Have you, or anyone else done anything with the backlight so that it can be adjusted dynamically? Everytime I change the value (1-32) I have to reinitialize the display, which causes a very annoying screen flicker.
I'd like to just change the value and have the display adjust the backlight only. That way, I could implment a software controlled ambient light sensor (with the user being able to set the gain.)
I too searched the listing but it seemed fixed at the moment. Probably on a 'things to do' list?
I don't need to adjust BL for now; but once I get on batteries (might be a while the way things are progressing for me), I'll sure want to conserve them.
Bill, the backlight can be changed easily... The backlight level is a variable whose address is passed to the LCD driver. The driver checks this value very often and adjusts the backlight if changed. I don't think there should be any flicker when changing backlight level...
You can just move the Spin code that sets the brightness at the end of the start methode to it's own public methode. Then it will be possible to change this when ever you want by calling this methode.
Bill (Henning)
My Board draws ~150 mA and I power it always from an USB port. I think the PSB has a similar current consumption.
Ariba said...
You can just move the Spin code that sets the brightness at the end of the start methode to it's own public methode. Then it will be possible to change this when ever you want by calling this methode.
That was too easy!!! Thanks Andy!!!
Hey all, here is the simple method I added to Andy's Full Screen Graphics Driver to allow dynamic blacklighting adjustments.
Bill, I'm not sure Spin is fast enough to set the backlight correctly... The PSB and PTP assembly drivers set the backlight at assembly speed during the blanking period of the display. Your spin method may kinda work, but may not work exactly like you think... Anyway, that was my experience.
Doing some tests, it works perfectly. I built a slider that allows the user to drag a thumb across the screen. I used the TouchX value divided by 100. I then trimmed that to 1-32 to fit the parameter range. I found that if I didn't trim it, it would cause the display to shut down.
Now, when I drag the thumb, it does a beautiful job of changing it depending on where you drag the thumb.
EDIT:· By the way, it works because the spin code is the only code that is twiddling the bits for the backlight pin, which is obviously on a different cog then the display driver itself.· Andy's driver doesn't do anything to that pin after the initial spin startup.
Ran out of breakout boards and decided to improve the layout before ordering more... Test run of new boards checks out (and on way to GadgetGangster.com) and so will be ordering a bunch more now.
The only non-cosmetic change was to reduce the spacings between mounting holes. This is because the blade that I cut the boards apart with is much thicker than originally anticipated. Also, I've made a lot of cosmetic improvements. Here's a pic:
I built a slider that allows the user to drag a thumb across the screen. I used the TouchX value divided by 100. I then trimmed that to 1-32 to fit the parameter range. I found that if I didn't trim it, it would cause the display to shut down.
Now, when I drag the thumb, it does a beautiful job of changing it depending on where you drag the thumb.
Bill- are you willing/able to share your code for this? I have one of Rayman's touch-screen units and I'm having trouble getting off square one. I'm not very familiar with graphics and bitmaps but I'm working on it. Having an example that adjusts the brightness could be really educational.
That would be great. I think I need another way of looking at things to help me understand what's going on. I have the PTP board from Rayman. If that's what you've got too, it should be as simple as downloading your code to the platform to see what it does. I can then work through the code to see how you manage it.
The application I'd like to write is pretty straight forward. Just some menus (text based would be a fine first pass). But getting text boxes (or better yet) small buttons to go where I want and be the color I want AND respond to buttons hasn't worked so far.
I have to admit that Bill's slider sounds pretty cool- downright iPhone like.
Bill- are you willing/able to share your code for this?
Sure, Peter.
The following code is used to read the screen touch location... and if it is within the lower portion of the screen, then I display the text for the slider.
The user slides their finger across the text and I simply read the position of their finger.
'get current touch screen location and pressure
touchx := i2c.gettouchx/16
touchy := i2c.gettouchy/16
touchz := i2c.gettouchz1/1000
'if the pressure is greater than 10, then show slider
if touchz>10
gr.text(0, -25, string("<-- Brightness -->"))
if touchY > 3000 'are they touching the bottom line?
newBrightness := (touchx/100) 'set brightness to 1/100 scale of touch point
if (newBrightness =< 0) 'make sure brightness stays within bounds
newBrightness := 1
if (newBrightness => 33)
newBrightness := 32
newBrightness := 33 - newBrightness
oldBrightness := newBrightness 'store for future use
ifnot (Brightness == newBrightness) 'if they changed... then change display
Brightness := newBrightness
This is the code for the "AdjustBrightness" method I added to the "TSD_GraphicsDriver" that Andy Schenk wrote for the 4.3" display.
Thanks for sharing. That looks pretty straight forward. I'm supposed to be packing the van and 3 kids for a trip to grandma's. When I get back I'll test it out.
Sorry about the slowness on this matter. For some reason I am unable to transfer the archived file from Windows to my Mac. Wasted too much time trying to fix the problem, so decided I'd just copy from Prop tool to the Mac to let you access it.
Hope this is useful. I was hoping to include Basic with the file but never got that far; thus the file name is a bit confusing.
| Touch-sscreen Basic -TsB by hasdesignn 18 Sep.2010 | rev. 11:17 am 6 Oct.2010
'PSB Graphics Demo (C) Copyright 2009 Rayslogic.com, LLC
'Based on the Propeller Graphics and Paint ! demos adapted for the PSB Screen }}
_clkmode = xtal1+pll16x
_clkfreq = 80_000_000
QU = 34
'LCD is 480x272 giving 30x17 tiles; divide by 16 for Parallax font)
cols = 30
rows = 17
screensize = cols * rows ' = 510 tiles
'Constants for Graphics Demo
_stack = ($3000 + 100) >> 2 'accomodate display memory and stack
x_tiles = 30 '16
y_tiles = 17 '12
paramcount = 14
bitmap_base = $5000 ' was $2000 no double buffer
display_base = $5000
lines = 5
thickness = 2
GraphicsXOffset=6 ' NEEDED ???
long lcd_status 'status: off/visible/invisible read-only (5 contiguous longs)
long lcd_enable 'enable: off/on write-only
long lcd_videobase 'video base @word write-only
long lcd_colorbase 'color base @long write-only
long lcd_backlight 'Used to control LCD backlight
long col, row, color, tilex, tiley, colU, rowU
long boxcolor,ptr
'vars for Graphics Demo
long mousex, mousey
long touchx, touchy
' long touchx0,touchdx,touchy0,touchdy 'cal factors
long CurrentColor, bLineMode, bStillDown, LastX, LastY
word screen[screensize]
'for custom characters
word user_charbase
byte colorA, colorB, flagReg, Char, Indexx ' lagReg: lsb = 'cap'key ON;
byte x[lines], y[lines], xs[lines], ys[lines]
lcd : "PSB_LcdDriver" 'Modified to drive 4.3" TFT
i2c : "PSB_i2cDriver" ' Rokicki & Dummer's i2c
gr : "graphics" ' Chip Graecey's object
' kbd : "Keyboard" ' Ps/2 keyboard
' mouse : "mouse"
fsrw : "fsrw" '
' sd2 : "SD2.0_FATEngine" 'Kye's SD card engine
PUB Main
'Start up Display
'clear screen
print($100) ' show black on silver
'start driver
lcd_videobase := @screen
lcd_colorbase := @vgacolors
lcd_backlight:= 22 '1=bright, 16=medium, 32=dark
i2c.initialize 'init touch controller ' TSC2003 touch IC
repeat 20
PUB GraphicsDemo|i,j,k,dx,dy, kk, pp, pq, rr, numx, numchr,GraphicsColor ' modified
if tiley < 3
if tilex < 5
if (tilex < 11) and (tilex > 5)
if (tilex < 21) and (tilex > 11)
PUB colorDial | i
colorB := coloReg1
colorA := coloReg1 >> 8
row := 1
repeat i from 0 to 7
printStr(string("The Parallax PROPELLER is # 1 "))
if ina[lcd#TouchIrqPin]==0
PUB UpdateColor
if (Tilex < 8) and (tiley > 12)
if tiley < 15
if (tilex == 0)
colorA := ColorA + $10
if (tilex == 1)
colorA := ColorA + 1
if (tilex == 6)
colorB := ColorB + $10
if (tilex == 7)
colorB := ColorB + 1
if (tilex == 0)
colorA := ColorA - $10
if (tilex == 1)
colorA := ColorA - 1
if (tilex == 6)
colorB := ColorB - $10
if (tilex == 7)
colorB := ColorB - 1
coloReg1 := colorA<<24 + colorB<<16 + colorA<<8 + colorB
coloReg2 := colorA<<24 + colorA<<16 + colorB<<8 + colorB
PUB colorLong
col := 0
row := 13
hex (coloReg1,8)
col := 0
row := 15
hex (coloReg2,8)
PUB TouchKeyBd
{{ (272 lines/16 =) 17 tiles high provides 2 data entry lines w/blue background,4 lines display
standard ASCII keyboard layout black on silver, w/ spacebar,control keys in white on green
except for 'cap' key in white on red when locked. When 'cap' has green baclground keys are
lower-case, capitaized when red background. Touch 'sft' prior to each single capital letter;
touch cap' for multiple capital letters. }}
flagReg := 1
' repeat
print($111) ' heading white/yellow on blue
col :=0 '
row := 0
colU :=0
rowU :=0
printStr(string(" Touchscreen Basic "))
printStr(string(" 6 Oct.2019 "))
printStr(string(" "))
printStr(string(" "))
if ((tilex == 0) and (tiley==16)) ' DEBUG control
if (flagReg & $80) > 1
flagReg := flagReg & $7F
flagReg := flagReg | $80
if ((tilex >25) and (tiley==16)) ' backlight control
if (tilex < 28) and (lcd_backlight < 32)
lcd_backlight := lcd_backlight + 1
if (tilex > 27) and (lcd_backlight > 1)
lcd_backlight := lcd_backlight - 1
if flagReg & $80 > 0
print($114) ' white on black for DEBUG data
col := 18
row := 0
PrintStr(string("Index=")) ' show pixel x,y of touch position
{{ PrintStr(string("touchx=")) ' show pixel x,y of touch position
col := 18
row := 2
dec(touchy) }}
col := 18
row := 4
PrintStr(string("tilex=")) ' show Tile number
col := 18
row := 6
col := 18 ' show flag register value
row := 8
col := 18 ' show BL value
row := 10
col := 18 ' show 'Char' value
row := 12
PUB DecodeKey | Index
Char := 0
Index := -50
if tiley == 7 or tiley == 8 ' check top line - numbers, punctuation
if tilex > 1 and tilex < 27
Index := (tilex - 2)/2
elseif tilex > 27 ' check if on BS
Char := $1
' do BS
if tiley == 9 or tiley == 10 ' 2nd line - qwerty..
if tilex > 2 and tilex < 28
Index := (tilex - 3)/2 + 13
elseif tilex < 2 ' check if on TAB
Char := $2
' do TAB
if tiley == 11 or tiley == 12 ' 3rd line - asdfg..
if tilex > 3 and tilex < 25
Index := (tilex - 4)/2 + 26
elseif tilex > 25 ' checkif on RET key
Char := 3
' do RET
elseif tilex < 3 ' check if 'cap' pressed
if (flagReg & 1) == 1
flagReg := flagReg & $FE
flagReg := flagReg | 1
if tiley == 13 or tiley == 14 ' 4th line - zxcv..
if tilex > 3 and tilex < 24
Index := (tilex - 5)/2 + 37
elseif tilex < 3 or tilex > 25 ' check if on Shift key
Char := 4
' do single Shift
FlagReg := FlagReg | 2 ' set for single Shift action
FlagReg := FlagReg & $FE
if tiley == 15 or tiley == 16 ' bottom line
if (tilex > 8 and tilex < 21) ' if Spacebar
Char := $20
flagReg := flagReg | 4
{{' Index := 47 }}
elseif (tilex > 3 and tilex < 6) ' check if 'cntl-c' key
Char := 5
' do Cntl-z
elseif (tilex > 6 and tilex < 9) ' check if 'cntl-z' key
Char := 6
' do Cntl-c
elseif tilex > 21 and tilex < 25 ' check if ESC key
Char := 7
' do ESC
if (flagReg & 3 == 1)'' or (flagReg & 2 == 1) ' check flags for Shift Lock or single Shift
Index := Index + 48
Indexx := Index
if (Index > 0) and (FlagReg & 4 == 0)
Char := LookUpZ(Index: "`","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","0","-","=",{{
}} "q","w","e","r","t","y","u","i","o","p","[","]","\", {{
}} "a","s","d","f","g","h","j","k","l",":","'",{{
}} "z","x","c","v","b","n","m",",",".","/"," ", {{
}} "~","!","@","#","$","%","^","&","*","(",")","_","+", {{
}} "Q","W","E","R","T","Y","U","I","O","P","{","}","|", {{
}} "A","S","D","F","G","H","J","K","L",":",QU,{{
}} "Z","X","C","V","B","N","M","<",">","?"," ")
if Char => $20
print($111) ' heading white/yellow on blue
col:= colU ' restore last position used '
row := rowU
print(Char) ' show last typed character in upper area
if col == cols ' move down two tiles for next row
row := row + 2
colU := col ' save last position
rowU := row
FlagReg := FlagReg & $FD ' restore single Shift
print($110) ' black letters on silver
PUB ShowKeys
print($110) ' black letters on silver
if (flagReg & 1 == 1) or (flagReg & 2 == 1)
col := 0
row := 7
PrintStr(string(" ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + "))
print($116) ' bs, tb, ret, sft, spacebar are white on green
col := 0
row := 9
PrintStr(string(" Q W E R T Y U I O P { } |"))
col := 0
row := 11
print($115) ' 'cap' is white on red if selected, else on green
PrintStr(string(" A S D F G H J K L : " , QU," "))
PrintStr(string("ret "))
col := 0
row := 13
PrintStr(string(" Z X C V B N M < > ? "))
col := 2
row := 7
PrintStr(string("` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = "))
col := 0
row := 9
PrintStr(string(" q w e r t y u i o p [ ] \"))
col := 0
row := 11
PrintStr(string(" a s d f g h j k l : ' "))
PrintStr(string("ret "))
col := 0
row := 13
PrintStr(string(" z x c v b n m , . / "))
PrintStr(string("sft "))
col := 9
row := 15
PrintStr(string("[ spacebar ]")) ' cntl opt cmd names/legends unused
col := 0
row := 15
PrintStr(string("cntl-z -c"))
col := 22
row := 15
' col := 0
' row :=
' PrintStr(string(""))
PUB CalibrateTouchScreen|TLX,TLY,TRX,TRY,TBLX,TBLY,TBRX,TBRY ' touch '+'s to calibrate
PrintStr(string("Calibrate Touch Screen"))
PrintStr(string("(Tap and release each point)"))
'Calibrate top-left corner
Bitmap1Bit(@CalibrateCursor, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0)
PrintStr(string(186,144,144,170," Press Here"))
'Calibrate top-right corner
Bitmap1Bit(@CalibrateCursor, cols-1, 0, 1, 1, 0)
PrintStr(string("Press Here ",169,144,144,187))
'Calibrate bottom-left corner
Bitmap1Bit(@CalibrateCursor, 0, rows-2, 1, 1, 0)
PrintStr(string(186,144,144,170," Press Here"))
'Calibrate bottom-right corner
Bitmap1Bit(@CalibrateCursor, cols-1, rows-2, 1, 1, 0)
PrintStr(string("Press Here ",169,144,144,187)) ' these are Parallax font characters
'Calculate touchscreen cal factors
'horizontal pixels between touchpoints = 16*(cols-1)
'vertical pixels between touchpoints=16*(rows-2)
'Now show cross in center and see if cal is good
Bitmap1Bit(@CalibrateCursor, 15, 8, 1, 1, 0)
PrintStr(string("Press Here ",5)) ' '5' = Parallax font 'down arrow'
' waitcnt(cnt+clkfreq/2)
'Calculate if cal good
'test x is at 15*16+7=247
'test y is at 8*16+15=143
if (||(((touchx-touchx0)/touchdx)-247)<5) and (||(((touchy-touchy0)/touchdy)-143)<5)
'Good Cal
if true
' WaitStylusUp
row := 4
col := 10
PrintStr(string(" dx="))
row := 6
col := 10
PrintStr(string(" dy="))
row := 9
col := 10
PrintStr(string(" x0="))
row := 11
col := 10
PrintStr(string(" y0="))
' Return
PrintStr(string("Calibration Failed."))
PrintStr(string(" X="))
PrintStr(string(" Y="))
PUB GetTouchCal|tx,ty 'take 5 samples and average
repeat 5
PUB WaitStylusUp
'Wait for stylus to be up
if ina[lcd#TouchIrqPin]<>0
PUB WaitStylusDown(bCalibrated)|tx,ty,z1,z2,tz
'Wait for stylus to be down then update touchx, touchy and return
if ina[lcd#TouchIrqPin]==0
'take another x,y reading and average
tx>>=1 ' divide by 2 using shift right
if (tz<90000) and (tz>10000) and (ina[lcd#TouchIrqPin]==0 ) 'You might have to tweak these values for some LCDs...
if bCalibrated==true
'calculate calibrated pixel
'set uncalibrated data
tilex := touchx/16 ' HASD - these two added to have 'tile' value too
tiley := touchy/16
PRI Bitmap1Bit(pBitmap, xPos, yPos, xSize, ySize, clr)|c,i,j,BmpAddress
repeat j from 0 to (ySize-1) step 2
repeat i from 0 to (xSize-1)
screen[row * cols + col] := (clr<<1+1) << 10 + BmpAddress>>6 +c
screen[(row+1) * cols + col] := (clr<<1) << 10 + BmpAddress>>6 +c
PRI Bitmap2Bit(pBitmap, xPos, yPos, xSize, ySize, clr)|c,i,j,BmpAddress
repeat j from 0 to (ySize-1)
repeat i from 0 to (xSize-1)
screen[row * cols + col] := (clr) << 10 + BmpAddress>>6 +c
PUB box(left,top,width,height) | x, y, i
ptr := top * cols + left
repeat i from 1 to width
repeat i from 1 to height
ptr := (top + i) * cols + left
ptr += width
ptr := (top + height + 1) * cols + left
repeat i from 1 to width
PRI boxchr(c): i
screen[ptr++] := boxcolor << 10 + $200 + c }} ' WHAT DOES $200 MEAN ???
'' Print a character
'' $00..$FF = character
'' $100 = clear screen
'' $108 = backspace
'' $10D = new line
''$110..$11F = select color
PRI PrintStr(stringptr)
'' Print a zero-terminated string
repeat strsize(stringptr)
PUB print(c) | i, k
case c
$00..$FF: 'character?
k := color << 1 + c & 1
i := k << 10 + $200 + c & $FE
screen[row * cols + col] := i
screen[(row + 1) * cols + col] := i | 1
if ++col == cols
$100: 'clear screen?
wordfill(@screen, $220, screensize) ' original ' WHAT DOES $220 MEAN ???
wordfill(@screen, $220, screensize) ' hasd
col := row := 0
$108: 'backspace?
if col
$10D: 'return?
$110..$11F: 'select color?
color := c & $F
' New line
PRI newline : i
col := 0
if (row += 2) == rows
row -= 2
'scroll lines
repeat i from 0 to rows-3
' wordmove(@screen[i*cols], @screen[(i+2)*cols], cols)
'clear new line
' wordfill(@screen[(rows-2)*cols], $200, cols<<1)
PRI dec(value) | i
'' Print a decimal number
if value < 0
i := 1_000_000_000
repeat 10
if value => i
print(value / i + "0")
value //= i
elseif result or i == 1
i /= 10
PRI hex(value, digits)
'' Print a hexadecimal number
value <<= (8 - digits) << 2
repeat digits
print(lookupz((value <-= 4) & $F : "0".."9", "A".."F"))
DAT 'Default Touchscreen Calibrations; HASD using B1 LCD average - 5 readings, B2 - 8
touchdx long 121 ' Rayman 123 hasd A 127 B1 123 B2 121
touchdy long 209 ' 206 209 208 208
touchx0 long 3584 ' 2713 2072 2906 3605
touchy0 long 4531 ' 4590 4046 4221 4569
{{ RAM usage TsB lcd i2c gr fsrw
program 3774
Variable 455
Stack/free 3957 }}
DAT 'Bitmap data
padding LONG 7[16] 'alignment padding for the following user defined characters
uchar long
CalibrateCursor long
file "calibrateCursor.dat" '1 tile
ColorButton long
file "button1.dat" '2x2=4 tiles
LineButton long
file "button2.dat" '2x2=4 tiles
DotsButton long
file "button3.dat" '2x2=4 tiles
vgacolors long ' 1st long pair determines fore-/back-ground after 'print($100)'
long $00A800A8 '0 black on silver
long $0000A8A8
long $F00CF00C '1 blue background with yellow letters
long $F0F00C0C
long $08A808A8 '2 blue on silver
long $0808A8A8
long $50005000 '3 green on black
long $50500000
long $FC00FC00 '4 white on black
long $FCFC0000
long $FF80FF80 '5 white on red
long $FFFF8080
long $FF20FF20 '6 white on green
long $FFFF2020
long $FF28FF28 '7 white on cyan
long $FFFF2828
long $70447044 '8 yellow on purple
long $70704444
long $E084E084 '9 orange on raspberry
long $E0E08484
long $60346034 '10 cranberry o pale yellow
long $60603434
long $F020F020 '11 yellow-orange on green
long $F0F02020
long $AC14AC14 '12 grey-blue on gray
long $ACAC1414
long $50E050E0 '13 green on orange
long $5050E0E0
long $6CB06CB0 '14 lt. blue on yellow
long $6C6CB0B0
coloReg1 long $70007000 '15 for 'Color Dial' use;
coloReg2 long $70700000 ' initially yellow on black
{{ Propeller I/O pin usage
Prop I/O Signal Use I/O Signal Use
A00 DO ( SD card) A31* TX (PropPlug)
A01 CLK " SPI A30* RX "
A02 DI " A29* SDA (i2c EEPROM)
A03 CS " A28* SCL (and Touch)
A05 DE " A26* "
A06 PCLK " A25* (PS/2 MOUSE)
A07 IRQ " A24* "
A08 not used A23 R1 (LCD)
A09 " A22 R0 "
A10 " A21 G1 "
A11 " A20 G0 "
A12 1.1K (TV) A19 B1 "
A13 560 " A18 B0 "
A14 270 " A17 HSync "
A15 560 (audio) " A16 VSync "
* = Hard-wired on Parallax Prop ProtoBoard
I tried to send the archived files from Windows website but for some reason I'm not allowed in. Yet, after dinner I tried again on the Mac and I was logged in, yet before dinner I couldn't get in.
I was hoping I could get in but can't. Will try later on. May be Sat before that happens. Sorry
Yes, Somewhere along while I was working on my code I noticed those files were gone. I think maybe they were the '+' symbols for the Calibration points. I tried until I got pretty good at guessing where the graphic which did show up should be. Thus was able to get cal data for my screens. Worked great for the 3.5" screen, but don't recall it was for the 4.3".
I learned a lot with these touchscreens. Pretty neat not needing a keyboard or mouse, LCD has variable brightness backlighting, and found both the 3.5 and 4.3" LCDs to be adequate for many applications.
I must of had the 4.3" LCDs for nearly a year, but when I got the 3.5" one after them I got onto a design displaying heart beat waveform. Still haven't gotten to the 'front end' sensor and amplifier part yet. Rayman's PTP board for the 3.5" was a great beginning to work with. Hardly had to any parts except for the sigma-delta A/D and my D/A (to simulate a heart pulse for developing the firmware). Battery operated makes for a handy system to use anywhere. I'm amazed how long the AAA's last for the PTP board and 3.5" LCD. That was what sold me on getting a 3.5" one when I'd not even run the 4.3" ones.
My 4.3" is mounted on a Prop Protoboard along with a SD card board. Unfortunately I have another project to finish first before getting back to playing with these LCDs.
I finally found a few minutes after returning from the turkey holiday to test out what you posted.
I wasn't paying close enough attention to this thread (which is for the 4.3" touch screens). Turns out the one I have is the 3.5" so it didn't work as expected. I only had a few minutes when I tried this. I'll need to sit down with the code (and this thread) to see if there's a way to convert it to work on my board. I get something on the screen, but what ever it is is clearly munched. No doubt it has to do with the different screen size/number of tiles on these two different screens.
Nevertheless, this seems as good a place as any to cut my teeth on graphics. I've not worked with display (other than serial debug messages) features of the prop.
Thanks again for the code, examples, and suggestions.
If all you need is to change brightness, I also have a 3.5" LCD source which uses the same scheme. I use two tiles for 'buttons' with '<' and '>' characters for button legend for brightness 'down and 'up'. If you are interested I could get that source to you. Let me know if this would interest you. The purpose was to plot (heart) pulse data and I needed a few 'buttons' to control things. So without an A/D and the front end it would plot just a straight line most likely. I used a D/A to simulate a pulse during debug of the button and plot code.
This is an example of how to modify a VGA app to use the 4.3" touchscreen...
My Prop Apps:· http://www.rayslogic.com/propeller/Programming/Programming.htm
My Prop Info: ·http://www.rayslogic.com/propeller/propeller.htm
My Prop Products:· http://www.rayslogic.com/Propeller/Products/Products.htm
Have you, or anyone else done anything with the backlight so that it can be adjusted dynamically? Everytime I change the value (1-32) I have to reinitialize the display, which causes a very annoying screen flicker.
I'd like to just change the value and have the display adjust the backlight only. That way, I could implment a software controlled ambient light sensor (with the user being able to set the gain.)
I don't need to adjust BL for now; but once I get on batteries (might be a while the way things are progressing for me), I'll sure want to conserve them.
Harley Shanko
My Prop Apps:· http://www.rayslogic.com/propeller/Programming/Programming.htm
My Prop Info: ·http://www.rayslogic.com/propeller/propeller.htm
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I'll grab your code and add it to the backporch portion in his driver... that should do it.
I forgot to mention - the PSB I bought at UPEW works great [noparse]:)[/noparse]
I plugged in one of the "used" 4.3" displays I got from you earlier, and it fired up immediately!
Now I will just have to measure the power consumption to see if I can get away with powering it from a USB port...
www.mikronauts.com E-mail: mikronauts _at_ gmail _dot_ com
My products: Morpheus / Mem+ / PropCade / FlexMem / VMCOG / Propteus / Proteus / SerPlug
and 6.250MHz Crystals to run Propellers at 100MHz & 5.0" OEM TFT VGA LCD modules
Las - Large model assembler Largos - upcoming nano operating system
You can just move the Spin code that sets the brightness at the end of the start methode to it's own public methode. Then it will be possible to change this when ever you want by calling this methode.
Bill (Henning)
My Board draws ~150 mA and I power it always from an USB port. I think the PSB has a similar current consumption.
www.mikronauts.com E-mail: mikronauts _at_ gmail _dot_ com
My products: Morpheus / Mem+ / PropCade / FlexMem / VMCOG / Propteus / Proteus / SerPlug
and 6.250MHz Crystals to run Propellers at 100MHz & 5.0" OEM TFT VGA LCD modules
Las - Large model assembler Largos - upcoming nano operating system
Post Edited (Bill Henning) : 7/12/2010 1:28:29 AM GMT
Most of the 400 mA is the LCD backlight.· You can save a lot of power by turning it down...
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This thread answered that question. So added a menu for the BL adjustment and it works great on the 3.5" LCD.
Pic attached; the white text on blue is for debug purposes temporarily.
Thanks for the info on BL.
Harley Shanko
That was too easy!!!
Hey all, here is the simple method I added to Andy's Full Screen Graphics Driver to allow dynamic blacklighting adjustments.
On the LCD front surface is a film that is beginning to wrinkle and peel. Is this to be removed, or have I been too rough on it?
I didn't want to peel it off if it shouldn't be done. Sorry to bother on this maybe trivial point.
Harley Shanko
My Prop Apps:· http://www.rayslogic.com/propeller/Programming/Programming.htm
My Prop Info: ·http://www.rayslogic.com/propeller/propeller.htm
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My Prop Products:· http://www.rayslogic.com/Propeller/Products/Products.htm
Doing some tests, it works perfectly. I built a slider that allows the user to drag a thumb across the screen. I used the TouchX value divided by 100. I then trimmed that to 1-32 to fit the parameter range. I found that if I didn't trim it, it would cause the display to shut down.
Now, when I drag the thumb, it does a beautiful job of changing it depending on where you drag the thumb.
EDIT:· By the way, it works because the spin code is the only code that is twiddling the bits for the backlight pin, which is obviously on a different cog then the display driver itself.· Andy's driver doesn't do anything to that pin after the initial spin startup.
Post Edited (wjsteele) : 7/12/2010 2:28:13 PM GMT
Thanks. Wasn't sure. I'd thought some damage had been done to the front surface; thought it were extra 'soft' and easy to scuff or punch.
Looks super with it off, shinier, clearer and feels like it is a tougher film.
Harley Shanko
The only non-cosmetic change was to reduce the spacings between mounting holes. This is because the blade that I cut the boards apart with is much thicker than originally anticipated. Also, I've made a lot of cosmetic improvements. Here's a pic:
Bill- are you willing/able to share your code for this? I have one of Rayman's touch-screen units and I'm having trouble getting off square one. I'm not very familiar with graphics and bitmaps but I'm working on it. Having an example that adjusts the brightness could be really educational.
I don't know how you planned to change the brightness, but I played with both the 3.5 and 4.3" LCDs and used 'buttons' to change things.
I used the textual '<' and '>' characters to decrease/increase brightness with 0 and 31 limits.
If you're interested I can supply the source.
That would be great. I think I need another way of looking at things to help me understand what's going on. I have the PTP board from Rayman. If that's what you've got too, it should be as simple as downloading your code to the platform to see what it does. I can then work through the code to see how you manage it.
The application I'd like to write is pretty straight forward. Just some menus (text based would be a fine first pass). But getting text boxes (or better yet) small buttons to go where I want and be the color I want AND respond to buttons hasn't worked so far.
I have to admit that Bill's slider sounds pretty cool- downright iPhone like.
Sure, Peter.
The following code is used to read the screen touch location... and if it is within the lower portion of the screen, then I display the text for the slider.
The user slides their finger across the text and I simply read the position of their finger.
This is the code for the "AdjustBrightness" method I added to the "TSD_GraphicsDriver" that Andy Schenk wrote for the 4.3" display.
That's it!
Thanks for sharing. That looks pretty straight forward. I'm supposed to be packing the van and 3 kids for a trip to grandma's. When I get back I'll test it out.
Sorry about the slowness on this matter. For some reason I am unable to transfer the archived file from Windows to my Mac. Wasted too much time trying to fix the problem, so decided I'd just copy from Prop tool to the Mac to let you access it.
Hope this is useful. I was hoping to include Basic with the file but never got that far; thus the file name is a bit confusing.
I tried to send the archived files from Windows website but for some reason I'm not allowed in. Yet, after dinner I tried again on the Mac and I was logged in, yet before dinner I couldn't get in.
I was hoping I could get in but can't. Will try later on. May be Sat before that happens. Sorry
Thanks for all your effort. I'm out of town for the Thanksgiving holiday, but look forward to getting home and trying this.
I really appreciate this.
I've got your code running... however, I don't have the four dat files for the new characters you loaded.
It actually revealed a problem with one of the touch screens I have and didn't even realize... I have a dead spot in it!
Very nice work!
Yes, Somewhere along while I was working on my code I noticed those files were gone. I think maybe they were the '+' symbols for the Calibration points. I tried until I got pretty good at guessing where the graphic which did show up should be. Thus was able to get cal data for my screens. Worked great for the 3.5" screen, but don't recall it was for the 4.3".
I learned a lot with these touchscreens. Pretty neat not needing a keyboard or mouse, LCD has variable brightness backlighting, and found both the 3.5 and 4.3" LCDs to be adequate for many applications.
I must of had the 4.3" LCDs for nearly a year, but when I got the 3.5" one after them I got onto a design displaying heart beat waveform. Still haven't gotten to the 'front end' sensor and amplifier part yet. Rayman's PTP board for the 3.5" was a great beginning to work with. Hardly had to any parts except for the sigma-delta A/D and my D/A (to simulate a heart pulse for developing the firmware). Battery operated makes for a handy system to use anywhere. I'm amazed how long the AAA's last for the PTP board and 3.5" LCD. That was what sold me on getting a 3.5" one when I'd not even run the 4.3" ones.
My 4.3" is mounted on a Prop Protoboard along with a SD card board. Unfortunately I have another project to finish first before getting back to playing with these LCDs.
I finally found a few minutes after returning from the turkey holiday to test out what you posted.
I wasn't paying close enough attention to this thread (which is for the 4.3" touch screens). Turns out the one I have is the 3.5" so it didn't work as expected. I only had a few minutes when I tried this. I'll need to sit down with the code (and this thread) to see if there's a way to convert it to work on my board. I get something on the screen, but what ever it is is clearly munched. No doubt it has to do with the different screen size/number of tiles on these two different screens.
Nevertheless, this seems as good a place as any to cut my teeth on graphics. I've not worked with display (other than serial debug messages) features of the prop.
Thanks again for the code, examples, and suggestions.
If all you need is to change brightness, I also have a 3.5" LCD source which uses the same scheme. I use two tiles for 'buttons' with '<' and '>' characters for button legend for brightness 'down and 'up'. If you are interested I could get that source to you. Let me know if this would interest you. The purpose was to plot (heart) pulse data and I needed a few 'buttons' to control things. So without an A/D and the front end it would plot just a straight line most likely. I used a D/A to simulate a pulse during debug of the button and plot code.