For Scribbler users! Check this out.
Hello, people with Scribblers. I have made this (I think) cool·program. Took me a while... It's a light follower / object avoider program, that when the center CDS cell sees a certain light level, goes into darkness seeking mode. When in dark seeking mode, and it sees a certain darkness level, it goes back into light follower mode, all while avoiding objects and stalls. So it transitions a few times, then goes into just object avoiding mode. Does that for a while, then goes back into dark / light follower mode. Then repeats everything over and over again...·Just upload it to your Scribbler, and it should work. Takes about 4 - 5 seconds to load. But before you do, you should recalibrate your light sensors with the Scribbler GUI recalibrate program. I did it, and I had to adjust the settings a bit... Tell me what you think afterwards please! (Also, you might want to check back every so often, because I keep finding ways to make my program better.)
P.S. Make sure you have fresh batteries! And read the directions, either at the beginning of the program, or the attached·Word file below. They're not long, just 3 small steps.
Program last updated: 11/10/07, 3:00 p.m.
Austin Bowen,
"One must watch out for mechanics. They start out with a sewing machine, and end up with the atomic bomb"
Post Edited (Robofreak) : 11/10/2007 7:59:15 PM GMT
P.S. Make sure you have fresh batteries! And read the directions, either at the beginning of the program, or the attached·Word file below. They're not long, just 3 small steps.

Program last updated: 11/10/07, 3:00 p.m.
Austin Bowen,
"One must watch out for mechanics. They start out with a sewing machine, and end up with the atomic bomb"
Post Edited (Robofreak) : 11/10/2007 7:59:15 PM GMT
"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney
"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney
Austin Bowen,
"One must watch out for mechanics. They start out with a sewing machine, and end up with the atomic bomb"