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FSRW for eMMC (with 8-bit bus) Now at 28 MB/s! (example code posted) - Page 2 — Parallax Forums

FSRW for eMMC (with 8-bit bus) Now at 28 MB/s! (example code posted)



  • Maybe just tie it to to the P2 reset pin? If the P2 reset pin is like the P1 reset pin, that'd reset on power-up, brownout and external reset. Software reset would have to reset the eMMC in software though (is that even possible?)
  • evanhevanh Posts: 15,423

    [ Moved from emulation topic - ]

    Maybe optimistic there Rayman. Inner loop is sysclock/14:

                    rep     @.end_read,n1
                    drvl    pinClk    '2
                    nop               '4
                    waitx   #2        '8
                    drvh    pinClk    '10
                    nop               '12
                    wfbyte  inb       '14

    28 MBytes/s, without overheads, would need sysclock of 411 MHz.

    BTW: It wouldn't take much to tighten that loop to sysclock/8. Something like:

                    drvl    pinClk    '2
                    nop               '4
                    drvh    pinClk    '6
                    rep     @.end_read,#511
                    drvl    pinClk    '10
                    nop               '12
                    drvh    pinClk    '14
                    wfbyte  inb       '16
                    waitx   #4
                    wfbyte  inb
  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,162

    Hmm... Been a while, not sure how I messed that up...

  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,162

    Maybe I never posted the fast version...
    Just looked and the inner assembly loop is like this:

                    rep     @.end_read,n1
                    drvl    pinClk
                    drvh    pinClk
                    waitx   #2
                    wfbyte  inb
  • evanhevanh Posts: 15,423
    edited 2022-06-20 12:03

    Ah, that's writing the flash, not reading. Err, no. But that won't work as is. Not enough lag compensation. Or it might just, at slowest sysclocks.

    Oh, I see what's going on, you're clocking 513 bytes, which likely doesn't hurt. It starts with this:

                    drvl    pinClk
                    drvh    pinClk
                    testp   pinBase wc
            if_nc   jmp     #DoReadBlock3
                    jmp     #WaitStartBit3

    which is sampling the rx pin containing the old data byte. New data byte appears after the loop exits. Which in turn is picked up by your posted BlockByteLoop3 loop. And it continues picking up the old/prior bytes - same as my suggestion above - but it clocks one too many as a result.

  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,162

    A comment in the code says:
    ' 04JUN20: Multi-block read speed up to 28 MB/s with 300 MHz clock

  • evanhevanh Posts: 15,423
    edited 2022-06-20 11:59

    Yep, sysclock/10 is close to best. You should be able to do this:

                    rep     @.end_read,#511
                    drvl    pinClk    '   8,    low going clocks out from flash
                    nop               '2  10
                    drvh    pinClk    '4  12
                    wfbyte  inb       '6  14
                    waitx   #4
                    wfbyte  inb
  • evanhevanh Posts: 15,423

    To do any better than sysclock/8 requires frequency calibration. Like what gets done with the PSRAMs.

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