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PropPad mini. Bare PCB $5, Serial LCD driver with 7 x 21 chars and 262k Font colors. - Page 4 — Parallax Forums

PropPad mini. Bare PCB $5, Serial LCD driver with 7 x 21 chars and 262k Font colors.



  • Reset_VectorReset_Vector Posts: 55
    edited 2010-03-09 08:41
    Hi guys !

    See this video showing my last developement for the PropPad ! :

  • TonyWaiteTonyWaite Posts: 219
    edited 2010-03-09 09:35
    Very smart!

    T o n y
  • nicolad76nicolad76 Posts: 164
    edited 2010-03-09 13:16
    Hi Reset_Vector
    Thanks a lot!!!
    I have seen the video....very very nice...what have you used finally for the touch screen driver?
  • Reset_VectorReset_Vector Posts: 55
    edited 2010-03-09 14:51
    Hi Nicola and the others propeller addict's

    I've used the ADS7843 controller, very easy to use, but little package (SSOP16), uses I2CObjects.spin;

    The hardest part to do was the calibration process, see : for more information, but as I'm not mathematical, I've searched on Google.

    After few "Googlades ?!" I've found an example in C for the arduino, I translate in SPIN, and after a some hours, it works ! Pfuh !!! , the big part is made.

    I'm now about make the driver clear and clean.

    I'll post both ST7781 (LCD controller) and ADS7843 (touch controller) drivers as I "ll make an demo package .

    Best regards from France.

    Is there any French guys on this forum ? I don't know if in France there is some Propeller users ? I guess Yes ....
  • nicolad76nicolad76 Posts: 164
    edited 2010-03-09 16:01
    Well.... merci beacoup [noparse]:)[/noparse]
  • RossHRossH Posts: 5,549
    edited 2010-03-10 00:31
    Hi Reset_Vector,

    Very nicely done - I look forward to seeing the final package.


    Catalina - a FREE C compiler for the Propeller - see Catalina
  • tripptripp Posts: 52
    edited 2010-03-11 20:11
    Reset_Vector: I have tried to awnser your email some days now but it just bounce back?
    host[noparse][[/noparse]] said: 451 too many errors from your ip (

    So i take it here insted, The enclosure is just a MP4 player fom EBAY.

    I·am so impressed by your software contibution, so in your next
    order i will
    give you 2 pcs of PropPad PCBs for free.

    Can you post a schematic of the touchscreen IC connected to the propeller?

    Thanks for your work!

    jazzed: any luck yet? have you double-checked all soldering at the propeller and LCD?
  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    edited 2010-03-11 20:20
    No luck at all tripp. I've given up ... honestly I think that LCD is bad, but we'll never know. I really was looking forward to using it.

    Short answers? Not available at this time since I think you deserve more information than you requested.
  • Reset_VectorReset_Vector Posts: 55
    edited 2010-03-12 20:03
    Hi Prop fan's !

    I am a little busy at this time (yes, it's the Week end !!!)

    Seriously I attach the schematic of the touch controller, the demo is not so far to be finished,I think i'll post it in a few days.
    Just have to make it clear for everyone.

    Tripp, thank you for you offer, you welcome !

    I don't understand why my email is bugging, but you can PM for what i've said to you.

    I think it could be very useful if the touch controller and a SD card socket could be embedded to the PropPad, and some I/O too (24VDC) to make a ready to use system for automation.
    I've developped a PLC in SPIN, and the PropPad is the ideal target.


    To Nicola : As tu connaissance d'autres utilisateurs du Propeller en Fran
  • Reset_VectorReset_Vector Posts: 55
    edited 2010-03-15 10:45

    Today I've build another PropPad board and when I test it, the LCD don't work.
    The propeller comm's are all ok.
    I've tested the connections between the LCD and the propeller and all is OK.
    I though there was an hardware problem, as I have the same problem with the first PropPad i've made, on wich I have changed the LCD and after all works fine.

    I though there is an problem during the initialization sequence :

    When the prop starts, all the I/O are configured as Inputs, so there are floating, no ?
    At this time, the CS line of the LCD could go in a state where the CS line is valid (low), and the LCD takes the state of its inputs as data and goes in an unknow state.
    I've soldered an 100K resistor between P2.7 (CS) and VDD.

    Miracle ! It works at each time I powered the PropPad or at each time I reset the board via th F7 on the propeller tool !

    @Jazzed, could you test this workaround ?

    I know your board never works.

    Leave feedback if this issue works, Tripp have to modify his board routing and the others owners of the PropPad could modify them....

    Sincerly .
  • MagIO2MagIO2 Posts: 2,243
    edited 2010-03-15 12:21
    Isn't the display reset connected to the propeller?

    You simply have to do a reset before starting the initialization.
  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    edited 2010-03-15 16:22
    Reset_Vector said...

    @Jazzed, could you test this workaround ?
    I tried your latest driver with the pull up. No luck. I had also tried changing the reset sequence before. No luck.
    Is there a test connector for the LCD for the future?

    At this point a fully assembled and tested unit is attractive [noparse]:)[/noparse]
    I would rather wait for an update to the PCB design though.

    My wish list would include:
      Current design + Touch-screen chip + Push-push micro SDCARD on same side as USB jack + Buck-boost DC/DC converter for 2.0V to 3.0V battery to 5V power + 4 pin header for PropPlug to to make ft232 optional + Mounting holes designed for a nice case like MP3/MP4 players. Express DHL or Fedex shipping option [noparse]:)[/noparse]
    @Destructinator the mounting holes are 3.175mm 1.25" diameter.

    Short answers? Not available at this time since I think you deserve more information than you requested.
  • Reset_VectorReset_Vector Posts: 55
    edited 2010-03-19 08:42
    Hi Prop's fans

    Here is the touch controller demo and driver for the PropPad.
    I think it can be modified, but it's a base for working.

    About the LCd problem, MAGIO2, you're right, the pullup isn't necessary as the LCD is resetted by the software, but I can't explain what happens.
    I've removed the resistor and now it works ok .
    Is there a problem with those LCD's ?
    Perhaps Tripp can answer ....

    Enjoy and please leave feedback.

  • tripptripp Posts: 52
    edited 2010-03-21 21:03
    Today i made a Serial LCD driver with 7 x 21 chars and 262k Font colors.

    To print text: "just send it"

    To Clear LCD····· = byte(01) and byte(99)
    Font color········ = byte(01) and byte(100) and RGB bytes
    BG color··········· = byte(01) and·byte(101) and RGB bytes
    Adress col + row = byte(01) and byte(102) and byte(col) and byte(row)

    Should i add more commands?


    Reset_Vector: I have not used any pullup, and I have not yet noticed a similar problem.
  • VaatiVaati Posts: 712
    edited 2010-03-28 23:29
    I am very interested in these... But I did not find a price listed here. How much is a PropPad mini?

    MCU Projects·- my new site where I will be posting all projects, code, etc.

    Quit buying all those fixed voltage regulators, and·get an Adjustable Power Supply·for your projects!· Includes an LED testing terminal!

    SD Card Adapter·- Add extra memory to your next Propeller project with ease!
  • JRetSapDoogJRetSapDoog Posts: 954
    edited 2010-03-29 00:27
    Nice photo there, Tripp.· Apparently, you've actually got 8 horizontal lines (8x21=168 tl. mono-spaced chars), assuming the image isn't altered.· I noticed because I have an idea for a program in which 8 lines works out better than 7.··Oh, you mean the font matrix?· Hmm...doesn't seem like it; just magnified it, and·it·appears bigger than that.· Okay, according to a quick look at the code, you·seem to refer to fonts with either 8 or 16 pixels horizontally x 16 or·32 pixels vertically.··And that's a·240x320 portrait display,·I believe,·rotated 90*.· Hmm...but, for example,·320/16 gives 20 chars across, but·you've got 21.· Okay, I'm confused.· So,·you've got 8 lines by 21 characters (at least on the first and last lines), and the font matrix is what size?· Are you thowing away a column (and/or row) to squeeze in an extra character per line and also to get a full 8th row?· That would·make sense.· Well, I'm missing something and too tired to check further for now.··But very nice work!!!
  • tripptripp Posts: 52
    edited 2010-03-29 17:06

    The image is not altered, and it is 8x21 chars, just me counting from zero blush.gif
    When you address the LCD it is:
    Adress col + row = byte(01) and byte(102) and byte(col) and byte(row)
    And it starts from zero.
    Thanks for finding that.


    One assembled and tested PropPad is USD 80 outside EU
    And inside EU USD 100
    And a bare PCB USD 5

    Order here:
  • JRetSapDoogJRetSapDoog Posts: 954
    edited 2010-04-01 02:09 zero-base or to one-base, that is the question!· Thanks,·Tripp.··Still a bit curious about your font's effective matrix size or whether you left out some scan lines or columns to squeeze in another character and a full eighth row,·but I can live with being curious.
  • nicolad76nicolad76 Posts: 164
    edited 2010-04-24 01:55

    it sems that all drivers posted here are for 8 bit mode. Am I correct?

    Ho do I switch to 16 bit?

    I imagine i have to solder the resistor from r1 to r2 on the flex pcb...and how about the driver?


  • tripptripp Posts: 52
    edited 2010-05-08 14:11
    Today i tested sparkfuns microSD pcb.

    I put some images on the SD card and ran i slideshow.

  • DestructinatorDestructinator Posts: 34
    edited 2010-07-05 01:43
    So, I was wondering if anyone has thought about putting an onboard display processor on this. I know NVidia is looking for new products to use one of its new technologies, the NVidia Tegra chip. Its super fast and can probably be integrated onto the board for video and graphics processing to compliment the propeller chip. Here are some links:

    Also, I went to your website and it says that you are out of the PropPad, when do you think you will have more for sale? And would it be possible to load an OS on this like android? since the SD card works now, you could probably store the files

    "Reach into a pocketful of dreams, now before they fall out of the seams" - Billy Talent, Pocketful of Dreams

    Post Edited (Destructinator) : 7/5/2010 1:49:32 AM GMT
  • MagIO2MagIO2 Posts: 2,243
    edited 2010-07-05 07:18
    What do you need a propeller for, when you use one of those Nvidia processors? Those have an ARM core with 750MHz plus audio/video processor plus GPU! Getting one and soldering those won't be fun!

    We don't have a big OS for the propeller! Android is a LINUX for small mobile devices, but not for microcontrollers.
  • DestructinatorDestructinator Posts: 34
    edited 2010-07-20 00:03
    I realize that Android is for phones, but why not try and rig something to work on propeller? I finally received my proppad today in the mail, and am going to try at least to get some sort of OS running on the prop. I view all the prop software and coding more as the drivers to be used for an OS. SO if you take a small OS maybe even DSL and add the "drivers" to it, then I am certain something will be on its way to working on the Prop chip. When you think about it, a microcontroller is just a lesser version of a microprocessor, but they still work on somewhat of the same level, the microcontroller just being a smaller version and less powerful, but with a PDA or small phone, you dont really need much in the way of Power so something is bound to work. Plus I noticed a thread today when I logged on about something to do with android and the Prop. I havent had a chance to read it, but I am hoping that it is something similar to what I am about to attempt.

    "Reach into a pocketful of dreams, now before they fall out of the seams" - Billy Talent, Pocketful of Dreams
  • DestructinatorDestructinator Posts: 34
    edited 2010-07-21 16:38
    Hey everyone, I received my proppad on monday of this week and have started to design a case for it. I am also going to attach a second board to the main proppad. It will contain a Touch IC, uSD, and a battery. For the battery I am going to use an iPod classic battery.

    Im having trouble getting the LCD to work. The backlight turns on, but I havent gotten any of your programs to work yet. Maybe I am doing something wrong?

    "Reach into a pocketful of dreams, now before they fall out of the seams" - Billy Talent, Pocketful of Dreams
  • tripptripp Posts: 52
    edited 2010-07-21 18:25
    When i send your PropPad it was loaded with a working demo code.

    You need to have right clk mode.

    · _CLKMODE····· = XTAL1 + PLL16X······················
    · _XINFREQ····· = 5_000_000

    What have you tried with?
  • mikedivmikediv Posts: 825
    edited 2010-07-21 23:17
    Tripp how can I convert your prices on your website to USA???
  • DestructinatorDestructinator Posts: 34
    edited 2010-07-22 00:21
    I got it working, Stupid me I was trying it without the touch screen connected. It does work and is working. I just ordered a 4 channel Touch IC from digikey. Heres the address I got it from if anyone is interested :
    I am still working on the case, If you want one with the uSD card attatched that Tripp made, then I need the specs on that as well, I can try with the spreadsheet of the breakout from sparkfun, but I cant guarantee accuracy, so If someone can take measurements (in mm) that would be awesome. My case will be different seeing as how Im adding a battery and maybe some other components. Just PM me or leave a reply with what you want designed for a case. And in case anyone asks, the only color the case would come in is white, its printed in ABS plastic

    "Reach into a pocketful of dreams, now before they fall out of the seams" - Billy Talent, Pocketful of Dreams
  • DestructinatorDestructinator Posts: 34
    edited 2010-07-23 15:24
    So I ordered the touch controller, and Im laying out the diagram for the battery, uSD card, and the controller. The controller has 16 pins, most of which I know where they go, but I am having trouble with the last 5 pins. Do i just connect them to the prop pins? I attatched the data sheet and part of the diagram that would fit in the picture. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The diagram that I am going off of for the touch controller, is on the bottom half of the 19th page, and the uSD diagram I am using is the one that Tripp posted with the Proppad schematic

    "Reach into a pocketful of dreams, now before they fall out of the seams" - Billy Talent, Pocketful of Dreams
    1280 x 960 - 93K
  • tripptripp Posts: 52
    edited 2010-07-23 15:45
    mikediv: It is easy to get prices in USD just choose it in the droplist.


    Destructinator: If you read this thread, Reset_Vector has made a driver·for ST7781·for the touchscreen and in his spincode there is a schematic.

  • DestructinatorDestructinator Posts: 34
    edited 2010-07-23 15:46
    Thank you

    "Reach into a pocketful of dreams, now before they fall out of the seams" - Billy Talent, Pocketful of Dreams
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