3L has NVCM (inherited from ICE40).
XO2 configuration flash has 10,000 programming cycles, and 10 years data retention.
The new XO3L has a Multi Time Programmable NVCM. (see datasheet and also TN1279).
And how many times is "Multi Time"? TWO. Yes, 2.
So what the have done is XO2 warmed beans with ICE40 NVCM to make ICs smaller, get "billions" of dies per wafer and thus reduce cost.
How do you feel now?
FTDI SuperSpeed USB 3.0 FT600 series
Such a device will likely make the connected device the bottleneck, and might even be a candidate for the new DMA video style modes.
FTDI also have the FT4222H, a SPI/i2c Bridge with High Speed USB, that gives intermediate price and speed.
Lower cost and smaller than FT232H/FT2232H, but also slower.
Two is probably overkill for anything in serial production. Especially if they're cheap.
Some price comparisons
LCMXO2-7000HE-4FG484C 100 @ $21.21
( 240k RAM bits )
LCMXO3L-6900C-5BG256C 100 @ $11.525
( 240k RAM bits )
Altera MAX 10 : 8000 LE Total RAM Bits 387072
10M08SAU169C8GES 100 @ $15.020
10M08SAE144C8GES 100 @ $19.94
BGA's except for one package choice in MAX 10 from Atera.
Some specs are up
Support for
* USB3.0 SuperSpeed (5Gbps),
* USB High Speed (480Mbps) and
* USB 2.0 Full Speed(12Mbps) transfer
* Available with either16bit/32bit wide parallel FIFO interface
* Supports 2 parallel slave FIFO bus protocols, with data bursting rate up to 400Mbps
* Supports multi channel FIFO interface
* Up to 8 configurable endpoints (pipes)
* Built-in 16kB FIFO data buffer RAM
* Supports multi voltage I/O: 1.8V, 2.5V and 3.3V
Looks to have some simple handshake lines, and given FTDI target CPLD/FPGA here, some verilog should be available, along with some Eval boards.
Does look like a very good companion part for P2, as it gives very fast IO, and connectivity .
A P2 board, in this form-factor
with a FT600 USB connection, would also add something for raspberrypi users.
to be fair:
LCMXO2-7000HC-4TG144C 100 @ $11.55
I wonder what the price of the smaller Max10 devices will be. I hope Altera looks a bit at the smaller MachXO3, they beat even the ICE40:
LCMXO3L-1300E-5UWG36CTR50 50 @ $2.06
LCMXO3L-2100E-5UWG49CTR50 100 @ $2.96
Marketing buzzwords
["SenseWire incorporates and unifies key attributes of I2C and SPI while improving the capabilities and performance of each approach with a comprehensive, scalable interface and architecture"]
and some numbers
["..a two-pin interface that is backward compatible with the I2C standard.. On standard CMOS I/O, it supports a minimum data rate of 10 Mbps with options for higher performance high-data-rate (HDR) modes"]
This could become a 'simpler than USB option', and what rates are chosen for HDR could be interesting.
DDR CMOS seems to be capable of around 100MHz, for 200MBd top data rates.
There is a 5MHz i2c mode, that changes from Open Drain clock, to CMOS Clock/Data drive.
QuadSPI memory has examples of dummy clocks to allow bus-turn-around.
There's a whitepaper that goes into its features and benefits
And there seems to be some IP available from synopsys or cadence.
There's a Mipi developers conference next week in Mountain View
Could make for an interesting wireless 'prop plug'.
Some will be reassured that it uses both external flash and crystal, like we expect for P2
The last time I looked... that insignia on the ESP3212 was owned by Qaulcomm...
cut them off at the pass!!!
Shoot to kill.