Up for an auction ???
Welcome to PBAY!!!
As many of you may already know, I'm a pack-rat. Well, even though I'm kinda responsible for the "plastic revolution" here at Parallax, I knew the future value of potential "classics" - so I stashed one away
By special permission from the Head-Honcho, we present the following...
Up for auction is a Classic Plywood Parallax Robot Kit. This is the only one of its kind that we still have in our possession. It's been hidden from public viewing for going on three years now. The base was machined from high quality 7-ply apple plywood (at least I think it was apple - could be orange or lemon - heck, I don't know and it really doesn't matter...why am I rambling???)
Back to the details: We're AUCTIONING OFF (for charity!) WHAT YOU SEE IN THIS PHOTO...

Astute Observers will note that there is no plywood battery tray shown in the pic. I haven't been able to find one yet, and if I can't, then we'll include <shudder> a plastic one. (You could always make your own plywood battery tray using the plastic one as a template).
We'll probably toss in one or two (or more - depends on how generous you'all are!) little *surprises from my desk* into the package before the Shipping Department seals up the box.
Here's how the Auction works:
1) All the proceeds will go directly to the charity - It's called IFM or Interfaith Food Ministry - completely run by dozens and dozens and dozens of volunteers - (no paid staff) - I know the president personally - they do an incredible job for those in need).
2) If you are the winner of this auction, you'll need to make out an old-fashioned check payable directly to IFM, and mail it to my attention, here at Parallax. If you don't do paper checks any more, then I'll put you in touch with Sue (the current President) where you can make arrangements to get the $ in their hands. IFM is a 501c3 and your donation is tax deductible. Parallax will pay for the shipping to get it to you.
3) Bidding begins NOW, and Ends @ 12 noon Parallax Standard Time on Monday.
4) Dig deep into your wallets and purses and help those who are less fortunate!
5) We reserve the right to amend these rules if any of you "get out of hand", or if I just forgot to say something that I should have or I just made a mistake...or, whatever... :-)
6) Now, WHAT-AM-I-BID ???!!!
As many of you may already know, I'm a pack-rat. Well, even though I'm kinda responsible for the "plastic revolution" here at Parallax, I knew the future value of potential "classics" - so I stashed one away
By special permission from the Head-Honcho, we present the following...
Up for auction is a Classic Plywood Parallax Robot Kit. This is the only one of its kind that we still have in our possession. It's been hidden from public viewing for going on three years now. The base was machined from high quality 7-ply apple plywood (at least I think it was apple - could be orange or lemon - heck, I don't know and it really doesn't matter...why am I rambling???)
Back to the details: We're AUCTIONING OFF (for charity!) WHAT YOU SEE IN THIS PHOTO...

Astute Observers will note that there is no plywood battery tray shown in the pic. I haven't been able to find one yet, and if I can't, then we'll include <shudder> a plastic one. (You could always make your own plywood battery tray using the plastic one as a template).
We'll probably toss in one or two (or more - depends on how generous you'all are!) little *surprises from my desk* into the package before the Shipping Department seals up the box.
Here's how the Auction works:
1) All the proceeds will go directly to the charity - It's called IFM or Interfaith Food Ministry - completely run by dozens and dozens and dozens of volunteers - (no paid staff) - I know the president personally - they do an incredible job for those in need).
2) If you are the winner of this auction, you'll need to make out an old-fashioned check payable directly to IFM, and mail it to my attention, here at Parallax. If you don't do paper checks any more, then I'll put you in touch with Sue (the current President) where you can make arrangements to get the $ in their hands. IFM is a 501c3 and your donation is tax deductible. Parallax will pay for the shipping to get it to you.
3) Bidding begins NOW, and Ends @ 12 noon Parallax Standard Time on Monday.
4) Dig deep into your wallets and purses and help those who are less fortunate!
5) We reserve the right to amend these rules if any of you "get out of hand", or if I just forgot to say something that I should have or I just made a mistake...or, whatever... :-)
6) Now, WHAT-AM-I-BID ???!!!
I'll see your $5 and bid $25.
Actually, I think this should go directly to erco, as he has a spot for his missing Toddler in his robot room, and the fine plywood specimen would be a good replacement.
Ken Gracey
Just making sure IFM gets what they deserve from this high-quality product offering.
What are you going to auction next, MattG?
Ken Gracey
Tell ya what, though you told a little lie above about having the "only plywood MadeUSA kit available" on planet earth, I'll come clean on your behalf by disclosing that I have two of these kits at home. I'm not about to part with both of them but you will notice that I have TWO (quantity 2) of these plywood base kits. And both of them include the battery tray that you need, too.
So here's what I do, MattG. I'll throw in one of my two sets so your auction winner can pick from the best choice of plywood - and have the battery tray - to seal the deal.
But there's a catch. This deal has gotten really sweet in the last five minutes, so I'm raising my own bid to $85.00.
Ken Gracey
Just thinking out loud about raising my bid a tad if this whole kit is indeed "complete and functional". After all, PBAY rules require the seller to provide an accurate description.
Ken Gracey
You're pushing my limits, Prospero. If I decide not to outbid you I might just have to make sure that those caster wheel sets are indeed totally complete.
Ken Gracey
(needed >10 characters)
Done in true ebay style.
(needed >163 characters)
Actually the kit I'm throwing in also includes all the mounting hardware for the tray, the MMWK, etc, so this thing is going to be a very complete auction.
And to do a little marketing for you, look what's possible with these parts.
Matt is out at the hardware store (he's running a massive internal remodel to transform our former "cube farm" into a MakerSpace), but I think I can positively answer "yes". We've made donations to this group before and received acknowledgments.
Bid often, bid frequently, and outbid erco!
Ken Gracey
I think any "seek and destroy" robot should have a green aspect to it, like a wooden chassis, or fine "Corinthian leather".
Let me check my stockpile of diet coke cans....
$236.35 and one of these http://www.shuttlebaylabs.com/
(Are the HB-25s included too?)
See the first post (near the bottom)
So many beautiful moters...
off topic, but seeing the underwater thrusters, did you ever make your underwater UAV?
Well, yes and no. I didn't have the time to pursue the project personally, so I took all my hardware to the high school and worked with some students to do the project. Instead of using these thrusters we switched over to Minn Kota trolling motors and HB-25s (which worked wonderfully) and made it a surface robot.
Ken Gracey
Yes, IFM is a qualified 501c3 charitable organization and they will most certainly issue you a tax-deductible receipt - that's why the check needs to be made out to them specifically (not Parallax) ...otherwise Parallax would take your money, give it to IFM, and get the deduction for ourselves.
Nope. This is going straight from YOU to IFM :thumb:
Sue (from IFM) is now aware of this thread and she's excited about and thanks you'all for your support. I'm not sure we can get her to register, log-in, and post. She also confirmed that they'll be happy to issue the Receipt directly to whomever the lucky winner is :thumb:
...Feel free to give a shout out to Sue who does amazing work at IFM!
erco is just gonna set it on fire anyway...