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Propeller II: Emulation of the P2 on FPGA boards (Prop123-A7/A9, DE0-NANO, DE2-115, etc) - Page 9 — Parallax Forums

Propeller II: Emulation of the P2 on FPGA boards (Prop123-A7/A9, DE0-NANO, DE2-115, etc)



  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2012-12-05 09:25
    Sapieha wrote: »
    Hi David.

    Up to 3.000.000 at least --- For test possibility's --- Same way PuTTY use it --- no any fast values
    Okay, I'll see what I can do. Thanks for helping to track down the dependency problems!
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2012-12-05 09:26
    4x5n wrote: »
    The ldd command in cygwin should give you a list of the dynamic load libraries an executable needs.
    That works well too. Thanks for the suggestion. Now I have an alternative that doesn't launch a GUI like depends.exe does.
  • Martin HodgeMartin Hodge Posts: 1,246
    edited 2012-12-05 09:37
    677 x 342 - 29K
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2012-12-05 09:48
    Thanks!! Let me know if you run into any problems. I have noticed that if I type ^C to get out of the terminal emulator on the Mac, I sometimes get an error. I'll try to track that down later tonight.
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2012-12-05 09:53
    Sapieha wrote: »
    Hi David.

    Now as it function ---> Can You add second line parameter to specify Baud-rate
    While I was waiting for my company IT to resolve my network connectivity problem to my office I added your -b option to select the baud rate. I don't, however, have time to try it. Let me know if it works for you. It uses standard Windows baud rates up to 256K but then lets you enter anything you want. The updated zip file is in message #224.
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2012-12-05 10:01
    David Betz wrote: »
    While I was waiting for my company IT to resolve my network connectivity problem to my office I added your -b option to select the baud rate. I don't, however, have time to try it. Let me know if it works for you. It uses standard Windows baud rates up to 256K but then lets you enter anything you want. The updated zip file is in message #224.
    Ugh... Never mind. There is a bug in the -b option. I'll be back with a fix.
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2012-12-05 10:03
    Hi David.

    Look on PIC

    David Betz wrote: »
    Yes, I'll do that later tonight. What baud rates do you want supported?
    729 x 531 - 75K
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2012-12-05 10:04
    David Betz wrote: »
    While I was waiting for my company IT to resolve my network connectivity problem to my office I added your -b option to select the baud rate. I don't, however, have time to try it. Let me know if it works for you. It uses standard Windows baud rates up to 256K but then lets you enter anything you want. The updated zip file is in message #224.
    I'm going to have to fix this later today. I forgot that I need to tell the second-stage loader to use the new baud rate as well. That will require patching the COG image before downloading it. That isn't a big deal but it's more than I can handle in the middle of a work day. Sorry!!
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2012-12-05 10:09
    Hi David.

    No problem --- Thanks

    David Betz wrote: »
    I'm going to have to fix this later today. I forgot that I need to tell the second-stage loader to use the new baud rate as well. That will require patching the COG image before downloading it. That isn't a big deal but it's more than I can handle in the middle of a work day. Sorry!!
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2012-12-05 10:57
    I moved the discussion of p2load to a new topic to avoid flooding this one with any more messages.
  • dMajodMajo Posts: 855
    edited 2012-12-05 11:17
    Hi Chip,

    I am considering the DE2-115.

    In the meantime do you think I can go with mine Cyclone III FPGA Starter Board equipped with the HTG(M) HSMC card? It have more or less the same characteristics of the DE0-NANO (EP3C25: LE 24,624; M9K 66; RamKb 594; 18x18mul 66; PLLs 4; GC nets 20).

    BTW: here you have the HSMC specifications, I haven't verified if the same apply on the DE2-115, but I think so because the HTG(M) daughter-board is the same.

    1024 x 768 - 120K
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2012-12-05 11:21
    dMajo wrote: »
    Hi Chip,

    I am considering the DE2-115.

    In the meantime do you think I can go with mine Cyclone III FPGA Starter Board equipped with the HTG(M) HSMC card? It have more or less the same characteristics of the DE0-NANO (EP3C25: LE 24,624; M9K 66; RamKb 594; 18x18mul 66; PLLs 4; GC nets 20).

    BTW: here you have the HSMC specifications, I haven't verified if the same apply on the DE2-115, but I think so because the HTG(M) daughter-board is the same.

    I guess you could try loading the DE0-Nano configuration file and see what happens. :-)

    Edit: Maybe that's a bad idea. If your board has outputs where the DE0-Nano expects inputs you might release the magic smoke? I'm not really sure. I guess Chip is the one who will have to answer this.
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2012-12-05 11:25
    Hi dMajo.

    DE0-NANO have Cyclone IV -- Not Cyclone III

    dMajo wrote: »
    Hi Chip,

    I am considering the DE2-115.

    In the meantime do you think I can go with mine Cyclone III FPGA Starter Board equipped with the HTG(M) HSMC card? It have more or less the same characteristics of the DE0-NANO (EP3C25: LE 24,624; M9K 66; RamKb 594; 18x18mul 66; PLLs 4; GC nets 20).

    BTW: here you have the HSMC specifications, I haven't verified if the same apply on the DE2-115, but I think so because the HTG(M) daughter-board is the same.

  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2012-12-05 13:42
    Hi Chip.

    It is possible that You can add one more directive to PNut.

  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2012-12-05 13:44
    Sapieha wrote: »
    Hi Chip.

    It is possible that You can add one more directive to PNut.

    Yes, that would be quite handy!
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2012-12-05 13:56
    Sapieha wrote: »
    Hi Chip.

    It is possible that You can add one more directive to PNut.


    I thought about that a little more and what would that mean with respect to the output .BIN and .obj files? Would they still start at location zero but have zeros in them up to the lowest ORGHUB address? Or would they start at the lowest ORGHUB address?
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2012-12-05 14:11
    Hi David.

    My thinking was OBJ file --- I use name CODE.HUB --- as OBJ -- are win file type
    BIN file with only 1 COG code I will Chip leave that it is
    > GOOD to made COG blobs for import in other files/Compilers GCC and like as Driver files.

    Fill 0000 between last code and start of ORGHUB xxxxx.

    0E80: some code
    fill with 0000
    ORGHUB xxxxx
    some code
    fill with 0000
    ORGHUB xxxxx

    and so on

    David Betz wrote: »
    I thought about that a little more and what would that mean with respect to the output .BIN and .obj files? Would they still start at location zero but have zeros in them up to the lowest ORGHUB address? Or would they start at the lowest ORGHUB address?
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2012-12-05 14:17
    Sapieha wrote: »
    Hi David.

    My thinking was OBJ file --- I use name CODE.HUB --- as OBJ -- are win file type
    BIN file with only 1 COG code I will Chip leave that it is
    > GOOD to made COG blobs for import in other files/Compilers GCC and like as Driver files.

    Fill 0000 between last code and start of ORGHUB xxxxx.

    0E80: some code
    fill with 0000
    ORGHUB xxxxx
    some code
    fill with 0000
    ORGHUB xxxxx

    and so on
    In other words, you want the OBJ file to contain a memory image starting at $0 and ending with the last address of code/data to be loaded. Is that right? Since locations $0-$0e7f would overlay the ROM I guess we could make the file start at $0e80 and save some space and load time since writing over the ROM will not accomplish anything.
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2012-12-05 14:22
    Hi David.

    Sorry for misunderstanding.

    BUT First addres to load are 0E80
    0E80: some code
    this place in my explanation

    David Betz wrote: »
    In other words, you want the OBJ file to contain a memory image starting at $0 and ending with the last address of code/data to be loaded. Is that right? Since locations $0-$0e7f would overlay the ROM I guess we could make the file start at $0e80 and save some space and load time since writing over the ROM will not accomplish anything.
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2012-12-05 14:32
    Sapieha wrote: »
    Hi David.

    Sorry for misunderstanding.

    BUT First addres to load are 0E80
    0E80: some code
    this place in my explanation
    Okay, sorry I misunderstood you. By the way, I got the -b option working but now I think I need to be able to specify separate baud rates for the first-stage loader, the second-stage loader, and the terminal emulator. I found that when I changed the baud rate to 230400, my p2-hello program no longer worked because it has 115200 baud hard-coded into it.
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2012-12-05 14:35
    Hi David.

    Change baud rate in spin file are not big problem --- > If I can specify correct one in loader

    David Betz wrote: »
    Okay, sorry I misunderstood you. By the way, I got the -b option working but now I think I need to be able to specify separate baud rates for the first-stage loader, the second-stage loader, and the terminal emulator. I found that when I changed the baud rate to 230400, my p2-hello program no longer worked because it has 115200 baud hard-coded into it.
  • nutsonnutson Posts: 242
    edited 2012-12-05 14:35
    Fun, I have 5 COG's running now, code works both with Dave's loader and with Pnut (probably because the total object size is less than 512 longs)
                    setcog  #1
                    coginit hub1, param
                    setcog  #2
                    coginit hub2, param
                    setcog  #3
                    coginit hub3, param
                    setcog  #4
                    coginit hub4, param
    live            nop
                    jmp     #live             'keep COG alive        
    hub1            long    $0EC0
    hub2            long    $0EE0
    hub3            long    $0F00
    hub4            long    $0F20
    param           long    0
                    mov     dira,#1         'make P0 an output
    :loop1          mov     count1,#100     'increment the pins 100 times
    :inc1           add     pina,#1
                    djnz    count1,#:inc1
                    reps    #100,#1         'now let's do it faster
                    nop                     '(could do something useful here)
                    add     pina,#1
                    jmp     #:loop1          'repeat (watch P0 on an o'scope)
    count1          res     1
                    mov     dira,#2         'make P1 an output
    :loop2          mov     count2,#100     'increment the pins 100 times
    :inc2           add     pina,#1
                    djnz    count2,#:inc2
                    reps    #100,#1         'now let's do it faster
                    nop                     '(could do something useful here)
                    add     pina,#1
                    jmp     #:loop2          'repeat (watch P0 on an o'scope)
    count2          res     1
                    mov     dira,#4         'make P2 an output
    :loop3          mov     count3,#100     'increment the pins 100 times
    :inc3           add     pina,#1
                    djnz    count3,#:inc3
                    reps    #100,#1         'now let's do it faster
                    nop                     '(could do something useful here)
                    add     pina,#1
                    jmp     #:loop3          'repeat (watch P0 on an o'scope)
    count3          res     1
                    mov     dira,#8         'make P3 an output
    :loop4          mov     count4,#100     'increment the pins 100 times
    :inc4           add     pina,#1
                    djnz    count4,#:inc4
                    reps    #100,#1         'now let's do it faster
                    nop                     '(could do something useful here)
                    add     pina,#1
                    jmp     #:loop4          'repeat (watch P0 on an o'scope)
    count4          res     1
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2012-12-05 14:41
    nutson wrote: »
    Fun, I have 5 COG's running now, code works both with Dave's loader and with Pnut (probably because the total object size is less than 512 longs)
                    setcog  #1
                    coginit hub1, param
                    setcog  #2
                    coginit hub2, param
                    setcog  #3
                    coginit hub3, param
                    setcog  #4
                    coginit hub4, param
    live            nop
                    jmp     #live             'keep COG alive        
    hub1            long    $0EC0
    hub2            long    $0EE0
    hub3            long    $0F00
    hub4            long    $0F20
    param           long    0
                    mov     dira,#1         'make P0 an output
    :loop1          mov     count1,#100     'increment the pins 100 times
    :inc1           add     pina,#1
                    djnz    count1,#:inc1
                    reps    #100,#1         'now let's do it faster
                    nop                     '(could do something useful here)
                    add     pina,#1
                    jmp     #:loop1          'repeat (watch P0 on an o'scope)
    count1          res     1
                    mov     dira,#2         'make P1 an output
    :loop2          mov     count2,#100     'increment the pins 100 times
    :inc2           add     pina,#1
                    djnz    count2,#:inc2
                    reps    #100,#1         'now let's do it faster
                    nop                     '(could do something useful here)
                    add     pina,#1
                    jmp     #:loop2          'repeat (watch P0 on an o'scope)
    count2          res     1
                    mov     dira,#4         'make P2 an output
    :loop3          mov     count3,#100     'increment the pins 100 times
    :inc3           add     pina,#1
                    djnz    count3,#:inc3
                    reps    #100,#1         'now let's do it faster
                    nop                     '(could do something useful here)
                    add     pina,#1
                    jmp     #:loop3          'repeat (watch P0 on an o'scope)
    count3          res     1
                    mov     dira,#8         'make P3 an output
    :loop4          mov     count4,#100     'increment the pins 100 times
    :inc4           add     pina,#1
                    djnz    count4,#:inc4
                    reps    #100,#1         'now let's do it faster
                    nop                     '(could do something useful here)
                    add     pina,#1
                    jmp     #:loop4          'repeat (watch P0 on an o'scope)
    count4          res     1

    Congratulations! You people with the DE2-115 boards have all the fun!
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2012-12-05 14:45
    nutson wrote: »
    Fun, I have 5 COG's running now, code works both with Dave's loader and with Pnut (probably because the total object size is less than 512 longs)
                    setcog  #1
                    coginit hub1, param
                    setcog  #2
                    coginit hub2, param
                    setcog  #3
                    coginit hub3, param
                    setcog  #4
                    coginit hub4, param
    live            nop
                    jmp     #live             'keep COG alive        
    hub1            long    $0e80 + @task1
    hub2            long    $0e80 + @task2
    hub3            long    $0e80 + @task3
    hub4            long    $0e80 + @task4
    param           long    0
    task1           mov     dira,#1         'make P0 an output
    :loop1          mov     count1,#100     'increment the pins 100 times
    :inc1           add     pina,#1
                    djnz    count1,#:inc1
                    reps    #100,#1         'now let's do it faster
                    nop                     '(could do something useful here)
                    add     pina,#1
                    jmp     #:loop1          'repeat (watch P0 on an o'scope)
    count1          res     1
    task2           mov     dira,#2         'make P1 an output
    :loop2          mov     count2,#100     'increment the pins 100 times
    :inc2           add     pina,#1
                    djnz    count2,#:inc2
                    reps    #100,#1         'now let's do it faster
                    nop                     '(could do something useful here)
                    add     pina,#1
                    jmp     #:loop2          'repeat (watch P0 on an o'scope)
    count2          res     1
    task3           mov     dira,#4         'make P2 an output
    :loop3          mov     count3,#100     'increment the pins 100 times
    :inc3           add     pina,#1
                    djnz    count3,#:inc3
                    reps    #100,#1         'now let's do it faster
                    nop                     '(could do something useful here)
                    add     pina,#1
                    jmp     #:loop3          'repeat (watch P0 on an o'scope)
    count3          res     1
    task4           mov     dira,#8         'make P3 an output
    :loop4          mov     count4,#100     'increment the pins 100 times
    :inc4           add     pina,#1
                    djnz    count4,#:inc4
                    reps    #100,#1         'now let's do it faster
                    nop                     '(could do something useful here)
                    add     pina,#1
                    jmp     #:loop4          'repeat (watch P0 on an o'scope)
    count4          res     1

    Also, you should be able to use labels instead of hard-coded addresses by making changes similar to what I did above.
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2012-12-05 14:45
    Hi David.

    I don't have money to buy that one ---> so no fun for me.

    David Betz wrote: »
    Congratulations! You people with the DE2-115 boards have all the fun!
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2012-12-05 18:33
    nutson: Congratulations!
    I have not even ordered my DE0-Nano yet! I cannot take the chance of it arriving before I finish some other work - I just know I will get distracted!
  • TubularTubular Posts: 4,726
    edited 2012-12-05 19:39
    I was lucky enough to find a few hours to get a DE0 up and running this morning. It was all very painless (thanks Cluso for the thread and Chip for the photos of pinouts and clear instructions), and big thanks to Parallax for bothering.

    So... I pushed on and now have a very basic SVGA test pattern running (800x600x60Hz, 40MHz pixel clock, 1.5 Altera clocks per pixel). I love this reps instruction.

    I've got to say its all a bit of a throwback to the late 80s for me. We invested in an Altera Aplus system back then, and toured the (relatively small, then) Altera office in Santa Clara. I was also dabbling in 80386 assembler about then. The Altera Aplus software came on floppy disks. I note PNut is about 600kB, and the current Altera programmer wanted almost 1GB of space to install when unpacked.

    The monitor is a really nice, thoughtful idea. Now to order that DE2 from digikey...
    1024 x 768 - 122K
    1024 x 768 - 136K
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,274
    edited 2012-12-05 19:51
    Tubular wrote: »
    I was lucky enough to find a few hours to get a DE0 up and running this morning. It was all very painless (thanks Cluso for the thread and Chip for the photos of pinouts and clear instructions), and big thanks to Parallax for bothering.

    So... I pushed on and now have a very basic SVGA test pattern running (800x600x60Hz, 40MHz pixel clock, 1.5 Altera clocks per pixel). I love this reps instruction.

    I've got to say its all a bit of a throwback to the late 80s for me. We invested in an Altera Aplus system back then, and toured the (relatively small, then) Altera office in Santa Clara. I was also dabbling in 80386 assembler about then. The Altera Aplus software came on floppy disks. I note PNut is about 600kB, and the current Altera programmer wanted almost 1GB of space to install when unpacked.

    The monitor is a really nice, thoughtful idea. Now to order that DE2 from digikey...

    At first I couldn't figure out how you got the video running, as it's not documented yet, but then I realized you were bit-banging it! If you've programmed the current Prop's video before, you're going to find Prop2's video circuit much simpler to work with. I need five more of me just to write documentation.
  • TubularTubular Posts: 4,726
    edited 2012-12-05 20:17
    cgracey wrote: »
    At first I couldn't figure out how you got the video running, as it's not documented yet, but then I realized you were bit-banging it! If you've programmed the current Prop's video before, you're going to find Prop2's video circuit much simpler to work with. I need five more of me just to write documentation.

    Yes bit banging is exactly the right way to describe it. But it's getting the job done effortlessly, and I can easily extend the color depth too

    The slow release of instructions actually suits me. A bit like an advent calendar, with a different instruction every day or few days... for a fuller appreciation of what you've implemented
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2012-12-05 20:49
    Hi Tubular.

    Why You don't post code and sch -- so others can experiment and learn from Yours code

    Tubular wrote: »
    Yes bit banging is exactly the right way to describe it. But it's getting the job done effortlessly, and I can easily extend the color depth too

    The slow release of instructions actually suits me. A bit like an advent calendar, with a different instruction every day or few days... for a fuller appreciation of what you've implemented
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