Brain Space Telemetry
Designs for Telemetry of Brain Cockpit
Brain space is at a premium. One idea is to program and
collect data from TV, all by wireless. Therefore the
Brain Cockpit Command & Control Center could reside
off the Brain at a different location.
As I mentioned to you in the past, I'm also working on a couple of multi Prop projects.
So far each of my Propeller chips is running specialized code for its specific purpose. The communication between Props starts to get a bit daunting since some of the Props have wired connections and some have wireless connections. Each communication packet includes the originating Propeller's id and the target Propeller's id to help the messages get to the right place.
I'm very interested in how you will get all these Propeller to communicate with each other to solve a meaningful task. Have you done much work on the software yet? I've see you have a bit of code to flash a diagnostic LED. I'm curious what kind of communication strategies you have/will come up with.
I'm very willing to share the work I've done with Propeller to Propeller communication but I'm not sure if it would help you much.
Have you thought about using a VGA monitor as a display?
The first display I used with my lab data logging set up was a 4 x 20 LCD. It showed my the data as it was recorded digitally but it was easy forget what information had previously been logged and what data hadn't be logged yet (e.g. did I already weigh this vial?). Switching to a TV helped a lot. I was able to look back over the most recently recorded data. I finally added a second Propeller to display information to a large (19") VGA monitor. The VGA object (I'm using VGA_1280x1024_Tile_Driver_With_Cursor) takes up a lot of the Propeller's RAM (and I think two cogs). It has been great to be able to see so much information at once. This display Propeller also controls an EMIC text to speech module. (It's pretty cool to have the Propeller speak the information as well as display it.)
I would think that once you get your Props talking together there will be lots of data to display. You could either use your Propeller Demo Board to drive the display or add a VGA connector to one of your Proto Boards (you might have to move one of your breadboards to make room for it).
One other thing I thought I'd mention. I don't know how frequently you move wires around in your breadboards but I have some breadboards where I've left the same wires in it for over a year. I've found the little clips inside the breadboard start to loose there springiness and don't hold the wires as well. You might want to consider using some headers or other connectors for wire that will be connected for an extended amount of time.
I look forward to seeing your brain thinking.
PS I think it would be nice if some of your pictures where larger.
Duane wrote: PS I think it would be nice if some of your pictures where large
This is the second time someone mentioned this. Is my computer showing a larger picture compared to your computer? For example, in post #271, the photo will fit across a full page three times. So the photo appears to be a good size and shows considerable detail. Do you see the same?
Humanoido, As I mentioned to you in the past, I'm also working on a couple of multi Prop projects. So far each of my Propeller chips is running specialized code for its specific purpose. The communication between Props starts to get a bit daunting since some of the Props have wired connections and some have wireless connections. Each communication packet includes the originating Propeller's id and the target Propeller's id to help the messages get to the right place.
Duane, good to hear about your projects. Feel free to post any related information here and make comments.
I'm very interested in how you will get all these Propeller to communicate with each other to solve a meaningful task. Have you done much work on the software yet? I've see you have a bit of code to flash a diagnostic LED. I'm curious what kind of communication strategies you have/will come up with.
Duane, I work on the multi-prop project in stages. I'm still rearranging hardware and doing some wiring. When I can move past that, it will be lot of fun and challenging to write the code and then the applications. I have some posts about communications.
I'm very willing to share the work I've done with Propeller to Propeller communication but I'm not sure if it would help you much. Have you thought about using a VGA monitor as a display?
I look forward to seeing your work. We can bounce ideas off each and share our open source data and code.
The first display I used with my lab data logging set up was a 4 x 20 LCD. It showed my the data as it was recorded digitally but it was easy forget what information had previously been logged and what data hadn't be logged yet (e.g. did I already weigh this vial?). Switching to a TV helped a lot. I was able to look back over the most recently recorded data. I finally added a second Propeller to display information to a large (19") VGA monitor. The VGA object (I'm using VGA_1280x1024_Tile_Driver_With_Cursor) takes up a lot of the Propeller's RAM (and I think two cogs). It has been great to be able to see so much information at once. This display Propeller also controls an EMIC text to speech module. (It's pretty cool to have the Propeller speak the information as well as display it.) I would think that once you get your Props talking together there will be lots of data to display. You could either use your Propeller Demo Board to drive the display or add a VGA connector to one of your Proto Boards (you might have to move one of your breadboards to make room for it).
Duane, the project has TV capability. My room TV does not have VGA so it may be some time before I can explore VGA as a resource. For the LCD display, I like to show the data in the same row and column. Only the numbers change and no scrolling needed.
I have an EMIC talking on the BASIC Stamp Supercomputer, in two languages. However, I probably will keep it there. With the prop, it can do the same in software which is something I want to explore.
In the attached photo, you can see the CEO PPPB board with VGA, TV, keyboard and mouse connectors.
One other thing I thought I'd mention. I don't know how frequently you move wires around in your breadboards but I have some breadboards where I've left the same wires in it for over a year. I've found the little clips inside the breadboard start to loose there springiness and don't hold the wires as well. You might want to consider using some headers or other connectors for wire that will be connected for an extended amount of time.
Duane, I didn't know breadboards could lose their Spring Constant over time. Thanks for mentioning this and I'll keep an eye on this with my oldest breadboards.
The CEO board shows the positioning of expansion with a solderless bread-
board and upgrading the PPPB with VGA, TV, keyboard and mouse. Note this
board includes the data light modification.
The photo in post #271 is about 80mm across on my screen. I opened the thubnail in a new tab to make sure I was seeing the complete photo. The properties say it is 299 x 230 pixels.
I think it would be nice to be able to see more detail in some of the pictures.
Humanoido, The photo in post #271 is about 80mm across on my screen. I opened the thubnail in a new tab to make sure I was seeing the complete photo. The properties say it is 299 x 230 pixels. I think it would be nice to be able to see more detail in some of the pictures. Duane
Duane, 80mm is on the small side, but now I know why the image looks larger on my computer screen. I have the first iteration of CTRL + which makes the entire screen larger in the FireFox browser. If you're using FireFox, you may want to simply type CTRL + one time and see if it works well enough to show more information in the photos.
Brain Tests - TinyCAD Drawing Program
Analysis of TinyCAD as a Brain schematic drawing program
The tests using TinyCAD are complete. The problem encountered
is the output. The page schematics have these thin tiny jagged non-
anti-aliased lines of low resolution which are totally unacceptable.
There are a limited number of export formats which do take
compatibility with other CAD programs into consideration but do
not take publication into consideration.
However, the program is quite spectacular and awesome in the
number of schematic symbols that it contains, including various
combination of chip size and cords, etc. There are many hidden
templates which don't show until selected. The strength is
definitely in a large availability of schematic symbols, yet I did not
see a jagged resister, only the rectangle, though it may be hidden
in another template - finding stuff would be a problem when
Getting screen captures would be limited as the view is too small
and the lines literally disappear or become broken and strange.
Enlarge it and it goes off the screen or shows jaggy lines.
There are some blue lines, not acceptable, and some other minor
issues with font size setting and labeling that's incredibly annoying.
I could not get two lines on one particular component to join as they
jumped in position off the same plane. Overall it's a good powerful
program but unfortunately it does not meet the criteria set for
drawing the Brain.
The analysis continues with Diagram Designer.
I'm pleased to report that this drawing program has held up for
all prerequisite requirements for drawing schematics for the
Brain project, and will likely be selected as the number one
drawing program for the Brain Circuitry and Brain Logic regions
of the Brain and Brain Project.
The cool thing is that you can draw any circuit object or
schematic icon and create your own templates in a very simple
and easy way. The program really shines in versatility. It does
flow-charting for logic pre-programming and can import graphics.
Although the program is somewhat short on documentation, the
provided tutorials are really all you need, as they are specific
and highly useful. I have found answers to all my questions thus far.
Diagram Designer can save in all formats required by the Brain.
It has a companion image program and embedded math plotting
program which is a unique combination.
DD comes with free templates. Electronics has three templates
but only one is the most useful. I can see supplementing it with
some custom drawn schematics other than some of the supplied
rectangles. But it really depends on when you were born, which
school you come from and what side of the railroad tracks you
live on, plus a little amount of preference thrown in for good
The learning curve is not large and the images can set to high
resolution, smooth non-jagged lines and curves, and end up
in compatible images that load and save in other programs. This
should be ideal for publishing, as the canvas can easily set in
both cm and inches. I'm really ecstatic about the publishing
potential here.
Scalable images are great and everything about the program is
smooth going. Text can be manipulated similar to Forum text with
simple tags.
The best part of the program is the open source nature it brings
to the drawing world plate. The icons that are created for the Brain can
be contributed back to the open source Diagram Designer project
as well as the Brain project. More will follow about designing Brain
Possibly the next step is to create a list of schematic symbols
required, see what we have, and what we don't have. Also it will be
important to create some special symbols like that of a Parallax
Propeller Board, chip, BASIC Stamp and so on..
Consider this a source and image repository for schematic
symbols and their varied definitions. This will have information
added as it becomes available. It is interesting to compare the
various symbol standards from across the world and note the
favorite symbols from the people who use schematics.
Perhaps this can become the reference that you refer to
when deciphering a particular schematic symbol. The primary
use for this post is to determine schematic symbols in drawing
the Brain, noting the variety available, their sources, and then
decisions will be made about how to best draw schematics. (Under Construction - add symbols & comments here)
Brain Breadboard Virtual Prototyping with Pebble
Draw Brain circuits on a virtual breadboard
The online drawing program Pebble by WestAust55 allows you to create
various circuits on a virtual solderless breadboard. The process is very
simple. Just click and drag over components that you can see on the left
side and use the menu that appears from right clicking. It has many
components available. Though designed for 4D Systems, it works well
with the Parallax tiny solderless breadboard.
PEBBLE - the Electronic Bread Board Layout Emulator can be
used for protyping the small Parallax solderless breadboard. To setup
the board, use and select 17R as 4D Systems DEVBOARD D1 from the
selection menu at left. This matches the Parallax Solderless Breadboard
as seen on the Parallax Store Page.
Testing the program
The program has most components needed to represent Brain wiring on the
breadboards. The only idiosyncrasy was the LED. I usually mount the LED
in the center of the board across the space between the holes, but in the
program this apparently is not allowed. This is not a problem but just requires
rearrangement of components.
The labeling on the smaller components is difficult to see and overprints
somewhat (see the .1uf capacitor in the illustration) but this can be solved
by choosing a larger size to represent the component or leave the label
field blank. It's a great program strength to be able to select wire length
and color and have wires fit the holes. Wires, unlike the LED, will traverse
across the center void.
Some parts, like the Piezo Speaker look different from the Parallax Version
although there are "open" components that can be defined with a label. One
of these is well suited for various devices. The program has versions for IE and
FF, though in my FireFox version it would not print to PDF file. This was not
a significant problem as the workaround is to simply screen print it. It results
in less resolution but ok for small images and illustrating documents (doc) for
wiring and assembly.
It appears this program is a fast way to create virtual solderless prototype boards
for various projects. It matches the solderless breadboard used by Parallax with
17-holes across the top and two sets of 5-holes down. Many components are
available in the right click menus such as the ultrasonic component that can
represent a Parallax PING))).
Attaching the Brain Summit Board
Hot glue anchors the Summit Board
The Parallax Propeller Demo Board is
attached to the Brain Summit, seen in this
horizontal flip view. Note easy access to
connector plugs for mouse, keyboard, power,
USB and a power switch next to the barrel
connector. TV is attached at the "back" side
of this board.
The photos show the anchoring of a Parallax Propeller
Demo Board at the Brain Summit, using corner globs
of hot melt glue.
I suggest positioning the board and then taping it in
place with masking tape so it does not shift during
the gluing process.
It takes only a small amount of hot melt glue to attach
the boards to transparent plastic, because the polymer
molecules resemble each other and tightly adhere.
As you know, the Parallax Propeller Demo Board was
manufactured without the corner edge mounting holes
to conserve space (this board is very packed with
fantastic features) and this is the reason for using hot
melt glue.
As seen in the photo, a smaller amount of glue would have sufficed.
Special positioning of the Summit Board allows easy convenient access to plug
connectors when in the Brain Horizontal Flip configuration. Positioning also takes into
consideration the shortest interface connect distance to the nearest board, thus main-
taining an identical jumper length as used in other boards which are adjacently
Brain Board Numerical Increase
New board total and arrangement
The Brain is now expanded to 22 Processing boards
with a modular assembly. This makes the Brain more
powerful and capable, adds many more processors in
parallel and give the Brain the ability to do more in terms
of control and/or thinking.
Brain Modular Assembly
01 - EXO
01 - Brain Stem
02 - LCD
04 - Brain Spans
01 - Parallax BASIC Stamp 2 BOE
01 - Parallax Propeller Demo Board
20 - Parallax Propeller Proto Board
22 - Solderless Breadboard
19 - Board with Additional Real Estate
Brain Span Arrangement
4 - with 6 boards each
1 - with 3 boards
Brain Summit
1 - with 1 board
Previously hosted boards are now absorbed into the Brain.
This completes the basic Brain structure. Focus is on wiring
and schematic drawing.
Brain Breadboard Virtual Prototyping with Fritzing
Made for BASIC Stamp & Propeller Chips!
We have nothing against other brand chips and boards. Because
we are Parallax BASIC Stamp and Propeller chip hobbyists, we get
a little bored hearing about software using other stuff. So when something
comes along, designed for the processors we love the most, our
almost-pointed ears stand at attention and take considerable interest!
This is exactly what happened when reviewing Fritzing!
We last reported about Pebble, a rather spectacular and easy to use
breadboard layout drawing program. We are now reporting on Fritzing, another remarkable program, this one found by Kevin Wood at this thread.
Note: The BASIC Stamp is positioned only for illustrative purposes and
not for connection logic.
Yours truly had voiced a wish for a program designed for our BASIC Stamp modules
and Propeller chips. In a remarkable ray of light, our wish became true! The review of
this free open source program (see photo) shows that it does indeed have these two
Parallax processors available!
With my slow snail-like internet, download took a half hour. I made lunch and came
back and it was ready. It has a massive number of large files but they work well.
The program is intuitive, easy to use and has good screen resolution. First challenge
encountered was the breadboard size - it could not be changed to the small solder-
less breadboard used in the Brain Project. But once it was discovered that the
breadboard size could hold a BASIC Stamp and Propeller chip, the program value
increased exponentially.
As a work-around, the breadboard can resize with the mouse. Enlarge it so that
extraneous top and bottom cut off and position it at the left with the hole count
ending at 17 holes (cut off on the right).
Program advantages are switching back and forth from breadboard to schematic
to printed circuit board views! Schematics are good for personal use but the varying
unlike densities of the connecting wires is a no-go for any kind of professional
looking illustrations. A feature to size the wire is not yet found.
It has many good components to select, although some resemble a LM386, none
were found. More study is necessary to learn how to customize a chip.
Stay tuned for more information, pros and cons.
See post 284 on this thread's page. You can draw this exact size breadboard with Pebble. OBC has accomplished some fine drawing work with MS Paint. Take a look at his samples
in the Tiny Breadboard thread.
Brain Name
Exploring the evolution of the Brain name
Reserved for the continuing history of project code
brain names and their purpose..
Brain Code Names - Purpose
Big Brain - project introduction
Brain Project - decided to do a Brain project
Multi-Brain - decided upon with multi processors
Brain Blob - continues to grow and grow
Giant Brain - the Blob at the largest size
Robotic Brain - when considering adding mobility
Massive Brain - name after adding 20 boards
Horribly Large Propeller Brain - during wiring
iBrain - most recent developed name with logo
Brain I/O Ports as Sensors Ideas for I/O - touch sensing and nerve response
I was looking over here in Dr. Mario's thread Propeller supercomputer hardware questions at post #156 by Sariel, who raises a fascinating point for the use of many I/Os. To quote:
"I know it is an old conversation in this thread, but on the question of what to do with all of those I/O's...Well, the most difficult (and ultimately most important) sense that humans have, and machines do not, is touch. This is simply because of the amount of nerve endings on a human's body, as compared to the amount of usable I/O's on any computing platform. Given this, one could get a crude "touch responsive" automaton. I am not sure what practical application for this gizmo would be, other than having a robot that either yelps in pain, or yells "Bad Touch!" once in a while."
This makes an excellent point for the brain with its excess of ports, a total of:
20 x 32 = 640
1 x 32 = 32
1 x 16 = 16
total = 688 ports
The sense of touch, inputs, could be very beneficial in a hand, for determining pressure, object location, object texture, object temperature, and object durometer. It can determine the amount or level of "grip" in an artificial hand. A massive number of sensors in hands could allow a precision hand to be constructed. I would propose "Sensor Skin" embedded with sensing arrays. The Brain could sense the skin through robotic electric nerves.
Dr. Mario writes BTW, there are tons way of sensing the touch is accomplished by few of the methods: Capacitive coupling touch sensing, Infrared light (laser - VCSEL in many case, and with some, LED) reflective / modulation touch sensing (kinda like camera), Resistance coupling (like with some cheap PDA as well as with some older expensive PDA) touch repetive sensing, electro-coupling thin-film contact touch screen (some PDA like that $10 Royal touch PDA at Wal-Mart). The basic rule is to interprete what area is being touched - like with mouse touchpad on laptops, by reading out what the signal is in conjunction with the calibration information.
Also, I forgot to tell ya, Propeller can also, when properly programmed, respond to capacitive coupled touch response. It is a bit simple as it only use radio-frequency AC (not like DC from the battery - ceramic and air-gap capacitors responds better to Alternating Current) to differenate the current flowing between "dielectric" like plastic panel, and the electrodes and your finger. What's not simple at all, is to create delta-sigma calculation on the precieved currents from the home-brew capacitor sensor - the Propeller Education Kit book would provide you some hints on that frequency summing and capacitive load sensing.
Brain Search Index Part One Brain thread Index by page, post number, content
Now you can explore each and every post by page number, post number,
post title, and content. Never miss a single topic. Research all the Brain
data and learn what is already accomplished. Gain quick access to photos,
charts, schematics, diagrams, lists and tables of information. Learn tips on
creating your own Brain version.
Check post #1 of this thread to download the PDF searchable index.
Brain Posting Additions
Method adds information to previous posts
I want to note that as many posts as possible, previously posted,
have information added and updated for greater and more useful
content. So you may want to go back and review some posts
as they have likely changed with edit. So if you are contemplating
building a brain, don't just read it and move on, as new content
will be added from time to time.
In the BUS mode, a small technique allows the number of
Brain processors to vary. This is accomplished by changing
the position of a single wire, thus take a processor from
online to offline status, i.e. complete removal from the BUS.
Initial Setup
Initially starting out, all processors are wired online to the
collective. This makes it easy to remove a few processors.
Processor removal must be code compatible with the hare-
ware removal.
Removing Processors
To remove a processor, one end of the single bus wire is
moved to an empty hole on the Tiny Breadboard. It appears
more easy to change the end position of a single wire on
the solderless breadboard rather than solder in switches
at this time.
What are the applications for varying the number of Brain
processors? Many. Primarily used for testing, this technique
allows the removal of processors so others can be tested.
This can test Brain methods, sets, subsets, algorithms,
vary timing, create faster hardware arrangements with fewer
boards, allows testing one, two or three boards at one end
of the spectrum, adding great versatility.
Programming Method
This is a method of hardware programming, assigning a
processor board a 0 or 1.
Note that this method removes the interface link so the processor
cannot hang on the system. Since the other processors are not
singly dependent on remaining processors, this technique works.
Power may be kept on, as distribution is from one processor array
(Brain Span) to the next. Ground is maintained on all processors
at all times.
Delegating Brain Components Brain components can reside in 3 places
According to a program on the Discovery Channel shown today, scientists have created an artificial Brain Cerebellum which controls the motor function of a robotic hand for patients who have specific brain diseases. This artificial brain extension resides outside of the patient and requires no implantation surgery.
Comparing this to the iBrain, a cortex, or other brain component can be created and externally connected. The current construction of the iBrain is unique in that circuits, boards and various support components, interfacing, peripherals and wiring is supported on the outside on the surface with an exoskeleton called the EXO.
This creates a hallowed interior for significant future expansion. Currently, this is arranged as an empty card cage (see other posts). Any number of components and brain sections could find a home here.
In summary, iBrain components can find a home in the following places:
Brain Peripheral Adapter Module Suspended
New method speeds up development without a PAM
Development of the PAM is temporarily suspended because a new
design has surfaced for mounting peripheral components internally
behind the Brain Shroud.
Therefore at this position of Brain
development, the PAM is simply not needed. Peripherals will
appear internally and exposed by removing the Brain Shroud when
use is necessary. More information will be provided about the
specific peripherals as they are internally mounted. Suspending
design, development and construction of the PAM will speed up
Brain development and allow a more rapid time to completion.
There are some consequences of this change and utilizing the
internal gut space for this purpose.
The card rack space is decreased
Coolant piping must be routed around the peripherals
A slight amount of weight is added in the upper one third cavity
The Brain center of gravity is shifted
and some advantages
Peripherals are out of sight
Peripherals cannot snag
Internal Brain Cavity can neatly house peripheral cables
Brain TV is a Reality
Connecting TV via the internal stomach
Brain TV, for data and displaying the unfolding drama of
Brain dreams, is neatly tucking inside the Brain Stomach and
covered by the Brain Cowling when not in use.
I really wanted the Brain to have TV output so it would be possible to
watch the drama unfold of Brain Dreaming. I'm not exactly sure how that
would work at a more complicated level at this time, but with the
BASIC Stamp SEED Supercomputer, the dream was based on a
tiny simple yet effective dual word text algorithm.
The Brain will be tremendously more sophisticated. I'm hoping for
actual graphical dreaming in color but it's hard to predict at this
The Brain has space inside its internal Brain stomach.
This space is reserved for TV which is hidden by the connecting Cowling
when not in use.
Brain TV routes to the Parallax Propeller Demo Board, which is
known for its graphical demonstration capabilities.
Specifications of the Brain TV
Brand: Parallax
Tiny 3.5-inch Monitor
TFT LCD Screen
Pixel Distribution 320x240 Pixels
Resolution 1440 (H) x 234 (V)
Panel Display Ratio 4:3
Remote Control or Panel Operated
Color Display
2-way Audio/Video Input
Built-In Speaker
NTSC/PAL Auto Shift
Operating Temperature -20C to 65C
Adjustments: Brightness, Color, Contrast
SYS Picture Adjust Left Right Up Down
Sleep Sets On Time Power
Swivel Adjust Screen
Power Supply 12Volts +- 10%
Number of Video Channels - Two
The face-on view shows the new TV install
into the Brain Stomach. For now, the TV
will connect to a Parallax Demo Board
though it will port to extra Propeller
Proto Boards with the TV expansion
plug installed.
Electronics & Electrical Tutorials as Brain Resources
In addition to the many fine Parallax Tutorials found at, here's a list alternate online tutorials helpful to
the various components of Brain design.
Some links are from the Tony R. Kuphaldt site found here: Lessons In Electric Circuits
Download a complete set of books in htm format here.
Note: These books and all related files are published under the terms and
conditions of the Design Science License. These terms and conditions allow
for free copying, distribution, and/or modification of this document by the general public.
New Brain Resource Cognition
Cognition newsletter directly relates to Brain project
The new newsletter, Cognition, of the PropCOG organization
embraces multiple Propeller chip projects. As the Brain is
definitely a multi-prop project, Cognition is a great resource.
Brain AI Related News - Supercomputer Playing Jeopardy Machine playing against humans
Take a look at this thread started by Spiral72:
This appears to represent a significant advance in artificial intelligence. In the past, we had a computer playing against a human Chess champion and winning. But this involves a test of world knowledge and events in a broader sense, more matching what artificial intelligence may encounter in the real world.
Spiral72 reports
I watched an interesting Nova program on TV I had recorded from the other night (Monday??) I thought it was about robots, but sadly no. It was pretty interesting though. IBM has created this bathroom sized "Super computer" with ridiculous storage capacity and processing power as the next step in machine learning / AI. The goal for the project was to beat the two current (human) all-time-greatest Jeopardy contestants at their own game. The episodes air on Fab 14-16th, only a couple days away! I hope to watch these The Nova episode was worth the watch IMO. Enjoy!
At the links
Named after IBM founder Thomas J. Watson, the supercomputer is one of the most advanced systems on Earth and was programmed by 25 IBM scientists over the last four years. Researchers scanned some 200 million pages of content — or the equivalent of about one million books — into the system, including books, movie scripts and entire encyclopedias.
Watson is not your run-of-the-mill computer. The system is powered by 10 racks of IBM POWER 750 servers running Linux, and uses 15 terabytes of RAM, 2,880 processor cores and can operate at 80 teraflops. That’s 80 trillion operations per second.
Watson scans the 2 million pages of content in its “brain” in less than three seconds. The system is not connected to the internet, but totally self-contained. The machine is the size of 10 refrigerators.
Lesson 0: Hardware & Software Want to get started with microcontrollers? Here are tips on the hardware & software you'll need
Lesson 1: blinky light The 'Hello World' of microcontroller programs, this tutorial is meant to get you familiar with the Propeller and its development environment
Lesson 2: Objects (with video tutorial) Get a feel for using objects to expand your programs
Lesson 3: Serial Terminal Your best friend for debugging & controlling the Propeller with your computer
Designs for Telemetry of Brain Cockpit
Brain space is at a premium. One idea is to program and
collect data from TV, all by wireless. Therefore the
Brain Cockpit Command & Control Center could reside
off the Brain at a different location.
As I mentioned to you in the past, I'm also working on a couple of multi Prop projects.
So far each of my Propeller chips is running specialized code for its specific purpose. The communication between Props starts to get a bit daunting since some of the Props have wired connections and some have wireless connections. Each communication packet includes the originating Propeller's id and the target Propeller's id to help the messages get to the right place.
I'm very interested in how you will get all these Propeller to communicate with each other to solve a meaningful task. Have you done much work on the software yet? I've see you have a bit of code to flash a diagnostic LED. I'm curious what kind of communication strategies you have/will come up with.
I'm very willing to share the work I've done with Propeller to Propeller communication but I'm not sure if it would help you much.
Have you thought about using a VGA monitor as a display?
The first display I used with my lab data logging set up was a 4 x 20 LCD. It showed my the data as it was recorded digitally but it was easy forget what information had previously been logged and what data hadn't be logged yet (e.g. did I already weigh this vial?). Switching to a TV helped a lot. I was able to look back over the most recently recorded data. I finally added a second Propeller to display information to a large (19") VGA monitor. The VGA object (I'm using VGA_1280x1024_Tile_Driver_With_Cursor) takes up a lot of the Propeller's RAM (and I think two cogs). It has been great to be able to see so much information at once. This display Propeller also controls an EMIC text to speech module. (It's pretty cool to have the Propeller speak the information as well as display it.)
I would think that once you get your Props talking together there will be lots of data to display. You could either use your Propeller Demo Board to drive the display or add a VGA connector to one of your Proto Boards (you might have to move one of your breadboards to make room for it).
One other thing I thought I'd mention. I don't know how frequently you move wires around in your breadboards but I have some breadboards where I've left the same wires in it for over a year. I've found the little clips inside the breadboard start to loose there springiness and don't hold the wires as well. You might want to consider using some headers or other connectors for wire that will be connected for an extended amount of time.
I look forward to seeing your brain thinking.
PS I think it would be nice if some of your pictures where larger.
I have an EMIC talking on the BASIC Stamp Supercomputer, in two languages. However, I probably will keep it there. With the prop, it can do the same in software which is something I want to explore.
In the attached photo, you can see the CEO PPPB board with VGA, TV, keyboard and mouse connectors.
Duane, I didn't know breadboards could lose their Spring Constant over time. Thanks for mentioning this and I'll keep an eye on this with my oldest breadboards.
Thanks! It's going to be very interesting!
Expanding and positioning
The CEO board shows the positioning of expansion with a solderless bread-
board and upgrading the PPPB with VGA, TV, keyboard and mouse. Note this
board includes the data light modification.
The photo in post #271 is about 80mm across on my screen. I opened the thubnail in a new tab to make sure I was seeing the complete photo. The properties say it is 299 x 230 pixels.
I think it would be nice to be able to see more detail in some of the pictures.
Thank you.
I can see the way you are joining the boards together much better.
Analysis of TinyCAD as a Brain schematic drawing program
The tests using TinyCAD are complete. The problem encountered
is the output. The page schematics have these thin tiny jagged non-
anti-aliased lines of low resolution which are totally unacceptable.
There are a limited number of export formats which do take
compatibility with other CAD programs into consideration but do
not take publication into consideration.
However, the program is quite spectacular and awesome in the
number of schematic symbols that it contains, including various
combination of chip size and cords, etc. There are many hidden
templates which don't show until selected. The strength is
definitely in a large availability of schematic symbols, yet I did not
see a jagged resister, only the rectangle, though it may be hidden
in another template - finding stuff would be a problem when
Getting screen captures would be limited as the view is too small
and the lines literally disappear or become broken and strange.
Enlarge it and it goes off the screen or shows jaggy lines.
There are some blue lines, not acceptable, and some other minor
issues with font size setting and labeling that's incredibly annoying.
I could not get two lines on one particular component to join as they
jumped in position off the same plane. Overall it's a good powerful
program but unfortunately it does not meet the criteria set for
drawing the Brain.
Designs move forward with Diagram Designer selection & analysis
The analysis continues with Diagram Designer.
I'm pleased to report that this drawing program has held up for
all prerequisite requirements for drawing schematics for the
Brain project, and will likely be selected as the number one
drawing program for the Brain Circuitry and Brain Logic regions
of the Brain and Brain Project.
The cool thing is that you can draw any circuit object or
schematic icon and create your own templates in a very simple
and easy way. The program really shines in versatility. It does
flow-charting for logic pre-programming and can import graphics.
Although the program is somewhat short on documentation, the
provided tutorials are really all you need, as they are specific
and highly useful. I have found answers to all my questions thus far.
Diagram Designer can save in all formats required by the Brain.
It has a companion image program and embedded math plotting
program which is a unique combination.
DD comes with free templates. Electronics has three templates
but only one is the most useful. I can see supplementing it with
some custom drawn schematics other than some of the supplied
rectangles. But it really depends on when you were born, which
school you come from and what side of the railroad tracks you
live on, plus a little amount of preference thrown in for good
The learning curve is not large and the images can set to high
resolution, smooth non-jagged lines and curves, and end up
in compatible images that load and save in other programs. This
should be ideal for publishing, as the canvas can easily set in
both cm and inches. I'm really ecstatic about the publishing
potential here.
Scalable images are great and everything about the program is
smooth going. Text can be manipulated similar to Forum text with
simple tags.
The best part of the program is the open source nature it brings
to the drawing world plate. The icons that are created for the Brain can
be contributed back to the open source Diagram Designer project
as well as the Brain project. More will follow about designing Brain
Possibly the next step is to create a list of schematic symbols
required, see what we have, and what we don't have. Also it will be
important to create some special symbols like that of a Parallax
Propeller Board, chip, BASIC Stamp and so on..
List of Brain circuit schematic symbols required
Decoupling Capacitor
4x20 LCD
2x12 LCD
SPST Switch
Contact point
Vss Ground
Parallax BASIC Stamp Board
Parallax Propeller Proto Board
Parallax Propeller Demo Board
Parallax HYDRA Board
Sensors (undetermined)
Cryogenics, Piping, Coolant, Dewar
Bundling & Routing
Power Supply
SD Card
Power Cable
Drafting Form
Flow Charting
Jumper Cable
Push Button/Reset
Support IC
Pin Connectors
There is no standard so this is a suggested guide
Circuit schematics from Your Laboratory.
Consider this a source and image repository for schematic
symbols and their varied definitions. This will have information
added as it becomes available. It is interesting to compare the
various symbol standards from across the world and note the
favorite symbols from the people who use schematics.
Perhaps this can become the reference that you refer to
when deciphering a particular schematic symbol. The primary
use for this post is to determine schematic symbols in drawing
the Brain, noting the variety available, their sources, and then
decisions will be made about how to best draw schematics.
(Under Construction - add symbols & comments here)
From Parallax
Various Schematic Symbol Sources
References from Parallax Inc.
How to Wire Circuits from Schematics
Useful Sources for Identifying Schematic Symbols
Includes Circuit Abbreviations
Comprehensive for Battery Cells
PDF Files of Symbols
Schematics in DOC File
Other Languages Schematic Symbols
Extra Science Symbols
Flow Charting Defined
LOGOs for Part Identification
Educypedia of Electronics
From MicroChip
Draw Brain circuits on a virtual breadboard
The online drawing program Pebble by WestAust55 allows you to create
various circuits on a virtual solderless breadboard. The process is very
simple. Just click and drag over components that you can see on the left
side and use the menu that appears from right clicking. It has many
components available. Though designed for 4D Systems, it works well
with the Parallax tiny solderless breadboard.
PEBBLE - the Electronic Bread Board Layout Emulator can be
used for protyping the small Parallax solderless breadboard. To setup
the board, use and select 17R as 4D Systems DEVBOARD D1 from the
selection menu at left. This matches the Parallax Solderless Breadboard
as seen on the Parallax Store Page.
Testing the program
The program has most components needed to represent Brain wiring on the
breadboards. The only idiosyncrasy was the LED. I usually mount the LED
in the center of the board across the space between the holes, but in the
program this apparently is not allowed. This is not a problem but just requires
rearrangement of components.
The labeling on the smaller components is difficult to see and overprints
somewhat (see the .1uf capacitor in the illustration) but this can be solved
by choosing a larger size to represent the component or leave the label
field blank. It's a great program strength to be able to select wire length
and color and have wires fit the holes. Wires, unlike the LED, will traverse
across the center void.
Some parts, like the Piezo Speaker look different from the Parallax Version
although there are "open" components that can be defined with a label. One
of these is well suited for various devices. The program has versions for IE and
FF, though in my FireFox version it would not print to PDF file. This was not
a significant problem as the workaround is to simply screen print it. It results
in less resolution but ok for small images and illustrating documents (doc) for
wiring and assembly.
It appears this program is a fast way to create virtual solderless prototype boards
for various projects. It matches the solderless breadboard used by Parallax with
17-holes across the top and two sets of 5-holes down. Many components are
available in the right click menus such as the ultrasonic component that can
represent a Parallax PING))).
Thanks to Tumbler who found and commented about this resource
at the Parallax Forum thread.
Hot glue anchors the Summit Board
The Parallax Propeller Demo Board is
attached to the Brain Summit, seen in this
horizontal flip view. Note easy access to
connector plugs for mouse, keyboard, power,
USB and a power switch next to the barrel
connector. TV is attached at the "back" side
of this board.
The photos show the anchoring of a Parallax Propeller
Demo Board at the Brain Summit, using corner globs
of hot melt glue.
I suggest positioning the board and then taping it in
place with masking tape so it does not shift during
the gluing process.
It takes only a small amount of hot melt glue to attach
the boards to transparent plastic, because the polymer
molecules resemble each other and tightly adhere.
As you know, the Parallax Propeller Demo Board was
manufactured without the corner edge mounting holes
to conserve space (this board is very packed with
fantastic features) and this is the reason for using hot
melt glue.
As seen in the photo, a smaller amount of glue would have sufficed.
Special positioning of the Summit Board allows easy convenient access to plug
connectors when in the Brain Horizontal Flip configuration. Positioning also takes into
consideration the shortest interface connect distance to the nearest board, thus main-
taining an identical jumper length as used in other boards which are adjacently
New board total and arrangement
The Brain is now expanded to 22 Processing boards
with a modular assembly. This makes the Brain more
powerful and capable, adds many more processors in
parallel and give the Brain the ability to do more in terms
of control and/or thinking.
Brain Modular Assembly
- 01 - EXO
- 01 - Brain Stem
- 02 - LCD
- 04 - Brain Spans
- 01 - Parallax BASIC Stamp 2 BOE
- 01 - Parallax Propeller Demo Board
- 20 - Parallax Propeller Proto Board
- 22 - Solderless Breadboard
- 19 - Board with Additional Real Estate
Brain Span Arrangement4 - with 6 boards each
1 - with 3 boards
Brain Summit
1 - with 1 board
Previously hosted boards are now absorbed into the Brain.
This completes the basic Brain structure. Focus is on wiring
and schematic drawing.
Made for BASIC Stamp & Propeller Chips!
We have nothing against other brand chips and boards. Because
we are Parallax BASIC Stamp and Propeller chip hobbyists, we get
a little bored hearing about software using other stuff. So when something
comes along, designed for the processors we love the most, our
almost-pointed ears stand at attention and take considerable interest!
This is exactly what happened when reviewing Fritzing!
We last reported about Pebble, a rather spectacular and easy to use
breadboard layout drawing program. We are now reporting on Fritzing,
another remarkable program, this one found by Kevin Wood at this thread.
Note: The BASIC Stamp is positioned only for illustrative purposes and
not for connection logic.
Yours truly had voiced a wish for a program designed for our BASIC Stamp modules
and Propeller chips. In a remarkable ray of light, our wish became true! The review of
this free open source program (see photo) shows that it does indeed have these two
Parallax processors available!
With my slow snail-like internet, download took a half hour. I made lunch and came
back and it was ready. It has a massive number of large files but they work well.
The program is intuitive, easy to use and has good screen resolution. First challenge
encountered was the breadboard size - it could not be changed to the small solder-
less breadboard used in the Brain Project. But once it was discovered that the
breadboard size could hold a BASIC Stamp and Propeller chip, the program value
increased exponentially.
As a work-around, the breadboard can resize with the mouse. Enlarge it so that
extraneous top and bottom cut off and position it at the left with the hole count
ending at 17 holes (cut off on the right).
Program advantages are switching back and forth from breadboard to schematic
to printed circuit board views! Schematics are good for personal use but the varying
unlike densities of the connecting wires is a no-go for any kind of professional
looking illustrations. A feature to size the wire is not yet found.
It has many good components to select, although some resemble a LM386, none
were found. More study is necessary to learn how to customize a chip.
Stay tuned for more information, pros and cons.
Download here
Homepage here
For Brain diagram drawing program research
These Parallax Forum threads contain many links and discussions about
various breadboard and schematic drawing programs.
Parallax Forum Related Threads
A collection of information about the Brain's Tiny Breadboard
Parallax has some product information for the tiny breadboards used
on the Brain boards found here.
Solderless Breadboard
Item code 700-00012 Price $3.99
Breadboard is featured on the Board of Education carrier board
and Homework Board; makes prototyping easy!
Key Specifications:
- Measurements: 1 3/8 x 1 3/4 x 0.39 in (35 x 45 x 10 mm)
- Hole spacing: .1 in (2.54 mm)
Other Determined SpecsBreadboards are positioned on PPPBs,
PPDB and BOEs.
Thread discussion about drawing programs for the Tiny Breadboard
See post 284 on this thread's page. You can draw this exact size breadboard with Pebble.
OBC has accomplished some fine drawing work with MS Paint. Take a look at his samples
in the Tiny Breadboard thread.
Exploring the evolution of the Brain name
Reserved for the continuing history of project code
brain names and their purpose..
Brain Code Names - Purpose
Big Brain - project introduction
Brain Project - decided to do a Brain project
Multi-Brain - decided upon with multi processors
Brain Blob - continues to grow and grow
Giant Brain - the Blob at the largest size
Robotic Brain - when considering adding mobility
Massive Brain - name after adding 20 boards
Horribly Large Propeller Brain - during wiring
iBrain - most recent developed name with logo
Ideas for I/O - touch sensing and nerve response
I was looking over here in Dr. Mario's thread Propeller supercomputer hardware questions at post #156 by Sariel, who raises a fascinating point for the use of many I/Os. To quote:
"I know it is an old conversation in this thread, but on the question of what to do with all of those I/O's...Well, the most difficult (and ultimately most important) sense that humans have, and machines do not, is touch. This is simply because of the amount of nerve endings on a human's body, as compared to the amount of usable I/O's on any computing platform. Given this, one could get a crude "touch responsive" automaton. I am not sure what practical application for this gizmo would be, other than having a robot that either yelps in pain, or yells "Bad Touch!" once in a while."
This makes an excellent point for the brain with its excess of ports, a total of:
20 x 32 = 640
1 x 32 = 32
1 x 16 = 16
total = 688 ports
The sense of touch, inputs, could be very beneficial in a hand, for determining pressure, object location, object texture, object temperature, and object durometer. It can determine the amount or level of "grip" in an artificial hand. A massive number of sensors in hands could allow a precision hand to be constructed. I would propose "Sensor Skin" embedded with sensing arrays. The Brain could sense the skin through robotic electric nerves.
Dr. Mario writes BTW, there are tons way of sensing the touch is accomplished by few of the methods: Capacitive coupling touch sensing, Infrared light (laser - VCSEL in many case, and with some, LED) reflective / modulation touch sensing (kinda like camera), Resistance coupling (like with some cheap PDA as well as with some older expensive PDA) touch repetive sensing, electro-coupling thin-film contact touch screen (some PDA like that $10 Royal touch PDA at Wal-Mart). The basic rule is to interprete what area is being touched - like with mouse touchpad on laptops, by reading out what the signal is in conjunction with the calibration information.
Also, I forgot to tell ya, Propeller can also, when properly programmed, respond to capacitive coupled touch response. It is a bit simple as it only use radio-frequency AC (not like DC from the battery - ceramic and air-gap capacitors responds better to Alternating Current) to differenate the current flowing between "dielectric" like plastic panel, and the electrodes and your finger. What's not simple at all, is to create delta-sigma calculation on the precieved currents from the home-brew capacitor sensor - the Propeller Education Kit book would provide you some hints on that frequency summing and capacitive load sensing.
Brain thread Index by page, post number, content
Now you can explore each and every post by page number, post number,
post title, and content. Never miss a single topic. Research all the Brain
data and learn what is already accomplished. Gain quick access to photos,
charts, schematics, diagrams, lists and tables of information. Learn tips on
creating your own Brain version.
Check post #1 of this thread to download the PDF searchable index.
Method adds information to previous posts
I want to note that as many posts as possible, previously posted,
have information added and updated for greater and more useful
content. So you may want to go back and review some posts
as they have likely changed with edit. So if you are contemplating
building a brain, don't just read it and move on, as new content
will be added from time to time.
Method alters electronic Brain processors
In the BUS mode, a small technique allows the number of
Brain processors to vary. This is accomplished by changing
the position of a single wire, thus take a processor from
online to offline status, i.e. complete removal from the BUS.
Initial Setup
Initially starting out, all processors are wired online to the
collective. This makes it easy to remove a few processors.
Processor removal must be code compatible with the hare-
ware removal.
Removing Processors
To remove a processor, one end of the single bus wire is
moved to an empty hole on the Tiny Breadboard. It appears
more easy to change the end position of a single wire on
the solderless breadboard rather than solder in switches
at this time.
What are the applications for varying the number of Brain
processors? Many. Primarily used for testing, this technique
allows the removal of processors so others can be tested.
This can test Brain methods, sets, subsets, algorithms,
vary timing, create faster hardware arrangements with fewer
boards, allows testing one, two or three boards at one end
of the spectrum, adding great versatility.
Programming Method
This is a method of hardware programming, assigning a
processor board a 0 or 1.
Note that this method removes the interface link so the processor
cannot hang on the system. Since the other processors are not
singly dependent on remaining processors, this technique works.
Power may be kept on, as distribution is from one processor array
(Brain Span) to the next. Ground is maintained on all processors
at all times.
Brain components can reside in 3 places
According to a program on the Discovery Channel shown today, scientists have created an artificial Brain Cerebellum which controls the motor function of a robotic hand for patients who have specific brain diseases. This artificial brain extension resides outside of the patient and requires no implantation surgery.
Comparing this to the iBrain, a cortex, or other brain component can be created and externally connected. The current construction of the iBrain is unique in that circuits, boards and various support components, interfacing, peripherals and wiring is supported on the outside on the surface with an exoskeleton called the EXO.
This creates a hallowed interior for significant future expansion. Currently, this is arranged as an empty card cage (see other posts). Any number of components and brain sections could find a home here.
In summary, iBrain components can find a home in the following places:
New method speeds up development without a PAM
Development of the PAM is temporarily suspended because a new
design has surfaced for mounting peripheral components internally
behind the Brain Shroud.
Therefore at this position of Brain
development, the PAM is simply not needed. Peripherals will
appear internally and exposed by removing the Brain Shroud when
use is necessary. More information will be provided about the
specific peripherals as they are internally mounted. Suspending
design, development and construction of the PAM will speed up
Brain development and allow a more rapid time to completion.
There are some consequences of this change and utilizing the
internal gut space for this purpose.
- The card rack space is decreased
- Coolant piping must be routed around the peripherals
- A slight amount of weight is added in the upper one third cavity
- The Brain center of gravity is shifted
and some advantagesConnecting TV via the internal stomach
Brain TV, for data and displaying the unfolding drama of
Brain dreams, is neatly tucking inside the Brain Stomach and
covered by the Brain Cowling when not in use.
I really wanted the Brain to have TV output so it would be possible to
watch the drama unfold of Brain Dreaming. I'm not exactly sure how that
would work at a more complicated level at this time, but with the
BASIC Stamp SEED Supercomputer, the dream was based on a
tiny simple yet effective dual word text algorithm.
The Brain will be tremendously more sophisticated. I'm hoping for
actual graphical dreaming in color but it's hard to predict at this
The Brain has space inside its internal Brain stomach.
This space is reserved for TV which is hidden by the connecting Cowling
when not in use.
Brain TV routes to the Parallax Propeller Demo Board, which is
known for its graphical demonstration capabilities.
Specifications of the Brain TV
The face-on view shows the new TV install
into the Brain Stomach. For now, the TV
will connect to a Parallax Demo Board
though it will port to extra Propeller
Proto Boards with the TV expansion
plug installed.
In addition to the many fine Parallax Tutorials found at, here's a list alternate online tutorials helpful to
the various components of Brain design.
Some links are from the Tony R. Kuphaldt site found here: Lessons In Electric Circuits
Download a complete set of books in htm format here.
Note: These books and all related files are published under the terms and
conditions of the Design Science License. These terms and conditions allow
for free copying, distribution, and/or modification of this document by the general public.
for questions about electronic circuits
All about circuits forum
And here's an interesting electronics index
Volume I - DC
- Master Index
- Chapter 2: OHM'S LAW
- Chapter 13: CAPACITORS
- Chapter 15: INDUCTORS
- Appendix 1: ABOUT THIS BOOK
Volume II - AC- Master Index
- Chapter 1: BASIC AC THEORY
- Chapter 6: RESONANCE
- Chapter 8: FILTERS
- Chapter 11: POWER FACTOR
- Chapter 13: AC MOTORS
- Appendix 1: ABOUT THIS BOOK
Volume III - Semiconductors- Master Index
- Chapter 7: THYRISTORS
- Chapter 10: ACTIVE FILTERS ***PENDING***
- Chapter 11: DC MOTOR DRIVES ***PENDING***
- Chapter 13: ELECTRON TUBES
- Appendix 1: ABOUT THIS BOOK
Volume IV - Digital- Master Index
- Chapter 3: LOGIC GATES
- Chapter 4: SWITCHES
- Chapter 6: LADDER LOGIC
- Appendix 1: ABOUT THIS BOOK
Volume V - Reference- Master Index
- Chapter 2: COLOR CODES
- Appendix 1: ABOUT THIS BOOK
Volume VI - ExperimentsCognition newsletter directly relates to Brain project
The new newsletter, Cognition, of the PropCOG organization
embraces multiple Propeller chip projects. As the Brain is
definitely a multi-prop project, Cognition is a great resource.
Machine playing against humans
Take a look at this thread started by Spiral72:
This appears to represent a significant advance in artificial intelligence. In the past, we had a computer playing against a human Chess champion and winning. But this involves a test of world knowledge and events in a broader sense, more matching what artificial intelligence may encounter in the real world.
Spiral72 reports
I watched an interesting Nova program on TV I had recorded from the other night (Monday??) I thought it was about robots, but sadly no. It was pretty interesting though. IBM has created this bathroom sized "Super computer" with ridiculous storage capacity and processing power as the next step in machine learning / AI. The goal for the project was to beat the two current (human) all-time-greatest Jeopardy contestants at their own game. The episodes air on Fab 14-16th, only a couple days away! I hope to watch these
At the links
Named after IBM founder Thomas J. Watson, the supercomputer is one of the most advanced systems on Earth and was programmed by 25 IBM scientists over the last four years. Researchers scanned some 200 million pages of content — or the equivalent of about one million books — into the system, including books, movie scripts and entire encyclopedias.
Watson is not your run-of-the-mill computer. The system is powered by 10 racks of IBM POWER 750 servers running Linux, and uses 15 terabytes of RAM, 2,880 processor cores and can operate at 80 teraflops. That’s 80 trillion operations per second.
Watson scans the 2 million pages of content in its “brain” in less than three seconds. The system is not connected to the internet, but totally self-contained. The machine is the size of 10 refrigerators.
Who will win?Take the poll.!-challenges-best-the-human-minds.
Tutorials for Propeller Programming
Educate yourself with these Propeller Tutorials from Gadget Gangster.
Thanks to Nick and Jeff.
First Steps
- Lesson 0: Hardware & Software Want to get started with microcontrollers? Here are tips on the hardware & software you'll need
- Lesson 1: blinky light The 'Hello World' of microcontroller programs, this tutorial is meant to get you familiar with the Propeller and its development environment
- Lesson 2: Objects (with video tutorial) Get a feel for using objects to expand your programs
- Lesson 3: Serial Terminal Your best friend for debugging & controlling the Propeller with your computer
- Lesson 4: Multitasking (with video tutorial) Doing several things at the same time
- Lesson 5: TV output The Propeller has built-in video output hardware, so this TV output tutorial is a good followup
Video Game- Lesson 1: Display (with video) Setting up the hardware and objects
- Lesson 2: Collisions, Movement, Color (with video) Adding the building blocks for lightcycles
- Lesson 3: Finishing it up Putting everything together
Synthesizer- Lesson 0: Audio basics (with video) What does an audio circuit look like?
- Lesson 1: Creating a Synthesizer (with video) Playing back sounds with the Propeller & using a keyboard to capture input
- Lesson 2: Waveforms & Animation (with video) Make cooler sounds and add animation to your video display
Extra- Expanding the Propeller Platform (with video tutorial) Tips on connecting breadboards, perfboards, & designing your own Platform Modules.
- Text-To-Speech (with video tutorial) More object goodness, this time to do text-to-speech
- SD Cards Using removable storage with your project
- Broadcast Video (with video demo) Wireless video output with the Propeller and an ordinary TV
- If...Then...Else (with video tutorial) Controlling your code in Spin
- Reading Voltage (with video demo) Analog-digital conversion on the Propeller
Diptrace program for designing printed circuit boards