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Propeller 2 Live Forum - Open learning and support (topics, speakers and registration!)



  • Registration link on first post!

    Ken Gracey

  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189

    @"Ken Gracey" said:
    Registration link on first post!

    ?? February 16th ??

  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2021-11-15 01:16

    Registration link on first post!

    Ken Gracey

  • Registration link on first post!

    Ken Gracey

  • Wow, it was scaringly silent the last few weeks but now the schedule is full until march! Looks very promising, expeacially the new documentation we have waited for so long. And single step debugging... Thumbs up! :)

  • January 12th registration links to the wrong presentation
    January 19th missing registration link

  • @DaveJenson said:
    January 12th registration links to the wrong presentation
    January 19th missing registration link

    Thanks Dave, you are correct. We're fixing both of those today. The first presentation (JonnyMac) is fully linked, correctly, so you can at least sign up for that one :)

    Ken Gracey

  • Wow Ken is back and scheduled not one, two or three but LOTs of meetings,
    well done and welcome back from wherever you where.

    Ari DID a good job to keep things running, but still - hmm - I at least missed you.


  • Another one coming! Registration link to be added soon!

    Thanks @msrobots, will fill you in when we see one another.

    Ken Gracey

  • Hi guys!

    A few weeks ago, I presented my programming system on the P2 live forum.
    During my show and tell, I also mentioned that I was making the world's smallest Space Invaders game.
    It seemed to spark some interest, despite being somewhat off topic, so here it is.
    I finally finished it and completed the video today. It's up on YouTube

    I hasten to add that this is NOT done on a P2 processor (or even a P1... it's on an shhhh Arduino), so don't go breaking my balls about it not being Parallax related. I just thought I keep those that showed an interest, updated.

    Cheers guys! :-)

  • Nix wrote: »
    ... I also mentioned that I was making the world's smallest Space Invaders game.

    Just watched the video. Despite the sadness I have that it's not P1/P2, I have to say THAT IS AWESOME!!! What a great job all around! The cabinet is especially amazing and your video is fun to watch.
  • @"Jeff Martin" said:
    Just watched the video. Despite the sadness I have that it's not P1/P2, I have to say THAT IS AWESOME!!! What a great job all around! The cabinet is especially amazing and your video is fun to watch.

    Thank you :)

  • Thanks for posting these @"Ken Gracey" !

    I'm sorry that I haven't provided you more details for the Feb. 2nd talk, life has gotten in the way... But I will try to put something together. Basically there are a bunch of new and upcoming features in FlexProp, including:

    (1) Floating point suport (already in)
    (2) Bytecode support (P1 native already in, a new kind of P2 bytecode in development)
    (3) Wifi support for P2 (in development, new PropLoader source is in my github)
    (4) New terminal window integrated into FlexProp GUI (in development)
    (5) DEBUG windows (TEXT, PLOT, etc.) (in development... will be only partially done by Feb. 2)

    So I think there will be lots to talk about :)

  • @ersmith said:
    (5) DEBUG windows (TEXT, PLOT, etc.) (in development... will be only partially done by Feb. 2)

    Uuuuh, is that based on the thing I started or are you doing it from scratch after seeing my sphaghetti code?

  • @Wuerfel_21 said:

    @ersmith said:
    (5) DEBUG windows (TEXT, PLOT, etc.) (in development... will be only partially done by Feb. 2)

    Uuuuh, is that based on the thing I started or are you doing it from scratch after seeing my sphaghetti code?

    It's probably going to be tcl/tk based. I liked your code, and the results were good... but I'm lazy, and realized that I could just use a tk text widget for TERM, and tk canvas for PLOT (and similar debug windows). Having the terminal in tk lets me do away with the external runner (cmd.exe on Windows, xterm on Linux, Terminal on Mac), which should simplify maintainence and improve the experience on the Mac -- the Terminal window was never coming to the top when I wanted it to. And we can select in the GUI which kind of terminal to emulate (ANSI or PST).

    But I still have to test the new scheme on all the OSes, and it's very possible that it won't work as well as I think it will...

  • Thanks for the interesting presentation of the BLDC motor driver board, yesterday. Unfortunatelly I was so tired I could hardly keep my eyes open and forgot to ask any questions. Is the example code available anywhere?

    @ersmith said:
    (5) DEBUG windows (TEXT, PLOT, etc.) (in development... will be only partially done by Feb. 2)

    I highly apreciate that! I promise I'll make my next patreon donation when the SCOPE debug window (the one I need most often) is also implemented. No need to hurry, though. I also have very little time for P2 code development.

  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,275

    @ManAtWork said:
    Thanks for the interesting presentation of the BLDC motor driver board, yesterday. Unfortunatelly I was so tired I could hardly keep my eyes open and forgot to ask any questions. Is the example code available anywhere?

    @ersmith said:
    (5) DEBUG windows (TEXT, PLOT, etc.) (in development... will be only partially done by Feb. 2)

    I highly apreciate that! I promise I'll make my next patreon donation when the SCOPE debug window (the one I need most often) is also implemented. No need to hurry, though. I also have very little time for P2 code development.

    I am cleaning up what I've got and I will post it.

  • DaveJensonDaveJenson Posts: 375
    edited 2022-01-26 18:30

    I was unable to join the P3 Zoom meeting.
    Was it cancelled?

    Edit: I see that it was cancelled....

  • PublisonPublison Posts: 12,366
    edited 2022-01-26 22:47

    There is a Zoom meeting tomorrow. See Ken's first post.

    Propeller 2 Documentation Update with Jeff Martin

    @DaveJenson said:
    I was unable to join the P3 Zoom meeting.
    Was it cancelled?

    Edit: I see that it was cancelled....

  • ersmithersmith Posts: 6,144
    edited 2022-02-02 14:55

    @"Ken Gracey" : I think we're still on for a talk tomorrow at 2pm 1pm Pacific time? I don't see a link for it yet, but I assume that will be up soon.

    Tomorrow I hope to present some of the new features in or coming soon to FlexProp. There's a screenshot here:

    New features in the GUI:

    • P2 WiFi programming (based on @VonSzarvas' work)
    • Built in terminal windows

      • both PST and ANSI
      • ANSI mode still incomplete
    • DEBUG TERM and PLOT windows

    Important older features in the GUI:

    • Access to documentation
    • Various option settings
    • The built in shell for copying to/from SD

    New features in the compiler:

    • print DEBUG (works on P1)
    • BRK DEBUG (better option for P2, @Wuerfel21's work)
    • Bytecode output (incomplete)
      • P1 bytecode (contributed by @Wuerfel21, Ada is amazing!)
      • P2 nucode
      • Custom interpreter generated for each program
      • Eventually hope to have JIT compilation of the bytecode

    New Language features:


    • Floating point


    • some C++ features, like foo::bar() declarations


    • file and directory functions
    • generic programming features
  • yes, yes, yes, please...


  • @ersmith said:
    @"Ken Gracey" : I think we're still on for a talk tomorrow at 2pm Pacific time? I don't see a link for it yet, but I assume that will be up soon.

    Absolutely! The savages are ready to harvest the goods of your open source efforts.

    The registration link is actually here as I don't do much of a job editing the first post on this thread as frequently as I'd like to.

    The topics are fantastic. If you could, maybe you or @"Stephen Moraco" can briefly mention how FlexProp can run on the RPi Linux OS. We have a need for that coming up, very soon! I'll be sending out an e-mail to the P2 forum members this evening as a reminder.

    Ken Gracey
    Parallax Inc.

  • Guess I'll be there, too. Could blab about the bytecode thing a bit.

  • Is the meeting time 2PM or 1PM Pacific time? The link I got said 1PM but Eric said something about 2PM….

  • I think I would take Ken's time at 1:00 Pacific. That's the normal time. Eric might have adjusted for his local time? Trust the Zoom link Jeti. :)

  • @DiverBob said:
    Is the meeting time 2PM or 1PM Pacific time? The link I got said 1PM but Eric said something about 2PM….

    Yes, I probably got the time zone conversion wrong. If the Zoom link says 1pm Pacific, then it's 1pm Pacific.

  • Thanks Eric for the very informative and useful update on FlexProp, yesterday.

    Ken Gracey

  • Registration link on first post!

    Ken Gracey

  • Today's presentation isn't quite ready from Chip and Jeff, so we're going to cover a few things informally:

    • P2 Quick Byte Project Board concept / feedback
    • TACS on the P2 with Nick
    • John and Jon on JonyJib's latest P2 project

    Open discussion of any kind, too.

    Ken Gracey

  • Jeff MartinJeff Martin Posts: 760
    edited 2022-02-23 21:39

    Propeller Tool Update: With regards to my new release I'd mentioned in the P2LF: I've hit a snag that I'm working through. I'll get it solved, though it looks like I won't meet my projected release for today and will instead publish it as soon as I can between now and Wednesday. I'm still unable to complete this due to debug messages (back to P2) being blocked (process frozen). Still exploring and working on the solution. I'll post a notice here when it's available.

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