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Fill the Big Brain



  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-09-06 19:55
    Establishing Kite Altitude & String Parameters
    Using Parallax sensors and processors

    Ttailspin wrote: »
    It would be hard to use control line length as an altitude indicator.
    Because the farther out the line goes the heavier it gets, and the more it sags.
    I guess you could do the math on the amount of arc in the sagging length of control line...:nerd:

    Also, wind speed VS sail mass is going to effect altitude..Alot..
    Thats why when the wind is slow, you find yourself "running" your kite as apposed to "flying" your kite.
    Same amount of control line, but much less altitude...:frown: -Tommy
    P.S. Skippy peanut butter jar lids are the original robot tire, And I think peanut butter is open source now...

    Excellent considerations - recalling from my model rocket days it was much more simple.. launch the rocket, measure the baseline to where you are standing, measure the angle to the rocket at the highest point. That gives altitude using trigonometry of a right angle triangle (knowing one side and two angles).

    With a kite, there's dry weight of the string, added string weight caused by the amount of water vapor in the air, friction on the string caused by wind, gravity and wind forces deforming it which may vary as to how much string is dispensed, and the individual aerodynamic characteristics of the string, i.e. it can be displaced or lofted or depressed by wind.. (string can fly) Perhaps we can come up with a more simple approximation using the known length of the string and a general sagging algorithm.

    One cool thing is the setup indoors is so small, one could just reach up and measure the parameters on the small kite flying scale. This is a fast way to confirm or disprove sagging versus vertical height relationships with string, the type of kite, and the force of the wind. So indoor Micro Space is highly useful in confirming and determining some of these variables and doing studies of the system.

    The type of kite varies this too. I like to experiment with the chain kites where small tiny kites attach to the string at equidistant positions and help loft the string to gain a more vertical attitude and higher flying altitude. But even this is not true vertical.

    One important section to this study is using sensors, software and processors to obtain and process accurate data. I'm working on a simple Propeller clock with no parts that will work well on this project. What is the best way to determine weight (pull on a string) with a Propeller chip?
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,261
    edited 2011-09-06 20:09
    Humanoido wrote: »
    PJ might be hard pressed to collect royalties on the concept of open source recycling.

    "What's all this talk about 'open sores' and how is that a good thing? What? Never mind!" Emily Litella
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-09-06 20:10
    Robo Motion and the Big Brain
    A universal robotic Propeller-controlled motion platform

    Assembly begins with the the first standard servo mounted on a Parallax PING))) Bracket Kit. Test setup includes a battery pack with four AA cells to power the servo(s).

    It just happens that all the current motions in the Big Brain can be achieved by alt-azimuth attitudes using two servos. This includes the movements of the Micro Kite Air Source, the positioning of the telescope for driving in Lunar, Planetary and Sidereal rates, aerial guidance, tracking & pointing and the movement of laser and ultrasonic sensors.

    The first prototype model setup in-the-works is using a PING))) bracket mounting kit on the first servo as seen in the photo.
    531 x 392 - 82K
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-09-06 20:38
    Ttailspin wrote: »
    I have seen some pretty wild control systems, everything from cardboard tubes to wrap the string around, to Fishing poles (nice for string retreival, but don't stand to close to those guys.) And even some battery operated remote control winches complete with anti backlash systems built in. -Tommy
    China has every conceivable manual kite winding control you can imagine! I went to the park with a camera and zoomed in on 20 or 30 different varieties all in the same day. The one I purchased about a year ago could probably handle a full mile of string. It has a harness that fits over the upper body to stabilize it. Its loft weight and precision string management is remarkable. It's made with metal and some Masonite guides with a ball bearing system. Got string? I think this is designed for serious kite flying..
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-09-06 20:46
    Robotic Stick Flying

    On another interesting note, I just learned the smallest of kites are typically flown with relatively short sticks attached to short lengths of string. So if you want to make the system robotic, the stick needs to be driven in some combination of XY. Stick driven kites fly with or without natural wind. Indoors, without natural wind, the stick helps generate the wind by pulling and towing the kite and imparting various acrobatic maneuvers.

    A robotic base (the XY servo platform under construction) can do stick control using a Propeller program. The program, in theory, could store and implement various acrobatic motions.

    One tip for Stick Flying is to not whip the stick. A whip can achieve supersonic speeds at the tip and high speed can shred the kite vehicle. So making the system robotic is a plus.
  • TtailspinTtailspin Posts: 1,326
    edited 2011-09-06 20:46
    Thought I would mention, The control line doesn't have to be cotton string,
    I use "Spider Wire" because it is water proof, and I don't need lights or sensors when I am skimming..

    But if you want lights, the control line can also be a thin speaker wire pair, (I've seen this, it's very cool.)
    Just don't gummy it all up with peanut butter and you can run lots of lights and sensors...

  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-09-06 20:55
    Propeller Robotic Airport Pinout

    Propeller Controlled Airport
    Established Pinout of the First Eleven Devices

    01) P 0 - PIR
    02) P 1 - LED 1 GREEN (PIR, TEST)
    03) P11 - PING)))
    04) P12 - SERVO 3 (PING)
    05) P13 - SERVO 2 (YAXIS)
    06) P14 - SERVO 1 (XAXIS)
    07) P16 - LED 1 RED (SERVO 1)
    08) P17 - LED 2 RED (SERVO 2)
    09) P18 - PUSHBUTTON 1 (SERVO 1)
    10) P21 - PUSHBUTTON 2 (SERVO 2)
    11) P22 - LCD
  • TtailspinTtailspin Posts: 1,326
    edited 2011-09-06 21:11
    On another interesting note, I just learned the smallest of kites are typically flown with relatively short sticks attached to short lengths of string. So if you want to make the system robotic, the stick needs to be driven in some combination of XY. Stick driven kites fly with or without natural wind. Indoors, without natural wind, the stick helps generate the wind by pulling and towing the kite and imparting various acrobatic maneuvers.

    The minaret kites are easy to fly, but difficult to master,
    They are very much like the minaret puppets, (you can make them walk, but does it look like its walking?)

    I am looking forward to taking the kites out when the windy fall season arrives, it has been awhile..
    I have a Pirate ship kite that could use some dusting off, it has some good cargo room, and good lift too.
    This isn't the best time of year to research sail loading and wind speed in my part of the world right now.
    and will have to wait for October.

  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-09-06 21:13
    Robotic Kite - String Selection, Waterproofing
    Ttailspin wrote: »
    Thought I would mention, The control line doesn't have to be cotton string,
    I use "Spider Wire" because it is water proof, and I don't need lights or sensors when I am skimming..
    But if you want lights, the control line can also be a thin speaker wire pair, (I've seen this, it's very cool.)
    Just don't gummy it all up with peanut butter and you can run lots of lights and sensors...

    Years ago my dad had this WW2 Army Surplus catalog and I ordered a giant spool of parachute string. That stuff is incredibly strong. I measured out a mile on one particularly good flying day and the kite was so far away it turned into a speck and then invisible. It was remarkable that I reeled it back it, though my arm was sore the next day..

    Peanut butter has a natural waterproof oil base. When using cotton string of the non-waterproof variety, it helps to lightly coat the string with peanut butter to waterproof the threads. Though I recommend using the separation of oil from the peanuts. We may need to consult the works of George Washington Carver (1864-1943). He developed and promoted about 100 products made from peanuts that were useful for the house and farm, including cosmetics, dyes, paints, plastics, gasoline, and nitroglycerin. He received numerous honors for his work, including the Spingarn Medal of the NAACP.

    On good nights for flying, there's usually 12 lit kites flying at the park. They have string lights leading up to the kite. They're connected to the string at the same time the string is reeled out and retrieved in a reverse manner. How do they power these? I cannot imagine a battery for each light so there could be a hidden battery line. It was dark and hard to see. Next time I will learn more..
  • TtailspinTtailspin Posts: 1,326
    edited 2011-09-06 21:26
    Peanut butter has a natural waterproof oil base. When using cotton string of the non-waterproof variety, it helps to lightly coat the string with peanut butter to waterproof the threads. Though I recommend using the separation of oil from the peanuts. We may need to consult the works of George Washington Carver (1864-1943)...
    Right there, Right there is the very reason you are building the Big Brain, and I am just watching...
    I would have given up on the peanut butter..But you would use it for water proofing... :thumb:

    I have not flown a "Wired" kite, but the ones I saw had what looked like RC car batteries.

  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-09-07 02:38
    Measuring Altitude of Aerial Photos
    erco wrote: »
    That's a very good link. I found the following useful formula.

    To obtain the altitude of an aerial photo by measuring an object in the photo and knowing the focal length of the camera:

    size of object measured in the aerial photo = s
    altitude of camera = a
    cameral focal length = fl


    s = a/fl

    Does anyone have a micrometer calipers and aerial photo to try this? Comments?
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-09-07 02:45
    Ttailspin wrote: »
    I have not flown a "Wired" kite, but the ones I saw had what looked like RC car batteries. -Tommy
    That's interesting. After some thought I think these are LEDs with tiny coin cells and the unit just clips onto the string. The man was reaching into a box and then clipping these onto the string. They have some kind of switch to turn on. I've seen these kites with lights flown for hours so the LEDs last a long time on one battery. Might be a good project for a Joule Thief circuit and a handful of batteries to reclaim..
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-09-07 03:39
    My Journey Into Space
    Part 1 of 3 - Introduction, Flight Photos, Safety Considerations

    THE Ultimate Big Brain Bonus Propeller Spinoff
    Sunday September 4th, 2011


    I took these views when in space. From left to right 1) Going Up, 2) Almost There, 3) We're There!

    I love the way that Parallax processors have inspired so many new things. The Big Brain project is as much about experimenting with Propellers in large parallel arrays as it is about a great journey and path taken. To summarize the inspiring words of poet Robert Frost, two roads diverged in the woods and we took the one less traveled and it has made all the difference!

    We have spin offs and trying new things and sometimes it leads to exceeding expectations resulting in greater things. Take for example, space. I think we'd all like to go into space. The Brain has led to a Micro Space Program where we now pilot helicopters and kites indoors and learn about aerodynamics and robotics.

    The next step is what I want to talk about. It's a great learning experience to fly mini helicopters, tiny kites, launch hobby rockets and balloons with payloads. However, it's a bigger step into another world to actually go up into space. But how can we get there with a hobby program inspired by the Big Brain, on a minuscule budget of $25?

    Maybe you've heard, "where there's a will, there's a way" - the old English proverb meaning people with determination will find a way of doing something.

    This is the true story of how the Big Brain led my path to a real journey into space. I'll try to make this story short so as not to bore you with details. I'll write parts 2, and 3 as time permits.

    In a nutshell, I traveled across China to where they have the greatest technological Mega Projects in the world. It was here where I found a 1.2-billion dollar project that took me into space (see photos).

    (to be continued...)

    How to Go Into Space with Maximum Safety
    Here are some rejected considerations...

    Big Rockets blow up
    Ultra Lights are dangerous
    Model rockets are too small
    Balloons lose air & direction and are not safe
    Skydiving is very hazardous
    Boat pulling kite, could get wet
    Jump off tall cliff with parachute, dangerous
    Paragliding, dangerous
    Hang gliding, dangerous and inconvenient
    Jet pack lasts only a minute
    Hover crafts only hover a foot off the ground
    Rocket sled blows up on land
    Going up on a big kite is subject to wind & injury
    Blimps catch fire
    Rocket Chair not stable
    Giant Slingshot, too many Gs
    Catapult has too many G-forces
    Jump from skyscraper is illegal
    X15 Rocket Plane discontinued
    Trampoline under 100-feet. landing questionable
    Pole Climbing insufficient height
    Jet flights are too expensive
    Rocket Sled, blows up, dangerous, below 100 feet
    Air Force takes youth, time and training
    High mountains are remote, time consuming, inconvenient
    NASA cancelled their manned space flight shuttle program
    Trees are not tall enough
    Pole vaulting is limited to 30-feet
    Human canon, dangerous, limited height
    House roof is too low

    The Hobby of Aerial Photos
    Taking aerial photos is a great hobby and can be scientifically useful and rewarding. Photos can be used for mapping, measuring community and city changes in construction and roads, serve to analyze the atmosphere, measure structure and earth movements, match images with seismometer data, conduct research on wetlands and green grasslands, do astronomical imaging above the clouds, measure and record activities and levels of deforestation, reach heights where the atmosphere is less dense and more stable, make photo murals and montages, measure objects on images to determine exact heights of tall structures, rise above low level cloud layers to study upper cloud layers, and numerous other projects..
    781 x 226 - 50K
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-09-07 20:08
    My Journey Into Space
    Part 2 of 3 - Experiences

    THE Ultimate Big Brain Bonus Spinoff
    How Propeller Chips Led to a Trip into Space

    PHOTO taken at the massive
    "space" complex. This area
    contains many of the tallest
    world structures.


    Getting Up to Speed
    Last time I introduced a hobby project that took me into space on Sunday, September 4th, 2011. The introduction was illustrated with three aerial photos taken at varying altitudes. This is a spin off of the Parallax Propeller powered Big Brain project. In part two, let's describe the experience..

    Buying Tickets
    First you buy your ticket for $24 that entitles you to stop at three stations going up, way-points with names of 423M, 439M and 474M.

    The countdown is in progress. Beginning with 300
    and ending with ten, this interesting Chinese countdown
    alerts you to take-off - the final lift up into space.


    Space Transport
    A high speed "space transport," swaying side to side, is what takes you up - going (at your pre-determined choice) to three locations in space, each one successively higher than the previous. You hang onto the side of the "small craft" to maintain balance..

    Thin Air & the Real Atmosphere
    As you quickly rise, the air thins out rapidly and differences in air pressure cause your ears to pop. The next thing you notice is the rapidly changing display on the side wall counting upward in meters! There's a small group of multi-national people with you. Someone is telling a joke. Someone is so frightened they have tears.

    Arrival in Space
    The door opens. Welcome to space. You've reached Far-Point. A safety flight attendant directs you forward to your "space capsule," a walk-in containment with see-through clear glass floor and walls! Someone asks you if you can feel the motion.

    The Ultimate Height
    Frantically you go for your camera as this is the opportunity of a lifetime. You're higher than all the model rockets you've ever launched, even the ones you secretly wished you could hitch a ride on. You're higher than your highest flight with your Estes multi-stage rocket with camera.

    The View Below
    Cars that were tiny ants now seem to disappear as you capture some of the highest aerial photos you've ever taken. The view is breathtaking! High above the Earth you can look down through the transparent clear floor and match maps to the physical world.

    Observations from Space
    This is your temporary and momentary new world, an island fortress of solitude in space, you made it here at last, high in the sky above the clouds - you see skyscrapers below that are like tiny dots, lakes, oceans, rivers, cities, super highways that look thread-like, and a horizon that fades into space. Higher above you see the hint of darkness of space.

    Hours pass quickly by like minutes and day begins to turn into night. The sun is a blazing red orange fiery orb settling in a stratus of atmosphere. Stars appear and the Earth below is lit up with colored lights dotting the largest city of 23 million people.

    (to be continued...)

    Note: Photos are preliminary. Unable to upload high resolution aerial camera photos to the computer without the cable, the temporary option is to photo the camera's tiny LCD screen using iPhone 3. So for now, these are only rough galley photos.
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  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-09-08 01:18
    PIR Materials Transparency Test
    For the Robotic Micro Space Airport

    Testing the Motion Machine

    The PIR sensor can see through many layers of plastic. Notice the green
    light at the photo top that indicates a detection of motion through six layers
    of cellophane.


    The PIR motion sensor was tested for materials sensitivity. Six layers of cellophone were first placed over the sensor and detection continued to work normally. The PIR sensor is sensitive through transparent plastic out to several feet away. The sensor works well with transparent materials of varying thickness and tint.

    For code and circuit details, see post 1363
    Big Brain Propeller Airport PIR Build
    Aircraft Motion Detector for launch, flight, recovery

    Material | Working
    Cellophane Working
    Trans Plastic Working
    Tinted Trans Working

    The Micro Space Airport PIR detector and the Motion Detector Machine will work well when mounted under the airport's runway landing pad made up of transparent plastic. The range of several feet is sufficient for detecting movement in both take off and landing of aircraft and during flight.
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  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-09-08 23:02
    Index Update

    Page 68 Post 1341
    Page 70 Post 1397
    page 68
    1341 Index Update to Page 67
    1342 Ganzfweld Phenomena Tricks the Brain
    Can Sensory Deprivation Delude the Machine Brain?
    1343 prof_braino
    1344 Phil
    1345 erco
    1346 Ttailspin
    1347 Publison
    1348 Mike G
    1349 Humanoido
    1350 Mike Green
    1351 Mike G
    1352 prof_braino
    1353 Browser
    1354 Ttailspin
    1355 Phil
    1356 Ttailspin
    1357 Mike Green
    1358 Phil
    1359 Ritesh Kakkar
    1360 Ken Gracey
    Page 69
    1361 prof_braino
    1362 humanoido
    1363 Propeller Airport PIR Build - Aircraft Motion Detector launch flight recovery
    1364 NEW Big Brain Laboratory #4 - Now open for research
    1365 Helicopter Fleet Expanded - Aerial Program extended
    1366 Quads and Props - Ken Gracey & QuadCopter
    1367 Tiny Brain One - TBO goes portable
    1368 Big Brain Adds Micro Kite Division - Expanding the Brain's Micro Space Program
    1369 Ttaispin, kite info
    1370 erco
    1371 Humanoido
    1372 Humanoido
    1373 Robotic Propeller Controlled Kite
    1374 Ttailspin, kite info
    1375 Robo Kite Potential - More Propeller and BASIC Stamp Kite Apps
    1376 Humanoido, robotic kite
    1377 erco
    1378 Ttailspin, kite info
    1379 erco
    1380 erco, forrest mims link, kite flying tips
    Page 70
    1381 Humanoido
    1382 Establishing Kite Altitude & String Parameters - Parallax sensors & processors
    1383 erco
    1384 Robo Motion - universal robotic Propeller-controlled motion platform
    1385 Humanoido, kit reel winding control
    1386 Robotic Stick Flying
    1387 Ttailspin, kite flying
    1388 Propeller Robotic Airport Pinout
    1389 Ttailspin, kite flying
    1390 Robotic Kite - String Selection, Waterproofing
    1391 Ttailspin, kites
    1392 Measuring Altitude of Aerial Photos
    1393 Humanoido, kites
    1394 My Journey Into Space Part 1 Introduction, Flight Photos, Safety Considerations
    1395 My Journey Into Space Part 2 Experiencing the Trip into Space
    1396 PIR Materials Transparency Test For the Robotic Micro Space Airport
    1397 Update to the Index
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-09-09 01:10
    My Journey Into Space
    Part 3 of 3 - From Micro Space to Mega Space

    THE Ultimate Big Brain Bonus Spinoff
    How Propeller Chips Led to a Trip into Space

    A slider montage made from two aerial photos taken on the flight up
    during the author's mega space journey to the highest observation
    skyscraper deck in the world, at the 1.2 billion dollar SWFC Mega
    Project located at Pudong Province Shanghai China.

    The interesting part of this photo is the uniqueness of the two sides. The image on left was taken at a much higher altitude than the image on the right. It's view, somewhat obvious, is through a greater thickness of atmosphere which created a slight color shift. To match the sizes, the left image was enlarged while the right image was reduced. No attempt was made to match the photos tonality. High resolution versions, when uploaded, will have processing.


    Part 1 of 3 - Introduction, Flight Photos, Safety Considerations

    Part 2 of 3 - Experiences

    Part 3 of 3 - From Micro Space to Mega Space

    From Micro Space to Mega Space
    Anyone can conveniently and inexpensively go into "Mega" space by accessing a Mega Project. The Mega Projects we seek are the worlds tallest skyscrapers. The key is to find a Mega Project with a safe and very high access point. One can participate at lower altitudes in skyscrapers and tall buildings found in nearly every city.

    Mega Projects
    Consider China. The Chinese in the 5th century BC created one of the greatest technological marvels that still stands today - The Great Wall of China. Visible from space, it extends over 5,000 miles. As one would expect in the 21st century, Chinese projects continue with technology - walks in space, spacecraft studying the Moon, advanced humanoid robots and the most Mega structures in the world.

    Below is a list of approximately thirty Mega Projects, all in China, each with price tags of millions and billions of dollars. I have selected the first project on the list because it's the tallest skyscraper in China and has the highest observation vantage point in the world, of all current skyscrapers.

    A Partial List of China's Mega Projects
    Shanghai World Financial Centre $1.2 billion
    Hangzhou Bay Bridge $1.7 billion
    Three Gorges Dam, China $40 billion
    Shanghai Yangtze River Tunnel and Bridge $1.84 billion
    South-North Water Transfer Project $62 billion
    Baltic Pearl Project $1.3 billion
    Beijing International Airport Terminal $3.5 billion
    Chengdu Shuangliu Airport $1.9 billion
    Pingtang telescope $102 million
    Nanjing Metro $1.7 billion
    Wuhan Railway Station $2.12 billion
    Shanghai Tower $2.2 billion
    Wuhan Greenland Centre $750 million
    Qinling Tunnel $473 million
    Guangzhou Opera House $200 million
    Xiangjiaba Hydro power project $6.3 billion
    Shanghai-Hangzhou maglev project $5 billion
    Nanjing Greenland Financial Centre $1.5 billion
    Turn The Pearl River Delta Into One project $307 billion
    Tianjin offshore drilling rig $3.3 billion
    Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory $176 million
    Qinshan Nuclear Power Phase $2.2 billion
    China Central TV Headquarters $760 million
    Beijing South Railway Station $6.3 billion
    Beijing Shanghai High Speed Railway $33 billion
    Hainan Wenchang Space Centre $12 billion
    Jiuquan Wind Farm $18.2 billion
    Xiluodu Dam $6.76 billion
    Shanghai Yangshan Deep Water Port $8 billion
    Yangjiang Nuclear Power Station $10.2 billion


    The Top Three Mega Structure Skyscrapers in the World
    I went to the highest skyscraper observation deck (observatory) in the world - at Shanghai China. It's the second tallest building with the record for the tallest observation deck in the world at 1,555 feet.

    However, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, United Arab Emirates - is the tallest building in the world but somehow it ended up with a less high 1,483 foot high observation deck ranked as the second highest in the world.

    Taipei 101 in Taiwan has an observation deck at 1,258 feet which is the third highest in the world, rising above the clouds and often times the top will disappear into the atmosphere.

    The current record holder for the highest observation deck in the world is Shanghai's World Financial Centre at 1,555 feet high - it has a clear glass floor that gives a true space walk experience.

    Facts About This Journey into Mega Space
    Space Trip Data

    Photo Information
    342 Photos with SONY Cyber-shot
    250 Photos with Canon
    31 Photos converted with iPhone
    4 Experimental Montages
    3 Camera Batteries Consumed

    Aerial Digital Photography Details
    Type of photos - aerial, astrophotos
    Objects photo'd - Earth, Sky - Deep Space, Stars, Sun, Sunset, Clouds
    Altitude Angle Range of Photos - 0 to 170 degrees
    Azimumth Angle Range of Photos - 0 to 270 degrees
    Vantage Point - Digital through Glass Floor & Glass Walls

    Journey Routes
    Base Escalator
    Lift to 1,388 Feet
    Lift to 1,440 Feet
    Lift to 1,555 Feet

    Mega Skyscraper Details
    Name of Skyscraper - SWFC Shanghai World Financial Center Observatory
    Maximum height of Structure - 1,614.2 feet
    Maximum height of flight from bottom of structure = 1,555 feet
    Number of levels in structure (floors) - 101
    Observation Distance above sea Level - 1,565 Feet (1/3rd mile = 1760 feet)
    Ground above Sea Level - 10 Feet

    Skyward Way Stations
    Upward Way Station locations - 1,388 and 1,440 and 1,555 feet
    Number of Observation Decks - 3
    Location - 100 Century Avenue, Pudong, Shanghai China
    Location Coordinates - 31°*14′*12″*N, 121°*30′*10″*E (31.236667, 121.502778)

    Time to Construct - 12 Years
    Records: Highest Observation Deck in the World, 2nd Tallest Building in the World
    Mega Project Cost - 1.2 Billion US Dollars
    Arrangement - by Ticket
    Cost of Ticket - US$24
    Time in space - estimated 2+ hours

    Atmospheric Pressure Estimated at Sea Level - 29.92 Inches of MG
    Atmospheric Pressure Estimated at 1,500 Feet - 28.34 Inches of MG
    Maximum height above Sea Level - 10 feet

    Summary - How to Conduct Your Own Space Program
    In summary, you can conduct your own "space program" by seeking out tall buildings in your community or by taking trips and finding record height setting skyscrapers, going to the top levels and taking aerial photos from the top roofs (if they are completely safe), and from observation decks, hallway windows, and room windows.

    The Space Elevator
    You will note, it took an elevator to get into Mega Space. Though this elevator is attached to a Mega project skyscraper, the technology may lead to a more sophisticated elevator to space in the future.

    The Future
    In the future we will have elevators into space. Why not take the most sophisticated elevator in the world based on maximum lofting height to realize an immediate way of getting into space using current technology?

    Traditional Challenges of Going Into Space
    "When it comes to getting into space, traditional rocketry is the pits. Gigantic tanks that cost millions of dollars, massive fuel requirements, trajectories that fight against the atmosphere instead of using it to their advantage. Out of the five space shuttles built, two have gone boom. If you’re going to build a Lifeboat in orbit, deploy solar power satellites, or visit space hotels, you’re going to need a better way to get into space."

    Setting Two Mega Space Records
    I have visited mega space two different times, going up on two different skyscrapers, and each skyscraper held the record for the highest observation platform in the world. How is it possible that two skyscrapers can each hold the world record? Answer - at different times.

    Mega Space - The highest level of space reached by a Mega Project skyscraper, access from its highest observation deck.
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  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-09-09 08:55
    Big Toys for Big Brains?
    The Remote Car Camera

    There's a toy store around the corner from BK and the clerk showed a remarkable car to me when I was shopping for a helicopter with camera.

    The toy car was remote controlled but what was unusual about it was the hand held remote. Along with the joysticks for driving, it contained controls and a tiny square display with a very sharp and clear color image transmitted from the car's camera.

    It had outstanding range and with that said, the Big Brain applications are many. I can envision sending the camera and the transmitter up on larger space crafts such as kites and balloons, parachutes, planes, larger helicopters..

    The Brain could use the existing car electronics to remotely regulate and position the camera, using the wheel turning signals and mechanics. This is a hackers dream come true.. I'll probably visit toy stores more often..
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-09-09 20:20
    Big Brain Pneumatic Robo Rocket

    • Expanding the Micro Space Fleet
    • Varying the Rocket Altitude

    The search for and the collection of rocket construction material begins

    Rocket Design
    Today the goal is a design of a pneumatic high pressure air rocket that can vary its altitude. This will be useful for not only launching a camera payload and studying inertial effects, but will serve as a dual site vehicle for both near space and micro space launches.

    The Collection
    The rocket will be a part of the growing space crafts collection ever since the Big Brain Airport was built. The rocket will add to the capabilities of the helicopter and kite.

    Nerfing the Nose
    The rocket can recycle air and has no bad effects on the environment. The goal is to launch outdoors or indoors so the structure at the tip may be soft "nerf-like" to avoid dents in the ceiling.

    Air as Fuel
    Air as a fuel is reusable, readily obtained, free, relatively safe, and can be compressed with common air pumps. Breathing it is not harmful. Air can be used indoors. A fuel leakage of air should not cause spilling problems. It's a gas so there's no messy liquid involved. It's not rocket powder so it's not susceptible to explosions or spontaneous combustion. It does not require special environments to work with it.

    Altitude Mechanism
    The altitude will be varied by the amount of air pressure released by the rocket. The first idea is in the amount of pressurized air held in the fuel canister which is related to the time of propulsion that can regulate height. The next idea is to regulate the size of the release nozzle, thereby exhuming more or less thrust.

    Robo Rocket
    How would you robotize a rocket? Some ideas are robotic guidance and control, micro gyro, uplink and download telemetry, robotic camera, on board micro telescope, accelerometer, data logging, gps, robotic automated launch pad, and various sensors..

    Propeller Power
    When do you power a rocket using a Propeller? Answer - when it's made by Parallax. The size of a prop chip is just right for designing it into the rocket. This opens up many new possibilities.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-09-10 07:50
    Brain Hardware Shopping

    The local two toy stores were a bust with only cartoon dolls and a lack of any technology. I hoped to get the nerf ball nose cone for the Micro Space Rocket. Tomorrow I must get up very early in the morning and take a trip to the second largest toy store in the city (it's like going to another country..). Hopefully I can get the nerf, telescope, and robot camera.

    The first largest store had the telescope and the helicopter but no nerfs or cameras. In fact, there were no toy rockets. Very strange. I bought the helicopter, however the two telescopes had defective optics. The have a return money back policy but the man didn't like my looking in the box at the telescope and said it was forbidden. Very strange. I did see two defective scopes (out of two examined) with mirrors that did not pass the reflective coating test. So I must keep looking.

    Today was not a loss. The electronics parts stores were closed but the hardware stores were open. I had never seen anything like it in my life. Millions of hardware parts at thousands of little stores. I figure this is the stuff manufactured in Shenzen and shipped to Shanghai for distribution (and ends up in the USA etc). One store had every bearing imaginable. Another store had only stepper motors. In summary, you could build any kind of robot and find all the hardware and tools needed just by walking along the street.

    One store had only o-rings. Another store was filled with air compressors. Another had pipes perfect for pneumatic rockets, and so on. A giant mega store had every tool you've ever wanted with every brand name. You could equip a good machine shop in an evening! The good news is I can find my way back to the same location with the business cards collected.

    What will I find tomorrow? It's like a game of Russian Roulette. It's a new store. I have just enough time to go to one store. The size of the store and its contents are unknown. Clerks on the phone have no patience and refuse to answer questions about what they stock. It's far away. It could be a gold mine or a bust.

    Whatever the result, I happy with it. I already have the second helicopter in the fleet and can hack into the controller, and place a payload onto the craft, thereby connecting it to the big brain for robotic flight control.

    "We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." - Plato
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2011-09-10 13:18
    Humanoido wrote: »
    Measuring Altitude of Aerial Photos

    That's a very good link. I found the following useful formula.

    To obtain the altitude of an aerial photo by measuring an object in the photo and knowing the focal length of the camera:

    size of object measured in the aerial photo = s
    altitude of camera = a
    cameral focal length = fl


    s = a/fl

    Does anyone have a micrometer calipers and aerial photo to try this? Comments?

    There are magnifiers with reticles that are placed on top of negatives to measure the image size of objects. I took an aerial photograph of our my university football field (using a radio controlled airplane). It was easy to figure out the altitude of the airplane by measuring the size of the image of the field (I have one of those specialized magnifiers with measuring reticles). I think the airplane was about 1500 ft high. It gets really hard to see an model airplane to control it when it is that high. (I've also flown them 1/4 of a mile away to get a 1/2 mile series of photographs.)

    There was a geography class at my university that taught how to build and use model airplanes to take aerial photographs. I was the TA for the class several times (it was odd being a TA in the geography department since I was a chemistry major).

    Now with digital cameras you'd want to take a picture of an object with a known size and at a known distance so you can figure out the size of a pixel on the image sensor (unless the camera specs tell you this). I haven't tried to measure altitude from a digital camera image (yet).

  • Dave HeinDave Hein Posts: 6,347
    edited 2011-09-10 17:32
    I've measured the altitude of a rocket that carried a digital camera by measuring object sizes in pixels. I have a 10-foot by 10-foot pop-up tent that I use at rocket launches, and it makes a good reference for measuring size. I calibrate the camera on the ground to measure the angular size of a pixel.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-09-11 18:53
    Duane Degn wrote: »
    There are magnifiers with reticles that are placed on top of negatives to measure the image size of objects. I took an aerial photograph of our my university football field (using a radio controlled airplane). It was easy to figure out the altitude of the airplane by measuring the size of the image of the field (I have one of those specialized magnifiers with measuring reticles). I think the airplane was about 1500 ft high. It gets really hard to see an model airplane to control it when it is that high. (I've also flown them 1/4 of a mile away to get a 1/2 mile series of photographs.)

    There was a geography class at my university that taught how to build and use model airplanes to take aerial photographs. I was the TA for the class several times (it was odd being a TA in the geography department since I was a chemistry major). Now with digital cameras you'd want to take a picture of an object with a known size and at a known distance so you can figure out the size of a pixel on the image sensor (unless the camera specs tell you this). I haven't tried to measure altitude from a digital camera image (yet). Duane

    Duane: Congratulations on being the Teaching Assistant to a Geography class teaching how to build model airplanes and take aerial photos. It sounds like fun. I had a Photography class and a Cartography class. It's up to me to put the two together.

    Most model rockets go from 100 to 900 feet so 1500 feet for a model airplane is remarkable. I matched this on Sunday when I went up 1,555 feet. Brain&p=1033782&viewfull=1#post1033782 When I looked down, cars disappeared. So I hope you have big planes to keep visual contact. But did you ever think about stitching a half mile of photos together?

    The magnified calibrated reticle loupe is a good idea for film based measurements and for prints. I think one could also enlarge and measure a computer screen image. Though, a virtual loupe may already exist for pixel counts.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-09-11 19:05
    Dave Hein wrote: »
    I've measured the altitude of a rocket that carried a digital camera by measuring object sizes in pixels. I have a 10-foot by 10-foot pop-up tent that I use at rocket launches, and it makes a good reference for measuring size. I calibrate the camera on the ground to measure the angular size of a pixel.

    Dave: This sounds like a good plan that could be followed for my existing aerial photos. I could either go back to the site and measure a known object or calibrate by estimating the size of an object. On lower altitude images, a car would be a good reference and make an approximation. Several cars would be visible for an average. The cars could help determine the size of "same" larger objects visible in higher altitude images.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-09-11 20:40
    Big Brain Masterminds a New Telescope
    Small Robo Dob


    The Big Brain has acquired a new (Celestron) pre-assembled small Newtonian reflector telescope. This is a "FirstScope" model 21024 cute table-top 3-inch diameter F-4 Dobsonian (F1.9 focal reduced) with coated optics on a very smooth Alt-azimuth mount which is ready for robotics install.

    Telescope Introduction
    It sports a modifiable 1.25-inch rack & pinion with excellent camera-holding tension, two oculars, a 20mm and a 4mm for 15X and 75X. The optical tube is 10.5 inches long for great portability and indoor use (thorough windows) and the overall weight with mount is 2Kg. Both axes, altitude and azimuth are bearing smooth and can accommodate servos as planned.

    Tube & Optics
    The tube requires slight counterbalancing at the aft. The primary and secondary optics are preset with no adjustments required. Oculars will require the parfocal adjustment. Two chromed capped and threaded knobs on the tube facilitate a finder scope or the mounting of instrumentation.

    Oculars & CCD Cameras
    Oculars are threaded for various color filters including infrared and ultraviolet. The eyepiece holder is of vernier precision, appears adjustable and ideal for CCD imaging. It fits attachments for CCDs and computer cams for digital imaging. Camera to eyepiece holder or camera to telescope tube mounts are available for digital cameras with a standard tripod interface.

    Front Focus & Focal Reduction
    The amount of front focus will be investigated for prime focus applications. Also a tryout with a 2-inch focus focal reducer to take the EFL down to a mere 6X will undoubtedly be very exciting on a clear dark night.

    Resolution & Limiting Magnitude
    The telescope has a Light Gathering gain of 118 times and a Limiting Magnitude of 11.9. The given aperture puts the Raleigh Resolution at 1.82 arc seconds and Dawes Limit at 1.53 arc seconds for resolving close double stars.

    Maximum & Minimums
    Maximum power is limited to 150x using a Barlow lens while RFT and the -2x Focal Reducer minimally gives 6x and extremely fast speed changing F4 optics to around F1.9 and within the realm of a Schmidt Camera.

    The primary application is to develop Parallax standards for a robotic controlled telescope which is master minded by the Big Brain and to explore the many interesting venues and new ideas. The Big Brain has access to many Propeller processors capable of controlling many things at the same time.

    Elements for Robotic Control
    • Rack & Pinion Focuser Focus
    • Electronic Ocular
    • Ocular Memory Position
    • Altitude Axis
    • Azimuth Axis
    • Camera
    • Guiding and Tracking
    • Slewing
    • GOTO Selected Objects
    • Position Memory
    • Robot Control Over Internet
    • Remote Space Telescope Applications
    • Timing for Selected Events
    • Occultation Stop Clock Event

    Robotized Bearings
    With existing smooth bearings, several continuous and standard rotation servos can interface to the telescope and achieve control by the Big Brain.

    Electronic Telescope
    One possible scenario is to make the telescope more electronic by replacing the secondary diagonal with a micro camera. This can increase the quality of the images and limiting magnitude by the elimination of one mirror in the optical train.

    Electronic Ocular
    A secondary scenario is to make an "all electronic" ocular, with various degrees of magnification and filtering, controlled by the Brain.

    Parallel Robotic Limit Stops
    Many of the robo elements can work in parallel unison. Limit stops can be created with motion sensors. Various rates and ocular setting are controllable.

    Improved Window
    The aperture is ideal for viewing "through" deviant air cells of negative atmospheric shifting, the kind that often degrades seeing conditions for larger telescopes. This ability to transcend with 3-inch air cells will become valuable in conducting programs through open windows and minimizing atmospheric effects. More on the phenomena will be investigated.

    Over the next several nights the new telescope will undergo sky testing on the Moon, Saturn, DSO's, stars and terrestrial landscapes. Astro imaging will also be introduced.
    364 x 487 - 131K
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-09-11 22:14
    Big Brain Associated Space
    The types of space

    Big Brain Space
    The Big Brain has not gone into space but it has several space related offerings. Currently it sets on the floor, on the top of a table, in racks and distributed wherever there's room. The Brain reserves the right to be top, bottom, left, right or disembodied, concatenated, dissected, interfaced, interwoven and strewn.

    The importance of the Brain is how it controls space flight, the airport, the launching and inception of various craft, understanding sensors conducive to aerodynamic studies and traffic control, its ability to do remote control (as in robotic telescopes) and the handling of events in parallel.

    Big Brain Inner Space
    There's space inside the Brain named "inner space" which can be explored in new and unique ways.

    Micro Space
    The Big Brain has created Micro Space. This generally extends within the amount of space in a room. The room can be in a classroom, large warehouse, garage, or home. In Micro Space, the indoor Big Brain has command of Air Crafts, inclusive of helicopters, planes, balloons, kites, rockets, telescopes, tethers, parachutes, payloads, and other space crafts. Micro Space is idea for studying aerodynamics, inventing new craft, flying models of various propulsion devices, extending robotics and remote control, and learning new things. Micro Space can also extend to the outdoors but the height reached is relatively small. For example it could apply to a vinegar and baking soda rocket that goes up 10 to 20 feet, a model helicopter to 300 feet, and a kite to 500 feet.

    The Big Brain's Micro Space Program
    The Big Brain has its own space program. There are many facets to this program, including flying in space, controlling telescopes and observing programs, aerial photography, and becoming a micro pilot to fly helicopters. The Big Brain has its own airport which is currently gaining a number of sensors, the first step in creating an autonomous airport to control the Micro Space Crafts.

    Mega Space
    This is the Big Brain inspired space in which a human can ascend into Mega Space using a Mega Project such as the highest observing platform in the world at the Shanghai World Financial Center Skyscraper Observatory. Mega Space is great for aerial photography and achieving and exceeding the average height reached by model rockets. Mega Space is perhaps the safest way for a human to go into space.

    Near Space
    Typically balloons are lofted miles into near space until they pop due to thin atmosphere. Technically, Mega Space is also Near Space. However, Near Space can show the curvature of the Earth.

    Skyscraper Space
    There is also space at which model rockets fly on the average, from 100-feet to 900-feet. One could conduct a tall building skyscraper space program for aerial photography within this space. Distance height is achieved by taking the elevator to a higher floor. Many older skyscrapers have dangerous open roofs susceptible to wind gusts, so it's recommended to conduct all activities through closed windows. This activity is reserved for aerial photography. (Throwing things such a payloads, balloons, parachutes, and jumping from skyscrapers is prohibited and against laws.)

    Which space have we traveled in, so far, inspired by the Big Brain?
    Mega Space - Human - 1,555 feet (SWFC) and 1,441 feet (Taipei 101)
    Micro Space - Helicopter - 0 to 10 feet
    Skyscraper Space - Human - Floors 5, 8, 10, 50, 100, etc. (approx. 50, 80, 100, 500, 1000 feet, etc.)
    Inner Space - Big Brain - programming
    Elevator Space* - Human - up to 200-feet estimated

    *Elevator Space
    There's another interesting type of space called Elevator Space. When shopping in a large mall, new elevators travel from the basement lower levels to the top floors. It's not uncommon for these elevators to traverse a couple hundred feet. Normally, a closed elevator traveling up and down would be nonapplicable to our space program. However, these elevators are open on one to three sides with all window glass, for indoor aerial photo imaging.

    How to Find More Mega Space

    Building, City, Country, Floors, Height, Year
    1. Taipei 101, Taipei, Taiwan, 101, 509 m, 2004
    2. Petronas Tower, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 88, 452 m, 1998
    3. Sears Tower, Chicago, USA, 110, 442 m, 1974
    4. Jin Mao Building, Shanghai, China, 88, 421 m, 1999
    5. Two International Finance Centre, Hong Kong, China, 88, 415 m, 2003
    6. Citic Plaza, Guangzhou, China, 80, 391 m, 1996
    7. Shun Hing Square, Shenzhen, China, 69, 384 m, 1996
    8. Empire State Building, New York, USA, 102, 381 m, 1931
    9. Central Plaza, Hong Kong, China, 78, 374 m, 1992
    10. Bank of China, Hong Kong, China, 70, 367 m, 1989
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-09-12 19:13
    1st Tests of Big Brain's New Telescope
    Mechanical Considerations for Making a Robotic Telescope
    using the Micro Dobsonian - Celestron FirstScope and Parallax Propeller Chips

    The azimuth axis (circular base) is relatively free moving and very smooth in bearing surfaces. Making this mounting platform robotic is relatively straight forward.

    This investigation will determine if the telescope is suitable for robotic control by the Big Brain. It will examine the overall torque required to turn both the azimuth and altitude axes and whether or not a standard servo at 49 in/oz can handle it. Other telescope mechanical elements will be inspected to see if conversion to a Robotic Space Telescope is feasible.

    The tests were divided into mechanical areas
    • Rack & Pinion
    • Diagonal Mounting
    • Altitude Axis
    • Azimuth Axis
    • Bearing Surfaces
    • Tube Balance
    • Cradle
    Overview - Requirements
    Robotizing the telescope requires a balance adjustment to the main tube assembly and added drives on the altitude and azimuth axes.

    The bearings are smooth and the locks are fully tension adjustable. Unloaded, continuous rotation servos could drive the telescope. It would take one servo for each axis.

    Rack & Pinion
    The rack & pinion is tight, as it should be for oculars, heavier camera and equipment. It would require disassembly and study to see if it can be modified for robot automation.

    The FirstScope has this excellent Rack & Pinion. However, to robotize will require an adjustment. The tension is too heavy for a servo to freely turn it. It will require disassembly and reworking.

    Altitude Axis
    The altitude bearing is locked down with a large black handle nut which is tapped to accept the altitude bolt and holds the tube at a fixed point. Note the custom tube fit on the plastic cradle holder. The other side of this cradle serves as a surface to contact the "washer bearing" which is sandwiched in between the arm and the cradle. This bearing surface is very smooth and robotizing it with a servo will be straight forward.

    The altitude axis has the large hand knob at left. This axis is smooth and takes very little force to move. No bearing mods are required to robotize the axis.

    At this point, there is a custom molded plastic tube cradle to hold the tube. It turns on a flat surface with the altitude arm and is very smooth. It would be left loose for robotics control.

    Diagonal Mount
    The secondary diagonal mount requires adjustment. The exact concentricity of the primary to the secondary is off by a visual inspection amount. Even with this condition, the telescope performs well. (see the optical analysis post) The secondary appears to have a three screw adjustment. See photo.

    The secondary appears to have a diagonal mount with three adjustment screws to facilitate adjusting the slight off-concentricity which exists between the primary and the secondary mirrors

    Azimuth Axis
    The azimuth has friction bearing, also very smooth. The adjustment is premade and can have additional adjustment by tightening or loosening the center pivot bolt.

    Propeller Chip
    A Propeller chip could drive two servos at the same time, based on rates selected, from a micro control panel.

    The altitude axis bearing is relatively free moving and a single 49 in/oz servo cold power it. The azimuth bearing requires more turning torque. A 49 in/oz servo could handle it in some kind of reducer pinion arrangement. As is, a servo driving the rack & pinion is not advised, until modifications are made.

    The Big Brain's Role
    The idea is to have the Brain do the thinking and controlling of this telescope, however some communication with a human will be desired to convey the observation session standards.

    The software required to drive the combined axes in alt-azimuth will require a dual motion algorithm. This is within the capabilities of this project and servo motors.

    The upgrade to a robotics telescope using the Celestron FirstScope Dobsonian telescope as controlled by the Big Brain is feasible based on the elements studied in this proposal.

    Of Interest
    The Celestron FirstScope bears a striking resemblance to the original reflector telescope, a telescope design invented by Sir Isaac Newton in 1672.

    "The Italian monk Niccol
    296 x 402 - 31K
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  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-09-13 06:15
    ROBOTIC Dobsonian Drive
    Notes for Robotizing the FirstScope

    Establishing the Modus for a Robotic Alt-Azimuth Telescope Drive Using Parallax Propeller Processors for the Celestron FirstScope Dobsonian Newtonian Reflector Telescope
    • The placement of two servos on the base to drive the azimuth platform at equal but opposing sides will downscale the 2-ton dome drive on the observatory which has worked outstanding and is tried and proven.
    • It will facilitate two opposing pressure mounting brackets on the upper azimuth base which can adjust.
    • This will call for two continuous rotation servos on the azimuth drive platform.
    • The driving rates are Propeller chip generated.
    • A proximity algorithm will be derived and used for Alt-Azimuth mounts, modeled after the world's largest Alt-Azimuth Mega Project Telescopes.
    • The current plan is to use one continuous rotation servo on the altitude axis. If accessories like a CCD device, conventional digital camera, or computer cam proves to be too heavy, a special calibrated stack of two continuous rotation 49 oz/in servos will become the driving factor.
    • Servos must be reversible for slew.
    • It's possible to have low and high speed slew
    • Servos can have a stop switch, or a suspend motion
    • The system will base upon a standard stellar sidereal driving rate.
    • Lunar rate is adjustable and can be calibrated as needed.
    • Each axis will have a variable rate, adjustable.
    • The telescope will have a Parallax Propeller Control Panel
    • Two separate controls, one each for altitude, one for azimuth
    • Standardized Propeller software to run on other Propeller boards and other Celestron FirstScope telescopes
    • Initial servo drivers will come from the Parallax OBEX
    • The drive may also be commissioned for a BASIC Stamp version
    • This will be a step by step process to get the drive up and running, improved, and then move on to other robotizing for the ocular drive, etc.
    • Battery pack dedicated to servos
    • Propeller chips on other supply line
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-09-13 06:49
    A Deluxe DIY Robotic Ocular Drive for a Rack & Pinion System Driven with Parallax Propellers and Servos
    Notes for Robotizing the Ocular Rack & Pinion on a Celestron FirstScope Dobsonian Reflector Telescope
    • Two servos
    • Overall Program Memory Storage
    • Digital Focus with backlit LCD
    • Bi-directional focus ramping
    • Standard servos, not continuous rotation
    • One servo on each side positioned near the hand hold
    • Variable focus rate, adjustable
    • Positioning over-ride
    • High speed slew
    • Low speed precision for CCD imaging
    • Servos drive equal but opposite, one forward, one reverse
    • Electronic Parafocalization for known oculars
    • Non-Inertial No-Disturb Mode Slo-Mo for CCD cameras at high EFL and/or small FOV, or heavier weight equipment and digital cameras
    • Stop memory for the Moon, Planets, DSO's
    • Filter compensation base on spectral and glass properties
    • Control panel for stop and go
    • Reversible directions
    • Star Test
    • Limit racking both inside and outside
    • Special de-ramping oscillatory feature for precision focus (once general focus is achieved, automatically racks inside and outside of value by small amount to attempt a more precise adjustment, and to facilitate changes in foci due to atmospheric density changes, temperature changes affecting the mirrors foci, and can handle changes in thermal equilibrium thus acting as a thermodynamic equilibrium equalizer.
    • Stop memory for each camera, i.e. computer cam, digital camera, CCD
    • Low cost
    • Software based on the Parallax OBEX
    • Battery pack dedicated to servos
    • Propeller chips on other supply line
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-09-13 18:50
    Design for a Micro Thermodynamic Equalizer

    Telescopes, large or small, function most effectively when they reach the same temperature as their surroundings. Telescopes which are not thermal equalized give terrible images. The optics are either expanding or contracting and the original accurate lens or mirror curve will go out of proportion, into a condition not suitable for forming sharp telescopic images.

    Stabilizing atmospheric surroundings is important. Bubbling boiling seeing conditions can spoil visual and photo imagery. Temperature differences and air flow cause this effect.

    In most cases, the glass, mount, tube, eyepieces, any metal, the aluminizations, coatings, holders, are all susceptible to this non-equalized state. The idea is to build a device that can help reach the thermal equilibrium state as fast as possible and then maintain it.

    The micro thermodynamic equalizer has a simple version and a high tech version. The high tech version is propelled by a Propeller chip with temperature sensors inside and outside of the telescope tube. The temperature difference is calculated and based on this reading, a tiny computer cooling fan is engaged or switched off. In the low tech version, at the beginning of the setup session, the fan is switched on for several minutes and then turned off.

    Experiments and tests are needed to observe the response of the TE
    • Does the TE improve seeing when switched on during the duration?
    • Can the TE maintain a constant equilibrium condition?
    • Can the TE and telescope function without introducing excessive vibration from the fan?
    • What is the duration of TE functioning (timing) to achieve equilibrium?
    • What is amperage pulled by the fan?
    • What is the ideal fan voltage to push or pull air?
    • What is the best fan position to achieve TE most effectively?

    The TE Thermodynamic Equalizer was invented by Humanoido (see Sky & Telescope) for large robotic observatories and large robotic telescopes and was tied into the HVAC electrical wiring system. With a controlling computer and OEI Opto Electronic Interface invention, it ran autonomously. It included thermal detectors and multiple opposing evacuation fans that brought in outside air to equalize the temperature gradient around, along and inside the telescope.

    In the new DC micro version, the telescope is already outdoors and a single fan is positioned to increase the speed at which equilibrium is achieved during short term setup. Air flow, direction, and air intensity (pressure) is very important and can adversely affect the telescope if not accomplished properly.

    TE fans can run off 3 or 5 volts DC or go on variable designs. The fan can have regulated speed with a digital pot or analog pot if necessary. Otherwise PWM through software can also control the fan and minimize the number of parts in the system.

    The fan is either a tiny portable computer cooling fan or a servo modified to act as a fan. In the latter, the blades are attached to the servo horn and the servo is programmed to repeat a fanning motion in time, like a tiny Chinese manual fan. The actual fan could be cut and folded from rice paper and glued to tiny split skewer stick, widened at the end to accommodate the servo horn mounting.

    There are many commercial small key chain fans that run on a pen cell battery, have soft nerf blades, and could easily be adapted to the telescope.
This discussion has been closed.