I'll do that .Let you know how it works as soon as i get it working again
Still got the problem with my simpleide . trying to make it works , nothings seems to work , think its gonna be a full system restore. to try again . but ill have to backup all my files . taking the necessary time again.
Ill keep you posted
But cant say that about the multisocketserver + DHCP . you havent updated the dhcp.spin file yet ?
I don't want folks reading this to get the wrong idea. DHCP and multi-socket has always worked in my environment. And yes DHCP has been updated to use the router IP as the gateway.
EDIT: [foot in mouth] I forgot to commit the DHCP changes. Please get the latest.
The issue was figuring out why your environment was not behaving as expected. You're network is a bit slower which was causing timeouts. To compound the issue, reinstating the connections was also too fast for your network. I refactored the Socket.Available method so it was easier to configure the two different timeouts. Then I simply guessed on a timeout period that would work for you. I'll probably expose the timeout periods so the properties are user configurable rather than setting a constant.
I do appreciate your help in resolving this issue.
Hi Mike, I have taken some time with the simpleide which is now solved back , the code was messed up hanging the program. that,s history now
about the DHCP + multisocket .
I went to tear down the hole code to a minimum that gets the temp & lv from the sensor , and post it in the graph . the HTML5graph demo
So I made a new projectfile and started with the minimus for the code , using the HTML5graph.spin from the code reprosetory
now the programms runs correctlt mostly
but sometimes abou 25-50% of the time . When getting the ip settings .
in the DHCP i think ,. All hell breaks loos . just like wtc was mentioning in the beginning , I also had this problem before. but it was solved before by you .
with the last update it started again . to do the randow characters .the serial terminal gets all sorts of random karackters sended too it .
resetting it may not always work ,
any ideaś
and Mike Ill love to contribute to your project and solving the current issues. no worry about that. Im getting my stuff working to :P
here is the project as is , the teared down one .works sometimes , other times hell breaks loos
this is also the case with the dhcp demo In my environment that is opop.zip
I'll take a look when I get home. However, the DHCP object will return an error if something goes wrong. If you ignore the error and move on - well - you can get unexpected results.
I'll take a look when I get home. However, the DHCP object will return an error if something goes wrong. If you ignore the error and move on - well - you can get unexpected results.
I don't understand what you mean by if something goes wrong , and I ignore it , whats being ignored then ?
My setup doesn't 'crash' (i.e. repeat serial garbage) now, but I think I've seen it can be 'crashed' by stressors like running a new program when a previous one didn't complete normally. Almost seems like W5200 or router is in some partial state, confuses the program. Kind of brings up the issue of nRESET. It seems to work left floating, but... Depending if/how nRESET is wired up that means hitting the Prop reset switch doesn't necessarily nRESET the W5200 so it and the stuff it's connected to would continue to do their thing (ex: fill a buffer) until... To complicate matters, on my Prop Demo Board setup it seems the USB interface backfeeds enough power to the Wiz820io to keep the W5200 at least partially alive (the RAM buffers are 'non-volatile' even with the board power switch off!). And I don't recall seeing the software reset command being issued. Just wondering if the software is perfectly hardened against ambiguous initial state.
Almost seems like W5200 or router is in some partial state, confuses the program. Kind of brings up the issue of nRESET.
the nreset is what i also had in mind , usualy i runed a dira to hold the pin up ( its connected to the prop ) . but I now use a wire to make sure the pin is high , just to be sure , but that doesnt seem to solve it
To complicate matters, on my Prop Demo Board setup it seems the USB interface backfeeds enough power to the Wiz820io to keep the W5200 at least partially alive
I never thout of this, could be why it doesnt fully reset . ill go try and tweak a few more to figure out.
as it seems the random characters are not hanging the prop anymore , and it does connect to the net
however .
I have spent some time wiresharking to be sure
When it comes to the time that the prop doesn,t get a Offer back the first time it send out the discovery .
It doesnt, hang ,
It seems like the prop does it right , an second discovery is send back out again , and this time it does get the package and even broadcasts back to the modem , after that the modem relpys with the DHCP-ACK. like normaly
Anyway ,
On the serial terminal side . when it get stuck the first time I see the error code popping up , attempt number is error .
attempt number 2 seems to be carryied out fine . if i look at what I see in wirehark
but the prop got hanging there , never loading the mulitsocket and showing the ip stats, quik fix ??
Get the latest Dhcp.spin. I added better error handling to Dhcp.DoDhcp. I tested the process by unplugging the network cable then plugging it in again while the dhcp processes looped. Give it a shot and let me know.
Also, I have a new PASM driver that will do 20Mhz Up / 10Mhz down.
Get the latest Dhcp.spin. I added better error handling to Dhcp.DoDhcp. I tested the process by unplugging the network cable then plugging it in again while the dhcp processes looped. Give it a shot and let me know.
Also, I have a new PASM driver that will do 20Mhz Up / 10Mhz down.
Mike . I have to give it to you . The code now looks ROCK SOLID ,. i have tryied it 50 + times , gets an ip set every time on both my 2 network routers ,
It seems now that when it doesn t connect and its sending the second discoverr out , it nevver stets error attempt 1 in the serial terminal
but gets the ip set nicely with the second try , Knowing its the second because it takes longer , and I can see it in wireshark
anyway . that Aint bothering it from working 100 % of the time ,
Niceeeee Work Mikeee
any change to look at the loginn screen with the HTML5graph +dhcp demo jet
When I remove the Propstick from the controller , and turn it on
nothing happens ,
I can see only 1 of the 2 lights going on ,
with the propstick connected i get 2 lights on , and the terminal works
Simply removing the start statment isn,t going to work for me ?
I can remove the propstick after the ip gets sets and it runs normaly , but if i never plug it in i hangs or somthing , cant figure out anything is happening
identify i can by it hostname , if thats what you mean .
I mean when I disconnect the usb-propstick from the controller (propeller + wiznet+ eeprom + sensor )
it never connects to the network ,
offcourse I cant see the procces in the serial terminal because i disconneted the cable .
but I can see that only 1 of the light is on , in place of 2 lights when the usb-propstick is connected and everythig working fine
a 12vac (10va)----rectifierbride-- cap2200uf-- 6volt reg cap2200uf--3.3volt regu ----2 x cap1500uf-
So it sould be able to supply enoug power to be sure its not the power getting drawn .
But this didnt seem to solve the problem ,
even worse , now when i remove the propstick its like i have to reprogram the prop disconnect it from usb and power a few times before it begins reacting again ,
or stopping at all . im getting eeror number 6
but at the wireshark side , I cant see anything happening , so there must be something else nog going right
have you tried removing the usb-proptick with the html5graph loaded yourself and do a poweron/off reset
I commented the PST debug statements, programmed the Prop, and Html5Graph ran fine. I can see the results in WireShark and the router.
Is the Propeller continually restarting?
he mike . I am trying to understand what is happening at my side ,
i have taken a new copy of the html5 graphdemo , and put it allong with the other files in a new folder .
loaded them to eeprom and ram , and it works again ,
( at the wiznet I can see 2 lights immeadiatly going on when the power goes on, )
runs fine , van see it in wire shark too .
But , when I remove the propsick ,all gets fucky again .
when its powerd up only the left light light up , the right one never does.
and in the wireshark I cant see anything happening, the terminal shows me nothing because its not connected
when I connect the usb back without programming it again. ant then power it back up
there is still only one light on , so the second light doesn't return to normal
it gets stuck , when the serial is connected back I see it
only when i reprogram the eerpom and ram it gets going again and both indicator lights go on blinking again
just not sure what is happening here
and no the propeller is not coniuesly restarting , its just hanging with the first step , not sending out any discovery rewuest
How do you know it is not resetting? I verified starting the PST without the USB causes my Prop to continually reset. As soon as I remove the PST, the system behaves as expected.
Secondly, one only LED - the green one?. I can reproduce that effect by trying to power the WizNet from Vdd.
How do you know it is not resetting? I verified starting the PST without the USB causes my Prop to continually reset. As soon as I remove the PST, the system behaves as expected.
Secondly, one only LED - the green one?. I can reproduce that effect by trying to power the WizNet from Vdd.
Mike , I agree with you , I dont know for sure if its not resetting all the time , As the serial terminal is not connected ,
what doe you mean by remove the pst. do you remove all the statements starting wit pst. ?? or just the start.
yes its the green light the now on ,
stangly , when I first let the usb connected . letting it fetch its ip first . and getting set .
than I start the webpage , everything runs fine
if I remove the stick during this , everythings seems to keep working fine, so if the power was fed true the usb it sould turn off or reset when I remove it right ??
I did some very crude tests and found starting PST without the USB cable causes the Propeller Demo board to continually restart. I verified this behavior by blinking LED16 three time right before PST is initialized then blinking another LED17 three times after PST is initialized. The result is only LED16 blinks and it continues to blink three times repeatedly. That tells me the code never reaches the LED17 and the main initialization method is restarting over and over.
I grabbed another Prop Demo board with no external circuit and it behaved the same. The next step, is to create simple app with PST only and see if the issue is reproducible. If it is not then there is some kind of conflict Hardware or Firmware.
I'll take a closer look when I get home form work - time permitting.
he Mike , Glad to hear that you are able to reproduce the same conflict there , with multiple props .
now I know that im not crazy
what do you mean by , simply app with PST..
minimize the PST.spin file to only the commands beeing used . or create another object that toggles only the problem , ( not sure what that is now )
Stil not getting why its beeing reset then. Ill keep an close eye on the thread and your work , Thanks
I was thinking mike , its the same PST.spin file that was causing my previous problems when the simpleide just stoped responding ,
and I ended up formatting my hole pc to be sure every other setup issue is ruled out . it turned out to be that pst.spin was missing in the folder . and only pst.dat was there.
havent got a clue where the original pst.spin file went in the folder , so i just put a new copy in it
when I putted it back the simpleide resumed the normal way of operation, and all seemed solved till today that is doing random tings
I was thinking mike , its the same PST.spin file that was causing my previous problems when the simpleide just stoped responding ,
and I ended up formatting my hole pc to be sure every other setup issue is ruled out . it turned out to be that pst.spin was missing in the folder . and only pst.dat was there.
havent got a clue where the original pst.spin file went in the folder , so i just put a new copy in it
when I putted it back the simpleide resumed the normal way of operation, and all seemed solved till today that is doing random tings
I have no idea. Need to test and figure out the problem.
I'm stymied on this one and a bit surprised that I have not run into this before. I'm using a Propeller Demo Board with nothing attached to the IO pins. If I load the code below into EEPROM and leave the USB cable connected the main method runs to completion. If I remove the USB cable and press reset, only Toggle(23, 10) is invoked; over and over. That tells me the Prop is resetting. If I comment pst.Start(115_200), the Main method will run to completion. I'm not sure what to think at this point. It feels like a hardware problem. FTDI??? FDS behaves similarly.
_clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
_xinfreq = 5_000_000
pst : "Parallax Serial Terminal"
PUB Main
Toggle(23, 10)
Toggle(16, 10)
pst.str(string("Initialize W5200", 13))
Toggle(20, 6)
PUB Toggle(pin, count)
repeat count
waitcnt(80_000_000/8 + cnt)
My suggestion is to remove PST for your stand alone application. We might add a pause in a few places to let the objects start up.
Hi Mike ,
I have been trying different thing now to get it workin.
i figured out that if i do a hard reset on the nreset pin before the rest of the program runs , the wiznet reacts good every time
and both lights are one from the begining . so that seem to be solved resettting the wiznet
i Will go with your approcht to get the wiznet on without the pst .
so I went to comment out all the pst. commands in the object,
I realized that if I only take away the start statment , the program gets stuck .
never getting the ip set ando.
So I went on removing the pst , and adding a led blink for me to know till were the code was working right .
looking ate wireshark . I can see that its getting the ip set every time nicely
But the Multisockt doesnt run like it sould , if I leave the pst statements in in
Removing them all , doenst work either or I am doing something wrong or overlooking something
with the blinky method I can to see that at the multisocket server it nerver passed the socket conneted command
PUB MultiSocketServer | bytesToRead, i, page, j, x , bytesSent, ptr
Toggle(9, 4) this one toggels right
bytesToRead := bytesSent := i := j := x := 0
{pst.str(string("TCP Service", CR))}
Toggle(10, 4) this one togg
{repeat j from 0 to SOCKETS-1
pst.str(string("Socket "))
pst.str(string(" = "))
pst.hex(wiz.GetSocketStatus(j), 2)
repeat until sock[i].Connected
i := ++i // SOCKETS
if I put the toggle like below , I can see that I keeps toggeling indefinitly
repeat until sock[i].Connected
i := ++i // SOCKETS
Toggle(10, 4)
and if i remove it complety , it never passes that state .
hope you can help me out
with the pst commented out complety it looks like this
PUB Main | i, page, dnsServer
waitcnt(clkfreq/2 +cnt)
waitcnt(clkfreq/2 +cnt)
i := 0
setpoint := i2cObject.ReadLong(i2cSCL, EEPROMAddr, $7981)
offset := i2cObject.ReadLong(i2cSCL, EEPROMAddr, $7977)
{ pst.Start(115_200)}
{ pst.str(string("Initialize W5200", CR))}
wiz.start(6, 5, 4, 7)
wiz.SetMac($00, $08, $DC, $16, $F8, $01)
{ pst.str(string("Getting network paramters", CR))}
dhcp.Init(@buff, 7)
{ pst.str(string("Requesting IP....."))}
repeat until dhcp.DoDhcp
if(dhcp.GetErrorCode > 0 OR i > DHCP_ATTEMPTS)
{ pst.char(CR) }
{ pst.str(string(CR, "DHCP Attempts: "))}
{ pst.dec(i)}
{ pst.str(string(CR, "Error Code: "))}
{ pst.dec(dhcp.GetErrorCode)}
{ pst.char(CR)}
{ pst.str(dhcp.GetErrorMessage)}
{ pst.char(CR)}
dnsServer := wiz.GetDns
{pst.str(string("DHCP Server......."))}
{pst.str(string("Router IP........."))}
{pst.str(string("Initialize Sockets",CR))}
repeat i from 0 to SOCKETS-1
sock[i].Init(i, TCP, 80)
{pst.str(string("Start Socket server",CR))}
{pst.str(string("I blew up!"))}
PUB Toggle(pin, count)
repeat count
waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt)
PUB OpenListeners | i
repeat i from 0 to SOCKETS-1
PUB StartListners | i
repeat i from 0 to SOCKETS-1
{ if(sock[i].Listen)
pst.str(string("Listen "))
pst.str(string("Listener failed ",CR))
PUB CloseWait | i
repeat i from 0 to SOCKETS-1
PUB MultiSocketServer | bytesToRead, i, page, j, x , bytesSent, ptr
Toggle(9, 4)
bytesToRead := bytesSent := i := j := x := 0
{pst.str(string("TCP Service", CR))}
Toggle(10, 4)
{repeat j from 0 to SOCKETS-1
pst.str(string("Socket "))
pst.str(string(" = "))
pst.hex(wiz.GetSocketStatus(j), 2)
repeat until sock[i].Connected
i := ++i // SOCKETS
{pst.str(string("Connected Socket "))
'Data in the buffer?
repeat until bytesToRead := sock[i].Available
'Check for a timeout
if(bytesToRead < 0)
Toggle(13, 4)
{pst.str(string("Copy Rx Data",CR))}
'Get the Rx buffer
sock[i].Receive(@buff, bytesToRead)
{{ Process the Rx data}}
{ pst.char(CR)
pst.str(string("Send Response",CR))}
page := ParseResource(@buff)
Toggle(13, 4)
pst.str(string("Byte to send "))
bytesSent := 0
ptr := page
repeat until bytesSent == strsize(page)
bytesSent += sock[i].Send(ptr, strsize(ptr))
ptr := page + bytesSent
Toggle(14, 4)
{pst.str(string("Bytes Sent "))
pst.str(string("Disconnect socket "))
sese {pst.str(string("Disconnected", CR))}
{pst.str(string("Force Close", CR))}
i := ++i // SOCKETS
Toggle(15, 4)
PUB sese
waitcnt(clkfreq/10000 + cnt)
PUB ParseResource(header) | ptr, value, i, done, j
ptr := header
i := 0
done := false
repeat until IsEndOfLine(byte[ptr])
byte[ptr] := 0
resPtr[i++] := ++ptr
if(ptr - header > 500)
pst.str(string(CR, "+++++++++++++++[ERROR]++++++++++++++",CR))
return @index
resPtr[0] := header
repeat j from 0 to i-1
repeat j from 0 to i-1
if(strcomp(resPtr[j], string("HTTP")))
return @index
if(strcomp(resPtr[j], string("xmltemp")))
value := GetTemp
return @xml
if(strcomp(resPtr[j], string("setpointplus")))
if(strcomp(resPtr[j], string("setpointmin")))
if(strcomp(resPtr[j], string("offsetplus")))
if(strcomp(resPtr[j], string("offsetmin")))
PUB setpointplus
if setpoint < 99
Setpoint:= Setpoint + 1
PUB setpointmin
if setpoint > 1
Setpoint:= Setpoint - 1
PUB offsetplus
if offset < 9
offset:= offset + 1
PUB offsetmin
if offset > 1
offset:= offset - 1
PUB IsToken(value)
return lookdown(value: "/", "?", "=", " ")
PUB IsEndOfLine(value)
return lookdown(value: CR, LF)
PUB GetTemp
seed := CNT
return seed & $0F + 1
PUB Settemp(value,plaats) | t1
t1 := value
t1 := t1/100
value -= t1 * 100
if(t1 > 0 and t1 < 9)
byte[plaats][0] := t1 + $30
t1 := value
t1 := t1/10
value -= t1 * 10
if(t1 > 0 and t1 < 9)
byte[plaats][1] := t1 + $30
t1 := value
if(t1 > 0 and t1 < 9)
byte[plaats][3] := t1 + $30
PUB SetLV(value,plaats) | t1
t1 := value
t1 := value
t1 := t1/10
value -= t1 * 10
'if(t1 > 0 and t1 < 9)
byte[plaats][0] := t1 + $30
t1 := value
'if(t1 > 0 and t1 < 9)
byte[plaats][1] := t1 + $30
' ResetTemp
PUB ResetTemp
byte[12] := $30
byte[13] := $30
byte[14] := $30
PUB PrintIp(addr) | i
repeat i from 0 to 3
if(i < 3)
PRI pause(Duration)
waitcnt(((clkfreq / 1_000 * Duration - 3932) #> 381) + cnt)
but not working .
I can see it connecting via wireshark and getting all setup correctly , but I cant connect to it
Still got the problem with my simpleide . trying to make it works , nothings seems to work , think its gonna be a full system restore. to try again . but ill have to backup all my files . taking the necessary time again.
Ill keep you posted
But cant say that about the multisocketserver + DHCP . you havent updated the dhcp.spin file yet ?
im still fighting the simpleide problem
EDIT: [foot in mouth] I forgot to commit the DHCP changes. Please get the latest.
The issue was figuring out why your environment was not behaving as expected. You're network is a bit slower which was causing timeouts. To compound the issue, reinstating the connections was also too fast for your network. I refactored the Socket.Available method so it was easier to configure the two different timeouts. Then I simply guessed on a timeout period that would work for you. I'll probably expose the timeout periods so the properties are user configurable rather than setting a constant.
I do appreciate your help in resolving this issue.
SetTimeout = timeout waiting for a response to an initial request
SetTransactionTimeout = timeout period during data transfer
You can do nothing and use the defaults or set thresholds. Defaults are in the CON block of Sockets.spin.
about the DHCP + multisocket .
I went to tear down the hole code to a minimum that gets the temp & lv from the sensor , and post it in the graph . the HTML5graph demo
So I made a new projectfile and started with the minimus for the code , using the HTML5graph.spin from the code reprosetory
now the programms runs correctlt mostly
but sometimes abou 25-50% of the time . When getting the ip settings .
in the DHCP i think ,. All hell breaks loos . just like wtc was mentioning in the beginning , I also had this problem before. but it was solved before by you .
with the last update it started again . to do the randow characters .the serial terminal gets all sorts of random karackters sended too it .
resetting it may not always work ,
any ideaś
and Mike Ill love to contribute to your project and solving the current issues. no worry about that. Im getting my stuff working to :P
here is the project as is , the teared down one .works sometimes , other times hell breaks loos
this is also the case with the dhcp demo In my environment that is
I don't understand what you mean by if something goes wrong , and I ignore it , whats being ignored then ?
You can grab the latest code. Only comments were updated though.
In Socket.spin set the TRANS_TIMEOUT to 3000. It is currently set to 10,000 which is way to high.
I must have commits the 10,000 at some point without testing.
I also updated the dchp logic in Html5Graph so dhcp will retry if it times out.
as it seems the random characters are not hanging the prop anymore , and it does connect to the net
however .
I have spent some time wiresharking to be sure
When it comes to the time that the prop doesn,t get a Offer back the first time it send out the discovery .
It doesnt, hang ,
It seems like the prop does it right , an second discovery is send back out again , and this time it does get the package and even broadcasts back to the modem , after that the modem relpys with the DHCP-ACK. like normaly
Anyway ,
On the serial terminal side . when it get stuck the first time I see the error code popping up , attempt number is error .
attempt number 2 seems to be carryied out fine . if i look at what I see in wirehark
but the prop got hanging there , never loading the mulitsocket and showing the ip stats, quik fix ??
Also, I have a new PASM driver that will do 20Mhz Up / 10Mhz down.
Mike . I have to give it to you . The code now looks ROCK SOLID ,. i have tryied it 50 + times , gets an ip set every time on both my 2 network routers ,
It seems now that when it doesn t connect and its sending the second discoverr out , it nevver stets error attempt 1 in the serial terminal
but gets the ip set nicely with the second try , Knowing its the second because it takes longer , and I can see it in wireshark
anyway . that Aint bothering it from working 100 % of the time ,
Niceeeee Work Mikeee
any change to look at the loginn screen with the HTML5graph +dhcp demo jet
When I remove the Propstick from the controller , and turn it on
nothing happens ,
I can see only 1 of the 2 lights going on ,
with the propstick connected i get 2 lights on , and the terminal works
Simply removing the start statment isn,t going to work for me ?
I can remove the propstick after the ip gets sets and it runs normaly , but if i never plug it in i hangs or somthing , cant figure out anything is happening
I mean when I disconnect the usb-propstick from the controller (propeller + wiznet+ eeprom + sensor )
it never connects to the network ,
offcourse I cant see the procces in the serial terminal because i disconneted the cable .
but I can see that only 1 of the light is on , in place of 2 lights when the usb-propstick is connected and everythig working fine
Sounds like not enough current.
Didn,t think of that . Unfortanitly my multimeter just stoped working just now ,
Making may day < NOT
ill keep you posted
had the parts around so I build a new power suply
a 12vac (10va)----rectifierbride-- cap2200uf-- 6volt reg cap2200uf--3.3volt regu ----2 x cap1500uf-
So it sould be able to supply enoug power to be sure its not the power getting drawn .
But this didnt seem to solve the problem ,
even worse , now when i remove the propstick its like i have to reprogram the prop disconnect it from usb and power a few times before it begins reacting again ,
or stopping at all . im getting eeror number 6
but at the wireshark side , I cant see anything happening , so there must be something else nog going right
have you tried removing the usb-proptick with the html5graph loaded yourself and do a poweron/off reset
Is the Propeller continually restarting?
he mike . I am trying to understand what is happening at my side ,
i have taken a new copy of the html5 graphdemo , and put it allong with the other files in a new folder .
loaded them to eeprom and ram , and it works again ,
( at the wiznet I can see 2 lights immeadiatly going on when the power goes on, )
runs fine , van see it in wire shark too .
But , when I remove the propsick ,all gets fucky again .
when its powerd up only the left light light up , the right one never does.
and in the wireshark I cant see anything happening, the terminal shows me nothing because its not connected
when I connect the usb back without programming it again. ant then power it back up
there is still only one light on , so the second light doesn't return to normal
it gets stuck , when the serial is connected back I see it
only when i reprogram the eerpom and ram it gets going again and both indicator lights go on blinking again
just not sure what is happening here
and no the propeller is not coniuesly restarting , its just hanging with the first step , not sending out any discovery rewuest
Secondly, one only LED - the green one?. I can reproduce that effect by trying to power the WizNet from Vdd.
Mike , I agree with you , I dont know for sure if its not resetting all the time , As the serial terminal is not connected ,
what doe you mean by remove the pst. do you remove all the statements starting wit pst. ?? or just the start.
yes its the green light the now on ,
stangly , when I first let the usb connected . letting it fetch its ip first . and getting set .
than I start the webpage , everything runs fine
if I remove the stick during this , everythings seems to keep working fine, so if the power was fed true the usb it sould turn off or reset when I remove it right ??
I grabbed another Prop Demo board with no external circuit and it behaved the same. The next step, is to create simple app with PST only and see if the issue is reproducible. If it is not then there is some kind of conflict Hardware or Firmware.
I'll take a closer look when I get home form work - time permitting.
now I know that im not crazy
what do you mean by , simply app with PST..
minimize the PST.spin file to only the commands beeing used . or create another object that toggles only the problem , ( not sure what that is now )
Stil not getting why its beeing reset then. Ill keep an close eye on the thread and your work , Thanks
I was thinking mike , its the same PST.spin file that was causing my previous problems when the simpleide just stoped responding ,
and I ended up formatting my hole pc to be sure every other setup issue is ruled out . it turned out to be that pst.spin was missing in the folder . and only pst.dat was there.
havent got a clue where the original pst.spin file went in the folder , so i just put a new copy in it
when I putted it back the simpleide resumed the normal way of operation, and all seemed solved till today that is doing random tings
I have no idea. Need to test and figure out the problem.
My suggestion is to remove PST for your stand alone application. We might add a pause in a few places to let the objects start up.
I have been trying different thing now to get it workin.
i figured out that if i do a hard reset on the nreset pin before the rest of the program runs , the wiznet reacts good every time
and both lights are one from the begining . so that seem to be solved resettting the wiznet pin 8 is connected to the nReset
i Will go with your approcht to get the wiznet on without the pst .
so I went to comment out all the pst. commands in the object,
I realized that if I only take away the start statment , the program gets stuck .
never getting the ip set ando.
So I went on removing the pst , and adding a led blink for me to know till were the code was working right .
looking ate wireshark . I can see that its getting the ip set every time nicely
But the Multisockt doesnt run like it sould , if I leave the pst statements in in
Removing them all , doenst work either or I am doing something wrong or overlooking something
with the blinky method I can to see that at the multisocket server it nerver passed the socket conneted command
if I put the toggle like below , I can see that I keeps toggeling indefinitly
and if i remove it complety , it never passes that state .
hope you can help me out
with the pst commented out complety it looks like this
but not working .
I can see it connecting via wireshark and getting all setup correctly , but I cant connect to it