Too bad I gave Flamebot to Parallax in April. I could have made quite a "Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire" video. Might have to make another one to officially enter the HTH contest.
My wife has some cool crystal ornaments that we hang high on the tree to keep away from the 1 year old. I wanted to have a way to showcase them, but still have the effect of the tree lights.
This is what I came up with:
I used a BS homework board with a PIR sensor and 3 LEDs. After a 20 sec warm up, the PIR sensor triggers the LEDs and they light, one at at time, for 3 loops. Not too complicated, but awfully pretty in real life.
Here is a video showing it in action. The music is coming from my wife's phone...I thought it sounded better than the listening to be bumping into the table every time I tried to zoom in
Here's the code:
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
x VAR Byte
PAUSE 20000
IF IN2=1 THEN motion
GOTO check
FOR x = 1 TO 3
PAUSE 9000
PAUSE 1000
PAUSE 9000
PAUSE 1000
PAUSE 9000
Lots of PIR projects...all are really good.@Ttailspin...yeah, but 2nd place is just the first loser. No prize at work for 2nd. That' what we get for letting the competition watch up post our display. Lesson learned!
You can put all the Lipstick you want on that Pig...
But now your up against mtseverin and his Crystal Ornament Orginization Locker... or COOL for short.
Sure looks like this contest has burst wide open...
You may submit your holiday project to the contest, with the understanding that you are not eligible for any prize $$$. We would love for you to share your projects!
Sincerely, Jen J.
I guess this leaves me out of the prize money since I won some prize money from that Spinneret contest year ago.
Ok, guess I'll have to actually break down and write that code, and put together the project I've been talking about for a month or so.
To annoy the postman.
A pir sensor that senses movement, then randomly chooses a christmas song to play. Yeah, I know, not very original, but hey, it'll be fun watching the postman try to figure out if it's set to play random, or if it switches each day.
Should prove interesting.
It won't win for originality, but maybe a video of the postman doing a doubletake might get me some points in the gatchas department.
Then again, he might just ignore it, and pretend it's not there, he is a bit of a sour puss. heh.
I was looking for a Christmas project to do with my 3d printer so I came up with this.
I printed the trees and snowman on a Makerbot, added some RGB LED's, modified Jessica's "CarolingDeviceWithLights" program and built a platform to bring it all together.
It plays four songs, Jingle bells, Deck the halls, We wish you a merry christmas and O' Christmas tree.
Tom: That looks pretty cool. Do you have any video of it?
I added to video link to my earlier post. It turns out to be very difficult to make a video of LEDs with a cheap digital camera. At 5:00 pm there was still too much daylight for the LEDs to register and at 5:10 pm the camera was opened up to where the LEDs "bloomed". Dang!
Below is a video submission for my Hack the Halls project. The actual device is an RGB LED strip/strand power and data driver. It receives either old school DMX or Artnet over Ethernet. It has 2 ports which can drive either of 2 types of LED strips/strands up to 170 pixels each. And each port can be mapped to any Universe/starting address. And it's all configurable through the built in web server! Enjoy
Very nice hack/projects here. I had to go back to check the entry cutoff, December 20. Still plenty of time.
I really need to have an entry. This week for sure.
All I can say is LEDs and plywood. You gotta like that.
Ok, well, not what I'd originally wanted to do, but it'll still work. (not holiday though) My wife has a habbit of leaving the kitchen, and leaving the radio on, so here's my attempt to build a radio that turns off after some elapsed time, so I don't get annoyed by hearing her station all day when she's not even in the kitchen anymore.
It uses a pir sensor (couldn't get mine working, need another header adapter I think, attempted to hook it up anyhow, but either my wires aren't connecting right, or I'm doing something wrong) But, anyhow, it launches the fm radio code (code taken from parallax page on the fm radio module) then it resets the timer each time motion is detected, so the radio stays on as long as someone is moving about in it's range, after 15 minutes of no motion detected, it shuts down the radio, drops the propeller into energy saving mode, then just waits until the pir sensor is triggered again, whereupon everything is reset to it's previous values, and it's just like it never turned off (minus the songs yu didn't hear of course).
It's my very first spin program, and I know it has issues, but I think it works anyway, as best as I could tell anyhow, though the buttons don't seem to behave properly, hmm. This is using a quickstart board, so suggestions/corrections are very appreciated and welcome.
_CLKMODE = xtal1 + pll16x
_CLKFREQ = 80_000_000
FM : "FM Radio Receiver" ' FM Radio Receiver Module Object
Buttons : "Touch Buttons" ' Touch Button object
long Stack[9] 'Stack space for new cog
byte vol ' Store volume level
long state ' State of motion sensor.
long minutes ' number of minutes motion sensor hasn't triggered.
long seconds
long cogsave
long frequency
long sleepflag
long timeout ' how long to wait before shutting everything down
PUB Main
vol := 2
timeout := 15
FM.Initialize(8, 9) ' Start FM Radio object
FM.SeekThreshold(6) ' Set seek threshold
FM.VolumeSet(vol) ' Set volume level to 2
frequency := 96_500_000
FM.Stereo ' turn on stereo mode.
dira[0]~ ' Set pin 0 to input
dira[23..16]~~ ' Set LEDs to outputs
minutes:= 0
cogsave := cognew(checkButtons, @stack)
minutes := 0
seconds := 0
waitcnt(clkfreq * 40 + cnt) ' PIR "warm-up" time
waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt) ' one second delay
if seconds == 60
state := ina[0] ' Save state of PIR Sensor
if state == 1
minutes := 0
dira[0]~ ' Set pin 0 to input
if sleepflag == 1 ' is the radio off?
reInit ' Restart radio
if minutes == timeout ' time out limit reached with no motion detected.
FM.poweroff ' turn off the fm receiver chip.
vol := FM.CheckVolume
' CLKSET(RCSLOW,20000) 'Set to internal slow clock
sleepflag := 1 ' set flag to show radio is off.
PUB LedVol
'' Turns LEDs on based on volume level, maximum 15
outa[23..16]~ ' Turn any LEDs off
case vol ' Select current volume level
1..2 : outa[23]~~ ' Up to level 2, P23 LED on
3..4 : outa[23..22]~~ ' Up to level 4, P22-23 LEDs on
5..6 : outa[23..21]~~ ' Up to level 6, P21-23 LEDs on
7..8 : outa[23..20]~~ ' Up to level 8, P20-23 LEDs on
9..10 : outa[23..19]~~ ' Up to level 10, P19-23 LEDs on
11..12 : outa[23..18]~~ ' Up to level 12, P18-23 LEDs on
13..14 : outa[23..17]~~ ' Up to level 13, P17-23 LEDs on
15 : outa[23..16]~~ ' Level 15, all LEDs on
waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt) ' Keep LEDs on for some time
PUB CheckButtons ' Public Method name PIR
Buttons.start(CLKFREQ / 100) ' Start button object
outa[23..16] := Buttons.State
if Buttons.State == %10000000 ' If the P7 button is touched,
FM.SeekDown ' auto seek down for a station
minutes := 0 ' reset sleep timer
if Buttons.State == %01000000 ' If the P6 button is touched,
FM.SeekUp ' auto seek up for a station
minutes := 0 ' reset sleep timer
if Buttons.State == %00100000 ' If the P5 button is touched,
FM.VolumeDown ' turn the volume down
minutes := 0 ' reset sleep timer
if Buttons.State == %00010000 ' If the P4 button is touched,
FM.VolumeUp ' turn the volume up
minutes := 0 ' reset sleep timer
LedVol ' Call LedVol Method
outa[23..16]~ ' Turn LEDs off
waitcnt(clkfreq/4 + cnt) ' Short pause
pub reInit ' reinitialize the radio when we wake up from sleep
CLKSET(_CLKMODE,80000000) 'Set to initial settings
coginit(cogsave, checkButtons, @stack)
FM.VolumeSet(vol) ' Set volume level
sleepflag:= 0
minutes := 0
seconds := 0
My wife has some cool crystal ornaments that we hang high on the tree to keep away from the 1 year old. I wanted to have a way to showcase them, but still have the effect of the tree lights.
This is what I came up with:
I used a BS homework board with a PIR sensor and 3 LEDs. After a 20 sec warm up, the PIR sensor triggers the LEDs and they light, one at at time, for 3 loops. Not too complicated, but awfully pretty in real life.
Here is a video showing it in action. The music is coming from my wife's phone...I thought it sounded better than the listening to be bumping into the table every time I tried to zoom in
Here's the code:
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
x VAR Byte
PAUSE 20000
IF IN2=1 THEN motion
GOTO check
FOR x = 1 TO 3
PAUSE 9000
PAUSE 1000
PAUSE 9000
PAUSE 1000
PAUSE 9000
IF x < 3 THEN
PAUSE 1000
LOW 10
Interactive projects are better, huh?
Hmmm; I have lots of IO pins left over on JingleBot. I still have 4 weeks to add a "holiday PIR" and lots more gizmos to gild this lily...!
But now your up against mtseverin and his Crystal Ornament Orginization Locker... or COOL for short.
Sure looks like this contest has burst wide open...
Agreed, an amazing effort for his THIRD post ever!
Hey, I could add his top secret code AND his PIR sensor to JingleBot... plus adding YOUR Tupperware might just...
[ video ][ / video ]
For build details see any of my robot post
That was one of the most touching Christmas moments I've seen all season. The videos production is heartwarming!!
Merry Christmas!!!
Adding a flame, a PIR and Tupperware could be the perfect fruitcake freshness protection and defense robot!!! A true Christmas classic!!!
Great bot, concept, video, and music. Love your cat taking it all in stride.
Merry Christmas, God Bless us (and the bots) every one!
To annoy the postman.
A pir sensor that senses movement, then randomly chooses a christmas song to play. Yeah, I know, not very original, but hey, it'll be fun watching the postman try to figure out if it's set to play random, or if it switches each day.
Should prove interesting.
It won't win for originality, but maybe a video of the postman doing a doubletake might get me some points in the gatchas department.
Then again, he might just ignore it, and pretend it's not there, he is a bit of a sour puss. heh.
@bsnut, Just hang an ornament on it, and submit it anyway...
@softcon, You could could really shine with the Quickstart, PIR, and an SD card to hold all the tunes...:cool:
Here is a link to a video.
Tom Crawford
I was looking for a Christmas project to do with my 3d printer so I came up with this.
I printed the trees and snowman on a Makerbot, added some RGB LED's, modified Jessica's "CarolingDeviceWithLights" program and built a platform to bring it all together.
It plays four songs, Jingle bells, Deck the halls, We wish you a merry christmas and O' Christmas tree.
Looks like the judges have their work cut out for them. Thanks to tomcrawford's entry...
Per Tommy, the competition is stiff and the Force is Strong with this Parallax crowd!
I added to video link to my earlier post. It turns out to be very difficult to make a video of LEDs with a cheap digital camera. At 5:00 pm there was still too much daylight for the LEDs to register and at 5:10 pm the camera was opened up to where the LEDs "bloomed". Dang!
Here's the video in line
Love everything about it. On December five and twenty, Fun, Fun, Fun!
This truly ups the whole competition. Now where did I put my flamethrower?
erco, setting fire to the competition is NOT an option!
Below is a video submission for my Hack the Halls project. The actual device is an RGB LED strip/strand power and data driver. It receives either old school DMX or Artnet over Ethernet. It has 2 ports which can drive either of 2 types of LED strips/strands up to 170 pixels each. And each port can be mapped to any Universe/starting address. And it's all configurable through the built in web server! Enjoy
See the attached Propeller Archive for those interested.
Thanks for looking,
Marcus Garfunkel
That is awesome! I love the way it looks with the music.
Very nice hack/projects here. I had to go back to check the entry cutoff, December 20. Still plenty of time.
I really need to have an entry. This week for sure.
All I can say is LEDs and plywood. You gotta like that.
Chestnuts roasting on the other 'Bots,
erco's des-per-ate to win...
Tiny Bots being scorched by the fire
Will find it hard to last the night!
It uses a pir sensor (couldn't get mine working, need another header adapter I think, attempted to hook it up anyhow, but either my wires aren't connecting right, or I'm doing something wrong) But, anyhow, it launches the fm radio code (code taken from parallax page on the fm radio module) then it resets the timer each time motion is detected, so the radio stays on as long as someone is moving about in it's range, after 15 minutes of no motion detected, it shuts down the radio, drops the propeller into energy saving mode, then just waits until the pir sensor is triggered again, whereupon everything is reset to it's previous values, and it's just like it never turned off (minus the songs yu didn't hear of course).
It's my very first spin program, and I know it has issues, but I think it works anyway, as best as I could tell anyhow, though the buttons don't seem to behave properly, hmm. This is using a quickstart board, so suggestions/corrections are very appreciated and welcome.