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PropPad mini. Bare PCB $5, Serial LCD driver with 7 x 21 chars and 262k Font colors. - Page 3 — Parallax Forums

PropPad mini. Bare PCB $5, Serial LCD driver with 7 x 21 chars and 262k Font colors.



  • nicolad76nicolad76 Posts: 164
    edited 2010-02-24 16:50
    I understand, I am planning to build a kind of portable GPS but since I like to use all the graphic potential of the display, I was thinking of something with Icons and "cool" [noparse]:)[/noparse] graphic.
    I would store my images in a EEPROM or NAND memory and visualize whatever icons I need. For the text I know there are many options....I still have to decide.

    Some portion of the screen would change according to the movement of the device...(being a GPS that's what it has to do [noparse]:)[/noparse] )
    I think I will use an external SRAM as video buffer and then I will throw all the bytes to the display....unless a good advice comes before I do it....

  • MagIO2MagIO2 Posts: 2,243
    edited 2010-02-24 19:25
    Have a look at this thread:
    In my post from 11/29/2009 there is a link to a video.

    It shows you what's possible with such kind of displays plus a SD card. If you're fine with printing text in areas having only one background color or maybe computational background-colors, there is no need to read back parts of the image.

    SRAM needs a lot of pins.
  • RossHRossH Posts: 5,549
    edited 2010-02-24 23:05
    Hi Reset_Vector,

    Good work! Please post your modified code.


    Catalina - a FREE C compiler for the Propeller - see Catalina
  • nicolad76nicolad76 Posts: 164
    edited 2010-02-25 15:00
    Ok....a lot of examples here...very good [noparse]:)[/noparse]
    While waiting for my board to arrive, can somebody tell me how many pins of the Prop are dedicated to the display?
    From the schematics did not look clear to me.....
  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    edited 2010-02-25 15:49
    According to the code P16..23 and P24..27 are connected to the LCD. P24..27 connections are not shown on schematic.
    Not sure why P23 is connected to the mosfet though.
  • nicolad76nicolad76 Posts: 164
    edited 2010-02-25 18:41
    tripp said...
    Now the proppad is in stock.

    The Breakout Board for microSD Transflash is:

    Be careful when you·solder the connections to the touchscreen, losen the LCD before.

    Hi tripp,
    I have comapred the microSD breakout board to the schematic...I do not understand why you also connect pin 4,5,6 to the micorSD.
    Are they really needed?
  • Reset_VectorReset_Vector Posts: 55
    edited 2010-02-25 19:59
    Hi to alls,

    What I know is : (courtesy of Tripp)
    Prop LCD

    P8 => DB15
    P9 => DB14
    P10 => DB13
    P11 => DB12
    P12 => DB11
    P13 => DB10
    P14 => DB9
    P15 => DB8

    By my own search :

    P7 => RESET
    P27 => CS
    P26 => RS (register select)
    P25 => WR
    P24 => RD

    Attached is the modified code for the driver to download correctly the images to the PropPad via the PSM serial driver.
    I only put the modified spin files.

    It seems that there is a problem with the LCD (or perhaps the problem is with the LCD wich is on my board, i'll wait for a new one) :

    EG :
    Setpixel(0,0,0,ForegroundColor) => OK
    Setpixel(0,1,0,ForegroundColor) => NOT draw
    Setpixel(0,2,0,ForegroundColor) => OK

    When I draw a circle, it was half draw !!

    normally, drawing a pixel need 3 access to the CGRAM, one for the RED, one for the GREEN , one for the BLUE, in WriteColor routine in Pasm.

    I was obliged to add a 4th dummy access to obtain the right function !!??

    WHY ??

    I just have a problem with the rectangles ....

    I have modified the WriteColor routine in Pasm, and the LCD register $03 configuration settings when drawing images ( in PSM serial control 10 MHz)

    Any feedback will be welcome.

    Another thing :

    Be aware that the ST7781 controller datasheets and the TF208 LCD datasheets don't match on few points !!
  • Reset_VectorReset_Vector Posts: 55
    edited 2010-02-25 20:09
    OOPS !

    It seems that i've not attached the right files !

    Here are them :
  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    edited 2010-02-25 22:31
    Reset_Vector said...
    Hi to alls,

    What I know is : (courtesy of Tripp)
    Prop LCD

    P8 => DB15
    P9 => DB14
    P10 => DB13
    P11 => DB12
    P12 => DB11
    P13 => DB10
    P14 => DB9
    P15 => DB8

    By my own search :

    P7 => RESET
    P27 => CS
    P26 => RS (register select)
    P25 => WR
    P24 => RD

    It seems a corrected schematic is in order.
    What is connected to P16..22 ?
  • Reset_VectorReset_Vector Posts: 55
    edited 2010-02-26 07:30
    Hi Jazzed,

    P16..P22 are connected to .... nothing !
    Those pins are distribued on the connector J1, wich is on one side of the board, opposite to J4.
    I hope that Tripp will post a complete schematics of his board ,including the LCD and few components who have pads on the PCB, but are not present on the schematics, but
    perhaps this is due that two types of LCD can be mounted on this board ...
    a complete PCB drawing an components placement will be welcome too .

    I'm still working on the Touch Panel controller ADS7843, more news later ...

    Thanks !
  • Reset_VectorReset_Vector Posts: 55
    edited 2010-02-26 13:05
    Hi to all the PropPad users !

    Attached is a little video showing the PropPad in action !

    Enjoy !
  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    edited 2010-02-26 17:56
    Reset_Vector said...
    Attached is a little video showing the PropPad in action !
    Nice work.

    I'm having trouble getting anything to work except the backlight! The init sequence seems to have some effect, but in the end the screen is just white regardless of what I do. Can you post a simple demo .zip that works with your module without all the serial interface stuff?
  • Reset_VectorReset_Vector Posts: 55
    edited 2010-02-26 18:11
    Hi Jazzed

    Here is a simple program i'm using to do my tests.
    Normally it draws 2 circles and 3 rectangles.

    Leave me feedback
  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    edited 2010-02-26 18:24
    Thanks. Unfortunately, I still get a blank white screen. Must be an electrical problem.
    I've checked all the pins and the LCD does have a pull-up on the flex cable for 8 bit operation.
    Guess I'm out of luck [noparse]:([/noparse]
  • Reset_VectorReset_Vector Posts: 55
    edited 2010-02-26 18:29
    Yes, normally the pullup is R1 on the flex cable and it should be soldered !

    Check the flex connexions, and try to place the lcd flat out the board, i've a problem with one LCD who refuse to init if placed on the board.
    Good luck
  • MagIO2MagIO2 Posts: 2,243
    edited 2010-02-26 20:08

    You should also check for shortcuts. Just a little program that only sets one of the pins to high and check the pins next to it. I've had a real funny effect because of a tiny shortcut.
  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    edited 2010-02-26 20:48
    MagIO2 said...
    You should also check for shortcuts. Just a little program that only sets one of the pins to high and check the pins next to it. I've had a real funny effect because of a tiny shortcut.
    Thanks. Yes, I've tried that. One thing I also tried was getPixel(...), but it seems to cause all connections including the control lines to go to float ... very strange after effect [noparse]:)[/noparse] Having a very basic read/write test would at least confirm communications with the device beyond the PCB flex cable connections. Guess I'll have to brew my own ....
  • Reset_VectorReset_Vector Posts: 55
    edited 2010-02-26 21:17

    I've not try to debug the GETPIXEL routine.
    It's seems to not work correctly with the PSM iterface.

    I've retry to load the file i've attached (propPad_deiver_3d.spin) and it works alone.

    You normally have this :
    640 x 480 - 113K
  • DestructinatorDestructinator Posts: 34
    edited 2010-03-02 17:15
    Hey everybody, Ive been keeping up with this thread and this just blows my mind. I find it a shame that it doesnt have a case though, so If someone can post the dimensions for this, I can design one and post the files online so people can have them made. As soon as I can afford one of these awesome devices, I will also be making my own with the prototyping machine that I have access to. Thanks all
  • nicolad76nicolad76 Posts: 164
    edited 2010-03-02 17:44
    I found out that many of those cheap MP3 player you find on ebay will fit the board....ok, you are going to pay probably $25 but you can recycle the LCD display that is actually same as the one showed here (if not the same it has the same driver). I am testing it in these days.....
  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    edited 2010-03-02 18:09
    @nicolad76 can you provide some links to examples you have found? EBay is a monster these days.
    Destructinator said...
    Hey everybody, Ive been keeping up with this thread and this just blows my mind. I find it a shame that it doesnt have a case though, so If someone can post the dimensions for this, I can design one and post the files online so people can have them made. As soon as I can afford one of these awesome devices, I will also be making my own with the prototyping machine that I have access to. Thanks all
    The PCB dimensions are at the top of this thread's page 2.

    A thin-line case would be greatly appreciated! The only OEM cases I can find are 1" thick bulky and long.
    Desired feature list:
    • cutout for the LCD and proper mounting for the PCB.
    • space for 2 to 3 AAA batteries with a slide cover.
    • above the battery compartment could allow space for a button insert with a v-groove panel (the PCB could extend into the panel area for controls).
    One can use 2 AAA batteries and a buck-boost converter for 3.3VDC supply (I want to avoid LiIon battery packs).
    Alternatively, 3 AAA batteries could be used with or without a 3.3 regulator.

    The dimensions for a general purpose 2.8" LCD and PCB hand-held case could be:
    Height 18mm (~0.7"), Width 56mm (~2.2"), Length 120mm (~4.7") (allows 2 or 3 AAA under PCB)

    With the case described above, any similar small design could benefit.
  • nicolad76nicolad76 Posts: 164
    edited 2010-03-02 19:20
    Hi jazzed.... search by item number 250579163124
  • DestructinatorDestructinator Posts: 34
    edited 2010-03-02 20:05
    Ok. Thanks, I will get started on it right away. What are the dimensions of the studs btw? I didnt see any in the diagram . . .
    jazzed said...
    @nicolad76 can you provide some links to examples you have found? EBay is a monster these days.
    Destructinator said...
    Hey everybody, Ive been keeping up with this thread and this just blows my mind. I find it a shame that it doesnt have a case though, so If someone can post the dimensions for this, I can design one and post the files online so people can have them made. As soon as I can afford one of these awesome devices, I will also be making my own with the prototyping machine that I have access to. Thanks all
    The PCB dimensions are at the top of this thread's page 2.

    A thin-line case would be greatly appreciated! The only OEM cases I can find are 1" thick bulky and long.
    Desired feature list:
    • cutout for the LCD and proper mounting for the PCB.
    • space for 2 to 3 AAA batteries with a slide cover.
    • above the battery compartment could allow space for a button insert with a v-groove panel (the PCB could extend into the panel area for controls).
    One can use 2 AAA batteries and a buck-boost converter for 3.3VDC supply (I want to avoid LiIon battery packs).
    Alternatively, 3 AAA batteries could be used with or without a 3.3 regulator.

    The dimensions for a general purpose 2.8" LCD and PCB hand-held case could be:
    Height 18mm (~0.7"), Width 56mm (~2.2"), Length 120mm (~4.7") (allows 2 or 3 AAA under PCB)

    With the case described above, any similar small design could benefit.
  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    edited 2010-03-02 21:17
    Destructinator said...
    Ok. Thanks, I will get started on it right away. What are the dimensions of the studs btw? I didnt see any in the diagram . . .
    I'll have to measure later, but the holes are around 2.5mm to 3 mm diameter.

    BTW, I spent a lot of time today looking at cell phone housings and such on There are lots of choices available for this size display with Lithium-Ion batteries. iPods have also created a side-market for Li-Ion batteries and chargers (product liability moves to the side-market vendors?). It's kind of hard to beat the cost and look/feel of some of this stuff.

    That being said, I still think there is a place for a good hacker friendly hand-held size box.
    I look forward to seeing what you can do.
  • tripptripp Posts: 52
    edited 2010-03-06 19:52
    I tested Reset_Vectors very nice·code, and here is a video:

    Have anyone got text writing code working?

  • Reset_VectorReset_Vector Posts: 55
    edited 2010-03-06 21:28
    Hi to all PropPad Users !!

    Finally, i've got a working driver for the PropPad.
    All functions are now working :

    DrawRectangle(normal, filled)
    DrawCircle(normal,Filled) etc ...
    AND ......
    The text functions !!!

    Here is attached the driver, derived from The PSM driver ....
    Thanks to Raymond Allen for his great work!!

    The driver is provided as is, it is now in developpement, so be indulgent ....

    I attach two more images, showing the driver in action and the developpement of the ADS7843 touch driver, who works !
    more coming soon !!

    best regards from France !!
  • Reset_VectorReset_Vector Posts: 55
    edited 2010-03-06 21:32

    I see your video , it could be useful for everybody if you can post where you get this nice enclosure for the PropPad !!!

    Best regards from France
  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    edited 2010-03-06 22:13
    Reset_Vector said...

    I see your video , it could be useful for everybody if you can post where you get this nice enclosure for the PropPad !!!

    Best regards from France
    Looks like the same housing nicolad76 found. Very nice [noparse]:)[/noparse]
    This and more are available in moderate quantities from mainland China.
    I have my eye on some iPod Touch components ... as in "PropTouch" [noparse]:)[/noparse]
    Sadly my PropPad has never worked :<
  • nicolad76nicolad76 Posts: 164
    edited 2010-03-09 03:53
    I must admit I am ingorant in matter of SMD components...very ignorant....what is exactly L2? Is it really needed? What does it do?

    It is connected to VCC but if I compare with the schematic of the prop demo board (using the ft232rl), I see that VCC goes directly to the usb jack.

    Can somebody explain?

  • Reset_VectorReset_Vector Posts: 55
    edited 2010-03-09 08:22
    Hi Nicola

    L2 is here to make a filter with C11, you can replace it (L2) by a little piece of wire, I think it shouls work.
    I must admit that the schematic is not complete.
    The common point between L2 and C10 is in reality the label "VIN1=POWER";

    Good luck

    BR from France
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