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Draft for Review - PE Kit Lab - Fundamentals: Counter Modules and Circuit Appli — Parallax Forums

Draft for Review - PE Kit Lab - Fundamentals: Counter Modules and Circuit Appli

edited 2008-10-22 23:56 in Propeller 1
Attached is the·1.0 version of the·sixth in the Propeller Education Kit lab series·- Counter Modules and Circuit Applications.

Updates and additional material·added since·v0.81:

·- Uses Parallax Serial Terminal instead of HyperTerminal. It's easier to use, and free.
·- Parallax Serial Terminal is included in the .zip.
·- A section on writing an object that launches a cog that uses counter modules.
·- Questions/Exercises/Projects and solutions.
·- Corrected error in infrared object detection schematics

Please send corrections to, and post suggestions and recommendations to this thread.

PE Kit Labs that have already gone through the review process are available for download from the Propeller Education Kit page.· You can also find discussions for each lab along with the latest drafts on the Propeller Education Kit Labs thread.

Andy Lindsay

Education Department
Parallax, Inc.

Post Edited (Andy Lindsay (Parallax)) : 10/23/2008 1:35:18 AM GMT


  • AribaAriba Posts: 2,687
    edited 2007-05-10 00:40
    Good work, this Education-Kit is very useful.

    What I have found:
    Also if the Propeller won't be damaged by a short circuit of a output-pin, I dont find the circuit
    in Figure 2 convincing, because if the Poti stays at 0 Ohm, then :

    1) the Capacitor will not be charged, and the POS detector measure 0 until the resistance of
    the poti is high enough. That gives a leap in the linearity.

    2) there will be a current-spike on the 3.3V Supply when the propeller tries to charge the C. That can
    disturb other parts of the circuit.

    3) if the Poti stands near the minimum (0 Ohm) a relatively high current flows
    thru the little remaining resistance, that can damage the Poti !

    My suggestion is to use a little Series-Resistor (100 Ohm?) to the Poti, that only gives a offset,
    but not affect the linearity of the measured value.

    619 x 409 - 7K
  • JohnBFJohnBF Posts: 107
    edited 2007-05-20 12:25
    I'm confused about the three bit duty cycle example on page 14. The very next addition would be %011 + %101 resulting in %000 with the carry bit set. The next addition would start the cycle over. So wouldn't this show that the carry bit is set four ninths of the time?

  • edited 2007-05-20 20:31

    Good question. Yes, at the 9th addition, the the carry bit will have been set for 4/9 of the time, but by the time you get to 16, the bit will have been set 6/16 = 3/8 of the time. Also, as the cycle repeats, the average of the time the carry bit will have been set remains close to 3/8. For D/A conversion an RC circuit (or our eyes in the case of the LED example) smooths all that out.


    Andy Lindsay

    Education Department
    Parallax, Inc.
  • nhavennhaven Posts: 4
    edited 2007-05-20 20:39
    The code samples have really helped me in understanding how to use pwm and duty cycles.·I prefer the notation:

    crta[noparse][[/noparse]26..30] := %00100
    ctra := %00100 << 26

    but, I understand both now.
  • JohnBFJohnBF Posts: 107
    edited 2007-05-22 13:05

    I think the problem is that there's a typo in the three bit example on page 14. The seventh iteration is wrong - it should be 011 + 010 = 101. Then the eighth iteration would be 011 + 101 = 000, setting the carry bit for the third time and starting the sequence over.

    It took me a while to realize it was just a typo, but in the process I've come to understand the mathematics of setting duty cycle inside and out!

  • edited 2007-05-23 01:04

    Nice catch and thanks for the heads-up. The arithmatic error is now corrected, and the zip and PDF are now v0.81.


    Andy Lindsay

    Education Department
    Parallax, Inc.
  • rjo_rjo_ Posts: 1,825
    edited 2007-05-25 05:45

    All of the PE Kit Labs are great, but this one is fabulous... so good (in fact) that Parallax might consider selling advertising space in the modules.

    What I personally find most exciting is that I have looked at electronics over the years but never really found a compelling way to studyit...

    Now that I feel Prop-erly is amazing how many misconceptions that I managed to accumulate.

    I find it amazing that the Education Kit is so complete... and the modules are so clear.

    What's next?

    How about an upgrade kit?... a second Prop and a really nice module on multi-prop implementations!!!!


  • edited 2007-05-31 01:01

    Wow, thank you very much! That is high praise indeed.

    Sorry for having missed this post; I was on vacation last week.

    What's next?...

    Gee Whiz Object Examples
    The overall goal is to find and adapt several of the many interesting Propeller chip applications that already exist to the PE Kit without requiring extra hardware. For example, Chip Gracey wrote some code that makes a speaker do a nice job of pronouncing "seven" in a variety of tones. I don't know if that can be reproduced with a piezospeaker, but I'm going to try. ·If all goes well, this lab will·adapt four or five novel applications in this manner.

    Sine Waves with ROM Tables
    Demonstrates the mechanics of reading the Propeller Chip's ROM tables and using them to generate sine waves.

    Programming and Operators
    Lots of code examples for getting familiar with the Spin language and syntax, mostly terminal applications with entered inputs and displayed outputs.

    Assembly Language
    If time permits, I'll throw my hat in with the rest of the folks attempting to introduce Propeller Assembly language. The goals will be to: (1) provide a few program examples that port some of the simpler Spin language examples from earlier labs, (2) explain the DAT, ORG, labels, etc… (3) Provide examples of the use and application of the Propeller Manual's Assembly Language Elements section, (4) demonstrate how to use PAR to provide a shared memory interface between the ASM and Spin code.

    After that…
    We are considering kits that focus on a particular interest (motors, actuators, sensors, ...). Another thing we are looking into is making breadboard adaptors for certain things that aren't breadboard friendly.


    Andy Lindsay

    Education Department
    Parallax, Inc.

    Post Edited (Andy Lindsay (Parallax)) : 5/31/2007 1:26:07 AM GMT
  • JTCJTC Posts: 60
    edited 2007-05-31 02:07
    Thanks for a great product and PE kit lab.
    they ae very helpfull for me as a newbe.
    everytime I have a question someone already has an answer
    on this forum usually before· I even ask.
  • Tracy AllenTracy Allen Posts: 6,662
    edited 2007-05-31 15:54
    Hi Andy,

    Agreed about the high quality and thoroughness of these lab kits. Top notch. Also earlier ones. I was just looking at the Memsic documentation and the material in Smart Sensors. This is all great stuff.

    About Sine waves with ROM tables. I made a start on a tutorial...
    That includes both spin and asm versions. You at one time referred me to Chip's own Sound.spin, an asm object that generates two PWM sine waves of variable frequency, phase and amplitude. One thing I still have on my fun todo list is a Propeller spirograph, that would couple the waves together for x-y display on an oscilloscope. That requires quadrature SIN-COS at two frequencies, added in x and y components.

    Tracy Allen
  • samsearchersamsearcher Posts: 13
    edited 2007-06-03 22:02
    Thanks Andy

    Counter Modules and Circuit Application has been a big help. Please write more soon! One thing I would like to see is Assembly examples included. I'm trying to teach myself Assembly and there seems to be a very limited amount of beginner's material.

    Here is an Example Object of the "Test RC Decay Time" that I wrote.·I looks simple now but it took me soom time before I got it right, at least I hope it's·right.·Hopefully·some other asm beginner's will find this usefull.

    Thanks·Again Andy, write more soon!


    Measuring RC Decay with Positive Detector Mode
    Does the same thing as TestRcDecay.spin but with some assembly language


    · _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x···························· ' System clock → 80 MHz
    · _xinfreq = 5_000_000

    · Debug: "FullDuplexSerialPlus"························· ' Use with HyperTerminal to display values

    · long· Cog············································ ······ ' Holds the number of the Cog in use
    · long· Time············································· ···· ' Holds the time of RC decay
    PUB Start : Okay
    · Okay := Cog := cognew(@entry, @Time) + 1···· ' Start a Cog to run Asm code and set pointer to
    ····························································· · ·· ' @Time Variable in hub ram
    · Init····················································· ······ ' Jump to Init method
    PUB Stop
    · if cog
    ··· cogstop(cog~ -1)································· ···· ' Stop cog

    PUB Init
    · 'Start serial communication, and wait 2 s for user to connect to HyperTerminal.

    · Debug.Start(31, 30, 0, 57600)
    · waitcnt(clkfreq * 2 + cnt)
    · repeat
    ··· Debug.str(String(10, 10, 13, "working on other tasks"))
    ···· repeat 10
    ······ Debug.tx(".")
    ······ waitcnt(clkfreq/30 + cnt)

    ···· ' Display Result·································

    ···· Debug.Str(String(10, 13, "time = "))
    ···· Debug.Dec(time)
    ···· waitcnt(clkfreq/2 + cnt)

    DAT············ ' Start of Assembly Code

    ······················· org···· 0······································· · ' Start @ this address
    entry·················mov···· Mem_Pointer,··· Par············ ·· ' Set Mem_Pointer to Time, This was
    ·········································································· ··'·· passed to the Asm cog at cognew
    ·········································································· · '·· by @Time.
    ·············· ' Configure counter module.
    ······················· mov···· ctra,·········· Cntmode············ ' Setup Counter control register
    ······················· mov···· frqa,·········· #1··················· ·' Set frqa register to 1

    ············· ' Charge RC circuit.
    :Loop················· mov···· · dira,·········· · Pin17··········· ·' Set pin 17 to output
    ························ mov···· · outa,········ ·· Pin17·············' Set pin 17 to High
    ························ mov······ Wt_Time,····· cnt············· · ' Set time to current clock cycles
    ······················· ·add······· Wt_Time,····· Delay··········· ·'·· and add Delay to time
    ······················ · waitcnt·· Wt_Time,····· Delay··········· ·' Wait for Capacitor to charge
    ············· ' Start RC decay measurement.
    ······················· mov···· ·· phsa,·········· #0·· wz····· ··· ·' Clear the phsa register and set Z flag to 1
    ······················· muxnz·····dira,········· ·· Pin17············ ·' Set pin 17 low, muxnz sets bit 23 to !Z
    ············· ' Get RC decay measurement and send it to Hub RAM via Mem_Pointer
    ······················· mov···· Wt_Time,······· cnt·········· ·· ·· ' Set time to current clock cycles
    ······················· add···· Wt_Time,······· Dly_Hlf_Sec···· ··'·· and add 1/2 second to Wt_time
    ······················· waitcnt Wt_Time,······· Dly_Hlf_Sec··· ··' Wait for Capacitor to discharge······················
    ······················· mov···· _time,········· phsa················ · ' Set _time to phsa
    ······················· wrlong· _time,········· Mem_Pointer····· · ·' Write _time in Cog RAM to Time in
    ········································································ ···· '·· in Hub RAM using Mem_Pointer to
    ········································································ ···· '·· show the way.
    ······················· jmp···· #:Loop························· ········ ' Jump to Loop··

    ······· ' Variables in Cog RAM
    CntMode···· ·· long····· %01000 << 26 + 17······ ' Set Counter control register to POS detector and APIN to 17
    Dly_Hlf_Sec· · long····· 40_000_000············· ·· ' Set to 1/2 second
    Delay·········· ·long····· 80_000·················· ···· ' Set Delay to Clock cycles
    Pin17·········· ·long····· |< 17······················ ·· ' Use Bitwise Decode to set var Pin17 long to pin 17 in Hub RAM
    Mem_Pointer·· res······ 1···························· · ' Used to hold Memory pointer to var long Time in Hub RAM
    Wt_Time····· · res······ 1····························· ·' Used to hold cnt wait time
    _Time········· · res······ 1······························ ' Used to load phsa into then send to Time var in Hub RAM
  • SSteveSSteve Posts: 808
    edited 2007-06-17 18:36
    nhaven said...
    The code samples have really helped me in understanding how to use pwm and duty cycles. I prefer the notation:

    crta[noparse][[/noparse]26..30] := %00100


    ctra := %00100 << 26

    but, I understand both now.

    Keep in mind that there's a difference between those two statements. The first only affects bits 26 to 30 of ctra--all its other bits are left as-is. The second statement sets all of ctra's other bits to zero.

    Also, the order of the numbers in the brackets is significant. In your example, it doesn't matter, because the value is symmetrical. But if you wanted to set the counter to DUTY mode, ctra[noparse][[/noparse]26..30] := %00110 would be incorrect. Instead, you'd need to write ctra[noparse][[/noparse]30..26] := %00110.

    OS-X: because making Unix user-friendly was easier than debugging Windows

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  • SSteveSSteve Posts: 808
    edited 2007-06-17 18:44
    I'm having an issue with the IR Distance Detection section. I've double- and triple-checked the circuit and it seems right. (The previous IR experiments all worked fine.) But I only get values between about 3 and 10. I switched to a 100-ohm resistor and the values vary between 3 and 16.

    However, if I switch the anode and cathode on the IR LED, I get a nice range of values from 13 to 256. It's just that the meaning is reversed--256 when something is close and 13 when no object is detected.

    Has anyone else run into this?

    OS-X: because making Unix user-friendly was easier than debugging Windows

    My band's website
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  • SSteveSSteve Posts: 808
    edited 2007-06-17 18:49
    If you leave the piezo speakers from the previous experiments connected when you set up the IR LED and Detector, this modification to IRObjectDetection will beep the speaker when an object is detected.

    OS-X: because making Unix user-friendly was easier than debugging Windows

    My band's website
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  • edited 2007-06-18 03:23

    Nice summary on the bit addressing vs. left shift.· We'll see about adding that as an i-box.

    I saw that symptom when I was playing with variations of the IR code and circuit.··Please try TestIrDutyDistanceDetector.spin in the attached.· Are the symptoms still the same, or does it work as advertized?

    Regarding IrObjectDetectionBeep.spin:··A couple commands to set up·counter B·for tones, and then use the IR input to control the speaker I/O pin direction.· When the I/O pin is an input, no beep.· When IR is detected, the I/O pin becomes an output and the beep starts.· Very nice...· May I add that to the exercises at the end of the chapter?·


    Andy Lindsay

    Education Department
    Parallax, Inc.
  • SSteveSSteve Posts: 808
    edited 2007-06-18 14:25
    Andy Lindsay (Parallax) said...
    I saw that symptom when I was playing with variations of the IR code and circuit. Please try TestIrDutyDistanceDetector.spin in the attached. Are the symptoms still the same, or does it work as advertized?
    Still the same.
    Andy Lindsay (Parallax) said...
    May I add that to the exercises at the end of the chapter?

    OS-X: because making Unix user-friendly was easier than debugging Windows

    My band's website
    Our album on the iTunes Music Store
  • edited 2007-06-18 14:34
    Next idea: When you swap the anode and cathode, it works properly, thought the scale is backwards. So, P1 might have a problem sourcing current, or P2 might have a problem sinking it. Next test, try moving the whole circuit to another set of I/O pins and update the test code object accordingly.

    Andy Lindsay

    Education Department
    Parallax, Inc.
  • SSteveSSteve Posts: 808
    edited 2007-06-18 17:11
    Andy Lindsay (Parallax) said...
    Next idea: When you swap the anode and cathode, it works properly, though the scale is backwards. So, P1 might have a problem sourcing current, or P2 might have a problem sinking it. Next test, try moving the whole circuit to another set of I/O pins and update the test code object accordingly.
    Tried with pins 18 & 19--still the same. I also tried swapping 1 & 2, but no change there either.

    OS-X: because making Unix user-friendly was easier than debugging Windows

    My band's website
    Our album on the iTunes Music Store
  • edited 2007-06-18 17:37
    Is it still giving you a limited range when you swap the anode and cathode?

    Try the second IR LED in the PE Kit.

    Is the notch in the round part of the plastic case above the shorter (cathode) pin on both IR LEDs?


    Andy Lindsay

    Education Department
    Parallax, Inc.
  • rjo_rjo_ Posts: 1,825
    edited 2007-08-06 18:15

    I am all excited about Christof's mod of the metal detector... but I'm having a problem. I went back and tried to actually to run CalibrateMetalDetector... and I'm having a dufus level problem.

    My terminal program... I double checked the settings... seems to be set up right,

    The objects are in the same folder...
    My terminal program shows "Starting Frequency:"
    but won't accept my keyboard input. I'm usinga Dell XPS.

    What am I doing wrong?

  • rjo_rjo_ Posts: 1,825
    edited 2007-08-06 19:07
    Nevermind... it's on the next page.


  • bietzbietz Posts: 22
    edited 2007-09-22 11:10
    When is an audio lab coming (with sine waves and stuff)?
    Or at least is there an introduction to making audio stuff with the PE kit? I mean more than just a square wave? Because I made a 5-key 'piano' with pushbuttons that is only able to play one note at the time, but I would really like to make it play chords, and I guess the only way to do this is with sine waves with PWM and RC-filters...

    Is there a way to run Chip's audio program's (in the object exchange) with the PE kit rather than the demo board? (I have a speaker which makes a better sound than the piezos)

    Anyways thank you very much for your awesome labs! It makes everything so much simpler!!

  • deSilvadeSilva Posts: 2,967
    edited 2007-09-22 11:39
  • bietzbietz Posts: 22
    edited 2007-09-22 14:25
    wow, I didn't realize my next chapter in the Hydra book was audio hardware and that it had answers to my questions!!! I have the book with me, but left the Hydra in Rome where my family lives (I live in France). I wanted to start with the PE kit first, to get to know a little the prop chip. I didn't know the TV just needed an analog audio input... I thought there was a special hardware there...
    I guess now I can find out!
  • ClemensClemens Posts: 236
    edited 2007-09-22 22:56
    Thank you for these brilliant labs, they are really great for understanding the propeller - even for a non-programmer like me.

    Here is what I noticed:

    On Page 27 in Figure 11 The IR Led is connected between P1 and VSS but the text on the following page says:
    The IR LED’s shorter cathode pin is connected to the left vertical ground rail (black, 4).

    two minor text errors:
    page 23
    Load the HyperTerminalFrquencies object into the Propeller chip.
    ("e" missing in HyperTerminalFrequencies"

    page 26
    Load TwoTonesWithObject into the Propeller chip and verify that it behaves the same as the TwoTones object.
    must be:
    Load TwoTonesWithSquareWave into the Propeller chip and verify that it behaves the same as the TwoTones object.
  • Steph LindsaySteph Lindsay Posts: 767
    edited 2007-09-24 22:23
    Thanks very much Clemens, I put this on my to-do list!

    -Stephanie Lindsay
    Editor, Parallax Inc.
  • TalheaernTalheaern Posts: 7
    edited 2008-01-03 02:48
    I am only half way through this lab and feel I have learned a lot. Thank you for taking the time to create this tutorial.

    I understand basic binary math, but I spent an hour or two going over the NcoFrqReg method of HyperTerminalFrequencies and still do not understand how it works.

    The code in question is as follows:


    PUB NcoFrqReg(frequency) : frqReg
    Returns frqReg = frequency
  • deSilvadeSilva Posts: 2,967
    edited 2008-01-03 03:08
    Give it a try and step through it!
    Think of two numbers, say frequency = 40 MHz and clkfreq = 80 MHz
    You want to divide frequency by clkfreq and call the result frqreg .

    Start with frqreg = 0

    You see it works a little bit as in school division, Your result should be:
    $80_00_00_00 which is 1/2

    O.k. you say, but that isn't 1/2 it's 231!
    Well in fact that is all right. When you look at the assignment again, we just WANTED to calculate
  • edited 2008-10-22 23:56
    This lab has been updated to v1.0.

    Changes and Additional Material:

    ·- Uses Parallax Serial Terminal instead of HyperTerminal. It's easier to use, and free.
    ·- Parallax Serial Terminal is included in the .zip.
    ·- A section on writing an object that launches a cog that uses counter modules.
    ·- Questions/Exercises/Projects and solutions.

    Andy Lindsay

    Education Department
    Parallax, Inc.
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