Just got my schematic worked out, and will get the board done in eagle next. Should have my PCB within the next week or so. If anyone is interested, my backpack will contain-
- uSD card slot
- MXB7843 4 wire resistive Touch IC
- a 3V 1000 mAh battery
- and an additional 8 GB former flash drive repurposed to experiment with loading an operating system of some kind
If anyone is interested, I can post a link to the parts and to the PCB when Im done if you want to make one yourself
"Reach into a pocketful of dreams, now before they fall out of the seams" - Billy Talent, Pocketful of Dreams
My Schematic isnt as pretty as tripss, but it works. As for the enclosure, Im waiting to have everything assembled before I print it out, to make sure I have the dimensioning right. Also, just pointing out that in the schematic, the pins line up with tripps from the Proppad. Im using Machine pins from sparkfun, or I think thats what theyre called. Im using male and female, so I can have it quick disconnect in case I need to work on something
"Reach into a pocketful of dreams, now before they fall out of the seams" - Billy Talent, Pocketful of Dreams
Post Edited (Destructinator) : 7/28/2010 12:30:00 PM GMT
Sweet ! A version 2 would be most excellent. What are you going to include in the second one? Could you build in the touch IC maybe? That was one of the more diffiicult pieces for me to even consider attatching . . . such a tiny little thing
Regarding the Serial LCD driver with 7 x 21 chars and 262k Font colors,
Sending text is easy and works perfect.
But as I don't understand, could someone explain to me how to send commands to the screen?
I have made my tests with the Parallax serial terminal, maybe this is the problem or?
Woluld like to clear the screen and change colours.
Today i made a Serial LCD driver with 7 x 21 chars and 262k Font colors.
To print text: "just send it"
To Clear LCD····· = byte(01) and byte(99)
Font color········ = byte(01) and byte(100) and RGB bytes
BG color··········· = byte(01) and·byte(101) and RGB bytes
Adress col + row = byte(01) and byte(102) and byte(col) and byte(row)
Should i add more commands?
Reset_Vector: I have not used any pullup, and I have not yet noticed a similar problem.
- uSD card slot
- MXB7843 4 wire resistive Touch IC
- a 3V 1000 mAh battery
- and an additional 8 GB former flash drive repurposed to experiment with loading an operating system of some kind
If anyone is interested, I can post a link to the parts and to the PCB when Im done if you want to make one yourself
"Reach into a pocketful of dreams, now before they fall out of the seams" - Billy Talent, Pocketful of Dreams
Propeller Pages: Propeller JVM
"Reach into a pocketful of dreams, now before they fall out of the seams" - Billy Talent, Pocketful of Dreams
Post Edited (Destructinator) : 7/28/2010 12:30:00 PM GMT
"Reach into a pocketful of dreams, now before they fall out of the seams" - Billy Talent, Pocketful of Dreams
So i will sell the remaining PCBs on SALE.
I just lowerd the price on Prop pad PCB to USD $1.88
And the 2.8" LCD to USD $33
And the 2.4" LCD to USD $27
Im new to the Spin programing,
I have the touchscreen working perfect, but I would like to add SD-card to the hardware,
How do I connect the SD-card ? What pin should I use?
As I used the SD-card earlyer I used pin's:
(3,2,1,0) 'spiDO,spiClk,spiDI,spiCS) as described in the "PSM_SdCardDriver" file.
Should I connect:
spiDO : pin3
spiClk : pin2
spiDI : pin1
And then connect 'spiCS' to any other free pin ??
I now have 8ch 12bit ADC + SD-card and Touchsceen working.
This really is a nice board to work with.
I hope to see the Version 2 soon!
Can you please tell us more about your new PropPad version ?
Best regards
Regarding the Serial LCD driver with 7 x 21 chars and 262k Font colors,
Sending text is easy and works perfect.
But as I don't understand, could someone explain to me how to send commands to the screen?
I have made my tests with the Parallax serial terminal, maybe this is the problem or?
Woluld like to clear the screen and change colours.
I made a C# app that can change colors and clear the lcd.
You can download it here: http://www.xtune.se/software/proppad_ser_lcd.zip
Regardning version 2 i will start soon with that, so more info later.
Using VB6 I got the full attention of the display
The open source terminal program "Realterm " works to.