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LCD Graphics/Text Driver for cheap SPI LCD's with optional Touch screen support - Page 5 — Parallax Forums

LCD Graphics/Text Driver for cheap SPI LCD's with optional Touch screen support



  • I ws wondering if anyone has sucessfully used this code with a ILI9488 based screen?

    I bought this screen from Amazon which is a 4.0" 480x320 ILI9488 SPI LCD with xpt2046 Touch, it looks just like many mentioned here and I noted that this controller "MAY" be supported by this code but so far, I haven't mananged to get it working.

    Just by changing the screen dimensions in the code and changing the Pins to suit my P2 edge board, the screen lights up, so the backlighting is OK but did little else happened.
    To test the screen, I tried it on a Rasspberry PI pico using some sample code I had found, just to make sure the display worked ok and both the screen and the touch controller worked fine there.

    So the board does work, so I set about trying to pull the Initization code from the PI Pico's python code. But it is hard to know what steps are necessary to make it work.

    So I now have have the initialization partly correct (at least it now displays something) but must have stuffed up something, no idea what yet, anyone got the working?
    I dare say I will work it out eventually but any help is appreciated.

    This is the first screen. I am not yet sure what that white box at the bottom is? It stays there the whole time after initialization and the fuzzy lines at the top are I think text?

    The Cross works but is really different to the demo movie, and it displays over the white box at the bottom?

    Finally the clock numbers are there but not readable (and they do change) but the circle for the face is missing.

    I never see the fine lines crossing or the circles?
    I do have the 339 page PDF for this display but it has been little help so far.
    Perhaps someone has some clue about the above and what I am doing wrong?
    Thanks all.

  • I posted a question related to this driver in a separate thread ( about optimizing sending image pixels continuously instead of looping calls to write16data. Just linking it here for reference.

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