Assembly of the Brain Spans continue. Some repositioning of hardware required dis-assembly and reassembly. Be sure to place the angle iron on the outside of the structure. Make all pan head bolts enter from the inside to create a pocket of maximum space so as not to interfere with the 90-degree bolt. Washers can be used on the angle iron with longer .75 inch bolts. Nylon hardware is light weight but requires extra care in torquing.
I just found out about this. If you use longer bolts, the stub out above the nut can serve as an anchor point for a mounting spacer to connect more boards, peripherals and various sensors. There is also a compatibility between the nylon and brass hardware so points of increased strength can be put in place.
Getting ready to Program the Brain The 1st version Brain assembly comes into the light
This is to document the first working tests and setup
of the assembled brain. There's still lots of work to
do in the final assembly and preparation but none-
the-less it's a very exciting moment to see it all come
together for the first time!
This is the first version of the mammoth Brain
Blob for robots being prepared for some tests.
The computational power and ability to control
nearly a thousand sensors is staggering. The
electronics are partially wired at this stage and
some boards have their wiring fully completed.
Currently looking as much like a slug as a brain
blob, it represents 161 computers working in a
true parallel config. More processors will be
added in the near future to increase the
computational thinking power of the machine.
As each brain board is connected, it is brought
online for testing and verification of power
amperage draw, data transfer, pin functionality,
computational ability and communications. More
wiring details and code will be introduced.
You'll need to use a stretch of your imagination
to envison this brain slug moving about on a
robotic platform with incredible computational
and controlling abilities.
The rectangular form chosen for the Brain Blob was a good choice. The side by side rows created from opposing Brain Spans act as connecting sides for more boards set internally inside the EXO. These can fit into slots. It's estimated there's space for another 18 boards moderately spaced for wiring fingers or 24 boards more closely packed. If spacers are introduced, layers of 18 boards at a time can be introduced, at a slight increase in machine size.
Here are some board totals for possible expansion
After the 4th layer expansion, the unit will increase in size and approximately double in volume. It will remain a back-packable brain and still very much portable.
It's always interesting to see how a project can be expanded. After the expansion listed in the above post is complete, it would seem the brain is maxed out. This is not true. Each board has space for a single socketed prop. So consider 135 boards now twinned for a total of 270 propellers. Using the prop stack technique and the DIP version propeller, another 135 chips can ride piggy-back bringing the total expansions to 405 props. This is equal to 3,480 processors, a considerable sized computing brain.
Note: the secondary expansion does not increase the footprint of the machine. For a special expansion, skip the primary expansion and go directly to secondary.
During wiring and testing I have noticed a Parallax 3-pin connector is ideal for connecting to breadboards and setting up points of Vss, Vin, Vdd to serve as points of measurement and power injection. It could also be made into a connection power plug from the power supply source.
3-Pin Single Row Header Long
Part number 451-00303 Catch the link here.
Standoff Spacers as Brain Protection Devices
Using spacers to protect Brain wiring & components
in desktop modes
It looks like those spacers will come in handy after all.
If the Desktop Brain is flipped over, the externally
mounted wires and components will be mashed like
a pancake. Even the protective EXO wrap from kitchen
Seran Wrap won't help much for that! So I'm bringing
back the use of spacers that stick out enough to protect
the sides. Since the form factor bottom is currently open,
it won't interfere with the set sides bottom and desktop
set stability but will protect if the "box" is flipped over.
Angle Iron for Attaching Host Boards
Keeping expansion in mind
Angle irons fit at bases of standoff protection spacers
and can support add on hosted boards. These were
experimentally add to the sides and top. Slotted angle
iron variations provide a way to move boards along
the axis of the brain.
While wiring the brain, I had some ideas about mobility and spin-offs.
On the topic of moving board positions, this could spin off to a method
for the brain to self modify and springs ideas of a mobility brain. A self
modifying hardware brain could rearrange boards and/or components.
This is a little different from self modifying software code. Perhaps it
would be beneficial to morph the shape of the brain in some way, bringing
various sections into various positions. Boards could also be shuffled like
a record or CD exchanger. What is the purpose of self modifying hardware?
It may bring forth armor in the sight of the enemy, throw a net over you
in the sight of killer bees, dispense life saving medications, and deploy
solar cells in a satellite. Or it may just set on your desk and look cool,
shake your hand when greeting you, or in robotic ways bring forth various
instrumentation to the front.
Another idea is in creating a self rewiring brain,
not in terms of software but with hardware. This
could alter brain construction and improve the
brain. If the brain is algorithmic enough to think
creatively, it could improve upon itself, based on
the set goal. In a way this is evolution. Evolving
hardware. Evolving hardware will need some sort
of transport system and perhaps some pick-and-
place hands and arms. It could be constructed on
special breadboards that robot cans can use to
grasp wires and plug into different locations.
Brain Card Racks
Going with a simple conventional approach
Flip the Brain Box over and you have
one open side for use as a card cage.
The Brain is made up of three rows of six
connected at 90-deg. angles. This leaves the
"bottom" open for a purpose. When flipped to
side, the position of the heavy cardboard
stripping has dual purpose, It can support
"cards." These cards make up extra boards
inside the Brain. Essentially the Brain internals
become a card rack for various expansions.
Envisioned is expansion for voice synthesis,
voice recognition, and many sensor boards.
Brain Span Positioning
Important positioning improves interface
You can minimize distance between boards
for shorter length wires by attaching Brain
Spans positioned 90-degrees to each other
with breadboard to breadboard.
Brain Blob Wiring
Assembly line wiring of multiple Propeller boards
It took considerable work on the Brain to get to this point.
It's finally taking shape in terms of performance. With
rudimentary wiring in place, the Brain is waking up.
Using Vertice mounting and assembly line
techniques, the Brain Blob is wired with color
coded wires, capacitors and resistors.
Brain Blob Wiring takes place in assembly line
fashion from board to board.
Currently, all jumpers in the Brain are the same 4-inch length.
This simplifies wiring and interconnects.
I buy jumper wires in bulk. Each board will have ten or eleven
jumpers in a minimal setups. Some of these are shared with
board to board connections.
The ends are manufactured with
insulation and a 5/8ths-inch bare stub for full breadboard
They come in assorted colors: red, black,
orange, yellow, brown, white, and blue. Only four colors are
needed for Brain wiring.
Bundles include lots of 4-inch and three larger sizes. The
larger sizes are not needed for this project.
There is currently a 1-2% failure rate from the recent purchase.
Keeping all wiring at minimal lengths will improve the Brain functionality
for overclocking, increasing the number of Propeller chips, adding
boards and sensors, minimizing noise.
Brain Twin Expansion
Using twin Props to expand the Brain
For doubling of resources and brain power, the Brain
can have a doubling effect capacity expansion by adding
a propeller chip to the Parallax Propeller Proto Board. The
photo shows the approximate placement. To add props
without harming the board, use a socket and wire wrap
from the board's back side. These are relatively easy
to remove for future projects or rewiring.
In this example, the PPPB supports a secondary
propeller chip twin. In the actual application, a
socket is wire wrapped on the opposite side of
the board.
The Fourth Brain Span
Benefit results from creating vertices
Remember the console?
The creation of surrounding vertices
using spacers has an unexpected
benefit. A fourth Brain Span can be
added the the EXO can still function
in hybrid modes while orientated
horizontally for desktop use and
in programming mode. The card
cage can be retained although
access to inside cards may take
Brain New Wiring Concept Sketch brings new ideas for Brain functions
Yesterday I sketched a schematic diagram for a possible new circuit with a population mix of chips, though still untested. The overall goal is to maintain compatibility with Propeller chips yet keep the BUS open for host chips and boards. It's designed to use familiar concepts. This can now include the Parallax BASIC Stamp line, as the interface is developed, working and under testing phases.
To accomplish this, there are two things that must take place. First, the structure EXO (skeleton) must be able to accomodate the extra boards, extra weight, and maintain balance for mobile apps. Second, the electronics will need to consider the relative goals and work of each board and processor for a cooperative effort.
Spacers and angle iron are installed as needed on the previously open bottom side of the EXO. This maintains add-on board balance, offers space both internally and externally on a side, and allows easy removal or installation. This is now tested with three additional boards.
Electronics will set up office, literally. The new concept is based on the Stamp Master-Slave idea only takes it a little farther. The setup has a CEO, President, Vice President and Office Workers. They communicate on a Party BUS or high speed interface.
Host boards/processors can meet up with the CEO, President, VP, or any workers. Each is assigned an address beginning from the CEO at the highest weighted value to those of workers who are addressed in a different section of the office.
The office has sections from the top down (physically from the bottom up). Each member of the office will have an assignment, not only work duties but a number designating their office address. Each office member can address any other member by routing through their address. This is somewhat like an email address on Office LAN.
There is a protocol that must be followed when listening and talking on the party bus. Office members can visit other office members through virtual representations and take short trips around the office. Parametric data is stored in EEPROMs. EEPROMs with work data can be shared by office personnel.
The Brain can tap into this scheme. Only the names may change. Synaptic pathways, cortex, cerebellum, simulated neurons, gray matter, etc. are all adaptable to these circuit concepts.
Brain Software Nanites Programmable concept introduces small Brain effectors
It's not too soon to begin introducing programming concepts for the Brain, as hardware completion is near. Very tiny programs will be introduced into specific systems called Nanites. Nanites are able to cross from one point of the cluster to another more readily because of their programming structure. Their nano size enables a more high speed insertion and extraction. Nanites will be self contained entities with highly specific tasks.
Brain Swarms Swarming inside Brains leads to Intelligence
Swarming elements introduced in the Brain can lead to intellectual ideas and idea propagation. The formation of ideas are concepts accumulated and inferred from distributed sources of data and information in the brain. The ability to bring this information together as needed requires techniques and algorithms, calling upon some methods that are already developed, such as robotic swarming.
Knowing brain weight is important for being
carried and transported on mobile robots.
Using a common household scale, the Brain,
with two LCDs and all current hosted boards
plus new brass hardware weighs in at
approximately one kilogram.
The weight is lighter than expected, probably
the result of using cardboard dialectic
insulators on the boards and nylon bolts with
nylon nuts. To make the assembly even lighter,
nylon spacers are available but have reduced
strength for larger loadings.
Brains weigh in at one kilogram
Parallax Propeller Proto Boards make
ideal platforms for a strong connection
structure, light weight, and easy to
access for expansion and rewire.
One KG is within the specs of a typical
servo rating. Wheeling robots have two
servos for additional capacity. Walking
robots will need to be upscaled to
back pack the weight.
Brains Top Mounting Hardware
Brain can host boards at top or sides
There is no unused space in the brain. From internal
card cage to external EXO, all space is utilized. For this
reason, the Brain top will also contain boards.
Boards are attached with angle iron when mounting
distances from the EXO are to be kept minimal. The
bottom (in vertical orientation) is maintained open
for robotic platform mounting. Top boards can be
stacked also. The open ends of the EXO at the top
are single layered thickness so both spacer and
angle iron join together with a standard quarter inch
Top mounting for boards using angle iron,
brass spacers and a quarter-inch nut
Brain Board Hosting
Example shows hosting Brain boards
The completed Brain is capable of board hosting.
This is accomplished on the open card rack side
with protruding spacers. Sub spacers can also be
attached with angle iron from the ends of PPPBs.
Typically the side can hold one layer of six host
boards, but it would be easy to attach additional
hosting layers.
Currently by development example there are three
hosting boards in place, as seen in the photo, one
in the top position, one at the bottom and one at
2/3rds down, when in the vertical position.
In this hosting test we see a Parallax BASIC
Stamp two Board of Education, expanded
Propeller Proto Board with connectors for
mouse, vga, tv, keyboard, and a single island
Could you post larger photos, please? It's very hard to see any detail in such small images.
Also, you can edit your posts to add new info. You don't always have to start a new post whenever an additional thought pops into your head two minutes later. A causal observer might be forgiven for inferring that you are trying to keep your threads alive artificially or to boost your total post count by a constant stream of separate, but related, addenda. By far, the greatest number of responses to a Humanoido thread comes from ... well, you know ...
Thanks for your comments Phil and I appreciate that you are following along in the Brain thread. I just wish these comments were more about the Brain and less about the misgivings of the casual observer. Though, as implied, the importance of even causal observers is to be considered and I have great respect for this audience.
As to the topic of this post, Phil, rather I think you could be a major Brain development contributor, but as well I know you have your own plate full with your own projects and agenda.
I can immediately assure you that any casual observers would be mistaken to think that such posts are made to "keep threads alive artificially" or "boost total post count" or consist of "separate agenda."
When I get the time, I will open up a post on the structure of posts to further alleviate any misunderstanding, and to explain in full detail of the logical structure of this thread and its postings. I can assure you, there are great things planned ahead that click into place with everything structurally posted here.
I was going to say that statistically the greatest number of responses are to finished projects that continue with add-on development, but being this is handled differently as an open source project during its development and that response or at least the type of response is slightly different. Not as many people come on board with open source during its development. You'd need some serious people actually building the project at the same time to elicit some in-depth response to the actual construction. Complete projects can open the mind to many new ideas.
Adjusting the hardware
Assembly of the Brain Spans continue. Some repositioning of hardware required dis-assembly and reassembly. Be sure to place the angle iron on the outside of the structure. Make all pan head bolts enter from the inside to create a pocket of maximum space so as not to interfere with the 90-degree bolt. Washers can be used on the angle iron with longer .75 inch bolts. Nylon hardware is light weight but requires extra care in torquing.
Brain Span Assembly
I just found out about this. If you use longer bolts, the stub out above the nut can serve as an anchor point for a mounting spacer to connect more boards, peripherals and various sensors. There is also a compatibility between the nylon and brass hardware so points of increased strength can be put in place.
The 1st version Brain assembly comes into the light
This is to document the first working tests and setup
of the assembled brain. There's still lots of work to
do in the final assembly and preparation but none-
the-less it's a very exciting moment to see it all come
together for the first time!
This is the first version of the mammoth Brain
Blob for robots being prepared for some tests.
The computational power and ability to control
nearly a thousand sensors is staggering. The
electronics are partially wired at this stage and
some boards have their wiring fully completed.
Currently looking as much like a slug as a brain
blob, it represents 161 computers working in a
true parallel config. More processors will be
added in the near future to increase the
computational thinking power of the machine.
As each brain board is connected, it is brought
online for testing and verification of power
amperage draw, data transfer, pin functionality,
computational ability and communications. More
wiring details and code will be introduced.
You'll need to use a stretch of your imagination
to envison this brain slug moving about on a
robotic platform with incredible computational
and controlling abilities.
The rectangular form chosen for the Brain Blob was a good choice. The side by side rows created from opposing Brain Spans act as connecting sides for more boards set internally inside the EXO. These can fit into slots. It's estimated there's space for another 18 boards moderately spaced for wiring fingers or 24 boards more closely packed. If spacers are introduced, layers of 18 boards at a time can be introduced, at a slight increase in machine size.
Here are some board totals for possible expansion
Current machine = 21 boards
Add internal slotted expansion = 21 + 24 boards = 45 boards
Add first layer of EXO expansion with spacers = 18 boards + 45 boards = 63 boards
Add 2nd layer Exo = 63 + 18 = 81 boards
Add 3rd layer Exo = 81 +18 = 99 boards
Add 4th layer Exo = 99 + 18 = 117 boards
Add 5th layer Exo = 117 + 18 = 135 boards
After the 4th layer expansion, the unit will increase in size and approximately double in volume. It will remain a back-packable brain and still very much portable.
It's always interesting to see how a project can be expanded. After the expansion listed in the above post is complete, it would seem the brain is maxed out. This is not true. Each board has space for a single socketed prop. So consider 135 boards now twinned for a total of 270 propellers. Using the prop stack technique and the DIP version propeller, another 135 chips can ride piggy-back bringing the total expansions to 405 props. This is equal to 3,480 processors, a considerable sized computing brain.
Note: the secondary expansion does not increase the footprint of the machine. For a special expansion, skip the primary expansion and go directly to secondary.
Connector pin header
During wiring and testing I have noticed a Parallax 3-pin connector is ideal for connecting to breadboards and setting up points of Vss, Vin, Vdd to serve as points of measurement and power injection. It could also be made into a connection power plug from the power supply source.
3-Pin Single Row Header Long
Part number 451-00303
Catch the link here.
Using spacers to protect Brain wiring & components
in desktop modes
It looks like those spacers will come in handy after all.
If the Desktop Brain is flipped over, the externally
mounted wires and components will be mashed like
a pancake. Even the protective EXO wrap from kitchen
Seran Wrap won't help much for that! So I'm bringing
back the use of spacers that stick out enough to protect
the sides. Since the form factor bottom is currently open,
it won't interfere with the set sides bottom and desktop
set stability but will protect if the "box" is flipped over.
and solve brain disease, restore sight, and extend
human knowledge.
Keeping expansion in mind
Angle irons fit at bases of standoff protection spacers
and can support add on hosted boards. These were
experimentally add to the sides and top. Slotted angle
iron variations provide a way to move boards along
the axis of the brain.
Mobility Brain, self modifying hardware, morphing
While wiring the brain, I had some ideas about mobility and spin-offs.
On the topic of moving board positions, this could spin off to a method
for the brain to self modify and springs ideas of a mobility brain. A self
modifying hardware brain could rearrange boards and/or components.
This is a little different from self modifying software code. Perhaps it
would be beneficial to morph the shape of the brain in some way, bringing
various sections into various positions. Boards could also be shuffled like
a record or CD exchanger. What is the purpose of self modifying hardware?
It may bring forth armor in the sight of the enemy, throw a net over you
in the sight of killer bees, dispense life saving medications, and deploy
solar cells in a satellite. Or it may just set on your desk and look cool,
shake your hand when greeting you, or in robotic ways bring forth various
instrumentation to the front.
A Brain could rewire itself
Another idea is in creating a self rewiring brain,
not in terms of software but with hardware. This
could alter brain construction and improve the
brain. If the brain is algorithmic enough to think
creatively, it could improve upon itself, based on
the set goal. In a way this is evolution. Evolving
hardware. Evolving hardware will need some sort
of transport system and perhaps some pick-and-
place hands and arms. It could be constructed on
special breadboards that robot cans can use to
grasp wires and plug into different locations.
Going with a simple conventional approach
Flip the Brain Box over and you have
one open side for use as a card cage.
The Brain is made up of three rows of six
connected at 90-deg. angles. This leaves the
"bottom" open for a purpose. When flipped to
side, the position of the heavy cardboard
stripping has dual purpose, It can support
"cards." These cards make up extra boards
inside the Brain. Essentially the Brain internals
become a card rack for various expansions.
Envisioned is expansion for voice synthesis,
voice recognition, and many sensor boards.
Size comparison
The Brain Blob is now about the size of a big Boombox.
About the size of a big Boombox,
the Brain continues to grow
larger with add on boards.
Increasing brain capacity
Host boards are attached to one of the sides
of the Brain EXO.
Important positioning improves interface
You can minimize distance between boards
for shorter length wires by attaching Brain
Spans positioned 90-degrees to each other
with breadboard to breadboard.
Use of spacers serve multiple purposes
Utilize vertice for convenient positioning
The creation of a dashboard-like console ending up
at exactly the correct angle for wiring, operating, and
programming was purely coincidental
To create a Brain Dashboard, flip the Brain up on
its vertices.
Assembly line wiring of multiple Propeller boards
It took considerable work on the Brain to get to this point.
It's finally taking shape in terms of performance. With
rudimentary wiring in place, the Brain is waking up.
Using Vertice mounting and assembly line
techniques, the Brain Blob is wired with color
coded wires, capacitors and resistors.
Brain Blob Wiring takes place in assembly line
fashion from board to board.
Use of color simplifies Brain identifications
The simplified wiring color code established
for the Brain is as follows:
Green - Vss
Red - Vdd
Orange - Interface BUS
Yellow - Data Lights
Establishing wire jumper details
Currently, all jumpers in the Brain are the same 4-inch length.
This simplifies wiring and interconnects.
I buy jumper wires in bulk. Each board will have ten or eleven
jumpers in a minimal setups. Some of these are shared with
board to board connections.
The ends are manufactured with
insulation and a 5/8ths-inch bare stub for full breadboard
They come in assorted colors: red, black,
orange, yellow, brown, white, and blue. Only four colors are
needed for Brain wiring.
Bundles include lots of 4-inch and three larger sizes. The
larger sizes are not needed for this project.
There is currently a 1-2% failure rate from the recent purchase.
Keeping all wiring at minimal lengths will improve the Brain functionality
for overclocking, increasing the number of Propeller chips, adding
boards and sensors, minimizing noise.
Using twin Props to expand the Brain
For doubling of resources and brain power, the Brain
can have a doubling effect capacity expansion by adding
a propeller chip to the Parallax Propeller Proto Board. The
photo shows the approximate placement. To add props
without harming the board, use a socket and wire wrap
from the board's back side. These are relatively easy
to remove for future projects or rewiring.
In this example, the PPPB supports a secondary
propeller chip twin. In the actual application, a
socket is wire wrapped on the opposite side of
the board.
Benefit results from creating vertices
Remember the console?
The creation of surrounding vertices
using spacers has an unexpected
benefit. A fourth Brain Span can be
added the the EXO can still function
in hybrid modes while orientated
horizontally for desktop use and
in programming mode. The card
cage can be retained although
access to inside cards may take
Sketch brings new ideas for Brain functions
Yesterday I sketched a schematic diagram for a possible new circuit with a population mix of chips, though still untested. The overall goal is to maintain compatibility with Propeller chips yet keep the BUS open for host chips and boards. It's designed to use familiar concepts. This can now include the Parallax BASIC Stamp line, as the interface is developed, working and under testing phases.
To accomplish this, there are two things that must take place. First, the structure EXO (skeleton) must be able to accomodate the extra boards, extra weight, and maintain balance for mobile apps. Second, the electronics will need to consider the relative goals and work of each board and processor for a cooperative effort.
Spacers and angle iron are installed as needed on the previously open bottom side of the EXO. This maintains add-on board balance, offers space both internally and externally on a side, and allows easy removal or installation. This is now tested with three additional boards.
Electronics will set up office, literally. The new concept is based on the Stamp Master-Slave idea only takes it a little farther. The setup has a CEO, President, Vice President and Office Workers. They communicate on a Party BUS or high speed interface.
Host boards/processors can meet up with the CEO, President, VP, or any workers. Each is assigned an address beginning from the CEO at the highest weighted value to those of workers who are addressed in a different section of the office.
The office has sections from the top down (physically from the bottom up). Each member of the office will have an assignment, not only work duties but a number designating their office address. Each office member can address any other member by routing through their address. This is somewhat like an email address on Office LAN.
There is a protocol that must be followed when listening and talking on the party bus. Office members can visit other office members through virtual representations and take short trips around the office. Parametric data is stored in EEPROMs. EEPROMs with work data can be shared by office personnel.
The Brain can tap into this scheme. Only the names may change. Synaptic pathways, cortex, cerebellum, simulated neurons, gray matter, etc. are all adaptable to these circuit concepts.
Programmable concept introduces small Brain effectors
Swarming inside Brains leads to Intelligence
How heavy or light is the brain?
Knowing brain weight is important for being
carried and transported on mobile robots.
Using a common household scale, the Brain,
with two LCDs and all current hosted boards
plus new brass hardware weighs in at
approximately one kilogram.
The weight is lighter than expected, probably
the result of using cardboard dialectic
insulators on the boards and nylon bolts with
nylon nuts. To make the assembly even lighter,
nylon spacers are available but have reduced
strength for larger loadings.
Brains weigh in at one kilogram
Parallax Propeller Proto Boards make
ideal platforms for a strong connection
structure, light weight, and easy to
access for expansion and rewire.
One KG is within the specs of a typical
servo rating. Wheeling robots have two
servos for additional capacity. Walking
robots will need to be upscaled to
back pack the weight.
Brain can host boards at top or sides
There is no unused space in the brain. From internal
card cage to external EXO, all space is utilized. For this
reason, the Brain top will also contain boards.
Boards are attached with angle iron when mounting
distances from the EXO are to be kept minimal. The
bottom (in vertical orientation) is maintained open
for robotic platform mounting. Top boards can be
stacked also. The open ends of the EXO at the top
are single layered thickness so both spacer and
angle iron join together with a standard quarter inch
Top mounting for boards using angle iron,
brass spacers and a quarter-inch nut
Example shows hosting Brain boards
The completed Brain is capable of board hosting.
This is accomplished on the open card rack side
with protruding spacers. Sub spacers can also be
attached with angle iron from the ends of PPPBs.
Typically the side can hold one layer of six host
boards, but it would be easy to attach additional
hosting layers.
Currently by development example there are three
hosting boards in place, as seen in the photo, one
in the top position, one at the bottom and one at
2/3rds down, when in the vertical position.
In this hosting test we see a Parallax BASIC
Stamp two Board of Education, expanded
Propeller Proto Board with connectors for
mouse, vga, tv, keyboard, and a single island
Could you post larger photos, please? It's very hard to see any detail in such small images.
Also, you can edit your posts to add new info. You don't always have to start a new post whenever an additional thought pops into your head two minutes later. A causal observer might be forgiven for inferring that you are trying to keep your threads alive artificially or to boost your total post count by a constant stream of separate, but related, addenda. By far, the greatest number of responses to a Humanoido thread comes from ... well, you know ...
Thanks for your comments Phil and I appreciate that you are following along in the Brain thread. I just wish these comments were more about the Brain and less about the misgivings of the casual observer. Though, as implied, the importance of even causal observers is to be considered and I have great respect for this audience.
As to the topic of this post, Phil, rather I think you could be a major Brain development contributor, but as well I know you have your own plate full with your own projects and agenda.
I can immediately assure you that any casual observers would be mistaken to think that such posts are made to "keep threads alive artificially" or "boost total post count" or consist of "separate agenda."
When I get the time, I will open up a post on the structure of posts to further alleviate any misunderstanding, and to explain in full detail of the logical structure of this thread and its postings. I can assure you, there are great things planned ahead that click into place with everything structurally posted here.
I was going to say that statistically the greatest number of responses are to finished projects that continue with add-on development, but being this is handled differently as an open source project during its development and that response or at least the type of response is slightly different. Not as many people come on board with open source during its development. You'd need some serious people actually building the project at the same time to elicit some in-depth response to the actual construction. Complete projects can open the mind to many new ideas.