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Propeller 2 Live Forum - Open learning and support (topics, speakers and registration!)



  • Publison wrote: »
    Ken Gracey wrote: »
    Publison wrote: »
    I don't think Ken has posted the new PNUT which would be necessary for the debug command.

    Tuesday we will post it.


    I don't see it yet. First post still shows 8:00PM Pacific but didn't it get changed to 2:00PM Pacific?

    Time in first post is set now to 2:00 pm Pacific. The Zoom setup is also for 2:00 pm Pacific.

    At some point before today's Propeller 2 Live Forum we will post PNut and some code examples. I don't know when Chip will make those files available.

    Ken Gracey

  • Chip posted files for today's presentation in this thread

    Ken Gracey
  • Hi
    Eagerly waiting the youtube version- was not able to join until very late and everyone was going home!
  • I’ll let everybody know when the latest video is ready. Should be this morning.

  • Chip's presentation is now posted on the first link. I'll be working with future presenters to make the presentations more timely (1 hr) and precise. We had a bit of trouble getting started this time.

    Ken Gracey
  • OK, I will try to put some remainder here for Chip.

    CONstant for

    DEBUG_TX_PIN and maybe for later use DEBUG_RX_PIN

    also I think the quest for a start delay was not really solved.

    Could be a CON too

    Just insert a waitx #DEBUG_WAIT_START in the binary so we have a delay between installing the debugger and starting the main program in COG0.

    So the HOST has time to close its download serial and open up PST or p2loads terminal serial port.

    This would save @"Jeff Martin"'s problem with PropTool and PST as well as for all other loaders.


  • msrobots wrote: »
    OK, I will try to put some remainder here for Chip.

    CONstant for

    DEBUG_TX_PIN and maybe for later use DEBUG_RX_PIN

    also I think the quest for a start delay was not really solved.

    Could be a CON too

    Just insert a waitx #DEBUG_WAIT_START in the binary so we have a delay between installing the debugger and starting the main program in COG0.

    So the HOST has time to close its download serial and open up PST or p2loads terminal serial port.

    This would save @"Jeff Martin"'s problem with PropTool and PST as well as for all other loaders.



    He may not see this so I've copied it in an e-mail to him.

    Ken Gracey
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    The delay need not take an instruction from the table.
    Editing the source debug spin file could be a simple way to achieve the delay as usually when you're doing a debug you know what terminal you're using.
  • Actually no.

    As far as I can see the Debug stub attached to your file will load itself into the ROM area move your program back to HUB 0 and then start COG0 with your program in Debug mode.

    At that time it starts to spit out the first DEBUG serial, stating that it does start your program.

    So there is no way to do it in your own source, your code is not running yet, you have to have a terminal open before your code runs, but after loading to the P2.

    So the DEBUG loader stub has to wait for the HOST to switch from loading to terminal.

  • Sign up for tomorrow's presentation with TeamOz!!

    And make sure you've subscribed to our newsletter too! Promise not to try to sell you anything you don't need.

    Ken Gracey
  • Hi, unfortunately I will not be able to see the presentation life. I would be interested in 2 questions:
    1. When will micropython support programming all 8 cogs?
    2. Micropython is said to be 200 times slower than C. What is the strategy to deal with this issue?
    Good presentation!
  • TubularTubular Posts: 4,726
    edited 2020-07-22 21:24
    Hi Christof,

    1. Both Eric's Flexgui MicroPython and our Native P2 MicroPython allow you to start up addition cogs using the CPU method. The demo today will actually have 6 to 8 cogs running at various stages - the main MicroPython cog plus a mixture of Pasm2 cogs

    2. Because of the above, you can put anything that needs speed in the additional 7 cogs. That takes the pressure off speeding up MicroPython immediately. MicroPython itself also has a variety of speedup options - there is a presentation from Damien about this that demonstrates this (including viper mode and various tricks). I'll post a link later

    We're also interested in other ways to speed it up, its just not top priority at the moment

  • Agreed: speeding up is not the priority right now. Need to think of the possible customer, who is educational.

    Speaking of, I'm going to open the Live Forum in about five minutes.

    Good morning to TeamOz!

    Ken Gracey
  • Agenda for todays meeting

    * About team oz
    * About micropython
    * About demo today
    * Demo 1 – driving micropython from serial terminal
    * questions
    * Demo 2 – driving micropython from cross-platform mu editor
    * More questions
    * Demo 3 – advanced topics – live memory view, plotter
    * Even more questions
  • TeamOz Presents MicroPython for the P2 video now linked in first post!

    Ken Gracey
  • Tubular wrote: »
    Agenda for todays meeting

    * About team oz
    * About micropython
    * About demo today
    * Demo 1 – driving micropython from serial terminal
    * questions
    * Demo 2 – driving micropython from cross-platform mu editor
    * More questions
    * Demo 3 – advanced topics – live memory view, plotter
    * Even more questions

    The youtube video Ken referred to can be viewed here:

  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    Is there a Zoom meetup this week?
  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2020-07-28 01:05
    I could do an hour on the new P2D2 hardware and aspects of the design and pcb including general tips on hardware design. Since my artwork of the P2D2r5 and P2PAL are completed and I am just finishing off the P2LAB, this might also be a good time for feedback and questions before the boards are made

    So 1pm Wednesday PDT (7am Thurs AEST) .

    P.S. I've penciled it in tentatively.
  • I could do an hour on the new P2D2 hardware and aspects of the design and pcb including general tips on hardware design. Since my artwork of the P2D2r5 and P2PAL are completed and I am just finishing off the P2LAB, this might also be a good time for feedback and questions before the boards are made

    So 1pm Wednesday PDT (7am Thurs AEST) .

    P.S. I've penciled it in tentatively.

    Great. I'll get a registration link up today and we'll get this in order for tomorrow.

    Could you send me a picture of P2D2 PCB (or whatever you have, even a proto) plus a description of what's going to be discussed for the e-mail? We will put this together quickly.


    Ken Gracey
  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2020-07-29 01:16
    Thanks Ken,
    I'm still scratching my head with how I will start off :)

    I think I will start with introducing the P2D2 as a P2 "breakout board" and a bit of the background that led to it, then quickly go through the on-board support functions and the rationale.
    ITEM: P2D2 - what and why
    SHARES: Photos of the pcb and view and zoom on sections of the schematic.

    Then showing how the P2D2 module can be used as a stand-alone development board, or prototyping with matrix board, and as an embedded P2 module.
    ITEM: Using P2D2
    SHARES: Camera view of actual hardware.

    ITEM: USB serial communications capabilities including loading new firmware.
    SHARES: PC screen

    After this I like to talk about the latest r5 revision board and the P2PAL layer as well as the P2LAB motherboard.
    ITEM: New boards
    SHARES: 3D pcb views, schematics.

    Then I'd like to have time for questions and feedback, even requests for features etc since the artworks will all be going off together, but realistically probably not until next week which means I will have boards assembled by mid August.
    So there is still time to add or change little things.
    ITEM: Q&A

    This morning I will check my setup here so I can use multiple cameras and make sure I can share some hires shots.
    Last time I found I couldn't share these hires live images even though my download speed can be 200Mbps, the upstream could drop down to just a few Mbps, so I added another internet connection since then with a 40Mbs upstream capacity just for zoom.

  • Okay, Peter, let's do it! I'll get the links established and an e-mail sent out this evening. We'll choose 3 pm Pacific (8 am AEST).

    Many of us are looking forward to your update and the outline looks appropriate. Have an agenda and stick to it.

    Be watching for links in the next hour.

    Ken Gracey
  • The registration link for "Peter Jakacki Presents P2D2 Update" is now ready - first post on this thread!

    Ken Gracey
  • I attached the wrong file!
    3155 x 2462 - 2M
  • I attached the wrong file!

    Whooops! It's okay, I made a cutesy animated gif that's included in the e-mail already. Worry not; perfection is the enemy of a successful engineer (dare I say that here).

    It'll be sent out to the 350 list subscribers in a moment.

    Ken Gracey
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    email received, and registered :)
  • @Peter Jakacki
    Thanks for the P2D2 presentation.
    All your work is much appreciated. :)
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    Well done Peter :sunglasses:
  • TeamOz. How could there exist such a strong P2 nuclei in such a small population?

    They're extra productive in winter. Hopefully they keep this going in their summer.

    Great work, @"Peter Jakacki" ! I'm enthused for P2D2 and P2PAL (the R2D2 and C3PO of P2 land). It seems that you've thought of everything and the support of @jmg has also been useful for specifying parts. Chip once mentioned he has the Digi-Key catalog in his head.

    Ken Gracey
  • I'll get the video posted by noon Thursday, Pacific Time.

    Ken Gracey
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