In my opinion, poor QFN sales are directly related to the fact that the Propeller is not really designed for low power usage, so small-sized end applications are not a mainstream market for the Propeller. As such, real estate is not a concern normally, so space savings is not a factor to drive a QFN vs QFP choice. Also, QFN packages seem to thwart the DIY/hobbyist/low volume avenues for the Propeller so they just aren't chosen. QFPs are much easier to rework with a standard soldering iron. On the flip side, because I have appropriate equipment, all of the Propeller based products I have designed have used the QFN package.
evanh: I will agree in non-commercial usage (for example toaster oven reflow), BGA and QFN packages do have issues in the field, but from a professional manufacturing environment, BGA and QFN packages are very reliable.
My impression from the current P2 discussions is that users desire the QFP and 2 layer boards for any use of the P2. That's a good start, but I would hope Parallax has bigger dreams for the P2.
After going back and forth with OnSemi, I made new markings like Peter's, but without the "P2" being italicized, since I think it looks fuller without the slant. On the part number, I got rid of the "-" and used an "X" to make it more searchable.
After going back and forth with OnSemi, I made new markings like Peter's, but without the "P2" being italicized, since I think it looks fuller without the slant. On the part number, I got rid of the "-" and used an "X" to make it more searchable.
A few thoughts:
1. It would be much better with the OnSemi "AWLYYWWW CCCCC" on a single line and their dummy text would fit at the size shown.
2. The big "P2" looks too squashed vertically and (1) would allow room for it be taller.
3. There is very little gap between characters in "P2X8C4M64P" and if a tiny bit smaller they could fit in the same width but be more legible.
TonyB_, I agree. It is OnSemi's policy to have TWO lines for their own markings. No getting around this. It doesn't even seem worth asking them if they could, at least, center justify those lines.
I detected Chip's hint about liking the non-italicized "P2" marking a few days back, but nobody took the bait and encouraged him to go with it (partly since a couple had stated a preference for the italicized version). But good on you, Chip, for going with your gut (even if your gut feeling changes). Both versions are good: one fills space better to stand out that way, the other uses an edgy slant to stand out. There's no right or wrong as such. Anyway, seeing the artwork on a package diagram has got to be a good sign with respect to progress.
I detected Chip's hint about liking the non-italicized "P2" marking a few days back, but nobody took the bait and encouraged him to go with it (partly since a couple had stated a preference for the italicized version). But good on you, Chip, for going with your gut (even if your gut feeling changes). Both versions are good: one fills space better to stand out that way, the other uses an edgy slant to stand out. There's no right or wrong as such. Anyway, seeing the artwork on a package diagram has got to be a good sign with respect to progress.
I prefer italicized but I'm easy going as long as it makes some sense, which it does. We have a good and meaningful part number, a bold P2 with matching font, and Parallax Inc. This is Chip's chip and with the support of forumistas it is something to be really really proud of, a thing we would call being "chuffed", like a proud happy father.
Now, I am going to do up some "P2 Inside" stickers as well as finish off some pcb designs, but not before I test and finish the ROM.
I'm going through my ROM_Booter code, separating SPI_DI and SPI_DO.
I've got a check in place for a pull-up on SPI_CK (also SD_CS) which will branch to Cluso's SD code.
My pinout is as follows:
If pull-up on P60
branch to SD booter
If pull-up on P61
attempt to load from SPI
if SPI data okay
if pull-up on P59
immediately run SPI code
allow 100ms serial window before running SPI code
allow 60s serial window
If a certain character sequence is received during the serial window, a branch to TAQOZ occurs.
Pinouts correct but please don't put the SD card on the pins with verilog. We need to connect our own hardware.
Here is the code section we have been working towards for the pullup tests..
P63 | RX else = 4th boot SERIAL
P62 | TX ASSERT TXD PU ??????
P61 | CSn CLK spi_cs | sd_ck pu = 4th boot FLASH (APP) (no pd)
P60 | CLK CSn spi_ck | sd_cs pu = 3rd boot SD (no pd)
P59 | DI DI MOSI spi_dq | sd_di pu = 2nd boot SERIAL
NOTE: could use pd here to disable serial & TAQOZ for security conscious product
P58 | DO DO MISO spi_do | sd_do pu = 1st boot FLASH (TEST)
' WARNING: The following code does not set c & z correctly to go to #main !!!
callpa #spi_do,#check_pullup 'spi_dq pull-up? load from FLASH (ROM) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< peter to do !!!!
if_c jmp #FLASHROM
callpa #spi_dq,#check_pullup
if_c jmp #\try_serial ' Force serial'
callpa #spi_ck,#check_pullup 'spi_ck pull-up? load from SDcard
if_c jmp #@_SDcard_boot 'y: (hubexec)
callpa #spi_cs,#check_pullup 'spi_cs pull-up? load from FLASH (APP)
if_c jmp #\try_flash 'y:
.doserial cmp x,x wc ' c=0
jmp #\try_serial ' load from SERIAL
rdlong x,#bootflg '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< peter to complete
mov y,#romsig
cmp x,y wz
wrlong y,#bootflg
if_z jmp #\try_serial ' skip - already loaded ROM from Flash '
'+ FLASH: Load from SPI memory, if present (c=1) +
try_flash drvh #spi_cs 'make spi_cs high (pbj)
'''dirh #spi_cs 'make spi_cs output <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< chip to verify happy to do this
drvl #spi_ck 'make spi_ck output
neg pb,#1 'set command bits to all 1's
callpa #2,#spi_cmd 'send exit-quad command
callpa #8,#spi_cmd 'send exit-quad command
callpa #16,#spi_cmd 'send exit-dual command
callpb #$66,#spi_cmd8 'send reset-enable command
callpb #$99,#spi_cmd8 'send reset command
waitx ##rc_max/20_000 'wait 50us
callpb #$04,#spi_cmd8 'send write-disable command to clear WEL
.wait callpb #$05,#spi_cmd8 'send read-status command
call #spi_in 'get status
testbn x,#1 wz 'if WEL high, no SPI memory
if_nz jmp #.float
testbn x,#0 wz 'if BUSY high, wait for erase/write to finish
if_nz jmp #.wait
mov pa,#32 'send read-from-start command
callpb #$03,#spi_cmd
cmp bootflg,#romsig wz ' ok to rom boot?' '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< peter to complete/comment
if_z decod y,#14 ' read 16kB'
if_z wrfast #0,##_hubrom ' to hubrom '
if_nz decod y,#10 'ready to input $400 bytes from SPI
if_nz wrfast #0,#0 'ready to write bytes to hub
.data call #spi_in 'get byte
wfbyte x 'store byte into hub
djnz y, 'loop for next byte (y=0 after)
cmp bootflg,#romsig wz ' ok to run rom boot?'
if_z coginit #0,##_hubrom ' just run this code ' '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< peter to complete/comment
rdfast #0,#0 'ready to read longs from hub
rep #2,#$100 'ready to read and sum $100 longs
rflong z 'read long
add y,z 'sum long
cmp y,csum wz 'verify checksum, z=1 if okay
if_z bith flags,#spi_ok 'if program verified, set spi_ok flag
if_z callpa #spi_ck,#check_pullup 'check pull-up on spi_ck, c=1 if pull-up '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<?????
.float if_nz dirl #spi_cs 'if no SPI memory or program didn't verify, float SPI pins
if_nz dirl #spi_ck
jmp #main 'jump to main program in lut, if z=c=1 then run SPI program
and the checking for the autoboard sequences...
get_command getct x 'reset serial timeout in case SPI program ready
addct1 x,timeout_per
mov z,#0 'reset string buffer
.byte call #get_rx 'get byte
cmp x,#_TAQOZ_ wz 'PBJ
if_z call #\reset_pins 'RR disable booter serial/autobaud/interrupts
if_z jmp #@TAQOZ 'PBJ - jump to TAQOZ (hubexec?) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< peter to check !!!!!
cmp x,#_SDcard_ wz 'RR
if_z call #\reset_pins 'RR disable booter serial/autobaud/interrupts
if_z jmp #@_SDcard_boot 'RR - jump to SD boot (hub)
cmp x,#_Monitor_ wz 'RR
if_z call #\reset_pins 'RR disable booter serial/autobaud/interrupts
if_z jmp #@_Start_Monitor 'RR - jump to Monitor (hub)
rolbyte y,z,#3 'scroll byte into 2-long/8-byte string buffer
rolbyte z,x,#0
cmp y,text_prop wz '"Prop"?
if_nz jmp #.byte
If pull-up on P60
branch to SD booter
If pull-up on P61
attempt to load from SPI
if SPI data okay
if pull-up on P59
immediately run SPI code
allow 100ms serial window before running SPI code
allow 60s serial window
That code looks to disturb 2 pins, before it decides to start serial ?
Is that the lowest practical impact that can be achieved ?
Does this need a package suffix in there, for the TQFP100 ?
Demand might see a QFN or BGA version offered in the future (same die) ?
You could ask OnSemi what size BGA package this could drop into ?
Well, this package is needed for its heat-dissipating ability. Other packages won't have the same ability and won't be usable for this chip. I think this package is going to be the only one.
But 4 years ago the solution was to use a BGA package?
I saw 3.6W absolute max for a Maxim part in TQFP100-EP.
The P1 was P8X32A.
Propeller/8-Core/32-IO Pins/Model or Revision A(I think there was to be a version of the P1 with 64 IO Pins. Specified from OUTB in Spin documentary)
The P2 should be:
P2-Core #(I think it is still 8)X-IO Pin #-Revision#
Something like:
I've been trying to finish off testing the boot ROM code but found I really needed a better hardware setup for my CVA9 board, especially in terms of being able to test the SD and Flash on different pins to rule out any peculiarities with the FPGA and its pcb. The code seems to be running well, I just want to be able to test it a bit more. I was worried that there was a problem with the SD and Flash on the same 4-pins but it seems to boot fine. The logic analyzer is causing the ROM to see pull-downs on all the lines so I will have to check this with the 4-ch scope next.
I want to do some more testing but I've been up all night and it's now 5AM so I figure I will try to catch a few hours sleep for now.
Here are some captures plus a session with TAQOZ setting up serial Flash on P0..P3 for testing and checking Flash IDs and dumping etc as well as checking the I/O pin states.
Parallax Propeller II .:.:--TAQOZ--:.:. V1.0-180514.2330 V32 FPGA
TAQOZ# SFSID .L SPACE .L $0751.5F27 $C862.4077 ok
00.0000: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 39 0A 39 0A ............9.9.
00.0010: 74 68 73 0D 0D 09 49 20 40 46 54 49 4D 45 20 2B ths...I @FTIME +
00.0020: 20 57 40 20 2E 46 54 49 4D 45 0D 0D 2D 2D 2D 09 W@ .FTIME..---.
00.0030: 50 72 69 6E 74 20 74 68 65 20 66 69 6C 65 20 6E Print the file n ok
TAQOZ# lsio
=:h~~h~d~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~dd~~~d~~~~~~~hhhhh~~~d~d~~~hdhhdd~~~~~~ ok
I have the 5V power going to a mains remote outlet that I power on and off with a foot-switch while I also have a reset button on the breakout too.
A minor point but I suggest you change your banner to say "Parallax Propeller 2" instead of "Parallax Propeller II" since the official name of the chip seems to be "P2".
A minor point but I suggest you change your banner to say "Parallax Propeller 2" instead of "Parallax Propeller II" since the official name of the chip seems to be "P2".
True true true, I've been concentrating on code but I also see this in Chip's code:
'* *
'* Propeller II ROM Booter *
'* *
'* 5/12/2018 - v32d *
'* *
I think we are probably going to refer to this chip as the P2 rather than the Propeller 2.
Here are some captures plus a session with TAQOZ setting up serial Flash on P0..P3 for testing and checking Flash IDs and dumping etc as well as checking the I/O pin states.
Looking good.
Is serial boot still tested ?
Does flash boot now support a Size.Offset header, or do users still have to manage and load two flash images ?
Can serial boot, call into Flash loader ? (and I guess SD loader ?)
Here are some captures plus a session with TAQOZ setting up serial Flash on P0..P3 for testing and checking Flash IDs and dumping etc as well as checking the I/O pin states.
Looking good.
Is serial boot still tested ?
Does flash boot now support a Size.Offset header, or do users still have to manage and load two flash images ?
Can serial boot, call into Flash loader ? (and I guess SD loader ?)
Serial hasn't changed but I am looking for lockout conditions.
Chip has his reasons for the two stage boot and one of them is that the first stage can switch to whatever faster speed there is and continue to read 1-bit mode from Flash or switch bit modes. I'd still like to see a block method read into hub supported too though.
It doesn't look like Cluso has any command to load SD from serial though. TAQOZ has serial Flash support and can backup and restore etc but doesn't bother trying to access SD.
Here are some captures plus a session with TAQOZ setting up serial Flash on P0..P3 for testing and checking Flash IDs and dumping etc as well as checking the I/O pin states.
Looking good.
Is serial boot still tested ?
Does flash boot now support a Size.Offset header, or do users still have to manage and load two flash images ?
Can serial boot, call into Flash loader ? (and I guess SD loader ?)
Serial hasn't changed but I am looking for lockout conditions.
Chip has his reasons for the two stage boot and one of them is that the first stage can switch to whatever faster speed there is and continue to read 1-bit mode from Flash or switch bit modes. I'd still like to see a block method read into hub supported too though.
It doesn't look like Cluso has any command to load SD from serial though. TAQOZ has serial Flash support and can backup and restore etc but doesn't bother trying to access SD.
Of course you can boot SD from the Monitor, which can be entered from serial like TAQOZ. It's the "R"un command.
evanh: I will agree in non-commercial usage (for example toaster oven reflow), BGA and QFN packages do have issues in the field, but from a professional manufacturing environment, BGA and QFN packages are very reliable.
My impression from the current P2 discussions is that users desire the QFP and 2 layer boards for any use of the P2. That's a good start, but I would hope Parallax has bigger dreams for the P2.
I've just seen one click up to Rev 'G', but that wont be P2, right ?
Where have you been??? We're already at Rev 'Z'!
Hehe, well yes....
(Does Chip even keep a build counter ? )
Looking forward to getting my first tracking number verifying "P2's on route!" :cool:
A few thoughts:
1. It would be much better with the OnSemi "AWLYYWWW CCCCC" on a single line and their dummy text would fit at the size shown.
2. The big "P2" looks too squashed vertically and (1) would allow room for it be taller.
3. There is very little gap between characters in "P2X8C4M64P" and if a tiny bit smaller they could fit in the same width but be more legible.
I prefer italicized but I'm easy going as long as it makes some sense, which it does. We have a good and meaningful part number, a bold P2 with matching font, and Parallax Inc. This is Chip's chip and with the support of forumistas it is something to be really really proud of, a thing we would call being "chuffed", like a proud happy father.
Now, I am going to do up some "P2 Inside" stickers as well as finish off some pcb designs, but not before I test and finish the ROM.
Thanks Lachlan.
To test you will need to put...
A SPI Flash part on P61-58 as CS, CLK, MOSI, MISO with a pullup on CS - make the pullup linkable
An SD card on P61-58 as CLK, CS, MOSI, MISO (no pullups)
Both Flash and SD can be combined
P58 & P59 may also have pullups for other options (more later) - make these pullups linkable
Standby as Chip said OnSemi require the code Monday!!!
Forgot to answer. Yes, TAQOZ, SD and Monitor are all working nicely sandboxed.
We are still doing tweeks (saving a few longs here and there, nothing risky)
I'm going through my ROM_Booter code, separating SPI_DI and SPI_DO.
I've got a check in place for a pull-up on SPI_CK (also SD_CS) which will branch to Cluso's SD code.
My pinout is as follows:
If a certain character sequence is received during the serial window, a branch to TAQOZ occurs.
Does this sound okay Cluso and Peter?
Here is the code section we have been working towards for the pullup tests..
and the checking for the autoboard sequences...
That code looks to disturb 2 pins, before it decides to start serial ?
Is that the lowest practical impact that can be achieved ?
But 4 years ago the solution was to use a BGA package?
I saw 3.6W absolute max for a Maxim part in TQFP100-EP.
Propeller/8-Core/32-IO Pins/Model or Revision A(I think there was to be a version of the P1 with 64 IO Pins. Specified from OUTB in Spin documentary)
The P2 should be:
P2-Core #(I think it is still 8)X-IO Pin #-Revision#
Something like:
I want to do some more testing but I've been up all night and it's now 5AM so I figure I will try to catch a few hours sleep for now.
Here are some captures plus a session with TAQOZ setting up serial Flash on P0..P3 for testing and checking Flash IDs and dumping etc as well as checking the I/O pin states.
I have the 5V power going to a mains remote outlet that I power on and off with a foot-switch while I also have a reset button on the breakout too.
I think we are probably going to refer to this chip as the P2 rather than the Propeller 2.
EDIT: simplified splash string
P2 BOOT ROM Dropbox folder
Is serial boot still tested ?
Does flash boot now support a Size.Offset header, or do users still have to manage and load two flash images ?
Can serial boot, call into Flash loader ? (and I guess SD loader ?)
Serial hasn't changed but I am looking for lockout conditions.
Chip has his reasons for the two stage boot and one of them is that the first stage can switch to whatever faster speed there is and continue to read 1-bit mode from Flash or switch bit modes. I'd still like to see a block method read into hub supported too though.
It doesn't look like Cluso has any command to load SD from serial though. TAQOZ has serial Flash support and can backup and restore etc but doesn't bother trying to access SD.
Yes, we looked into that, but integration into the design seemed quite complicated. It was more than I felt I could deal with at the time.