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The "Artist" robot



  • WhitWhit Posts: 4,191
    edited 2015-05-05 11:06
    erco wrote: »
    As I requested elsewhere: Which type of spiral shall I attempt?

    Programmer's choice - of course, but it is the Nikos' Fibonacci Challenge.

    And, if I might - I challenge EVERYONE who participated in the Mother-of-All Robotic's Challenges (not DARPA), but the erco figure eight challenge to take on Nikos Fibonacci Challenge. Nikos can't have the only artistic robot around these forums!

    Perhaps we should start a new thread so as not to hijack all the excellent documentation done here... Nikos? Your call.
  • NikosGNikosG Posts: 705
    edited 2015-05-05 13:22
    Whit wrote: »
    Programmer's choice - of course, but it is the Nikos' Fibonacci Challenge.

    And, if I might - I challenge EVERYONE who participated in the Mother-of-All Robotic's Challenges (not DARPA), but the erco figure eight challenge to take on Nikos Fibonacci Challenge. Nikos can't have the only artistic robot around these forums!

    Perhaps we should start a new thread so as not to hijack all the excellent documentation done here... Nikos? Your call.

    I agree! Spirals is a very interesting and a very "wide" issue, and as I can guess we' ll have very interesting approaches from many people here.....
    So Whit go ahead......I suggest an Open Spiral challenge (because as said Erco there is a big variety of spirals)
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,261
    edited 2015-05-05 13:59
    Fibonacci sequence is named after an Italian mathematician.

    But since it IS Cinco de Mayo (sort of a Mexican Independence day, big here in CA):

    Isn't "fibbin' natcho" the guy who lied about eating the melted cheese appetizers?
  • NikosGNikosG Posts: 705
    edited 2015-05-05 16:09
    Another very interesting point with Fibonacci sequence is the number Phi “Φ” (the golden ratio), which is the quotient of 2 sequential Fibonacci number.
    The Golden ratio Phi=1,618, is an indicator of beauty in nature! It is also used from many product designers, in order to make beautiful products and logos!
    Using a special tool named: “The Golden Rules for Artists” you can identify “golden” analogies and amazing coincidences in nature or in several products and objects.
    I made one of these tools, following the guidelines here, and I started the exploration!


    Guess what I found: The ActivityBot and Boebot chassis are very close to that golden analogy!
    842 x 977 - 242K
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,261
    edited 2015-05-05 16:30
    NikosG wrote: »
    The ActivityBot and Boebot chassis are very close to that golden analogy!

    As God and Ken Gracey intended!
  • WhitWhit Posts: 4,191
    edited 2015-05-05 19:10
    NikosG wrote: »
    Guess what I found: The ActivityBot and Boebot chassis are very close to that golden analogy!

    In the words of Monty Python...
  • WhitWhit Posts: 4,191
    edited 2015-05-06 05:22
    Followers please go to for the Nikos Fibonacci Spiral Challenge!
  • WhitWhit Posts: 4,191
    edited 2015-05-08 19:36
    Nikos, I was just looking through this whole thread again. I hope this is going to be a book. There is so much here and each step is recorded so well. At the very least I hope you have it assembled for your use.

    Just want to encourage you and say how much I appreciate all you've done here!
  • TtailspinTtailspin Posts: 1,326
    edited 2015-05-09 10:31
    Sing out! Brother Whit!, NikosG is an inspiration to roboticists everywhere.

    I think this should be a book too.

  • ercoerco Posts: 20,261
    edited 2015-06-19 20:11
    Nikos: It's time to start hoarding rare mathematician collector chalk!
  • NikosGNikosG Posts: 705
    edited 2015-06-20 10:56
    erco wrote: »
    Nikos: It's time to start hoarding rare mathematician collector chalk!

    I hope that chalk industry worldwide will not follow the Hagoromo company's ending!

    Although I’m a computer teacher I agree with the article you sent, that chalk remains an irreplaceable tool for a mathematician and other teachers!
    Especially as a mathematician I strongly agree that chalk is essential!
    I feel myself very lucky teacher, because I teach both: programming computers and math!
    And even luckier, because I met robotics and Parallax!
    At the start of my job as a teacher I was teaching only math. I couldn’t imagine that one day I would be able to build a robot like the “Artist”.
    Of course Parallax forum played a major role for that evolution.

    One dream I have with the Artist is to create some mathematic scenarios from geometry, mostly some theorems or small exercises.
    The robot will be able to prove or solve and explain them, using the chalk and the speaker!

    As the article said: "....There have been rumors about a dream chalk, a chalk so powerful that mathematics practically writes itself; a chalk so amazing that no incorrect proof can be written using this chalk....."

    I think that will attract the student’s interest because the majority is boring with mathematics!

    That will be a type of " Dream Chalk" ......
  • Carol HazlettCarol Hazlett Posts: 312
    edited 2015-06-21 14:24
    Playing with graphing on my TI-89 calculator I wondered if I could write a program for the S2 where you gave the robot an equation and it graphed it out like the cursor on the calculator does. It would require having a grid system in the program and a way to put in an equation and fairly sophisticated steering to move it like a cursor but it is a propellor chip in there and within the chip's capabilities. Maybe even draw the graph before it plots the equation. I will start with drawing a graph and wander from there. Nikos, maybe this is something for the Artist also. It would only be simple graphs but it will certainly stretch my brain muscles and it would be fun to be able to make such a computing icon as Ken say "Will you look at that!"
  • WhitWhit Posts: 4,191
    edited 2015-06-21 19:55
    Sounds neat Carol!
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,261
    edited 2015-06-22 14:04
    Playing with graphing on my TI-89 calculator I wondered if I could write a program for the S2 where you gave the robot an equation and it graphed it out like the cursor on the calculator does.

    My but you ARE ambitious! I love the idea. If I wanted to graph, I'd cheat. Have the bot drive straight forward along the X axis and drag a pen behind on a long arm with a servo driving it up & down for the Y axis. Results would be a bit curved/polar, but that never bothered me!
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,261
    Nikos, your Artist robot needs Rainbow chalk! My girls found it at Dollar Tree.

    2560 x 1440 - 1M
    2560 x 1440 - 2M
  • This writting looks fantastic! And the "NIKOS" is amazing! Tell the girls thank you so much!!!
    I think I must change my avatar!

    I have left the "Artist" for a while, as the ELEV-8 has absorbed all my energy. However as I'm trying to learn more about autopilots techniques for drones, I intent to aply them and to the ground robots. Artist will be my first experiment using an autopilot!

    But capital control on Greek banks and the stupid restrictions on Greek credit cards (that prohibit the electronics order!!!) has made my life very difficult!
  • TCIIITCIII Posts: 81
    edited 2022-05-30 16:14

    Hi All,

    I recently replaced the Eddie Motor/Wheel assemblies on my ArloBot, which itself is somewhat dated, with the Arlo Motor/Wheel assemblies to improve the ArloBot's speed and turning accuracy.

    I used the Eddie Motor /Wheel assemblies on a new 14" square ABS chassis along with Arlo Wheel encoders, a PAB WX and two HB25 motor controllers.

    Using the code in the Arlo IR Controlled Nav and Talk with WAV file I was able to calibrate and view the Wheel Encoder data which looks reasonable.

    I have been using some of the Activity Bot C code files to drive the robot chassis around using the "drive_goto" and "drive_speed" macros.

    I assume that I can use the "drive_setMaxSpeed(int speed)" macro to adjust the maximum speed in ticks/sec before using either the "drive_goto" or "drive_speed" macros?

    I am attaching the arlodrive.h file.


  • ercoerco Posts: 20,261
    edited 2022-05-17 13:33

    Nikos: I saw this today and know your Artist robot is so much better! Jump to 6:43

    Edit: deleted video link due to some inappropriate language elsewhere. Sorry.

  • @erco said:
    Nikos: I saw this today and know your Artist robot is so much better! Jump to 6:43

    Ha Ha !!! Awesome!!! The entire video !!!!!

  • @NikosG,

    I got my version of your "Artist" Eddie/Arlo robot chassis, as described in post #168 above, working quite nicely and have been experimenting with the various ActivityBot programs that are available from Parallax.

    Today I downloaded the "KittyBot" program after burning the required WAV files, adding a PING sensor to the front of the robot chassis, adding a "Hamburger Speaker", and modifying the C code appropriately for my "ActivityBot" configuration.

    I reduced the "drive_ramp" value to 64 to slow Eddie/Arlo down to a reasonable speed and changed the PING sensor input from 8 to 16.

    The "KittyArloBot" worked as advertised though I have to put negative signs on the "drive_ramp" values to get "KittyArloBot" to move forward which is probably due to the polarity of the Eddie/Arlo HB25/Motor connections.

    I recently purchased a Pixycam2 to get my Eddie/Arlo robot chassis to follow a line around my garage workshop. Unfortunately Parallax never created an ActivityBot tutorial using the Pixycam2 for line following, only a BlockyProp program for identifying and following colored blocks. I have searched the IoT high and low and only found Propeller C code for following colored blocks on the Parallax Forum from 2014. Therefore it looks like I will have to port Charmed Labs' Arduino/Pixycam2 line following C code to the Propeller making the necessary changes for the Propeller Activity Board/ActivityBot configuration.


  • @TCIII said:

    I got my version of your "Artist" Eddie/Arlo robot chassis, as described in post #168 above, working quite nicely and have been experimenting with the various ActivityBot programs that are available from Parallax.

    Very nice TCIII......,
    Any Photos from your build?

  • @NikosG said:

    Very nice TCIII......,
    Any Photos from your build?

    I can take some today, however my Eddie/Arlo robot chassis is still a work in progress.


  • @NikosG,

    Per your request, I am attaching a front and rear view of my Eddie/Arlo robot chassis (Imitation ActivityBot) in the "KittyBot" configuration which works to expectations.
    The lower plate acts as a platform for the Propeller Activity Board, the two HB25 Motor Controllers, the Eddie Motor/Wheel Assemblies, Arlo quadrature encoders, and various other electrical components.
    The upper plate has three 26850 5 Ahr Li-Ion batteries in series for 12 vdc along with a Battery Management System (BMS) to charge/discharge the batteries.

    I plan to make this Eddie/Arlo robot chassis into a line follower using a Pixycam2, however there presently is only BlockyProp ActivityBot code for identifying and following colored blocks with the Pixycam2 and no line following code. I am thinking about writing my own line following C code from examples for the Arduino from Charmed Labs or let the Arduino track the line and provide steering commands to the Propeller Activity Board to keep the robot chassis following the line.


  • I love the two rails configuration of the top of each wheel kit. It gives you the ability to set up an additional plate on the top....
    however, i think you should remove the corners from the bottom plate. These corners will make difficult the movements of the robot.
    The distance between the two main wheels is very important and will affect your code in order to achieve the precise pivot of the robot.
    Every time you change the place and the distance of the wheels, you must also change parameters on your code...

  • @NikosG,

    Thanks for the kudos, much appreciated.

    Good Idea about rounding off the corners.


  • ercoerco Posts: 20,261

    Either round those corners or sharpen to a knife edge. Better yet, attach a saws-all on each side so as to enable full mobility for Battle Bots! :smile:

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