You just out-bid yourself? That can't be legal...let me look it up it the rule post...hummm.... nothing pre-cludes it ?!
That's a valid bid then - erco you have now outbid erco, so erco is the current high bidder.
shhhhhhh....PM to erco: you've been outbid by erco
FYI - we're experiencing some time clock issues right not (true story) . Right now it's 10:57am PST. For some reason my Forum clock is reading one hour fast.
The forum technical staff have been notified of the error, though you may contact them if the problem persists.
We apologise for any inconvenience.
Looks like we are going to have to help out erco here so he doesn't get in trouble with the wifey.
I'm going to send some PayPal money to erco to aid in the donation. Three bills was a little too rich for me, but this is going to a good cause.
What do guys say? Those that couldn't go above $25 can still contribute. Send it to erco, (I know where he lives), and he can put it in his contribution.
Jeepers, you're serious? No snipers? That's disappointing and exciting all at once! I left to go running at 11:40, secure in the knowledge that snipers would relieve me of this great responsibility and now look at the mess I'm in. As I clearly mentioned in post #57, "Whatever you do, don't leave me to win this auction, Br'er Fox!"
Whatever you do, don't throw a Toddler in, Br'er Ken! Then I'd really be in trouble.
(somebody post the Congratulations theme song please ;-)
It's your choice Plywood Boy! You can snail-mail me a paper check (Payable to Interfaith Food Ministry), or you can go directly to IFM's site and do it the new-fashioned way - it's entirely up to you.
Now, if you'll excuse me I need to build a crate for all the stuff we're gonna have to ship...oh, the drudgery of it all..I think I got sawdust up my nose....
ALL of you rock!!! Thanks for supporting IFM :thumb:
Looks like we are going to have to help out erco here so he doesn't get in trouble with the wifey.
I'm going to send some PayPal money to erco to aid in the donation. Three bills was a little too rich for me, but this is going to a good cause.
What do guys say? Those that couldn't go above $25 can still contribute. Send it to erco, (I know where he lives), and he can put it in his contribution.
Oh no, Jim! Please... I'm kidding, I'm good for the money! Whatever you send will be returned in cash or sensors!
A humorous sidenote, I looked at IFM's website. They take cars for donations. I considered the Corvair for one millisecond, but in its current state of "dormancy" that wouldn't quite cover my $335 bid!
That's a valid bid then - erco you have now outbid erco, so erco is the current high bidder.
shhhhhhh....PM to erco: you've been outbid by erco
This could be like watching a train wreck........
not only do you have to explain the winning bid being "accidental" or a sure loser but now you have to explain how you accidentally outbid yourself.
Hell hath no fury.......
The road to domestic hell is littered with good intentions and robot carcasses.......
Or as we are warned in Ice Age, be prepared to face her full fury.......
It's kind of's actually Really Fun to watch erco self-implode...and for a good cause too!
The threat of snipers is a powerful motivator with cellulose aficionados.
PS: oops. sorry, bumped it to the top again
It looked like this:
- Load the page again by clicking the Refresh button in your web browser.
- Open the home page, then try to open another page.
- Click the Back button to try another link.
The forum technical staff have been notified of the error, though you may contact them if the problem persists.We apologise for any inconvenience.
I have been getting a Database Error for the past 5~10mins, was also down due to a database error.
All good now.
Looks like they planned a site maintenance right at the end to distance the snipers.
Ok, If anybody out there in bidding land could not get through to bid - please PM me when you can directly and let me know...
Oh well, maybe next time...
I'm going to send some PayPal money to erco to aid in the donation. Three bills was a little too rich for me, but this is going to a good cause.
What do guys say? Those that couldn't go above $25 can still contribute. Send it to erco, (I know where he lives), and he can put it in his contribution.
Whatever you do, don't throw a Toddler in, Br'er Ken! Then I'd really be in trouble.
BTW if you prefer to let Rich's barely-late million-dollar bid win, that's fine by me!
(somebody post the Congratulations theme song please ;-)
It's your choice Plywood Boy! You can snail-mail me a paper check (Payable to Interfaith Food Ministry), or you can go directly to IFM's site and do it the new-fashioned way - it's entirely up to you.
Now, if you'll excuse me I need to build a crate for all the stuff we're gonna have to ship...oh, the drudgery of it all..I think I got sawdust up my nose....
ALL of you rock!!! Thanks for supporting IFM :thumb:
I might as well do it. I already bid against myself, so I'll continue my irrationality.
Especially compared to these poor devils. Check the GoPro video of their plane ditching in the water of Hawaii.
My $25 sent to augment the donation.
Anyone else?
A humorous sidenote, I looked at IFM's website. They take cars for donations. I considered the Corvair for one millisecond, but in its current state of "dormancy" that wouldn't quite cover my $335 bid!