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Cluso's P2 RetroBlade2 Single Chip Computer (small stock and build to order) - Page 6 — Parallax Forums

Cluso's P2 RetroBlade2 Single Chip Computer (small stock and build to order)



  • I think I’d like to have two of your Retroblade2 boards and two of Peter’s uMat boards. Where do I sign? How do I pay?

  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2020-11-15 04:00
    doggiedoc wrote: »
    I think I’d like to have two of your Retroblade2 boards and two of Peter’s uMat boards. Where do I sign? How do I pay?

    Just post here. Are you in the US and do you require Flash?
    Notsure if i will have enough parts here intime for first ship.

    I’ll add you to the list in the first post.
  • K2K2 Posts: 691
    Cluso, would you add me to the list for one Retroblade2 without Flash and with VGA? Country is USA.
  • Cluso99 wrote: »
    Just post here. Are you in the US and do you require Flash?
    Notsure if i will have enough parts here intime for first ship.

    I’ll add you to the list in the first post.
    US and no flash - thanks!

  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    The VGA connector is included. Your option whether to fit it or not. Same shipping for me.

    I’ll add you both to the list when i get home. There will be a second shipment to the US shortly after the first.
  • hinvhinv Posts: 1,255
    Excellent demo Ray! That CPM is pretty interesting. What kind of performance in Z80 MHz equivalent are you getting? What would be really cool, from my point of view, is to be able to launch a cpm program directly from TAQOZ. I'm sure that is possible, but until I get familiar with both, I don't know how difficult that would be. The other thing I would like to see in CPM is running a spreadsheet. Where would I find one of those?
  • hinvhinv Posts: 1,255
    Put me down for 4 of Peter's microMAT boards to go with my RetroBlade2 w/SPI flash(which you can leave unsoldered if you wish).
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    hinv wrote: »
    Excellent demo Ray! That CPM is pretty interesting. What kind of performance in Z80 MHz equivalent are you getting? What would be really cool, from my point of view, is to be able to launch a cpm program directly from TAQOZ. I'm sure that is possible, but until I get familiar with both, I don't know how difficult that would be. The other thing I would like to see in CPM is running a spreadsheet. Where would I find one of those?
    No idea of the Z80 speed equivalent. My RamBlade (P1) was just over Z80 4MHz equivalent. The P2 version should be an order of magnitude faster because in the P1 the Z80 RAM was an external SRAM. There are a number of ways to improve the emulation but that come later.

    First you have to run the Z80 emulation. It is this emulation that runs CPM and hence CPM programs. While TAQOZ could launch the emulation, this needs to replace TAQOZ. AFAIK TAQOZ and Z80 will not be able to co-exist as they currently are implemented. Not sure if/when they can coexist. However, one can start the other and visa versa, just as i run the OS and ZiCog on the P1 now.

    Wordstar works on the P1 so it should run on P2 when i complete the emulation. I think SuperCalc was running on P1 so the same applies.
  • hinvhinv Posts: 1,255
    How many cores does the Z80 emulation take up on the P2? How much hub ram?
  • frank freedmanfrank freedman Posts: 1,982
    edited 2020-11-15 23:54
    If you google for it, there are a number od CP/M software collections out there. I even found an old program called "Wiremaster" that was used for creating wire wrap lists. I think I may have mentioned one in a P1 thread. Look for humongous cpm collection at

    corrected typo for source of cp/m collections
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2020-11-15 20:09
    I have quite a collection of CPM programs on my SD card HDSK CPM files. There is wordstar, supercalc, Vedit, Turbo pascal, and lots more.

    I anticipate that my Z80/CPM will use these cogs (it’s incomplete atm)
    * Control (main) program in spin2 (currently compiles to pasm with flexprop)
    * Z80 emulation (pasm in cog, LUT, and hubexec $400-$0FFF)
    * SD Driver (pasm)
    * FAT32 File interface (compiled spin2?) - may be part of the control (main) program?
    and a mix of (depending on configuration)
    * Keyboard USB Driver (pasm - GarryJ) and some code in the main spin2 program
    * Serial Driver (pasm) - a few options here: my serial, jmserial, etc
    * VGA Driver (pasm) - might need to be 2 cogs?
    * LCD Driver (pasm) - might need to be 2 cogs?

    My ultimate hope is that the Z80 emulation will just be part of my P2 OS. So the OS will just load up the Z80 cog and perhaps another control cog, and the OS will continue to run. This means the input and output (serial / keyboard+screen / etc would be shared) so unsure how this hangs together.

    I want the OS to be able to “load up” the input and output drivers independent of/to the Z80 emulation.

    I have OS programs working on both P1 and P2 that can display files on the CPM disk files, and transfer files back and forth between FAT32 and the CPM disk files. So vedit can edit source files in CPM and transfer them back to FAT32. So we just need a P2 hosted compiler and self hosting will be a reality.

    The other thing I want to do is with MBASIC. It should be possible to use PEEK and POKE with specific RAM addresses to intercept these and then read and write to the P2’s IO pins. ie slow bit-bashing.

    Probably should continue this on the Z80/CPM thread (wherever it is)
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    Thanks Publison. I thought I had created a specific P2 Z80-CPM thread but the one I was thinking of was the second link you gave.
    I was on out and on my ipad, so didn't have time to search for the link.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    Hopefully this video works...

    Applying the solder paste to a board
    Placing the P2
    Placing the smt caps and resistors and xtal (cut out most of this)
    Placing vregs, etc
    Placing smt connectors

    Ok didn’t upload video from my iphone. Need to find out what to do (later)
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    Here’s the first 10 (untested)

    It takes 20+ minutes to place the parts per board ready for reflow soldering.
  • Nice :D those look great
    Funny, at first glance, the decoupling caps make it look like you put some QFP40-something on the board and tried to pass it off as a P2 hahahah

  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    avsa242 wrote: »
    Nice :D those look great
    Funny, at first glance, the decoupling caps make it look like you put some QFP40-something on the board and tried to pass it off as a P2 hahahah

    Yes. I see this hey hey.

  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2020-11-24 20:11
    For those with orders I will be putting up PayPal info in the next day or two as I will be ready to ship. I am hoping to be able to ship all current orders.
    If you would like me to generate a paypal invoice I will need your email so please PM me your email (should be safe but use -at- and -dot- to mask for safety) or you can email me cluso -at- blue magic -dot- biz (without spaces and replacing -at- and -dot-). Please note “biz” and not “com”.
    If you would rather just pay with PayPal then use my email address (remember it is biz not com). Please add a note with and your forum username and what it's for

    Please ensure you pay in USD as PayPal will try all sorts of tricks to try and convert to my currency AUD and take a big commission on the conversion.
    RetroBlade2 without Flash, including postage USD $45
    RetroBlade2 with Flash, including postage USD $50
    These include shipping via Publison in the USA as I will pay Jim - it just makes it easier this way.
    microMAT I need to check the price with Peter USD $5 ea. I have the boards.

    Someone asked about express shipping... It costs ~USD $28 (A$40) to some countries. Let me know if you want me to check it out for you, but it’s a PITA for me for single orders.

    USA orders will go via Publison (thanks Jim). Others will be posted airmail. I will be sending out in the next few days.
  • Are these going to be combined with Peter's?

    Send extra so I can stock for North America.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    Publison wrote: »
    Are these going to be combined with Peter's?

    Send extra so I can stock for North America.
    1. Depends on whether Peter is ready or close to ready
    2. Love to send extras but will not have time. I'm just pushing to cover the orders for now.

    I didn't realise how much time it takes to place 49 0603 capacitors! 32 100nF bypass caps on just the P2 is overkill but for now I'm fitting them all.
    Testing isn't insignificant either.
  • No worries mate. Just trying to to satify buyers and sellers. :)
  • hinvhinv Posts: 1,255
    Publison wrote: »
    No worries mate. Just trying to to satify buyers and sellers. :)

    We appreciate it!
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    Publison wrote: »
    No worries mate. Just trying to to satify buyers and sellers. :)
    Yes. And I really do appreciate the help :)
  • Hi Cluso,

    Can I be order #20? Ramon, Taiwan, without Flash.

    Thank you !
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    Ramon wrote: »
    Hi Cluso,

    Can I be order #20? Ramon, Taiwan, without Flash.

    Thank you !
    Sure, I will add you to the list. Will need to be next week tho as this week's full.
  • Don't worry, no rush (I have been waiting Peter board since 2019/11/09 ... 378 days, and still waiting) I have just sent you a PM. Thank you!
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    Peter has advised his microMAT board will USD $5 ea.

    For those who wanted microMAT boards with their RetroBlade2 boards, you can include/add payment to me via PayPal and I’ll pay Peter as this is the simplest way.

    I built and tested a few more RetroBlade2 yesterday with still a few more scheduled for today.

    Yesterday the 1x20 0.1” female headers arrived so they will be included with my boards :)
  • Thanks for the update! What size are the microMats? I think I have 25 padded envelopes that would fit them and a few boards.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2020-11-24 20:50
    Publison wrote: »
    Thanks for the update! What size are the microMats? I think I have 25 padded envelopes that would fit them and a few boards.
    ~3.75"x2.8" (95.3x70.9mm) 18.3g
  • Great!
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