So now you need a Roomba (robot vacuum) to follow the Artist doing a figure 8.
I think this is a job for the Artist's twin brother.......
It would be amazing if this second Robot could move on the same path as the Artist ( after a period when Artist finish a drawind) and could erase the chalk traces .....
Before go to the last part of the project (the drawings programming),
I think is useful to give some more information about the painting mechanism, and how someone can use it with a different way
(e.g. using a marker) or with a different robot eg. the original Stingray robot.
The first part is optional and is the feedback mechanism. You can see more about this on post #80
The main body is the second part. This part is necessary for both options (chalk and marker).
You ‘ll need the third part only if you use chalk.
Edit: If you want to use a marker instead of the chalk, then completely ingnore the "C. parts".
In the next posts I' ll give the assembly instructions and some examples with use of marker.
If anybody wants to use the painting mechanism using a marker instead of a chalk, is very easy.
As I said before on post #108 you need only the parts B and A (optional).
As you can see in the next image I have completely remove the “chalk holder” (part c).
Instead of the “chalk holder” (part c), you will need a marker and a “marker holder” in order to adapt the marker into the painting mechanism.
I made this “marker holder” with me 3d printer and here is how it works: (extremely easy installation).
First we adapt the marker into the “Marker holder”. Then we simply adapt the marker with the holder into the up & down mechanism.
(Note: you can change the internal diameter of the “marker holder taking into account the marker you use. However the external diameter will be constant)
In the next post I’ll show the installation of this marker mechanism on the original Stingray robot for indoor painting……..
Installation of the marker mechanism on the original Stingray Robot
The installation on the original Stingray robot is very easy and is remarkable that after the fist installation you can change multiply markers without opening your Stingray robot.
However you must pay attention where you will adapt the mechanism.
As I have already explained on post #26 the rotation center of a robot is the best place for the painting mechanism.
Unfortunately the center of the hole that has the chassis of the Stingray robot is not the rotation center of the robot. The rotation center is in the middle of the Axle that connects the two wheels of the robot. This axle doesnt pass through the center of the hole.
As you can see the rotation center of the Stingray is somewhere in the upper part of the hole.
So if we want to place the painting mechanism exactly on the rotation center we must move it a little bit forward leaving a gap.
Before we adapt permanently the mechanism we must be sure that the nose of the marker is exactly on the rotation center of the robot.
Another good feature of the marker mechanism is that we can easily remove the marker from the robot and we can replace it with another without opening our Stingray robot!
Thanks Nikos. My girls are redefining robotics for me, now I realize that function is secondary to bright colors. Lately they have fallen in love with rainbow ribbon cable. I must incorporate that at every opportunity.
BTW, your Artist robot is fabulous, but it does need some color.
And some public events with the "Artist" in the first place!
My students (3rd General Lyceum of Patras) and I, had the opportunity to participate on the 5th Digital Student’s 3–day Festival that took place in several Greek cities and some islands. (Thursday, Friday and Saturday 2-4 of April 2015)
We had two presentations of Patras festival (Thursday 2 of April 2015). The one with the title “programming the S2 Parallax robot” and the other “dancing with the robots” and of course we have and the "Artist" on our show!
The oficial presentations broadcasted on-line to all the country and one copy of the first day presentation's video is here: (we start at 5h 9m 43s) :
We also created a kiosk with Parallax robots, performing several activities.
“Neil’s Maze with S2”, “Synchronized Hokey Pokey ballet with 4 S2 robots”, “Evdokia’s Zeibekiko (sound and dancer’s drawing) with S2 robot”, Drawing sport teams logos with s2, and of course a show with the “Artist” robot (remote control, music and chalk painting)
Parallax robots stole the show! My student’s had such enthusiasm and they convert the festival to an exhibition of Parallax robots!
The event took place on media and newspapers. Here is an article from “Peloponissos” newspaper.
Tomorow is the last day of the festival. Will be there.....!
erco, this is for you!
It's a delight to see your hard work take flight or should I say, SPIN around?
OK that was bad.
Thanks for Sharing.
The quality of your work is amazing.
Regards G
L'Artiste parle le francais aussi, oui? Tres bien, mon ami!
Nice 8, but you better vacuum up that chalk off the rug before the wife comes home!
Guess not, I saw a seam a 1:28 thinking it was paper.
Only one passing with vacuum was enough!
In Greece we say: Ούτε γάτα ούτε ζημιά = No cat, No damage = no harm, no foul
However Im thinking to buy a piece of cheap black carpet for Artists tests .
I think this is a job for the Artist's twin brother.......
It would be amazing if this second Robot could move on the same path as the Artist ( after a period when Artist finish a drawind) and could erase the chalk traces .....
How many figure-8's was that?
Now, mount one of erco's flame thrower, and print that on ice. (It reminds me of skaters).
It was 12 asymetrical figure-8's.
After each figure-8 the Robot makes an arc about 30 degrees and then again a new figure-8 and a 30o arc and so on... 12 times.
Here is the algorithm:
I think is useful to give some more information about the painting mechanism, and how someone can use it with a different way
(e.g. using a marker) or with a different robot eg. the original Stingray robot.
First you must print the mechanism parts from
I uploaded project with the name “Chalk painting mechanism” here.
You can divide the mechanism in 3 parts:
The first part is optional and is the feedback mechanism. You can see more about this on post #80
The main body is the second part. This part is necessary for both options (chalk and marker).
You ‘ll need the third part only if you use chalk.
Edit: If you want to use a marker instead of the chalk, then completely ingnore the "C. parts".
In the next posts I' ll give the assembly instructions and some examples with use of marker.
Makes me want to get a 3D printer.
Keep up the good fun.
3D printer is actually a powerful tool......
However you must pay attention what 3d printer you'll buy...
Here is a new video that shows the assembly of the painting mechanism...
As I said before on post #108 you need only the parts B and A (optional).
As you can see in the next image I have completely remove the “chalk holder” (part c).
Instead of the “chalk holder” (part c), you will need a marker and a “marker holder” in order to adapt the marker into the painting mechanism.
I made this “marker holder” with me 3d printer and here is how it works: (extremely easy installation).
First we adapt the marker into the “Marker holder”. Then we simply adapt the marker with the holder into the up & down mechanism.
(Note: you can change the internal diameter of the “marker holder taking into account the marker you use. However the external diameter will be constant)
In the next post I’ll show the installation of this marker mechanism on the original Stingray robot for indoor painting……..
Maybe another type of marker, like the Erase Liquid Chalk Markers can save me from trouble !!!
P.s your new avatar is very cool!!
EDIT: Ken introdused the best carpet destruction ever!
After that, chalk and marker are nothing.......
The installation on the original Stingray robot is very easy and is remarkable that after the fist installation you can change multiply markers without opening your Stingray robot.
However you must pay attention where you will adapt the mechanism.
As I have already explained on post #26 the rotation center of a robot is the best place for the painting mechanism.
Unfortunately the center of the hole that has the chassis of the Stingray robot is not the rotation center of the robot. The rotation center is in the middle of the Axle that connects the two wheels of the robot. This axle doesnt pass through the center of the hole.
As you can see the rotation center of the Stingray is somewhere in the upper part of the hole.
So if we want to place the painting mechanism exactly on the rotation center we must move it a little bit forward leaving a gap.
Before we adapt permanently the mechanism we must be sure that the nose of the marker is exactly on the rotation center of the robot.
Another good feature of the marker mechanism is that we can easily remove the marker from the robot and we can replace it with another without opening our Stingray robot!
Thanks Nikos. My girls are redefining robotics for me, now I realize that function is secondary to bright colors. Lately they have fallen in love with rainbow ribbon cable. I must incorporate that at every opportunity.
BTW, your Artist robot is fabulous, but it does need some color.
Here you can read the article about the "Artist", in Greek language:"Καλλιτέχνης" : Ένα ρομπότ κιμωλίας με επεξεργαστή τον Parallax Propeller
My students (3rd General Lyceum of Patras) and I, had the opportunity to participate on the 5th Digital Student’s 3–day Festival that took place in several Greek cities and some islands. (Thursday, Friday and Saturday 2-4 of April 2015)
We had two presentations of Patras festival (Thursday 2 of April 2015). The one with the title “programming the S2 Parallax robot” and the other “dancing with the robots” and of course we have and the "Artist" on our show!
The oficial presentations broadcasted on-line to all the country and one copy of the first day presentation's video is here: (we start at 5h 9m 43s) :
We also created a kiosk with Parallax robots, performing several activities.
“Neil’s Maze with S2”, “Synchronized Hokey Pokey ballet with 4 S2 robots”, “Evdokia’s Zeibekiko (sound and dancer’s drawing) with S2 robot”, Drawing sport teams logos with s2, and of course a show with the “Artist” robot (remote control, music and chalk painting)
Parallax robots stole the show! My student’s had such enthusiasm and they convert the festival to an exhibition of Parallax robots!
The event took place on media and newspapers. Here is an article from “Peloponissos” newspaper.
Tomorow is the last day of the festival. Will be there.....!