STOP PRESS!!! my next app, is A MUST SEE!!!, be prepared, you NEED a proto/demo

SD card on port 0-3
copy this file to the root of your SD
then download this binary to your board and BE AMAZED!
is there NOTHING the prop can't do [noparse]:)[/noparse]
PS, Don't forget to let me know what you think of it [noparse]:)[/noparse]
I'm not posting a pic, you'll have to see it to believe it.
Edit: Oh, and it's PAL!
Edit2: Scratch that, it now does NTSC too [noparse];)[/noparse]
Post Edited (Baggers) : 6/8/2007 8:32:56 PM GMT
copy this file to the root of your SD
then download this binary to your board and BE AMAZED!
is there NOTHING the prop can't do [noparse]:)[/noparse]
PS, Don't forget to let me know what you think of it [noparse]:)[/noparse]
I'm not posting a pic, you'll have to see it to believe it.
Edit: Oh, and it's PAL!
Edit2: Scratch that, it now does NTSC too [noparse];)[/noparse]
Post Edited (Baggers) : 6/8/2007 8:32:56 PM GMT
StampPlot - GUI and Plotting, and XBee Wireless Adapters
Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Electronic Systems Technologies
That is the most amazing thing I have seen on a Prop yet.........
Jim you are amazing!!!!
PS Couldn't get PAL to work but NTSC did first time.
I wont post a picture of it, don't want to spoil it for anyone.
Certainly was jaw droppingly cool!!!!
Thinking about it, a picture wouldn't do it justice, it would have to be a video.......
Post Edited (Coley) : 6/8/2007 8:45:31 PM GMT
deffo worth the download isn't it.
I know the title is a sort of grab you and look at this, but I think this app has the nads to pull it off, don't you think?
And I have two cogs spare.
1 Cog for spin main prog.
1 Cog for TV
3 Cogs for TV Image Generating.
1 Cog for SDFAT
So I could use the spare space and cogs for music [noparse]:)[/noparse] lol
Edit: Yeah your right, a picture wouldn't do it justice. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
I took your MM port to show a PIC developer friend of mine and he was blown away.
It's a good job I didn't have this available cos he would've had a seizure!
As I left him he was ordering a proto board from Milford Instruments!!!
Any idea why the PAL wouldn't work for me, other PAl stuff does.
I am using the Demoboard.
ROFL [noparse]:)[/noparse] yeah I suppose your PIC developer friend would have had a seizure lol
I don't blame him for ordering a protoboard from Milford, Prop Rocks.
As for PAL, Try grabbing it again, I've made it use the same code for the NTSC one now, since I fixed the timing issue I had [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Edit: you can show your friend this demo when he gets his board, he'll have to get an SD card too then lol.
When I run the PAL version I get a tiny glimpse of the word then a black screen.
When I run the NTSC version, all ok.
Have double checked other PAL display objects, all OK.
Yes I have re-downloaded the binary. Exactly the same result.
Any chance of recompiling with a flashing debug led on P16 (VGA Port), maybe it could be synced to the item that counts in the top left hand corner.
Just so I can be sure it is running...
Try that.
Goin to bed now though, up early tomorrow, so If I don't reply to your answers, I'm not ignoring you, I'm asleep
If not, we'll see if we can sort it tomorrow. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
I will PM you a short video clip tomorrow.
Do you work for Sandisk? Trying to boost sales?
Video it and put it on you tube please!!!
“The United States is a nation of laws -· poorly written and randomly enforced.” - Frank Zappa
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Wow ! I'm totally blown away ! Keep up the good work. "I never thought the propeller could do this !"
Now, Baggers, can you share a little about your data structure? How are the 3D elements stored? Is the "voyage" computed in real time, or are elements of it and/or the scenery POV precompiled?
Post Edited (CardboardGuru) : 6/9/2007 3:25:18 AM GMT
Realize that I am really a mad scientist··· and
Don't forget it!
You might have a point. I hadn't looked to see how big that SD file was. (It's 20MB!) Nonetheless, there has to be a lot happening compute-wise, since the Propeller probably can't read a pixel-by-pixel rendition from SD fast enough. And 20MB / 3200 frames is only 6250 bytes/frame, so there's more than just pixel streaming going on.
Even if it were "just" a movie, it's one heckuvan eye-opening presentation, and a great inspiration for some cool apps. (Remember laser disc-based video games?)
Anyway I still haven't seen it on a real system, the video I saw is pretty impressive!
it's the GBA 3D Trip demo by Oxygene..
Coley, I think I know what it is, it's probably the same timing issue as I had with the NTSC, with swap screen, I'll fix that soon. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
reason for the led flashing eratically is because it's after each frame load, but like I said, I recon I'll have it fixed sometime today.
Graham No, I don't work for sandisk, but was trying to show Andre' he needs to add an SD card to the Hydra, as it'll open a lot more for bigger games.
Sorry for not posting vid, but I don't have a video capture, so a BIG thanks to harrison for providing a vid cheers [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Thanks Bean and Rob7 and PhiPi [noparse]:)[/noparse]
CardboardGuru is partly right, although it's not an April Fool tsk tsk for thinking such a thing.
It is a test bed for my tv display, which is the first part of my 3D poly renderer, as I needed a screen of data to test the display,
and what better to see it working, than a lot of animation rather than just a single image, so yes, at the moment it's kind of a movie player, but not.
( this bit will also answer sharpie, and JT Cook is right [noparse];)[/noparse] well spotted. the GBA demo was Arnaud Carre's which was a port from the ST demo too. as GnoStiC has said. cheers [noparse];)[/noparse]
Yes, I spoke with him about it the day I started it ( day before yesterday )to make sure I had his permission to use it etc. )
Because the display is 240x160 like the GBA, but 8bit. so each screen in theory should take 38400 bytes, which is obviously TOO much for the little beastie of a prop.
I wanted to do a compressed image, since it's how I plan my 3D render to work too [noparse]:)[/noparse]
I quickly loaded his demo into a gba emu, then grabbed an uncompressed AVI with the emulator.
then wrote a quick app, to then read each frame into a buffer, and compress each line to work with how I was going to do my TV display, then wrote the asm side for the prop to display it, then added the SDFAT driver, got it to read a frame at time, displaying the previous one. ( then due to the timing issue I had I ended up having to triple buffer it so yes, there are 3 240x160 8bit images on the prop's ram at any one time [noparse]:)[/noparse] )
and couldn't resist posting it, as it looks really good [noparse]:)[/noparse] and I was pleased as pie with the results, as you can guess with my post heading [noparse]:)[/noparse]
I'm not stopping here, I'll fix the frame buffer, so it works properly and just uses two buffers.
Then the next step is the poly drawer, to create the display, without SD. it won't be as big or wonderful, but it'll be the PROP doing 3D.
So, in itself, as a movie player, it's still pretty good, I'm pleased with that, I wonder if I could probably add audio too into the data that it loads lol.
Glad you all enjoyed it [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Lol, [noparse]:)[/noparse]
I was also thinking, this could be used for graphic adventures too, loading a frame from SD, and having text in the bottom third of the display, leaving the current display size 240x160 ( set by the GBA size, can be bigger ) at the top two thirds.
Hi Shane,
Sorry, I have no idea, most likely not, does fsrw work with your MMC card?
if so, ( sorry for this but you did copy the file "JBTEST.JB" to the root? )
I have frame 0 hard wired into the demo, for a tv test, on initialisation, so the code is working, it's just either not mounted or not finding the file etc.
if not, let me know, I'll try and get hold of an MMC card now, and see if it works on mine too.