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Robot Challenge !! — Parallax Forums

Robot Challenge !!

Brian_BBrian_B Posts: 842
edited 2007-11-18 06:33 in Robotics
Ok, here’s the challenge. Build a AWSOME robot .I know there a lot of people out there with some really good programming skills that don’t have the mean’s to build a robot. I have the means to build the robot ( I have fun building) and I can program ( I Hate programming). So Here’s what I have, A 2.5 hp Honda motor, where should we go from there?

Thank's Brian

·"Imagination is more important than knowledge..." ·· Albert Einstein


  • Brian_BBrian_B Posts: 842
    edited 2007-03-24 01:33
    One more thing ,I want all thoughts to be posted . No PM's , No Emails.

    Thank's Brian

    ·"Imagination is more important than knowledge..." ·· Albert Einstein
  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,403
    edited 2007-03-24 01:49
    Dear Mr. Beckius,

    I'll take you up on the challenge, my friend!

    Assuming a 1.5HP Robin-Subaru engine is also an acceptable contender, I should have my entry posted in this thread by the end of the weekend.

    Over the past month I've used nearly every tool I have. The workshop is a total mess. The children are neglected and my e-mail has piled up really high. This robot isn't programmed yet, but it shall be within a few more days because it is a demonstration for Parallax at the Embedded Systems Conference. So it has to get done.· It's really not all that unique of a design by any means, but it sure took a long time to draw it and build it.

    Going to finish this thing up right now, so adios!

    Ken Gracey
    Parallax, Inc.

  • Capt. QuirkCapt. Quirk Posts: 872
    edited 2007-03-24 03:11
    What about something a little bigger,

    Something Sponsored? And an All Parallax / only Parallax, Annual event

    with a bit more time involved (then 2 weeks) and in the "off season" for clubs, schools (stamps in·class) students·not competing with in FIRST.

    Keep the current theme of an "Outdoors" petrol powered bot (or at least make it the "Big Bang" for the end of the competition) (Gotta have a Main Event) and·have some other indoors competition. Classes for SX’ers, Stampers and Propeller heads.

    People could converge on Tracy or Sacramento or maybe even Reno or Tahoe to race or compete on an annual basis

    Nothing like racing to accelerate the learning curve and produce advancements and boost marketing, lol

    Parallax Dealers could get discounted display space that they might not have been able to afford previously within a regular
    convention·center event.

    Good press too.
  • Brian_BBrian_B Posts: 842
    edited 2007-03-24 03:13
    Did I make this clear ,this is a group effort. we have 1 week ( I just looked at the calender) to design and build a robot !

    Thank's Brian

    ·"Imagination is more important than knowledge..." ·· Albert Einstein

    Post Edited (Brian Beckius) : 3/24/2007 3:24:52 AM GMT
  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,403
    edited 2007-03-24 03:45

    It's tough to do much in a week, to be honest. I've been in the same project for about six weeks, night after night. But try anyway. I'll support you with the hardware.

    Quirkus, I concur about an open contest. We can put that together. It's a good idea.

    - Ken
  • Brian_BBrian_B Posts: 842
    edited 2007-03-24 03:47
    do you ever say anything nice ?

    Thank's Brian

    ·"Imagination is more important than knowledge..." ·· Albert Einstein
  • Brian_BBrian_B Posts: 842
    edited 2007-03-24 03:49
    If we can get a web robot together in a week , will you display it ?

    Thank's Brian

    ·"Imagination is more important than knowledge..." ·· Albert Einstein
  • Capt. QuirkCapt. Quirk Posts: 872
    edited 2007-03-24 04:31
    I just through out an Idea

    Sorry Brian
  • Capt. QuirkCapt. Quirk Posts: 872
    edited 2007-03-24 04:48
    Besides, Parallax has a lot of smart people and has been very, very successful, I doubt it's a new idea.
  • DiablodeMorteDiablodeMorte Posts: 238
    edited 2007-03-24 05:42
    So, while you guys continue talking, i'm going to sit here confused if yall don't mind. From what I can gather, Mr. Beckius has challenged the community(Parallax's) to build a robot in 1 week that rivals Mr.Gracey's? Is that right?
    Ok, assuming my gathering is right, how are we supposed to go about designing such a robot? Does it actually have to exist in someone's backyard in a week or can it be conceptual? If it actually has to exist I already have the chassis and motor controller for it. I have a powerwheel's chassis(Link(Imagine w/o the kids)) and a few HB motor controllers if we need it for the project
  • Brian_BBrian_B Posts: 842
    edited 2007-03-24 12:13
    Lets start this over , lets shot for next years Embedded Systems Conference. We are going to build a robot that the whole forum has input , I'll do the maching in my shop and post photos as we go . In my mind we are shotting for something about the size of parallax's R&D robot ,But I'm open to suggestions. I know Ken has been working really hard on his robot the last couple of weeks ,so lets not put any more pressure than we have to on him.

    Thank's Brian

    ·"Imagination is more important than knowledge..." ·· Albert Einstein

    Post Edited (Brian Beckius) : 3/24/2007 12:44:51 PM GMT
  • Brian_BBrian_B Posts: 842
    edited 2007-03-24 12:25
    Oh Ya,
    Here’s a list of tools I have :

    small lathe ,small mill, small cnc mill , cnc plasma cutting table , small foundry ( can pour about a 1.5 quarts of aluminum at a time) , small vacuum forming machine , small plastic injection molding machine , small horizontal milling machine (can cut gears) , Bridgeport mill , 12 x 36 lathe , mig welder , tig welder , 50 ton press , 48" pan & box brake and misc. woodworking tools to build patterns for casting. I’ll post photos of everything later. I'll try to take this as a step by step process to give everyone a feel of what it takes to build a big robot.

    Thank's Brian

    ·"Imagination is more important than knowledge..." ·· Albert Einstein

    Post Edited (Brian Beckius) : 3/24/2007 12:42:35 PM GMT
  • Brian_BBrian_B Posts: 842
    edited 2007-03-24 12:50
    Capt. Quirk said...
    Besides, Parallax has a lot of smart people and has been very, very successful, I doubt it's a new idea.
    I really think there's a ton of smart people on this forum that don't have the tools at hand to build a big robot :- )

    Thank's Brian

    ·"Imagination is more important than knowledge..." ·· Albert Einstein
  • Capt. QuirkCapt. Quirk Posts: 872
    edited 2007-03-24 18:41
    I used to cook my lunch over the top of a large crucible, with a steel plate over a vat of molten aluminum back when I was on the Atkins diet.
    Often it was bacon wraped filet mignon. LOL.
    small lathe ,small mill, small cnc mill , cnc plasma cutting table , small foundry ( can pour about a 1.5 quarts of aluminum at a time)
    Just a little blast from·my past, Brian

    Post Edited (Capt. Quirk) : 3/24/2007 6:45:51 PM GMT
  • Brian_BBrian_B Posts: 842
    edited 2007-03-24 21:10
    Capt.Quirk your right about not enough time , I somtimes let my love of robots cloud my vision of reality·:-) . By the way I stuck a potato in my foundry 3 hours after I shut it off and a half hour later I had a baked potato. Heres a photo of a motor block·I poured . how come my pictures never show up on·screen , you have to down load them ?·

    Thank's Brian

    ·"Imagination is more important than knowledge..." ·· Albert Einstein
  • Spork FrogSpork Frog Posts: 212
    edited 2007-03-24 21:46
    You need to upload just the image to do that, not one posted into a word document.

    I'd love to help out with this, but I've never done anything of this sort.
  • Capt. QuirkCapt. Quirk Posts: 872
    edited 2007-03-25 00:49
    Did you finish that "Hit n Miss" engine??

    Back to robots.

    For anybody that's interested in doing some rapid prototyping of small to medium size parts, Aluminium castings can be made very quickly. In the past I made (2) 3 into 1 exhaust manifolds for the Kaw ZXi 900 & Yam wave raider 1100 in 2 days time and mounted to the dyno ready for testing.

    Delrin is another great rapid prototyping material. It's a machinable plastic and when used in place of metal, you can finish machining a project·at least 3 to 4 times faster than normal.
  • Brian_BBrian_B Posts: 842
    edited 2007-03-25 01:11
    Yes, motor ran great (it's some where in my basement ,I'll try to dig it out someday). I love casting , you can make some really cool parts really fast. heres another casting photo , this is a dividing head for my horizontal mill for cutting gears . not finished yet , but getting close.

    Thank's Brian

    ·"Imagination is more important than knowledge..." ·· Albert Einstein

    Post Edited (Brian Beckius) : 3/25/2007 4:24:30 PM GMT
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  • Brian_BBrian_B Posts: 842
    edited 2007-03-25 11:53

    Lets get started , heres what I have for parts.

    ·2- TRANSAXLE's· (these need to be converted to 12 volt)·2@·$139.95
    ·Permanent magnet electric transaxle. Reversible DC motor drives transaxle with differential action. Electric drive motor is 3-5/8" dia.

    SPECIFICATIONS attachment.php?attachmentid=73625

    1 - 12 VDC 110 LB. LINEAR ACTUATOR· 1 @ $72.95
    linear actuator, Built-in potentiometer allows for use with position-sensing circuits. Metal housing is water resistant and sealed against dust. Permanent magnet motor. Non-adjustable limit switches at end of stroke both directions.

    SPECIFICATIONS attachment.php?attachmentid=73626

    ·*Any comments are welcome and encouraged (that includes parallax employee's), I'll keep a running total on how much·I have in parts ( I hope my wife don't look at this forum :- ). I think I have every sensor that Parallax makes and·I will set this up to use a Basic stamp, SX or Propeller. this is going to be a 4 wheel drive·(well at least as much as·your suv)·,articulate steering and pivot 2 directions in the center to be able to drive on rough terrain.

    Thank's Brian

    ·"Imagination is more important than knowledge..." ·· Albert Einstein

    Post Edited (Brian Beckius) : 3/25/2007 7:29:17 PM GMT
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  • Brian_BBrian_B Posts: 842
    edited 2007-03-26 00:13
    Doing some testing with my super_bot

    Thank's Brian

    ·"Imagination is more important than knowledge..." ·· Albert Einstein
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  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,403
    edited 2007-03-26 00:15

    I'm here for the challenge, and my entry is hereby submitted below. It doesn't run yet, but it will (about 13 MPH). I'll post more details later, because for now I need to get it running! I've taken great care this time and didn't rush too much.

    Your bot looks cool so far. I'll like to see that articulated steering in action!

    Ken Gracey
    Parallax, Inc.
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  • Brian_BBrian_B Posts: 842
    edited 2007-03-26 00:21
    Wow Ken,
    Thats a nice looking machine , Did you machine them rim's yourself. working on the connector now , Need to order some parts tomarrow . I'm going with DC ,I work with oil all week long and have a hard time bringing·it into my hobby :- )

    Thank's Brian

    ·"Imagination is more important than knowledge..." ·· Albert Einstein
  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,403
    edited 2007-03-26 00:26

    I hear your concerns about working with oil all week. I work with e-mail all week and try not to bring it into my hobby! But I bet you can do some wonders with hydraulic power. We may need to tap your hydraulic skills for a larger robot. I think I'm ready to make something large, really large.

    Battery should be a nice, easy solution. Please keep posting pictures.

    I machined every single part except for the engine, alternator and motors. The main mistake I make in my robots is that I get highly committed to a certain design, engaging myself in making lots of parts before I know whether or not it will work. I need to turn some of the project into smaller side-experiments before I get so wound up. . .

    Ken Gracey
  • Capt. QuirkCapt. Quirk Posts: 872
    edited 2007-03-26 00:42
    Sounds like you get tad fixated.
  • Capt. QuirkCapt. Quirk Posts: 872
    edited 2007-03-26 00:48

    what are the specs on your electic motors?
  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,403
    edited 2007-03-26 02:27

    Fixated? Big time. You got that right. Kind of like a crow and roadkill.

    Considering the tools I have, a bit more rational planning and thought ahead of time would be well-worthwhile towards more well-planned projects that work as I think they will.

    When are you going to start sharing your projects with us, Quirkus Maximus?

    Ken Gracey
  • Capt. QuirkCapt. Quirk Posts: 872
    edited 2007-03-26 03:33
    Consider me, motivated.·

    I figure it's a lot easier to test bots·on wheels, than airplanes that require a dry lake bed or airport.
    Soon the man in the white coat will let me drive again, lol. Then I'll be able to go back out to my workshop build something again, instead of programming my SX all day and driving Brian crazy in my spare time.

    Post Edited (Capt. Quirk) : 3/26/2007 6:21:20 AM GMT
  • Brian_BBrian_B Posts: 842
    edited 2007-03-26 11:22
    Capt. Quirk said...
    ...programming my SX all day and driving Brian crazy in my spare time.

    ·LOL , I enjoy it . keeps me thinking :- )

    ·I have not ruled out a hydraulic robot . I have a pump & motors (photo below), I went with a little differnt motor than the r&d robot . These motor's have valving inside them that help with torque at low GPM flow rates , they are rated at 1 GPM at 2000 psi and 100 rpm's . Should be able to control speed with just adjusting motor RPM (pump motor). The reason this is on the back burner is I havn't been able to locate a steering valve that I'm happy with .

    Here's a good link for anybody that want's to try their·hand at machining and has more time than money .

    Awsome book's even if you don't build any of it.

    Thank's Brian

    ·"Imagination is more important than knowledge..." ·· Albert Einstein

    Post Edited (Brian Beckius) : 3/26/2007 11:49:29 AM GMT
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  • Brian_BBrian_B Posts: 842
    edited 2007-03-26 16:32

    ·Don't have a lot of time , I'm on my lunch break . Parts showed today , these axels are just asking to be hydraulic . Have to do some calculations tonight .

    Thank's Brian

    ·"Imagination is more important than knowledge..." ·· Albert Einstein
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  • Brian_BBrian_B Posts: 842
    edited 2007-03-26 22:27
    Ok, here’s a question for you math wizards. I have a ring gear that has 80 teeth, a pinion with 4 teeth and tire diameter of 10”. How many RPM motor do I need to go 20 mph?

    Thank's Brian

    ·"Imagination is more important than knowledge..." ·· Albert Einstein
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