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i think my scribbler committed suicide



  • whiteoxewhiteoxe Posts: 794
    edited 2014-06-22 22:01
    I did a bit of rearranging my desks and computers. I put in that serial card finally and screwed everything back together again. Then i decided to give the two new serial ports a test. They failed to be recognized. I rang the store and despite it was purchased about 2 years ago, I rang them and they had it on my file . It dosent need drivers. Win 7 takes care of it.

    I checked it out and found it was actually a bit loose so that's why i guess it didn't work. Now ive got to take my desk apart to get back into the computer. But i think if you find a serial port card that needs a driver.... don't buy it !!!! I will fix it up. Tht might help me get the com ports working under Wine. I'll let you know. Ive got rid of windows on my dell and now it is purely Mint OS !
  • whiteoxewhiteoxe Posts: 794
    edited 2014-07-05 01:29

    Its only a two min video, I lost intrest when the tranfer cable failed due do a big mistake of mine I *think* dont charge your sony dslr with the port used for video/photo tranfer.
    Ive been reading three different manuals, Programming Spin, Whats a microcontroller, The Arduino getting started manual, SimpleIDE off the Learn site. Trying to get the Motor Controller working/wired up right. Think I may have been using 6 Volts for the Gadget Gangster Prop USB platform when it maybe shouldhave been 9volts. The experiments with C on the prop didnt work.
    Now ive decided for the time being to stick with just the Arduino to get things rolling. I havent got another 6volt
    battery pack , well not one i can screw in like the one that broke but ill makre do with what I have,. I think im running out of room so I might have to add another level to this device. Ive got foam board and balsa wood. Its all an experiment i can redsign it all later, even maybe use my mechanno set?
    Its been a coupleof years since i used the sony camera i took this 2 min vid with and i think i even made a blue with that. It was flat so I plugged it into the 5volt usb to charge last night when actually that mini usb is for transferring photos and videos to a pc. The video and photos i took today would not upload to my pc. I had to take out the cameras SD card to get the files off the camera. I hope Im wrong thinking ive damaged something but its always uploaded the files with that cable before.. It was not a cheap DSLR camera .But so long as I have the sd card reader its not a huge problem ,but i wish id not so much going on ,i wouldnt have made that mistake. I will get the prop USB working because i think it'll end up being more usefull.
    I was a touch dissapointed to find out at the last that the Pi had no analoge pins. Just makes it a bit more complicated for me to use that. I spent most of the day out and i just got back . Going to spend the evenening clearing away everything I dont need and labeling all the cords there are lots, Ive been using leads of other devices that work but i think i need to really get organised :)Im going to take the camera into the shop tomorrow and get them to test it., its made me mad at myself ! I also have a newer faster Dell laptop but it has ruined the port on the dell by being knocked while charginging. Ive watched a few vids on youtube on how to replace the power jack but its not easy but ill try. I didnt much like re-reading the Spin manual C just seems a lot more friendly.

    I really am cursing myself, and if the rules were a little more lax here I'd type things that I wouldn't probably say in the company of other people .....
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,261
    edited 2014-07-05 03:02
    Mike: Sorry you're having a streak of bad luck. You need some cheap fun ASAP. I have three suggestions:

    1) Get another blue Scribbler robot for $25.
    2) Don't step on it. :)
    3) Program and enjoy!

    Seriously, you need a positive experience to turn your robot experience around. Find something cheap, fun and fast for a while, then resume your scratch-building quest. Good luck to you!
  • whiteoxewhiteoxe Posts: 794
    edited 2014-07-05 03:24
    Erco, thanks ..for those words. ive just done a heap of cleaning up like the place should be. i have had enough....just for a bit. made my own backj luck i guess but sheez it has been hard to decide on many things. i could have stuck with the blue scribbler ands basic and had mlore fun. but im probly just feeling sore about the camera. ive signed up for a creative writing class today. startsv in about a week and i really look forward to it. it can get silly spending too much energy on one type of thiong, never had this much trouble before, that i can remember but i have been opening up controllers id forgotten about and well, enough said. i'll be back into it with a better thought out game plan really soon.
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2014-07-05 15:07
    whiteoxe wrote: »
    Its been a coupleof years since i used the sony camera i took this 2 min vid with and i think i even made a blue with that. It was flat so I plugged it into the 5volt usb to charge last night when actually that mini usb is for transferring photos and videos to a pc. The video and photos i took today would not upload to my pc. I had to take out the cameras SD card to get the files off the camera. I hope Im wrong thinking ive damaged something but its always uploaded the files with that cable before..

    When you were able to transfer photos and video over USB, where you using a Windows PC? Haven't you switched to Linux? Isn't it likely this is a driver issue?

    I plan to make a video on how to use the L298N with a QuickStart in the next few days. I see you have a QuickStart. If you're so inclined, you could temporarily replace the Arduino with the QuickStart to try out a little Propeller powered robot action.
  • whiteoxewhiteoxe Posts: 794
    edited 2014-07-05 16:24
    Duane, I tried both WIN and Mint and Ubuntu, thx to PJ I have 3 OSes ;) and it should have automatically worked with all of them ;( Yep, i think theres a chance of using the quickstart. Today im going with the Arduino just to get the motor purring like you showed in diagram !

    ahh..PS. When Ive watched your video i'll give the quickstart its first fireup ever. Its as old as the DIP prop kit never touched either ;)

    PPS. do it in C ;)
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2014-07-05 16:50
    whiteoxe wrote: »
    PPS. do it in C ;)

    Not likely.

    I haven't done much with C on the Propeller yet. I'm sure I'll eventually start using C, but I'm so used to Spin and I can do what I want so quickly with Spin, I'm having a hard time getting myself to give C a serious try (on the Propeller, I've used C a lot other places).

    I'll write a nice simple Spin program to go with the L298N video.

    I learned Spin from the Propeller Manual version 1.0. Parallax later moved the Spin tutorial stuff to the Propeller Education Kit (available from the Propeller Tool's Help menu). I think moving the tutorial to a separate location was probably a good idea but I really liked the tutorial in the old manual (I had a lot of fun learning Spin from it).

    I have a link to the old manual and other Spin and PASM tutorials in post #3 of my index.

    I'm not at all against C on the Propeller, but I'm still having too much fun with Spin (and PASM) to spend the time it will require to get up to speed with C on the Prop.

    I mentioned PASM (Propeller assembly) several times in this post but I strongly suggest waiting to take on PASM until you have a firm grasp of either Spin or Propeller C.
  • whiteoxewhiteoxe Posts: 794
    edited 2014-07-05 17:51
    I'm aonly turning to C because its something Ive heard about forever and never done. So i started learning it on CODE:Blocks IDE ubuntu a moth or so ago. I nearly got banned from the code blocks site because after i installed it it wouldn;t compile so i wrote the forum, was told curtly that the code:blocks was for all sorts of compilers and" READ THE RULES "

    those kind of questions are not allowed ! I ended up having to install packages that included stdio.h , then still would not work. They told me to install xterm then all would be fine but also said to stop asking these questions. I M response was "Thanks anyway *ickhead ;) I then got others chiming in in saying what else would you expect, code blocks to be ready for all users for all applications. I responded no but it was like installing a word processor with nobody telling me if i didn't install the fonts package it would'nt work. !!! Im not banned but i don't go there anymore.

    I just want to feel cool by programming in C. I thought i had a fair ability with spin years ago but reading it know is not bring back too many memories. Still, you saw the spin manual so anything is possible.
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2014-07-05 18:57
    whiteoxe wrote: »
    was told curtly that the code:blocks was for all sorts of compilers and" READ THE RULES "

    That is not at all unusual in many forums. The people are volunteering their time to answer questions and don't always take to time to write a carefully worded suggestion to follow the rules.

    IMO, curt is not mean.
  • whiteoxewhiteoxe Posts: 794
    edited 2014-07-05 21:58
    I did sort of get to like spin a bit and had luck with getting a few things working straight from theOBEX. I even bought a smart card reader and cards because i thought i had a brilliant idea of people using the card at gyms and it automatically uploading their workout to a website. I was of course the last person in the world to think of the idea !!! I used to like running and weights. Lots of people keep notes on what weights and reps they are doing. I did for a short while but keeping a pen and paper on me was a bit of an annoyance so i dropped that habit.
  • whiteoxewhiteoxe Posts: 794
    edited 2014-07-09 15:22
    I hope I'm not going to get flamed for going off the Scribbler topic but I thought this was worth mentioning. I took my camera into the city shop where I had bought it and asked them to test it, when I pulled out the little mini USB cable from the carry case the fellow immediately remarked that he thought that would be the problem. It was one of those very thin retractable types like you get with a propeller kit . It malfunctioned just the same. Then he used a higher quality cable and the pictures downloaded automatically as they should. I had better cables but didn't think for a second it mattered. Really good to know.

    I can only guess that the very fine little cable is OK for transferring small amounts of bits and bytes to and from chips but not up to the job of dozens of photos that are some megabytes each ! (depending on the camera settings)
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2014-07-09 16:22
    Hanno (the guy who wrote the program Viewport) hates those retractable USB cables. I think Hanno convinced Parallax not to include the retractable cables with Propeller kits. He found a lot of people were having trouble using Viewport when they used the retractable cables.
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