Trouble getting W5200 connected , Solved , DHCP+Netbios+Basic Auth+Multisocketserver
I have bought a WIZ820io module to make my propeller webbased , so I can make webpages containing flowchart of temperure sensors. I have a sht-11 sensor working showing temp en humidity on an reflective lcd .
now i want to make a webpage so I can monitor it more nicely
I am using the object of timothy d sieter . W5100 Web page demo foudn in obex
but upon connectin to the network I get this to see in my terminal ,
Prop/W5200 Web Page Serving Test
Initialize all addresses...
Set MAC ID........02:00:00:01:23:45
Verified MAC ID...00:00:00:00:00:00
Set Gateway.....
Verified Gateway..
Set Subnet......
Verified Subnet...
Set IP..........
Verified IP.......
Initialize socket 0, port 80
Socket 0 Status Register: $00 - socket closed
Attempting to open TCP on socket 0, port 80...
Socket 0 Status Register: $00 - socket closed
Setting TCP on socket 0, port 80 to listening
Socket 0 Status Register: $00 - socket closed
Waiting for a client to connect
Shouldent the verified ip adres be changed to the ones i have configured .
cant figure out where it,s going wrong
would apriciate some help here guys
now i want to make a webpage so I can monitor it more nicely
I am using the object of timothy d sieter . W5100 Web page demo foudn in obex
but upon connectin to the network I get this to see in my terminal ,
Prop/W5200 Web Page Serving Test
Initialize all addresses...
Set MAC ID........02:00:00:01:23:45
Verified MAC ID...00:00:00:00:00:00
Set Gateway.....
Verified Gateway..
Set Subnet......
Verified Subnet...
Set IP..........
Verified IP.......
Initialize socket 0, port 80
Socket 0 Status Register: $00 - socket closed
Attempting to open TCP on socket 0, port 80...
Socket 0 Status Register: $00 - socket closed
Setting TCP on socket 0, port 80 to listening
Socket 0 Status Register: $00 - socket closed
Waiting for a client to connect
Shouldent the verified ip adres be changed to the ones i have configured .
cant figure out where it,s going wrong
would apriciate some help here guys
Anyway, please find that attached WIZ820io SPI source - well tested 9/17/2012
Pin IO
Attachment replaced by Google Code repository. Please be advised unit test code could is alpha release and demos are subject to change.
Source Code On Google Code
so my next problem to figure out is how to get a nice page running 1 or 2 graph so i can display the temp and humidity of my sensiron sht-11 sensor connected to the propeller ,
wanted to code this in html 5 so it can easly be accesd
what is the best aproch ?
Implementation is straight forward but it will take a little thought and some SPIN.
Here's the client script that invokes a new point on the line graph.
You are concerned with the following line. You must replace the random number generator with an HTTP GET (or POST) to the Propeller server. This can be done through AJAX.
I presume you do not have an SD card? If that's the case, no SD card, then you have to t1) drop the cv_graph.js file on a web site 2) write the js file to the DAT section.
Option 1 is the easiest as the browser will GET the js file but you need access to a site - I can help you with that. Option 2 could cause issues as a second socket connection will most likely will be required to download the js file. it really depends on the driver you are using. The zip file I posted has options for handling all 8 sockets on the W5200, TcpMultiSocketServerDemo.spin.
Next, you'll need to create the HTML on the propeller. I'd write the HTML text to the DAT section. Similar to the example below but yours will be much longer.
Next, you have to write code to process the temperature and humidity requests. All HTTP requests have a header. You'll need to read the first line in the header to find the requested resource. If you only have one request then you can skip the header parsing and return the temperature and humidity values. I'd wrap the values in an XML documents as that makes it much easier to grab the values on the client.
Examples of AJAX and parsing an XML response
The last thing you'll need to do is setup a reoccurring HTTP GET request to grab the temperature and humidity at some time interval.
I already had a demo page running ,
things I modified were the WIZnet PIns
>> Miso = pin 3
>> SCS = pin 4
>> SCLK = pin 5
>> MOSI = pin 6
and the IP adres to connect to my network
ip :
gateway :
W5200_Web_Page_Demo444 - Archive [Date 2012.09.05 Time 11.43].zip
Anyway , This demo works for me, But somthimes it hangs , i think because the wiznet is put in a breadbord with some lose wires running around .So I left it at that till I have my new PCB where I can insert it directly.
For the 4 socket demo you send me with the graph , I can no get it working, my brouwser simply doesnt connect to the page
Chnages I made to correspondent with my schematics were
In the HTML5graph file I canged
in the W5200 file i canged
>>SPI_MOSI = 6
>>SPI_SCK = 5
>> SPI_CS = 4
in the dat
_gateway byte
_ip byte
and last in de SPI driver I canged in the Dat section
>>SPI_MOSI byte $6
>>SPI_SCK byte $5
>> SPI_CS byte $4
>> SPI_MISO byte $3
I think I changed all the neccesary setting for it to work k, but i can not get it via the brouwser .
any advise to where the problem may sit ??
hope ill hear from you soon
ive attached a screenshot of the pinging and the page not opening.
Ill be going tru it how it works then to modify it to wat I want .
ill keep you posten , Thanks Allot
is this the bug in the ajax call you mentiond ??. I,m not complety understanding the code yet
what are those temp variables .
when i tryied to display the temp , the temp is in hole numbers so 290 for 29.0 degrees . but this does fit in the graph . how can I adjust the graph scale , I will need 2 different scales then , 1 for temp
1 for tv
For the other hand.
the graph seems to fill up then stop , i need a continus graph . where to adress this .
I was thinking of building a queue(stack?) in the propeller and let the grap show the contets of the queue
when the graph is open in the brouwser , and I select somthing else and go back , the server jams . is this because the request to get a temp ends , or another reason
Html5Graph - Archive [Date 2012.09.08 Time 17.27].zip
hoping you can point me in the right direction
Make these changes in the top level object to handle a decimal place. I don't know. You have to look at the source graph.js source code to figure out how to scale the graph. There are a lot of configurable parameters for the graph.
There was a bug in the W5200.spin driver that I fixed this morning and uploaded to the forum. See previous posts.
I've been running the graph page for 2 hours with out error or lock. Requests are firing every 0.5 seconds.
The uploaded driver for the w5200 that you bugfixed . is it the one located here ??
or could you give me a link.
thanks . I am going to give the adjustments a few shots first , then ill let you know how it workd out , or not :P
the one u mentiond in post 8 and the one i just show the link are the same objects,
but it has the W5200_driver.spin in it
not the W5200.spin like the html5 graph demo has .
or am i overlooking something?
I'm at my kids football game so I'm unavailable for a few hours.
Thanks Igor_Rast, that was a cool little project which highlighted a bug in my driver logic.
Unfortunately, we lost the football game.
Sorry for that football game, good luck with the next ones
anyway .
I also did some sniffing around to get the page running like I want , \
for the coma numbers 29.4 to be displayed in the graph in place of the hole number , I havent looked into it yet. ill figure this out little later .
I went to put some buttons on the graph like the example to get some colour change,toggle and so on.
but now I seem to hit a barier
the code doesnt load in the brouwser completly .
if I open the source in the brouwser , the code just stops .
this is how it shows,
and than the code just stops . Is this a nother bug , or am i hitting a size barier somewhere .
tryied removing some lines , it gows little further than stops again , never loading completly .
maybe you know where to look ??
your beeing the best help EVERRRR
when its all done ill make it available on the form , think definitly there are more people intrested in this
Html5Graph66 - Archive [Date 2012.09.09 Time 16.04].zip
uploaded it again on post 8 ??
In the Html5Graph66.spin you have to verify that the page was completely sent.
In the Html5Graph66.spin file replace the MultiSocketServer method with the one below.
Stress test:
32 browser instances executing HTTP GETs every 10ms. Ran about 2 hours without error.
anyway .
I managed to make the nessesary changes to get the page looking the way I want . Looks neet
I got the tabs to toggle the line,labels etc . but only the toggle,clear, randow colour andfil work , the label etc don,t work .
been changing and comparing the files but cant figure out why
besst shot it has to do somthing with the //XmlHttpRequest object foundin the graph.js file . but that i hope you could tell me more about.
if i look at the page scoure i see the not workig buttons highlighted in red, making them work s making me nuts.
this is the dat part i written to get the page running
after this, I want to add a second graph so i candisplay both temp and humidity .
couldt you tell me where to start to add on more ,
or do i just add second xml requwest ??
planning on adding buttons orso to so I can configure the setpoint and offset value . . one step at a time
Html 5 Temp Graph Working - Archive [Date 2012.09.10 Time 02.57].zip
<html xmlns=''>
<head><meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8' />
<meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1'>
<meta name='description' content='An ICE Control Production.' >
<title>ICE Control</title>
<link rel='stylesheet' href='' type='text/css' media='screen' />
<link rel='stylesheet' href='' type='text/css' media='screen' />
<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
window.onload = function() {
g_graph = new Graph({
'id': 'example-graph',
'strokeStyle': '#819C58',
'fillStyle': 'rgba(64,128,0,0.25)',
'call': function(){ return ( Math.floor(latestTemp())); }
setInterval("getRequest('xmltemp', 'placeholder')", 5000);
function toggleDraw() { g_graph.toggleDraw(); }
function toggleValue(value) { g_graph.toggleValue(value); }
function setFill(val) { if(val == undefined) val = getRandomRGBA(); g_graph.setValue('fillStyle',val); }
function setColor(val) { if(val == undefined) val = getRandomRGB(); g_graph.setValue('strokeStyle',val); }
function getRandomRGB() { return 'rgb(' + Math.floor(Math.random()*255) + ', ' + Math.floor(Math.random()*255) + ', ' + Math.floor(Math.random()*255) + ')'; }
function getRandomRGBA() { return 'rgba(' + Math.floor(Math.random()*255) + ', ' + Math.floor(Math.random()*255) + ', ' + Math.floor(Math.random()*255) + ', ' + '0.25)'; }
function clearGraph() { g_graph.clearGraph(); }
<body id='graph' class='page'>
<header id='top-bar' class='bar'>
<h1><a href=''>ICE Control</a></h1>
<nav role='navigation'>
<ul class='links'>
<li><a href=''>Articles</a></li>
<p class='copyright'>© 2012</p>
<article id='post' role='main'>
<div class='container'>
<h1>ICE Control</h1>
<h2>An experiment of ICE Control</h2>
<section class='post-content'>
<div><span id='placeholder'>25</span></div>
<canvas id='example-graph' width='940' height='300'></canvas><p class='buttons'>
<a onclick='toggleValue('showgrid')' class='btn'>Grid</a> from here on it show red
<a onclick='toggleValue('showshadow')' class='btn'>Shadow</a>
<a onclick='toggleValue('showline')' class='btn'>Lines</a>
<a onclick='toggleValue('showfill')' class='btn'>Fill</a>
<a onclick='toggleValue('showdots')' class='btn'>Dots</a>
<a onclick='toggleValue('showlabels')' class='btn'>Labels</a>
Till Here , So these are the not working ones
<a onclick='setFill()' class='btn'>Random Fill</a> The rest of them do work
<a onclick='setColor()' class='btn'>Random Color</a>
<a onclick='clearGraph()' class='btn right'>Clear Graph</a>
<a onclick='toggleDraw()' class='btn right'>Toggle Draw</a>
<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
// Google fonts
WebFontConfig = {
google: { families: [ 'PT+Serif:regular,italic,bold,bolditalic' ] }
(function() {
var wf = document.createElement('script');
wf.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https' : 'http') +
wf.type = 'text/javascript';
wf.async = 'true';
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
s.parentNode.insertBefore(wf, s);
<div style='display:none'>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var load_cmc = function(){linktracker_init(12369475,819,2);};
if ( typeof addLoadEvent != 'undefined' ) addLoadEvent(load_cmc);
else load_cmc();
It looks like you have syntax errors with the nested single quotes.
Shouldn't it look like the following?
Firefox has some great tools for debugging Javascript. I like FireBug but the standard "Error Console" catches a lot.
I would add a new <humidity> node to the existing XML document. On request, write the temperature and humidity to the XML document.
You have a few JavaScript libraries libraries going on. Make sure you understand how they work.
He mike .
where you mean
Shouldn't it look like the following?
your right somehow , but , I can not load the double commaas like "toggleValue('showgrid')" , de propellertool stops at them
thatś why I changed them to single commas , everywhere else it does work without problems . Or can I adjust this somewhere in the pst
the line doesnt seem to have any problem with the single quote , this confuses me completly
So its gonna be some firguring out why it doesnt work
O I forgot to mention
the SPIpsam object jou uploaded seems to have the same bug of a page bigger tha 2K not loading
when I modiyied it , the page doesnt load completly like the previues bug . another Bug ??
HEX $22 is the character for a double quote. Use the technique below for adding nested quotes. Html5Graph from post 8 contains an example of this technique.
Right, I did not upload a new Html5Graph object which can transmit files larger than 2k. You know how to fix that from post #24, right? Anyway, I uploaded the changes to post #8 for your convenience.
Mikeee :P:P:P:P:P
the fix from post 24 doesn seem to remove the bug , It will run a small page , but when I insert my bigger created page , it does that half loading of the page again , Funny
ill be using the normal spi method in the mean time
the does work Fine , it still highlights red when i look at the source , but it works . So Iḿ happy like it is .
I had another question , when programming the prop to see the changes I made . much of the time I have to restart the prop e few time before I get sockets connected in the terminal
allot of time i get a Listener Faild from the terminal ,
What is the problem here . Iff its all coded up ready to be used , i dont want to have to restart it a few times before it works good .
it looks like because the page is bigger , the program hangs . before I didn have this problem . but now it wont run for more than a few minutes . hopefully you know what the heck is wrong with it ,. it will probably be that page size again ,., hoping you can tell me