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BASIC Stamp Supercomputer - Page 6 — Parallax Forums

BASIC Stamp Supercomputer



  • slashsplatslashsplat Posts: 63
    edited 2009-02-22 17:17
    Obviously the most fertile mind in hobby computing today. humanoido has once again demonstrated his DaVinci-esqe capacity to think outside the box.

    Is it a SUPERCOMPUTER? YES! Of course. Does the raw speed matter? NO! The goal here is interoperation, not SETI analysis. Is the first (relatively slow,) Cray any less of a supercomputer than a current model?

    Just when I look down the list of Stamp projects and cannot imagine anything new, humanoido takes his star-gazing neurons, and runs his "elevator" (wink wink) to the penthouse!

    Having programmed for 35 years in more languages than I can list, including every one mentioned in this thread, I can only reflect on the 6 children I have personally introduced to computing with Kemeny & Kurtz' BEGINNERS ALL PURPOSE SYMBOLIC INSTRUCTION CODE (B.A.S.I.C). Simply THE place to start. (And one of my commercial products is written in ANSI c, by the way, while another relies on stinking Java for secure communications. The best language is the one that GETS THE JOB DONE.)

    As a software guy, MY next enhancement would be to add a "computer" to become a dedicated communications hub for the Master. It would concentrate all of the single wire communications into a formatted (packetized with source identifiers) data stream for the Master to digest. It would act as a delivery switchboard to insure delivery of queued messages (requests) from the master to the workers. Then, the "polling" method would work much more efficiently between the master and single comm hub, as the master would not waste precious time with individual discussions. The hub would provide all of the worker messages in its buffer when polled by the master, then accept all the master requests for delivery.

    I do this now in my company's commercial software that runs on the IBM Midrange platform, and is capable of tens of thousands of credit card transactions per minute. However, I do all this in software using "loosely-coupled" programs and a central message routing table. We have to permit any to any communication, where humanoido can simplify with worker to master only.

    However, with some software enhancement of a central routing computer, any worker COULD send a packet to any other worker, as well as talk to the master... This could allow for unique processing in each worker, and that processing be performed sequentially by each worker passing on the data/results to the next worker, until the whole task is complete. Only then would the last worker in the chain send the final result to the master.

    What is so absolutely fascinating about what this humanoido escalator (raising us all to another level) has done, is allow a goof like me to explore advanced functions executed in hardware, based on a working configuration of easily purchased, fully operational components tied together with simple code - READY to modify. Hobbyists like me (with very limited time) would spend a year trying to play with multi-processor constructions to reach this point. Not to mention the potential to spend/waste huge sums of money, depriving my offspring of their meager inheritance.

    In every sense, this is a SUPER computer.

    Welcome to the world of humanoido!

    /* Ira Chandler */
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2009-02-24 08:45
    Slashsplat said...
    Having programmed for 35 years in more languages than I can list, including every one mentioned in this thread, I can only reflect on the 6 children I have personally introduced to computing with Kemeny & Kurtz' BEGINNERS ALL PURPOSE SYMBOLIC INSTRUCTION CODE (B.A.S.I.C). Simply THE place to start. (And one of my commercial products is written in ANSI c, by the way, while another relies on stinking Java for secure communications. The best language is the one that GETS THE JOB DONE.)
    Great way of saying it. Everyone has personal preferences when it comes to microprocessors and programming languages. But getting the job done is what really counts. BASIC is a remarkable language and I learned in programming school to advantage the strengths and overcome the weakness. This is why I generally believe in sticking with a particular language and writing the routines that may be missing. PBASIC has become more powerful over the years and since the 1990s, I've grown with it. By the time the Basic Stamp Supercomputer project was born, the language fit perfect and it's a natural choice and the tool to get the job done!
    Slashsplat said...
    As a software guy, MY next enhancement would be to add a "computer" to become a dedicated communications hub for the Master. It would concentrate all of the single wire communications into a formatted (packetized with source identifiers) data stream for the Master to digest. It would act as a delivery switchboard to insure delivery of queued messages (requests) from the master to the workers. Then, the "polling" method would work much more efficiently between the master and single comm hub, as the master would not waste precious time with individual discussions. The hub would provide all of the worker messages in its buffer when polled by the master, then accept all the master requests for delivery.
    Your idea is a good one and it would be of best interest to model a supercomputer concept out of software. This virtual supercomputer would do the things you mentioned. Parallel or clustered programs could be the core of this system. Keep us posted regarding the results of your massive project! The overall description closely resembles an upgrade to the BSS that is currently being worked on. This is, of course, much smaller than your project. It's a hardware and software mix project add-on or adjunct to the BSS. For now, I'm calling it the ADJUNCT. It will compliment the Master and add additional power, flexibility and capabilities. After the first tests and preliminary assembly, a post will include some pics. This could happen shortly.


    Post Edited (humanoido) : 2/24/2009 8:50:33 AM GMT
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2009-02-24 08:56
    Ezsynn, the Basic Stamp Supercomputer project descriptions,
    assembly instructions, pictorials, schematics, parts list, upgrade
    information, and full details can found in this thread. Another
    place to find information is in the review writeup - see Penguin
    Tech Magazine issue #4.

  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2009-02-24 11:42
    Ezsynn said...
    Oh yeah, One Idea. Try using one BOE or HOBO to make a pocket pc. It'll be completely easy for you because you already built the BSS.
    I keep a folder on the desktop with a list of projects and folders for each project. There are two folders for the Basic Stamp Supercomputer (hint), and one folder for the PDA-Stamp. The PDAS project is doing well, although no estimation of when it will be written up and posted or published. It's mainly a "work on it for fun" type project.


    Post Edited (humanoido) : 2/25/2009 5:08:21 AM GMT
  • David BaylissDavid Bayliss Posts: 58
    edited 2009-02-24 11:56
    Hi Humanoido,

    Now you're moving into my world [noparse]:)[/noparse]

    If you want to do mass data management then the good news is you're going to find what you can use the supercomputer for; the bad news that I think you will find the master/slave paradigm breaks down extremely quickly.

    Even in the world of 'big' supercomputers disk access can be the 'killer' problem; the usual solution is conectrix and more and more fiber. However you can actually reduce or eliminate the problem (and deal with some of the '512 files' problem you see below) by switching to locally attached storage. IOW rather than concentrate all of the 'pain' into a master you can distribute the data out across a number of slave nodes. Given you have so many spare pins floating around it shouldn't be a major concern.


    humanoido said...
    A quick update - work is progressing with the usb drives and
    flash drives. I notice that formatting is different with several
    drives, such as FAT, FAT32, and another standard for the
    large USB drives. I run into a snag where a USB drive
    cannot copy a folder with over 512 files. I planned a half
    million files management in the supercomputer and will need
    to examine this to see where the bottleneck is coming from.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2009-02-27 03:12
    The Master Offloader Machine
    "Latest upgrade introduces ten-fold magnitude increase of unprecedented computing power!"

    Seen to the right, the Master Offloader is the latest add-on to the Basic Stamp Supercomputer.

    This new machine, the Master Offloader, is added to the Basic Stamp Supercomputer to offload the intensive
    duties and responsibilities of the Master. It holds the addition of ten layers of smaller microcontroller processors
    that can potentially access half a hundred flash drives for millions of files under the SSD format. It can also free
    up the primary workers for more intensive processing. Connection is by wire, although a wireless system is now
    developed and being tested.

    MOM (Master Offloader Machine) processing can now introduce simultaneous disk reads and writes - new
    paralleled clustered tasks that single drive driven processors cannot achieve. This opens up the potential for new
    worlds of applications never seen before, and a magnitude of unprecedented computing power at the hobby level.


    Post Edited (humanoido) : 2/27/2009 3:45:11 AM GMT
    639 x 501 - 59K
  • EzsynnEzsynn Posts: 119
    edited 2009-02-28 01:36
    Umm... Humanoido, I'm not quite sure why but for some reason. It feels as if the project is turning into a bit of a beast?
    Trust me, I think it's just to space wasting right now.
    I think a complete plan, compact and re assemble is necessary because the whole BSS is looking fragile.
    It is used to store programs for the penguin right?
    And why not add more functions to it?
    Using like 20 something HOBO's to program a penguin would be a waste no offense.
    I would much rather buy 20 BS2 modules and mount them on one pcb with the connections to each other and them add the sensors and other stuff on the next layer. Wouldn't that be more space saving?

    (This means the Plutonium Isotope Nuclear Fission And Fusion Reactor Battery Pack you've been hiding inside your jacket!!!)
  • UghaUgha Posts: 543
    edited 2009-02-28 12:54
    I think its a great system Humanodio. Don't let the nay-sayers derail your creative train!

    A lot of us are learning about Stamp networking from this project... that alone is worth the time and effort (and money!) you've put into it.
  • vrossivrossi Posts: 38
    edited 2009-02-28 21:06
    What I find so interesting in robotics is that it's a field where you have an idea, you develop it and then you see in the real world, if it works and how it works.

    Robotics is not made of words, rather it's made of diagrams, software code, pictures and videos.

    Humanoido had a great idea, worked on it and showed its practical results. It may not be perfect, as anything done by human beings (or humanoid beings...), but it works and it has given a lot of people new ideas to work on. And he is continually extending and refining his project, always posting pictures and all his software code (very well documented and understandable, BTW), according to the spirit of open source projects.

    I think that in robotics (and more generally in our life) the correct cirtical approach should be to start from what other people has done and build on top of it, instead of criticize it without offering alternative ideas.

    Saying "I think it's just to space wasting right now" does not mean anything and does not help create anything better. If someone has a good idea about setting up a different, more compact design for the BSS, he just has to do it, or at least show a detailed project with diagrams and software code. This would be a collaborative way to enhance the BSS.

    When you share the wealth, you divide it; when you share the knowledge, you multiply it.

    Post Edited (vrossi) : 2/28/2009 9:15:06 PM GMT
  • EzsynnEzsynn Posts: 119
    edited 2009-03-01 00:03
    vrossi said...

    Saying "I think it's just to space wasting right now" does not mean anything and does not help create anything better.

    I'm not trying to say the project is useless lol.

    (This means the Plutonium Isotope Nuclear Fission And Fusion Reactor Battery Pack you've been hiding inside your jacket!!!)
  • edited 2009-03-01 17:22
    i've been watching your antics now for awhile. obviously some of it didn't fly with the moderators as it appears to have been deleted. in 110 posts i haven't seen one constructive thing from you. many of your posts are simply criticizing other members posts. my father used to tell me if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything. if you have a better idea, let's see it. sorry folks, but while i am typically just a lurker here, noise like this tends to stand out and i think it may just prevent some potentionally good ideas from being shared for fear of negative criticism and/or ridicule. come on folks, don't let this guy ruin it for everyone. your project is awesome humanoido.

    [noparse][[/noparse]Moderator removed possible objectionable content]

    Post Edited By Moderator (Chris Savage (Parallax)) : 3/2/2009 6:03:20 AM GMT
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2009-03-01 18:09
    Thanks for the large picture with the Master Offloader Machine. The appearance, and particularly the use of specific colors, is awesome. The vertical repetition works very nicely. Keep up the good work.
  • Just JeffJust Jeff Posts: 36
    edited 2009-03-02 03:34

    Using your information and descriptions I now have 2 stamps "talking" in my current bot project and you saved me a lot of time and trouble. Thanks for your assistance!


    Currently working on "Omnibot v2" - A "rejuvenated" 1980's Tomy Omnibot 2000 Robot

    "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,256
    edited 2009-03-03 18:59
    Humanoido: I continue to be wowed by your tireless efforts. It's nothing short of inspiring to see how far you have taken the Stamp multiplexing concept, and I appreciate the passion with which you pursue both your Supercomputer upgrades and Penguin Tech magazine. I hope to someday receive such words of praise from Mike Green as you did above. As you keep forging ahead, I have only three questions for you:

    1) When you find the time & energy to do all this work? I hope Parallax is supporting your efforts!
    2) Will this ever actually be a completed project? [noparse]:)[/noparse]
    3) I count ten 9-volt batteries on your MOM stack. Is it time to invest in Duracell?


    ·"If you build it, they will come."
  • SRLMSRLM Posts: 5,045
    edited 2009-03-04 00:47
    If you're looking for more things to do, what about 'cloud computing' with the BSS? I'm thinking that you could write a small C++ or BASIC program (or etc.) to communicate with the BSS via USB, and interface between other BSSs that are also connected to the internet. That way, your personal and finite resources are not as much of an issue, because you're using other people's BS2.
  • EzsynnEzsynn Posts: 119
    edited 2009-03-05 05:54
    Looks like this is the most popular forum thread here!
    I guess it all depends on the quality of your Prefrontal Cortex? What ever that means...

    (This means the Plutonium Isotope Nuclear Fission And Fusion Reactor Battery Pack you've been hiding inside your jacket!!!)
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2009-03-07 20:06
    Thanks sincerely for all the nice comments! That's 21 batteries when the entire system is fired up as the main BSS has boards that run on 9-volt batteries too. It depends on how one looks at the project. It could be thought of as completed but receiving a series of upgrades to enhance performance. It's important to make some time for projects each day and then it becomes a more educational learning process.

    When the project was first born, I never thought a lot about Flash Drives, Master Offloader Machines, Massive Sensor Array (MSA), Terabyte USB drives, Cloud Computing, Basic Stamp Ones, a Three Dimensional Computer (coming soon) and another Stamp magazine spinoff (coming soon). Now we know these things are entirely feasible.

    I'm really delighted to hear from guys who are following this project and also from ones joining the ranks that successfully put together a "2 or more stamps" machine. Congratulations!


    Post Edited (humanoido) : 3/7/2009 8:20:11 PM GMT
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,256
    edited 2009-03-08 15:40
    Humanoido: You're always open & receptive to input from the forum, that's a great quality about you.

    So clearly, all that remains is for you to make the Skynet BSSCP:·link your upgraded Penguin to your BSSC. As great as the BSSC is, it needs legs. It needs an outlet. It needs a goon to do its evil bidding. With all its expanded memory and·Terraflops of processing power, the BSSC can execute the calculations while the Penguinator executes all the dirtywork.

    If you embark upon this dangerous quest, keep us updated regularly. Check in every day so we know you're still OK. I don't want the Penguinator to turn on its creator and do any dastardly deeds.

    ·"If you build it, they will come."
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2009-03-10 03:50
    Light Blows Up!
    I do not know who invented Chinese lighting. I think on that day the feather in his cap was missing. Today, the lamp connected to the top of BSS blew up! I was shocked and startled to hear the loud explosion and see sparks flying everywhere! Luckily nothing caught fire, however, a few minutes later, another explosion, even louder and more spectacular echoed throughout the tiny, modest, meek and mild laboratory.

    Adding Another Basic Stamp to BSS
    In life, all bad things can be turned into positive. The ill-fated lamp was removed, and a new space appeared that can hold another Basic Stamp Board. It looks like this will be the OEM BS2 on a solder-less breadboard. It well contributes to the BSS's potpourri of Basic Stamps variety. So if you wanted to know if it's possible to connect different stamp flavors together (for example, BS1, BS2, BS2sx, BS2px, etc.) the answer is YES.

    This will update the primary BSS rack from 11 to 12 static (stationary) Basic Stamp computers. If the Master Offloader Machine computers are added to this number, we get a total of 22 computers. No software update is required for the primary rack because this cluster software goes up to 20 computers. However, the secondary MOM (Master Offloader Machine) requires the add-on of ten code programs, for a total of 22 programs running simultaneously.

    MOM Communication
    The MOM design is very interesting. Even though the BS1 has a different rate of communication, the ten computers in this cluster are linked and communicating with each other. The primary Master in rack one can use specific PINS to interface to MOM at MOM's rate of communication. This adds another usage pin to the overall design on the Master. This gives complete compatibility between the BS1 and its constituent family.


    At top right, a new OEM BS2 is added to the collective. However,
    the solder-less breadboard is too large and overhangs the rack

    The large breadboard is replaced with a
    smaller one that fits the rack. Wiring is
    in progress.

    Post Edited (humanoido) : 3/10/2009 4:34:21 AM GMT
    429 x 343 - 40K
    260 x 341 - 33K
  • jdoleckijdolecki Posts: 726
    edited 2009-03-10 12:58
    Notice how he calls it a "Collective" This is how it all starts. The light bulb blowing out was the result of the "Collective" trying to draw more power.

    "At top right, a new OEM BS2 is added to the collective."
  • MikerocontrollerMikerocontroller Posts: 310
    edited 2009-03-10 19:31
    Still a very clean design. As long as the light bulb in your head stays lit you'll be okay. Nice pics.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2009-03-12 13:44
    Dr Evil said...
    Notice how he calls it a "Collective" This is how it all starts. The light bulb blowing out was the result of the "Collective" trying to draw more power.
    I can see what you are talking about. The collective has already begun to assimilate nearly all my parallax resources, ranging from electronic components to numerous sensors and microcontroller boards. Ever since, it has been growing and growing more powerful. Even Erco does not know when it will stop devouring all in its path. You could say in one swoop, it ate 22 piezo speakers and an equivalent number of microcontrollers. It's has a life of its own. It's hungry! We all know one thing - resistance is futile ... ... ...

    There was a radio show on WLS out of Chicago that I liked to listen to when growing up. It was named something like Theater 5, with science fiction presentations. The most riveting one was about a creature blob that was accidentally made in a scientists lab, and got a little out of hand - you see it continued to grow, consuming everything, and could not stop. Just as it was about to devour the Earth, the last two survivors were flying above it in a plane and describing the unfolding fate of the world. Suddenly... my parents barged in and said it was bedtime and I had to turn off the radio...

    Well... the supercomputer does have a power cord, and it could be pulled out of the socket... but really, do you think that would stop the turning wheels of progress?

  • jdoleckijdolecki Posts: 726
    edited 2009-03-12 14:54
    The headlines will real something like this.

    A series of·supercomputing experments·leads to·humanoido development of the "Collective", a network of Single Processors called "Parallax Basic Stamps" that employes a new type of Cloud or Grid processing called "Collective Processing"·The system went online on·November 11, 2008. On August 29,·2009 ("Judgment Day"), The "Collective became self-aware. In a panic,·humanoido tried to pull the plug, and the "Collective"·retaliated by attacting it's devloper humanoido. While there was no actual witnesses to the event humanoido reported on 3-9-2009 that strange electrial events began happening.

    While humanoido is currentlly recovering from the strange electrial arc entry and exit points on·his body a search of his home by investigators reveals the strange electrial interference/noise is being transmitted from the "Collective" to the Internet. Attempts to·disconnect the "Collective" from the Internet have been unsuccessful.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2009-03-13 12:07
    Dr Evil, you seem to be clairvoyant in predicting the future,
    in an alternate antimatter timeline world. [noparse]:)[/noparse]

    BSS Cloud Computing Thoughts

    Today, I reviewed stats for a Parallax internet connect package
    for the BSS (and Penguin.) If you have a Basic Stamp (or Collective)
    of your own, they may join together if we get this working. It
    appears that the connect stamps will need the same internet
    connect package to join together, to make things simple.

    I have some ideas for Cloud Computing with the BSS. It
    would take only one accelerometer and a GPS on one stamp
    at each site. The cloud could derive earthquake and tsunami
    information across the world and help save lives. The GPS
    would pinpoint locations and elevations. It would be useful
    when installed on a traveling stamp too. The BSS
    could be the Master and do the processing, as it has a lot of
    computing power. I think each BSS Stamp supercomputer would
    handle a hundred channels so 22 would cover 2,200 single
    stamp processors placed worldwide. If only 100 of those
    locations were BSS designed, then we could cover 220,000
    stamps and locations. That's about a quarter of a million

  • StormKing09StormKing09 Posts: 29
    edited 2009-03-13 23:21
    hey humanoido. Do you think that you can attach a .zip file to one of your posts with the wiring schematics of the individual BOEs in the BSS and how they connect? That would be helpful to those who want to build something new by starting from your design. Can you also include the programs for it? That would also be appreciated.smilewinkgrin.gif

    PS: Can you add a list of materials and products you used?

    Post Edited (thefulcrum22) : 3/13/2009 11:41:29 PM GMT
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2009-03-14 05:22
    BSS Instructions, Schematic/Parts List, Software


    Schematic & Parts List...........BSS_PLANS.JPG

    Software 1st Ver....................PT4

    Software 2nd

    The Thread
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2009-03-14 05:32
    Using the BOE

    When using the BOE board, change R1 to a 1K ohm resistor,
    because the ports do not have the 220 ohm resistors built in
    like the Basic Stamp HomeWork boards.

  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2009-03-17 05:49
    Multipage Stamps Swap-Page Programs

    David Buckley was looking at the BSS supercomputer and came up with some remarkable ideas worth exploring. In an email, he describes the following thoughts which could be tested with two or more Basic Stamps:
    David Beckley said...
    Just thought of this, have you tried having swap-page programs in two multipage Stamps?
    Stamp1 could get data (a program) from stamp2 (by serial link) and store it in one of its other pages and then run the newly stored program.
    I think the code could go into an area of EEPROM page that does not write upon itself. If one stamp could hold 7 programs, then 10 stamps could hold 70 programs. Another 10 processors could have programs on demand. Instead of going out to get a variable or some data, now a processor can get a new program. Again, this is going to change the way we think about processors and open up all new worlds of possibilities at hobby levels.

    Perhaps this is one way that Artificial Intelligence can greater proliferate given a series of Basic Stamps and a choice of code. With 4,000 lines of code per program x 10 processors = 40,000 lines of code, some very good apps could be developed. With a few more than 20 stamps, 80,000 lines of swappable code programming could accomplish the amazing.

    There is an ingenious device called the STACHE that can put programs into various stamp pages. I believe the Stache uses a processor similar to a Basic Stamp, so it seems reasonable that this idea is workable. A Basic Stamp Supercomputer, with a ten STACHE program storage supplement, like a solid state juke-box of software, could hold up to 150 programs for an on-demand delivery system.

    Although I have not developed this concept maybe someone has additional thoughts about it...


    Post Edited (humanoido) : 3/17/2009 6:08:57 AM GMT
  • SRLMSRLM Posts: 5,045
    edited 2009-03-17 06:31
    I like the idea. Your BSS could 'morph' to do whatever needs to be done. For example, if you had 100 IR temperature sensors hooked up to various parts of the BSS, you could have the master load the 'temperature imaging' program into each slave, and each would then execute simultanesouly. When done, you load some other program in to do something else. What this does is instead of processing data by doing all the tasks at the same time, it will allow you to do a single task very fast.

    You'd have to develop an 'EEPROM' standard. I'm thinking something like 17 words of EEPROM: 16 to store pin definitions (like ping, IR, RF TX, etc. in shorthand numeric notation, of course), and the last to store the BSS slave number. As long as you don't overwrite that program, you should be able to load some generic program into the BS2s and have it execute appropriately, according to the data found in those 17 slots.

    Another idea you may want to consider implementing is the Byzantine General Problem (Wikipedia here and lots more on google...). I saw a thread on this done with the Propeller, but there is no reason why it wouldn't work with the BS2. Of course, it's an advanced problem, but it's just the sort of thing to catapult your BSS from hobby to professional (while still being hobby priced [noparse]:)[/noparse] ).

    As a side note, if you generalize your BSS structure and programs to things like "Keyboard Program", "LCD Program", and "Temperature program", you will be able to create your own library of BSS functions, then just 'call' them from the master. Adding another slave device is as simple as burning the EEPROM with the I/O configuration and slave number, and adding the number to the master.

    On a slight roadblock though is memory. These sort of theoretical concepts are fun, but do go with the expectation of essentially infinite memory and execution time. This is in stark contrast to the BS2s function of being very practical and easy to use, and not necessarily efficient. Still, I'm sure that there is a way around this. Perhaps the master modifies the code to be appropriate for each slave before downloading it? Wouldn't that be cool! Not only would you have BS2s that self program according to the situation, they get self programmed according to the specific device too!

    Post Edited (SRLM) : 3/17/2009 6:39:33 AM GMT
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2009-03-17 07:07
    Basic Stamp Supercomputer Spinoff Technology
    A 3D Stamp Computer to Explore a Multidimensional Universe

    Edit: moving all related information to the 3D Stamp Computer project link.

    Note: I’m posting this in the Basic Stamp Supercomputer thread as spinoff technology, though it’s likely such a project can be interfaced the the BSS itself. The line is not a distinctive one, as what can be applied to the 3D Stamp Computer can be applied to the BSS as well. Yet, for the 3DSC, the applications appear totally different and unique. More on this will be described.

    I was looking at the Basic Stamp Supercomputer and there in front were multiple platform levels of various stamp computers with incredible power, and the magnitude hit me - thinking should be in three or more dimensions. Up to this point, I was thinking only in terms of quantity, i.e. clusters and paralleled processing.

    According to Einstein, a space-time continuum exists in multiple dimensions. So why not have the supercomputer do a kind of demonstration or simulation and recreate the effects of space-time with, say three or more dimensions of choice? (using simple common components) That would be affordable if we used the Basic Stamp One, and the entire project could be completed in a reasonable period of time.

    Taking this new BSS spinoff technology one step further, a complete yet simple entity was created which is now called the 3D Stamp Computer or 3DSC. It actually works! Using three driving computational and controlling engines and thinking in three dimensions (not limited to space only), it was programmed with some very interesting ideas, the results of which are absolutely spectacular!

    Using light, sound, computation, space, and time, some demonstration programs were written that are absolutely mind blowing. I felt a kind of awesome feeling like back in the university when being introduced to the world of Albert Einstein with time travel, the Universe, dimensional space time concepts and physics that can inspire the mind and the soul into the excitement of expanded thinking on new levels.

    Simply put, the project takes you to a place where literally no one has gone before - the power of multidimensional computing is the ability to use time and space in various relationships with hardware, calculation, computation, sound, light, sequence, phase, actuation, waveform, oscillation, harmonics, sensors and inter-dimensional communications to develop new creative concepts.


    With a relatively small vertical footprint, and computing on the cheap, the 3D Stamp Computer assembly begins. Peripherals and party lines are not interfaced yet, though in-use pins are brought out using male-female lead cable.

    I had sketched (chicken scratched) the proverbial schematic out late at night using a sheet of recycled paper and borrowed time - and the next morning took some tech time to churn out this more professional looking schematic. This is the first 3D Stamp Computer ever invented. I believe it will have numerous credits to its name when the software is published because the apps are pretty amazing.


    A Spinoff from the Basic Stamp Supercomputer, this schematic of the 3DSC shows wiring in three spatial dimensions. Included are outputs for experiments in sound and light. Not shown are places where circuits and sensors connect for many new projects. Other experiments will be added. Experiments can include space, time, sound, light, hardware, calculation, computation, sequence, phase, actuation, waveform, oscillation, harmonics, sensors, inter-dimensional communications and a host of new ideas to develop some very creative concepts.

    The full story about the 3D Stamp Computer, along with published software, will appear in the upcoming Premier issue of Stamp One News! – a new publication about Parallax Stamps and exciting projects.



    The full construction details, software, educational
    projects and plans will appear in the new Premier
    issue of StampOne News!

    Post Edited (humanoido) : 4/15/2009 5:47:37 PM GMT
    478 x 553 - 21K
    311 x 434 - 25K
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