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Robot Challenge !!



  • Brian_BBrian_B Posts: 842
    edited 2007-04-03 12:51

    Thank's Brian

    ·"Imagination is more important than knowledge..." ·· Albert Einstein· My favorite website ( Bet you can't guess why)
  • T0mT0m Posts: 124
    edited 2007-04-03 12:56
    Looks like your ready to start cutting smile.gif
  • Brian_BBrian_B Posts: 842
    edited 2007-04-03 13:02
    I had to upload that file while I was running out the door for work . Tried cutting it last night ,got about half way done and then the bit pluged up on a sidewall . any suggestions ?

    Thank's Brian

    ·"Imagination is more important than knowledge..." ·· Albert Einstein· My favorite website ( Bet you can't guess why)
  • T0mT0m Posts: 124
    edited 2007-04-03 13:20
    Hi Brian,
    make sure you are not climb cutting and be sure to use plently of coolant to drive the chips away from the cutter. If you dont have a coolant pump use your sharpest cutter and your air compressor to keep those chips moving away from your cutter as soon as they are cut. The air will also keep the cutter cool.
  • WhitWhit Posts: 4,191
    edited 2007-04-03 13:37
    Ken- How long will this run on a tank of gas?

  • Brian_BBrian_B Posts: 842
    edited 2007-04-03 13:56
    T0m said...
    Hi Brian,
    make sure you are not climb cutting....
    It's allways the simple things that get me in trouble , thanks i'll try again tonight :- )

    Thank's Brian

    ·"Imagination is more important than knowledge..." ·· Albert Einstein· My favorite website ( Bet you can't guess why)
  • T0mT0m Posts: 124
    edited 2007-04-03 14:00
    Brian here are a couple of pics of a simple air cooling/chip clearing rig that I use with good results.
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  • Brian_BBrian_B Posts: 842
    edited 2007-04-03 14:04
    how many oz. stepper motor are you running

    Thank's Brian

    ·"Imagination is more important than knowledge..." ·· Albert Einstein· My favorite website ( Bet you can't guess why)
  • T0mT0m Posts: 124
    edited 2007-04-03 14:05
    430 oz.
  • Brian_BBrian_B Posts: 842
    edited 2007-04-03 14:16
    how many ipm can you run with 430 oz

    Thank's Brian

    ·"Imagination is more important than knowledge..." ·· Albert Einstein· My favorite website ( Bet you can't guess why)
  • T0mT0m Posts: 124
    edited 2007-04-03 14:37
    The most I go is about 10 ipm. Remember its the chip load thats important I would not want to go more than .002 per tooth per revolution of the cutter.
  • Brian_BBrian_B Posts: 842
    edited 2007-04-03 14:51
    well I don't feel so bad running 6 ipm with 200 oz motors , I had 3.5 hours into that bracket when it stuck .

    Thank's Brian

    ·"Imagination is more important than knowledge..." ·· Albert Einstein· My favorite website ( Bet you can't guess why)
  • T0mT0m Posts: 124
    edited 2007-04-03 14:57
    Its not the size of your motor, Its how you use it ( humm where have I heard that ). Also, feed rates vary from material to material. Mach3 has a feed rate calculator that comes in handy sometimes.
  • Brian_BBrian_B Posts: 842
    edited 2007-04-03 15:07
    One more question , what method of milling do you think I should use . Planer , radial or spirial ? I was using planer ( back and forth) on the bracket last night.

    Thank's Brian

    ·"Imagination is more important than knowledge..." ·· Albert Einstein· My favorite website ( Bet you can't guess why)
  • T0mT0m Posts: 124
    edited 2007-04-03 15:13
    Brian the method will depend largely on the type of cut. One thing to remember is that end mills cannot plunge so I would spirial in and then radial cut to make a pocket for instance.
  • Brian_BBrian_B Posts: 842
    edited 2007-04-04 12:24
    Thank's Tom,
    ·Moving right alone , things work·alot better when you don't try to push it to 60 ipm . received my ebay motors and cut all my·frame·parts,waiting for mill to be free to engrave name and ping holes ( I·maybe could drill them).

    Thank's Brian

    ·"Imagination is more important than knowledge..." ·· Albert Einstein· My favorite website ( Bet you can't guess why)
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  • W9GFOW9GFO Posts: 4,010
    edited 2007-04-04 15:01
    Some end mills can plunge, others can't. I always use the type that can. If I am machining something where chips can build up around the cutting tool I use a small shop vac to keep the bit clear. I will also apply a couple drops of cutting oil to the bit periodically while it is cutting to keep chips from sticking. Lastly, a 'chip' brush can work well to clear chips away from the bit while it's running.

    Rich H
  • T0mT0m Posts: 124
    edited 2007-04-04 15:15
    Looks like your spindle speed is set pretty high. If you have any problems with tool heating up you may be able to lower spindle speed without any problem. I cant really tell from the pics but the vertical ways on your machine look alittle dry. I keep the ways and lead screws on my taig oiled with marvel mystery oil, its not too heavy and not to thin. The parts are lookin good I cant wait to see them bolted together.

    Robot vision is the the future, and Vision will take us there.
  • Brian_BBrian_B Posts: 842
    edited 2007-04-05 03:34
    Heres my second try at my axel bracket , this one might look like it's ok but everything got offset 1/4 to one side. All the cutting went really good except for the last clean up pass when sombody(me) forgot to enter the right tool width . Any how I learned a ton on this bracket so I can ·call it a success . Heres a photo of the cnc plasma cutter I use to cut my frame (it's easy to run compared to the mill).

    Ps. Thanks Rich·and Tom for the suggestions.

    Thank's Brian

    ·"Imagination is more important than knowledge..." ·· Albert Einstein· My favorite website ( Bet you can't guess why)

    Post Edited (Brian Beckius) : 4/5/2007 4:10:45 AM GMT
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  • T0mT0m Posts: 124
    edited 2007-04-05 04:55
    Your welcome. Parts look great. I like the plasma cutter. Maybe my wife will let me put one in the spare bedroom..............


    Robot vision is the the future, and Vision will take us there.
  • Brian_BBrian_B Posts: 842
    edited 2007-04-05 12:28
    Plasma cutter is at my work , if you ever need anything cut just send me a dxf file. I'll be happy to cut it and ship it to you.

    Thank's Brian

    ·"Imagination is more important than knowledge..." ·· Albert Einstein· My favorite website ( Bet you can't guess why)
  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2007-04-05 14:16

    What kind of finish edge does the plasma cutter provide? Pretty clean, or do you need to file and sand to clean things up?

    Ken Gracey
  • Brian_BBrian_B Posts: 842
    edited 2007-04-05 15:24
    I can get a really nice edge on steel .I just started cutting aluminum and the edge looks like you ran end mill over it to fast. I’m getting better every cut I do ( hard to practice with the price of metal).

    Thank's Brian

    ·"Imagination is more important than knowledge..." ·· Albert Einstein· My favorite website ( Bet you can't guess why)

    Post Edited (Brian Beckius) : 4/5/2007 4:14:51 PM GMT
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  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2007-04-05 15:26
    Yeah, you aren't kidding about the price of metal. I think aluminum is around $3.30/lb in California these days. If you dare walk into a scrap aluminum place and collect up a handful of aluminum you're at $100 before you have a chance to think about what's in your hands.

  • Brian_BBrian_B Posts: 842
    edited 2007-04-05 18:29
    Do you have the pattern·for mounting “ping” threw the frame, like on your robot? ( hole sizes and distance apart)

    Thank's Brian

    ·"Imagination is more important than knowledge..." ·· Albert Einstein· My favorite website ( Bet you can't guess why)

    Post Edited (Brian Beckius) : 4/5/2007 6:36:10 PM GMT
  • Brian_BBrian_B Posts: 842
    edited 2007-04-06 03:17
    I have to laugh,
    Bracket #1 took Saturday and Sunday, Bracket #2 had 12 hours on the mill, bracket #3 had 1.5 hours on the mill.

    ps. forgot to reset date on my camera.

    Thank's Brian

    ·"Imagination is more important than knowledge..." ·· Albert Einstein· My favorite website ( Bet you can't guess why)

    Post Edited (Brian Beckius) : 4/6/2007 3:28:29 AM GMT
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  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2007-04-06 05:11
    Hey Brian,

    I attached the layout in DXF format. This includes the two transducers and screw locations. You might need a mirror image depending on the side of your robot on which this mounts. Let me know if you need anything else.

    Do your best to machine these holes instead of drilling them. If you drill then use a 0.64" bit - this is something I don't have in my set of drills but maybe you do because of the real stuff you do during the day.

    When you screw the Ping))) sensors into the robot frame, don't overtighten the PCBs. I've noticed that this will cause shorts in the PCB.

    Another point. I don't think I made any of the parts on my current hybrid robot only once. Some parts were made 2x or 3x. In the end it was always the simple solution that I liked the best.

    I didn't put dimensions on the file since they're part of the DXF.

    Good luck!

    Ken Gracey
    Parallax, Inc.

    Post Edited (Ken Gracey (Parallax)) : 4/6/2007 5:17:05 AM GMT
  • Brian_BBrian_B Posts: 842
    edited 2007-04-06 16:05
    Thank's ken for the dxf, also I sent you a piece of aluminum cut with the plasma .

    Thank's Brian

    ·"Imagination is more important than knowledge..." ·· Albert Einstein· My favorite website ( Bet you can't guess why)
  • Brian_BBrian_B Posts: 842
    edited 2007-04-07 01:34
    Heres the front of the front "wagon" , sure wish I could find a dxf of the propeller hat for the rear (hint,hint)

    Thank's Brian

    ·"Imagination is more important than knowledge..." ·· Albert Einstein· My favorite website ( Bet you can't guess why)
    640 x 427 - 205K
  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2007-04-07 02:58

    You're making good progress! Nice work. I can see that you are either staying up late or missing work to build this robot.

    The CNC work looks nice. I can see the Ping cutouts. I drilled and tapped for 4-40 screws.

    Propeller DXF, eh? I'll see what I can do. . .

    Ken Gracey
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