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Something rather strange in Pulse/Cycle Smartpin mode output — Parallax Forums

Something rather strange in Pulse/Cycle Smartpin mode output

roglohrogloh Posts: 5,882
edited 2020-02-19 01:23 in Propeller 2
I've encountered some weird Smartpin behavior and I don't quite understand it. Really hoping it is not a P2 HW bug in the REV B chip. Maybe I'm doing something wrong or not following when it is meant to trigger.

I can't get a reliable start of the pulse output mode once I trigger it. It seems to do strange things with values of WXPIN=3 and higher once it is triggered, and also it offsets its starting output pulse by another P2 clock with each increasing values after 4. The change from X=3 to X=4 looks weird too as it seems to lose a couple of offset clocks in the process. I've hacked up a test program that can be used to display a reference clock pattern on one clock output P2 pin along with the pulse output on another P2 pin and triggered by a serial keypress so you can see it happen on a scope/logic analyser. I'm running slow at 3.33MHz to help with this. I was also wondering if I was resetting things correctly each iteration or if not everything resets fully when the Smartpin is floated low.

A simple test program to see this behaviour is attached (runs with fastspin/flexgui etc). You can customise the two P2 output pins if you'd like. With the serial console you can press a digit from 1-9 to set the X value for the WXPIN parameter directly, then hit space to start the pulse output with that WXPIN value and see it on a scope with the reference clock pulses to trigger on. You can also press , . characters to decrease or increase X and < > characters to decrease/increase the Y value used (for WYPIN), though for this test I just leave Y at 1 which is its default. You can also uncomment the two PASM lines to get a single high pulse at the start of the pulse sequence (the compare value in the high word is then set as one less than the low word of the WXPIN value) and also see it moving along as you increase X - it also has the strange behavior at X=2,3,4 etc.

Do other people see this on their device setups? Am I doing something wrong in the code preventing it to work correctly?

Below are my scope grabs for each increasing value of X (With WYPIN set as #1 here). Yellow is the Pulse Smartpin and Cyan is the reference clock pulse train (generated around the same time in the code). From X=5 and higher things stabilise and the clock moves by one P2 clock each time it increases (not sure why), as well as it's total duration (which I do expect).
WXPIN param = 1
WXPIN param = 2
WXPIN param = 3
WXPIN param = 4
WXPIN param = 5

Sample test code below. Hopefully your serial port still works at this low P2 clock rate (my MAC did). If not you might just need to slow down the baud rate.


   CLK3_3MHz  = %1_001001_0000110001_1110_10_00 '(20MHz/10) * 50/30 = 3.3   MHz
   CLK200MHz  = %1_000100_0000110001_1111_10_00 '(20MHz/5)  * 50/1  = 200   MHz

  _clkmode = CLK3_3MHz ' setup a slow clock for testing
  _clkfreq = 3_333_333
'  _clkmode = CLK200MHz ' setup a full speed clock
'  _clkfreq = 200000000

   baud = 230_400
   rx_pin = 63
   tx_pin = 62
   pulsepin = 42
   clkpin = 40

    ser: "SmartSerial"

PUB start
    ' setup some default startup clock - use slowest clock for logic analyzer 
    clkset(_clkmode, _clkfreq) 
    coginit(cogid, test, @teststack)

PUB test | id, x, y, c
    ser.start(rx_pin, tx_pin, 0, baud)

    id := cognew(@testcode, @mbox1)

    waitcnt(cnt + _clkfreq)

    x := 1  
    y := 1
    ser.printf("COG %d spawned\nX=%d, Y=%d\n",id, x,y) 
        if c == " "
            ser.printf("Triggering Smartpin Pulse Output (X=%d, Y=%d) ... ",x,y)
            ser.printf("result = 0x%x\n", send(x,y))
           if c > "0" AND c =< "9"
           elseif c == ">"
           elseif c == "."
           elseif c == "<"
              if y > 1
           elseif c == ","
              if x > 1
           ser.printf("X=%d Y=%d\n", x, y)

PUB send(a,b)
    long[@mbox2] := b
    long[@mbox1] := a
    repeat until long[@mbox1]==0
    return long[@mbox2]


mbox1       long 0
mbox2       long 0
teststack   long 0[100]

'-------PASM COG testing code-----


                fltl    #pulsepin
                fltl    #clkpin
                wrpin   #%1_00101_0, #clkpin  ' set clkpin into Smartpin transition output mode
                wxpin   #1, #clkpin           ' transition delay = 1 P2 clock
                drvh    #clkpin               ' prepare a clock reference output

wait            rdlong  data, ptra            ' poll mailbox
                tjz     data, #wait
                rdlong  data2, ptra[1]        ' read second param
                fltl    #pulsepin             ' reset smartpin
                wrpin   #%1_00100_0,#pulsepin ' configure RWDS smartpin for pulse output

'               setword data, data, #1        ' these 2 lines can be enabled to get single high pulse
'               sub     data, ##$10000

                wxpin   data, #pulsepin       ' set the X timing parameter
                wypin   #0, #pulsepin         ' clear the Y timing parameter to be sure it won't trigger
                drvl    #pulsepin             ' enable RWDS smartpin
                wypin   #30, #clkpin          ' show some reference clocks for triggering scope/logic analyzer
                wypin   data2, #pulsepin      ' now set the Y timing parameter to start the pulse output

                waitx   #100                  ' wait for the test to complete/settle
                fltl    #pulsepin             ' reset smartpin

                wrlong  #0, ptra[1]           ' return a value if needed for testing etc
                wrlong  #0, ptra              ' clear mailbox
                jmp     #wait                 ' repeat                            

data  long 0
data2 long 0
320 x 234 - 6K
320 x 234 - 6K
320 x 234 - 6K
320 x 234 - 7K
320 x 234 - 7K


  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,274
    I have not fully absorbed your post, however, I remember that in these transition/cycle output modes, the time base set for the mode becomes the time grid upon which everything happens, including starting new commands.
  • roglohrogloh Posts: 5,882
    edited 2020-02-18 22:44
    cgracey wrote: »
    I have not fully absorbed your post, however, I remember that in these transition/cycle output modes, the time base set for the mode becomes the time grid upon which everything happens, including starting new commands.

    Ok so perhaps then the Smartpin trigger time is sensitive to its value in the X register as it is enabled and the time between enabling the Smartpin and setting its Y value to 1 to start the next cycle. In my code above that corresponded to 4 clock cycles. This may be why cycles with X register values of 1 and 2 and 4 started right away as they are multiples factors of 4. 3 is not a multiple factor of 4 and would have to wait until its multiple of clock cycle offset 6 (2 away from 4), and all others greater than 4 would offset by X-4 clocks from the starting time. This seems to line up with the images and seems right.

    I am hoping there is a way to trigger the pulse sequence either when the Smartpin enabled or when I send the Y value but IIRC when I set Y to 1 before the Smartpin is enabled to force it to output as soon as it is enabled I don't think I get any pulse (but I will double check this and report back when I retest that sequence, as I've already tried a bunch of things that didn't work out).

    Basically I'm trying to get a one-shot output pulse behavior happening at some given time after I issue the command. I can tolerate and compensate for a fixed output pulse timing offset, but not a variable one.
  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,263
    Yep, the timebase (or "period" as Chip calls it) of the pulse output modes is metronomic from that smartpin's rising DIR. You have to use a DIRL/H pair to control the timebase phase.

    Chip got away with not having to worry about it in his flash boot/programming code because he's operating at sysclock/2 only. In his case, using smartpin "transition" mode, means the timebase is sysclock. Which in turn means there is no timebase phasing.

  • roglohrogloh Posts: 5,882
    edited 2020-02-18 22:39
    evanh wrote: »
    Yep, the timebase (or "period" as Chip calls it) of the pulse output modes is metronomic from that smartpin's rising DIR. You have to use a DIRL/H pair to control the timebase phase.
    In my code I can do this DIR control each time I want another pulse (in fact I need to do that regardless of this issue), I just hope that while disabled I can set it's Y value to 1 before I enable the Smartpin so the pulses start right away. I have a feeling that didn't work, but I'll be verifying soon.
  • roglohrogloh Posts: 5,882
    edited 2020-02-19 00:00
    Just retested. Yep, just as I recalled, I can't get the output to trigger if I first do a:

    WXPIN data, #pin
    WYPIN #1, #pin

    before I enable the pin with

    DRVL #pin

    Nothing appears on the pin. There doesn't seem to be a way to start it until after the Smartpin is enabled and then you set the Y register, and at this point some number of clocks have already elapsed which will affect the output pulse duration because it won't always be a multiple of the desired interval at that clock cycle and you have to wait for the interval to elapse. I also thought of starting with WXPIN #1, #pin first so it reloads on every cycle, and then setting X properly after the pin is enabled but it doesn't help either.

    It appears somewhat Chicken-egg for generating one-shot pulses of a variable duration.

    Why can't Y be setup before the smartpin is enabled in this mode so output can startup right away when you need it to?
  • Just found a handy workaround in my application. :smiley: I can keep X set as 1, then just use Y as the total pulse duration. Basically I am using Y for what I had been trying to do before with X. Because X=1 it reloads right away and I can get my one shot pulse where I want it.
  • Roger
    Here's some notes from back in 2017 that I remember touched on this issue.
  • roglohrogloh Posts: 5,882
    edited 2020-02-19 00:26
    ozpropdev wrote: »
    Here's some notes from back in 2017 that I remember touched on this issue.

    Ok then it looks like this type of issue has been confusing people in the past as well. I still don't know why setting WYPIN=1 can't be done before the Smartpin is enabled so the output sequence can be starting right away. It just doesn't output anything in that case and waits for Y to be written AFTER the Smartpin is enabled, but by then some clocks have already elapsed.

    I'm hoping to use the Smartpin to control RWDS. It will be great if it works but I'm having problems fitting it into the overall sequence with these limitations and variable latencies etc. Main problem left now with my workaround above is not causing a bus clash if I enable the Smartpin output too soon. I have to delay it until after the HyperRAM address phase finishes.
  • rogloh wrote: »
    ozpropdev wrote: »
    Here's some notes from back in 2017 that I remember touched on this issue.

    Ok then it looks like this type of issue has been confusing people in the past as well. I still don't know why setting WYPIN=1 can't be done before the Smartpin is enabled, so the output sequence can be starting right away. It just doesn't output anything in that case and waits for Y to be written AFTER the Smartpin is enabled, but by then some clocks have already elapsed.

    I'm hoping to use the Smartpin to control RWDS, it will be great if it works but I'm having problems fitting it into the overall sequence with these limitations and variable latencies etc. Main problem left now with my workaround above is not causing a bus clash if I enable the Smartpin output too soon. I have to delay it until after the HyperRAM address phase finishes.

    Coordinating all this timing/latency stuff certainly accelerates the aging process. :smiley:
  • Certainly does, Brian! LOL.

    Not fun until it all works.
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    rogloh wrote: »
    Ok then it looks like this type of issue has been confusing people in the past as well. I still don't know why setting WYPIN=1 can't be done before the Smartpin is enabled so the output sequence can be starting right away. It just doesn't output anything in that case and waits for Y to be written AFTER the Smartpin is enabled, but by then some clocks have already elapsed..

    Yes, the ideal would be an ARM then GO model. It seems some aspects of init, have missed getting that GO to apply, and so they start early (before the GO )

  • roglohrogloh Posts: 5,882
    edited 2020-02-19 01:06
    @jmg, Yep it's a genuine limitation over what could have been available with this mode. From a usability point of view I don't see any reason NOT to allow it, given you could always set Y to zero before you enable it if you did NOT want a pulse output to start at the beginning but needed to keep the X counter sequence rolling from then on which is basically the current behaviour anyway.

    Perhaps Y is simply always being reset right at the enabling of the Smartpin in this mode by the HW. Maybe a small oversight or design flaw there (no offence Chip!) :wink: . Or maybe it was actually not possible for the pipeline output timing to start that early and it needed another clock?
  • rogloh wrote: »
    ozpropdev wrote: »
    Here's some notes from back in 2017 that I remember touched on this issue.

    Ok then it looks like this type of issue has been confusing people in the past as well. I still don't know why setting WYPIN=1 can't be done before the Smartpin is enabled so the output sequence can be starting right away. It just doesn't output anything in that case and waits for Y to be written AFTER the Smartpin is enabled, but by then some clocks have already elapsed.

    I'm hoping to use the Smartpin to control RWDS. It will be great if it works but I'm having problems fitting it into the overall sequence with these limitations and variable latencies etc. Main problem left now with my workaround above is not causing a bus clash if I enable the Smartpin output too soon. I have to delay it until after the HyperRAM address phase finishes.

    As the documentation states:
    During reset (DIR=0), IN is low, the output is low, and Y is set to zero.

    To me this reads as an asynchronous clearing of the Y register when the smartpin is disabled.

    Your post title states pulse/transition mode, but the documentation has pulse/cycle mode and transition mode as separate items.

    In pulse/cycle mode with X[31:16] set to 0, X[15:0] set to pulse duration+1, and Y to 1, you should get a high output from the WYPIN until X[15:0]-1 sysclocks later.
    Is this not the case?
  • You are right AJL it should be Pulse/Cycle output in the title - I will change it.

    Yes Y is being reset (as you point out it's actually documented which I'd misinterpreted as cleared when entering reset, but not held in reset) while the Smartpin is reset. Before even knowing that I was hoping we could use it to start the output cycle at a precise time, but it can't be done and it needs to count through the first counter sequence before it will begin its output.
    In pulse/cycle mode with X[31:16] set to 0, X[15:0] set to pulse duration+1, and Y to 1, you should get a high output from the WYPIN until X[15:0]-1 sysclocks later.
    Is this not the case?
    You get the correct output but you have to wait for an initial X sequence (or a multiple of them) to complete after releasing the Smartpin from reset before the new Y setting is honoured.
  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,263
    ozpropdev wrote: »
    Here's some notes from back in 2017 that I remember touched on this issue.
    Wow, I'd forgotten all about that particular conversation. I've bumped into this issue a number of times since so I have become very familiar with it.

  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,263
    rogloh wrote: »
    ... you have to wait for an initial X sequence (or a multiple of them) to complete after releasing the Smartpin from reset before the new Y setting is honoured.
    Ya, need to have fixed and documented instruction group from DIRH to WYPIN and beyond to the partnering I/O so that you know you have a fixed phase relationship that can be compensated consistently. ie: Counting instructions a little further than intuitively thinking.

  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,263
    AJL wrote: »
    Your post title states pulse/transition mode, but the documentation has pulse/cycle mode and transition mode as separate items.
    Both modes have same timebase "period" mechanism so the issue applies to both equally.

  • roglohrogloh Posts: 5,882
    edited 2020-02-19 01:50
    I wonder what happens if you change X while the Smartpin is operating, and if Y automatically gets reset then too...
  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,263
    rogloh wrote: »
    I wonder what happens if you change X while the Smartpin is operating, and if Y automatically gets reset then too...
    Presumably X is a countdown and reload, so X will likely takes effect on the following period. Y will retain its value.

  • :smile: Looks like things are tantalizingly close now on my scope for back to back HyperRAM bursts (no byte banging or delay between address phase/data phase) with this Smartpin pulse mode. It's complicated by the fact that I need to turn around RWDS at the right time and can't drive it earlier when the memory drives it.

    It appears I can get it down to supporting 4 latency clocks with this Smartpin code I am playing with. Doing 3 is too tight with this code unless I can find a way to overlap/optimize further. In any case 4 will be okay in the near term, as the ISSI HyperRAM always doubles its minimum 3 clock latency setting up to 6 because it is locked in fixed latency mode, and the HyperFlash is 5 clocks minimum. However other devices might possibly be faster one day.
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    rogloh wrote: »
    :smile: Looks like things are tantalizingly close now on my scope for back to back HyperRAM bursts (no byte banging or delay between address phase/data phase) with this Smartpin pulse mode. It's complicated by the fact that I need to turn around RWDS at the right time and can't drive it earlier when the memory drives it.
    Would a contention-tolerate series resistor help there ?
    rogloh wrote: »
    It appears I can get it down to supporting 4 latency clocks with this Smartpin code I am playing with. Doing 3 is too tight with this code unless I can find a way to overlap/optimize further. In any case 4 will be okay in the near term, as the ISSI HyperRAM always doubles its minimum 3 clock latency setting up to 6 because it is locked in fixed latency mode, and the HyperFlash is 5 clocks minimum. However other devices might possibly be faster one day.

    The ISSI octalRAM has these tables. They support 3, but only to 83MHz bus speed, which may give your code more time ?
    0000 3 clocks                   6 clocks 83Mhz
    0001 4 clocks                   8 clocks 100Mhz
    0010 5 clocks (default at 3V)  10 clocks 133Mhz
    0011 6 clocks                  12 clocks 150MHz
    0100 7 clocks                  14 clocks NA
    0101 8 clocks(default at 1.8V) 16 clocks 166/200Mhz(2)
    0100 - 1111 Reserved              - NA
  • roglohrogloh Posts: 5,882
    edited 2020-02-19 04:06
    No this code is all synchronous jmg (@ sysclk/2) so running slower (like sysclk/3 or sysclk/4 which could allow more setup instructions) would need a totally different implementation and it wouldn't be worth coding different variants for just a one clock saving in latency. The total transaction overhead dwarfs this latency.

    I might be able to look at a way to tighten it up if I can as I do have a few nops left in there, but for now it is 4 latency clocks minimum.

    Does this ISSI octaRAM still only use fixed latency like their HyperRAM I wonder or can it be variable latency as well? The IS66WVH16M8ALL/BLL part doesn't support variable latency even though there is a register setting bit for it.
    Would a contention-tolerate series resistor help there ?
    I actually thought about this too, and it might, but the Parallax board doesn't have it.
    EDIT: actually I see it does have a resistor, it's 10 ohms.
  • You might be able to preload a short base period (1?) after a pulse is sent to get some determinism back.

    If the smartpin was 'idling' on a base period of 1 sysclock and Y = 0, then for each pulse you could set X to a preamble value giving enough time to immediately set X to the pulse length, and set Y to 1. Then set X back to give the short base period again.

    Timed correctly the preamble base period should expire as Y is set to 1, giving the pulse duration high and then back to a short idle value.

    So values for X could be:
    idling - $0000_0001 'base period counter is reloaded every sysclock
    preamble - $0000_0004 'base period counter is reloaded after 4 sysclocks
    pulse - $0000_0000 | pulse_length 'output high when Y > 0, pulse is full length of X[15:0]-1

    Sequence for a pulse might be:
    WXPIN preamble, #pin 'idling, so base period counter is reloaded with low word of preamble immediately
    WXPIN pulse, #pin 'base period counter preamble - 2, X contains pulse for next period
    WYPIN #1 , #pin 'base period counter is reloaded to pulse_length; start pulse
    WXPIN idling, #pin 'at end of pulse go back to short idle with output low

    The numbers might be slightly off, but I think the concept is sound.

  • AJL wrote: »
    You might be able to preload a short base period (1?) after a pulse is sent to get some determinism back.

    If the smartpin was 'idling' on a base period of 1 sysclock and Y = 0, then for each pulse you could set X to a preamble value giving enough time to immediately set X to the pulse length, and set Y to 1. Then set X back to give the short base period again.

    Timed correctly the preamble base period should expire as Y is set to 1, giving the pulse duration high and then back to a short idle value.

    So values for X could be:
    idling - $0000_0001 'base period counter is reloaded every sysclock
    preamble - $0000_0004 'base period counter is reloaded after 4 sysclocks
    pulse - $0000_0000 | pulse_length 'output high when Y > 0, pulse is full length of X[15:0]-1

    Sequence for a pulse might be:
    WXPIN preamble, #pin 'idling, so base period counter is reloaded with low word of preamble immediately
    WXPIN pulse, #pin 'base period counter preamble - 2, X contains pulse for next period
    WYPIN #1 , #pin 'base period counter is reloaded to pulse_length; start pulse
    WXPIN idling, #pin 'at end of pulse go back to short idle with output low

    The numbers might be slightly off, but I think the concept is sound.


    Thinking about this further, maybe the preamble isn't needed. Just extend the pulse value by 2 to account for the time taken to set Y.

    idling - $0000_0001 'base period counter is reloaded every sysclock
    pulse - $0000_0000 | pulse_length 'output high when Y > 0, pulse is length of X[15:0]-3

    WXPIN pulse, #pin 'idling, so base period counter is reloaded with low word of pulse immediately
    WYPIN #1 , #pin 'start pulse, base period counter is pulse_length - 2
    WXPIN idling, #pin 'at end of pulse go back to short idle with output low
  • Yes AJL that is also a good idea. Today I have basically been using a similar idling technique where I set X=1 while the Smartpin is disabled, then once I enable the Smartpin I set Y as the pulse length and it fires immediately (or with at least a constant output delay I can correct for). I also need to toggle the pin driver output on and off after this as this pin needs tri-stating but I have time for this too.

    @jmg, I was able to tighten the code for 3 clock cycle latency with RWDS but it offset my streamer data by a whole clock. There is lots of work to do around the same time unfortunately. I'm still working on it...

    Another complexity is that the data sheet seems to imply you have to set RWDS low first before you can drive it high (see note 5 below). I don't like this and would like to drive it high first which is easier in the code the way the one shot works. I wonder if it really is required. Maybe the memory device senses the low condition first somewhere in case you leave it floating high or something...?

    1018 x 655 - 145K
    diag.png 145.3K
  • Note 5 is saying that if you're going to mask that first byte, you'd better drive RWDS low first to get a rising edge.

    You could drive it low sooner? It's tri state for quite a few clocks.
  • roglohrogloh Posts: 5,882
    edited 2020-02-19 07:11
    Yep I am doing so. I am now driving it low halfway between the third and fourth clock pulses (right in the middle of the low clock level) and it stays low for 1.5 clock periods before rising high if required in preparation for the data write. I drop it again later as required by the transaction address.

    I do hope the memory shuts off RWDS just after the falling edge of the third clock in time. It's not specified in the data sheet unfortunately but I'm guessing that would trigger it. Enabling the RWDS output here is about as late as I can manage it.

    Also I have found I can get latency=3 operation now too which is a bonus, so @jmg should be pleased. :smiley:

    EDIT: Hmm, spoke to soon. I think my data is offset wrong again now - I need a proper 4 channel scope! Sick of not seeing data and RWDS and clock all together and only seeing two of these signals at once. Maybe I will switch to my logic analyser. The scope is handy though for seeing the tri-state level. I guess I can hook up both tools to the same pins.
  • rogloh wrote: »
    Yep I am doing so. I am now driving it low halfway between the third and fourth clock pulses (right in the middle of the low clock level) and it stays low for 1.5 clock periods before rising high if required in preparation for the data write. I drop it again later as required by the transaction address.

    I do hope the memory shuts off RWDS just after the falling edge of the third clock in time. It's not specified in the data sheet unfortunately but I'm guessing that would trigger it. Enabling the RWDS output here is about as late as I can manage it.

    Also I have found I can get latency=3 operation now too which is a bonus, so @jmg should be pleased. :smiley:

    EDIT: Hmm, spoke to soon. I think my data is offset wrong again now - I need a proper 4 channel scope! Sick of not seeing data and RWDS and clock all together and only seeing two of these signals at once. Maybe I will switch to my logic analyser. The scope is handy though for seeing the tri-state level. I guess I can hook up both tools to the same pins.

    Scope mode on four channels with a video display connected to the P2 was demonstrated by Chip a while back. Would that work for you?
  • Hah, yeah AJL good idea, use the P2 do debug itself. Nice one. Plus I have the second P2 board too. If I get annoyed enough with my home test gear limitations I might go try to set it up. I'm already clocking down at the slowest 3.33MHz you can get from the external crystal (PLL=100MHz & div=30) on the P2-EVAL so perhaps at that low a speed another P2 could sample the IO pin signals in the analog domain and show some waveforms that look "reasonable", not quite so sure about the clock. But first I'll try my logic analyser instead to see if that works out.

  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,263
    You can go down to PLL(VCO) = 40 MHz and still be low jitter. 30 MHz is more noticeable jitter but also not that bad for testing of something like this. So you could go as low as 1 MHz sysclock for testing.
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