Mine took just under 5 weeks so yours can't be far away. Happy New Year!
Cheers buddy and the same to you and yours
I'll let you figure everything out and then I'll stop by your office for a brew and nick some ideas
It'd be nice to have a catch up, as soon as we get out of this Tier 4 nonsense you should come over.
Nonsense is right. Was recently chatting with a (disgusted) regional NHS official; "we have two alleged Covid patients in Preston, neither required ventilators and we have zero patients in Chorley"
Just wanted to say that I've been using Cluso's RetroBlade2 to have fun with the JohnnyMac Christmas Bundle. So far everything I have tried works just like the video presentations!
@DaveJenson thanks. Always nice to hear that it’s working
@dgately Thanks. I will be posting to USA by airmail as I don’t have any unsold with Publison (Jim).
If there were enough USA orders I would do another run with Jim but courier to Jim is expensive so it needs a bulk shipment.
All 4 orders tested and packed ready to post tomorrow
I have another 4 tested in stock (without flash).
The only flash I currently have left are S25FL256SAGNFI000 in WSON8 package. I have been able to fit these but I found a problem with erasing them using TAQOZ so I'm not sure how compatible they are, and haven't had the time to check yet.
Just went to the Post Office to post out a few boards. Seems some countries have found a way to increase revenue by using COVID as an excuse!
USA and Germany now require goods that used to be allowed to be sent as letter rate (~$3 for up to 50gm) to be sent via courier at ~$20. Currently the UK seems to still allow letter rate with customs declarations, but I bet they will change this too.
I could be cynical and suggest that China will find a way around this, and it will just serve to disadvantage the rest of the world even further. Guess the postal services will price themselves into oblivion.
Meanwhile, I'm just checking with Publison (Jim) re sending another set of boards to him for reposting in the USA.
Arrived today ! Thank you so much! Hope to find time this weekend to boot it up.
Those microUSB ports look a little lean on solder on the mounting pins. I just checked mine and there doesn't seem to be any solder at all in those holes. Is that normal @Cluso99?
That is the VGA connector. Clusso left those unsoldered so people can remove it an have access to the pins underneath or use the VGA. It also ships better inserted so the pins don't get bent in shipping.
If you look at the bare pcb you will see two very large solder pads under the microUSB connectors. These are reflow soldered to the usb connectors. The two tiny pads at the outside rear of the connectors are not soldered, and neither are the two slots. But if you’re worried you can hand solder the pins in the slots thou I don’t consider them necessary. BTW I wouldn’t plug the microUSB cables in and out on a regular basis as they’re not as robust as a big USB-A. You’re probably going to use a short microUSB to female USB-A cable (as i described in an earlier post)so just leave that plugged into the pcb if you’re wanting to unplug a keyboard or mouse regularly.
@ChuckG said:
Are there any more boards available in US? I would like to order 1 with flash and 1 without.
I have 2 left. Just what you want. One with Flash, One without.
RetroBlade2 without Flash USD $45 (including postage) each
RetroBlade2 with Flash (8/16/32MB depending on my stock) USD $50 (including postage) each
Payment to cluso -at- bluemagic -dot- biz (replace the -at- and -dot- and especially note the .biz)
@hinv said:
Those microUSB ports look a little lean on solder on the mounting pins. I just checked mine and there doesn't seem to be any solder at all in those holes.
That's why I now prefer the 4 full stake USB connectors, like this C319170 (1.8mm stakes, 1.8A rated power)
@ChuckG said:
Are there any more boards available in US? I would like to order 1 with flash and 1 without.
I have 2 left. Just what you want. One with Flash, One without.
RetroBlade2 without Flash USD $45 (including postage) each
RetroBlade2 with Flash (8/16/32MB depending on my stock) USD $50 (including postage) each
Payment to cluso -at- bluemagic -dot- biz (replace the -at- and -dot- and especially note the .biz)
@hinv said:
Those microUSB ports look a little lean on solder on the mounting pins. I just checked mine and there doesn't seem to be any solder at all in those holes.
That's why I now prefer the 4 full stake USB connectors, like this C319170 (1.8mm stakes, 1.8A rated power)
There are huge solder pads under the connector frame that get reflow soldered. However, if you/anyone wish, you/they can manually solder the holes where the legs sit sub-flush with the pcb. BTW there is little frame on that micro-USB to solder to the pcb by reflow, so that without soldering those legs you would likely pull the connector off the pcb. Better to use a more robust microUSB connector.
Quite understand- no panic
Cheers buddy and the same to you and yours
I'll let you figure everything out and then I'll stop by your office for a brew and nick some ideas
It'd be nice to have a catch up, as soon as we get out of this Tier 4 nonsense you should come over.
Didn’t make the trip in 2020 and not looking good for 2021 either
Up in the North West, prolly < 2 miles from Coley but let me know if/when you make it over because I could be closer as I travel constantly
Nonsense is right. Was recently chatting with a (disgusted) regional NHS official; "we have two alleged Covid patients in Preston, neither required ventilators and we have zero patients in Chorley"
This is Gloucester
Thanks @Cluso99 !
Sent PayPal for RetroBlade2 with FLASH... This is a USA order!
@dgately Thanks. I will be posting to USA by airmail as I don’t have any unsold with Publison (Jim).
If there were enough USA orders I would do another run with Jim but courier to Jim is expensive so it needs a bulk shipment.
FWIW I built 8 so I have 4 in stock
I have another 4 tested in stock (without flash).
The only flash I currently have left are S25FL256SAGNFI000 in WSON8 package. I have been able to fit these but I found a problem with erasing them using TAQOZ so I'm not sure how compatible they are, and haven't had the time to check yet.
Just went to the Post Office to post out a few boards. Seems some countries have found a way to increase revenue by using COVID as an excuse!
USA and Germany now require goods that used to be allowed to be sent as letter rate (~$3 for up to 50gm) to be sent via courier at ~$20. Currently the UK seems to still allow letter rate with customs declarations, but I bet they will change this too.
I could be cynical and suggest that China will find a way around this, and it will just serve to disadvantage the rest of the world even further. Guess the postal services will price themselves into oblivion.
Meanwhile, I'm just checking with Publison (Jim) re sending another set of boards to him for reposting in the USA.
Those microUSB ports look a little lean on solder on the mounting pins. I just checked mine and there doesn't seem to be any solder at all in those holes. Is that normal @Cluso99?
There are 3 boards (1 without flash and 2 with flash) that are available. See the first post if you're interested.
Boards have arrived in the USA at @Publison (Jim's) :)
There are 3 boards in the USA (1 without flash and 2 with flash) that are available. See the first post if you're interested.
Boards shipped to Michael and Dennis today.
Ready to ship extra boards when payment is verified by Cluso99 in North America.
Many thanks Jim :)
Thanks, Jim & Cluso!
I await my board with anticipation!
EDIT: the board has been delivered!
Are there any more boards available in US? I would like to order 1 with flash and 1 without.
I have 2 left. Just what you want. One with Flash, One without.
RetroBlade2 without Flash USD $45 (including postage) each
RetroBlade2 with Flash (8/16/32MB depending on my stock) USD $50 (including postage) each
Payment to cluso -at- bluemagic -dot- biz (replace the -at- and -dot- and especially note the .biz)
That's why I now prefer the 4 full stake USB connectors, like this C319170 (1.8mm stakes, 1.8A rated power)

Payment sent.
There are huge solder pads under the connector frame that get reflow soldered. However, if you/anyone wish, you/they can manually solder the holes where the legs sit sub-flush with the pcb. BTW there is little frame on that micro-USB to solder to the pcb by reflow, so that without soldering those legs you would likely pull the connector off the pcb. Better to use a more robust microUSB connector.